Teams for Mac Spellcheck Not Working

Teams for Mac Spellcheck Not Working KB ID 0001842


I’m running Teams for Mac (Microsoft Teams Classic) and this has happened a couple of times now. My spelling is terrible, so I tend to just type furiously and then go back and fix my spelling mistakes. As with all ‘office based’ application it helpfully underlined all the typos in red, then USUALLY I can right click and correct them.
Each time it breaks I can see what has been misspelled but the right click menu does not appear, like so

Solution: Teams for Mac Spellcheck Not Working

The first time this happened I simply changed languages from English (US) to English (United Kingdom) and the problem went away. But it returned today.

I had to run the following command (Warning: This will drop all your Teams personal settings and you will need to re-authenticate). Firstly quit Teams if it’s still running, then execute the following command, (in Terminal)


rm -r ~/Library/Application\ Support/Microsoft/Teams


Launch Teams, if required re-authenticate and (if required perform MFA) Teams should restart. Now your spellcheck should work.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Completely Remove Teams From macOS

MS Teams Notifications Missing (macOS)

MS Teams Notifications Missing (macOS)

Teams Notifications KB ID 0001803


I’ve put up with this for a while, my business pretty much runs on Teams now, so when theres no notification badges on the Teams icon (in the Dock), my response times can be ‘not great‘. In fact, usually I get my head down into a job, and check Teams just to see a ‘ton‘ of messages that need my input. (Some might think that’s a good way to work,) but when you check it at quarter to five, and find an hours worth of extra work, it’s annoying.

Teams Notifications Solution

Within teams > Click the three dots (ellipses) near your user image > Settings > Notifications > Ensure the style is set to ‘Mac’.

Ventua OSX

Click the Apple Icon at the top of your screen >  System Settings > Notifications > Scroll down to Microsoft Teams > Click it.

Make sure ‘Allow Notifications‘ is turned on.

Older Versions od OSX

Click the Apple Icon at the top of your screen >  Preferences > Notifications & Focus > Scroll down to Microsoft Teams > Make sure ‘Allow Notifications‘ is turned on > Make sure ‘Badge app icon‘ is enabled.

Restart MS Teams, problem sorted.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Microsoft Teams: Suppress Annoying Message Pop-ups

Microsoft Teams: Custom Background Images

macOS: FaceTime HD Camera Not Working In Microsoft Teams?

Completely Remove Teams From macOS

Excel: Calculate Cost, Margin, Sell Price

KB ID 0001835


Occasionally at work I need to work out what the sale price / retail price will be for something would be (given that I know the cost and the % margin). That’s easy to work out. But sometimes I get given the sell / retail price and I know the margin used, and I then must work out what the cost will be.

Ordinarily if it’s a quick question I’ll just use and online margin calculator. But if I have a LOT of items to price – then Excel is the way to go.

Solution: Working out the Sell Price

If you know the cost and the margin to be applied, this is how to work out the retail price.

Solution: Working out the Cost Price

If you know the retail (Sell) price and the that was applied, this is how to work out the cost price.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Special thanks to Mr Andrew Dorrian, who worked out the formula for the ‘cost price’ while I swore a lot!

Excel – IP Address Formula for ‘Auto fill’

Excel – Creating a Dropdown Box ‘From data on another sheet’


Completely Remove Teams From macOS

 Remove Teams KB ID 0001789


I started to notice the performance in my Microsoft Teams was getting ‘very sketchy’, this week while in the office a colleague on the same teams call as myself told me my speech in the call was lagging about 10 seconds behind my actual speech!

So I thought I’d remove and reinstall MS Teams, Uninstalling the application is simple as peas! But I wanted to remove EVERYTHING to give me a better change of solving the problem. Because ‘most’ application leave settings and data all over the place, (in case you ever reinstall them.)

Remove Teams

Obviously if you are running MS Teams close down the application first, then in finder navigate to application > Locate Microsoft and ‘Move to Bin’. You may be asked to provide you password.

Remove Teams (Data and Settings)

Whilst still in Finder, Go > Go to Folder > Paste in ~/Library/Caches/

Locate and delete it. (Note: on older version there may be other{name} entries, if so delete those as well.

Then as before Go > Go to Folder > Paste in ~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/ and delete the Teams folder.

Note: If you have any Teams custom backgrounds these live in here, so back them up see Microsoft Teams: Custom Background Images for more information

If you just want Microsoft Teams gone, then that is the task complete, but I needed a fresh install so I downloaded and reinstalled the latest version.

Fingers crossed MS Teams has behaved itself since, If you have any other comments, or solutions to Teams being ‘laggy‘ or running slowly please post them below.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Download Teams for macOS

Outlook OAB download fails with 0x80004005 and/or 0x8004010F

KB ID 0000035 


0x8004010F is caused by client not being able to see the Offline Address Book.

0x8004010F Error With Exchange 2013/2016/2019

Firstly make sure your autodiscover is correct, on the Exchange server open the Exchange management shell, and issue the following  command.


Get-clientAccessServer | fl Name,AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri


If you need to fix/change it, use the following syntax.


Set-ClientAccessServer -Identity PNL-MAIL-2019 -AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri ""


Then check that the Offline Address Book is set correctly also.


Get-OabVirtualDirectory -server PNL-MAIL-2019



If you need to fix/change it, use the following syntax.


Set-OabVirtualDirectory -Identity "PNL-MAIL-2019\oab (default web site)" -InternalUrl "" -ExternalUrl ""


Then ensure ALL Mailbox databases are set to use the Default Offline Address Book.


Get-Mailboxdatabase | Set-MailboxDatabase -OfflineAddressBook “Default Offline Address Book”
Get-MailboxDatabase | Ft Name, *book*


Then check for the existence of the ‘Arbitration Mailbox’


Get-Mailbox -Arbitration | where {$_.PersistedCapabilities -like “*OAB*”} | ft Name, Servername, Database


If its broken/ missing then you can do the following.


New-OfflineAddressBook -Name “NEW-OAB” -AddressLists “\Default Global Address List” -VirtualDirectories “PNL-MAIL-2019\OAB (Default Web Site)”
Get-Mailboxdatabase | Set-MailboxDatabase -OfflineAddressBook “NEW-OAB”
Create New-Mailbox -Arbitration -Name “OAB-GEN” -UserPrincipalName –DisplayName “OAB-Generation-Mailbox” -Database MBX-DB-2019v2
Set-Mailbox -Arbitration -OABGen $true


Then finally restart the Exchange services WARNING this will cause downtime.


$services = Get-Service | ? { $ -like "MSExchange*" -and $_.Status -eq "Running"};foreach ($service in $services) {Restart-Service $ -Force}


For Exchange 2020 / 2007 (0x8004010F Error)

1. Log onto the Exchange Server.
2. Start > All Programs > Exchange Management Console > Organisation Configuration > Mailbox > Offline address Book > Create a new one (Must have a different name to {Default}.
3. Delete the Old Offline Address Book.
4. Set the one you created as the default.

WAIT 20 MINUTES – If the Problem Persists

1. Log onto the Exchange Server.
2. Start > All Programs > Exchange Management Console > Server Configuration > Mailbox.
3. Select the Mailbox store in the middle section > Right Click > Properties.
4. Client Settings tab > Browse > Select the Address book you created above > OK > OK.


Note: I’ve also fixed by creating a new mail profile – though when I switched back to the original one it was ok – so I may not have been patient enough.

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macOS: Microsoft Outlook Search Broken

KB ID 0001754


I’ve had to contend with Outlook Search Broken on Windows clients many times, but not being able to search my ‘sent‘ and ‘deleted‘ items has a detrimental effect on my productivity. 

Outlook Search Broken Fix

This can happen if the folder/drive that your Outlook profile is in is Blocked/Prevented access by ‘Spotlight’ but in my case that wasn’t the problem.

Close Outlook > Open ‘Finder’ > Go > Go to folder > Paste in the following;

~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook 15 Profiles/Main Profile/Data


Locate the file called Outlook.sqlite and MOVE it somewhere safe (like your desktop).

Open Outlook and you should see this > Click ‘Repair’.

This can take a while (mine took about an hour, be patient). Eventually Outlook will open and your folders should all ‘resend’ then you can search again.

Alternative Outlook Search Broken Fix

You may also need to ‘bounce‘ the spotlight service, issue the following commands’


sudo mdutil -a -i off
sudo mdutil -a -i on


Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Microsoft Outlook ‘Search’ Not Working

Outlook URL Shortening?

KB ID 0001735


Outlook URL: I first noticed this a few weeks ago, When copying and pasting a URL into an email it shortens the URL and  gives it the pages title. At first i thought my firms Devs had changed  the way our CRM works, but then  I noticed it happening with SharePoint URLs as well, this is  what I mean;

I don’t have a problem with it, in fact I much prefer it! However I got an email this morning from someone asking how to turn it off.  As it transpires it has nothing to do with Outlook at all.  It’s a feature of the Microsoft Edge browser.

Outlook URL Shortening is Really Microsoft Edge 

Within Microsoft Edge > Preferences > Share, Copy, and Paste > Select your preference, if you want  to disable this feature select ‘Plain Text’

And now the actual URL will be posted.

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Outlook (for macOS) Notifications Stopped Working

KB ID 0001684


Like most of us I spend my working day based around Outlook calendar meetings and entries, I’ve even got birthdays and anniversaries in there. So recently when the notification pop-ups stopped working, it was a potential problem. Occasionally I could hear the notification ‘sound’, but I had to open outlook and change to the notification window to see them. When you are as absent minded as me, that’s a recipe for disaster.

I don’t know if it was a macOS update or a Microsoft Office update that had broken it, (or if I’d done something stupid myself!).


I tried a few solutions but this is the only one that worked. Click the ‘Apple Icon’ (top left) > System Preferences > Notifications > Scroll down and select Outlook > On your keyboard press the ‘Delete/Backspace’ key, to remove Outlook > Close system preferences.

If Outlook is open close it > Open Outlook > At the notification prompt > Click ‘Allow’.

The problem ceased.

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Microsoft Outlook ‘Search’ Not Working

KB ID 0001676


When attempting to perform a ‘Search’ whilst in Microsoft Outlook, you encounter a problem (it’s not working).

Something went wrong and your search couldn’t be completed.


Let’s be clear here, I’m dealing a problem on the ‘client side‘ either with Outlook itself, or with Windows indexing. If you have multiple clients with their mailboxes in an ‘on-premise Exchange Server’ then the problem is probably indexing on their mailbox database, (as long as it’s not Exchange 2019 (or newer) as indexing in new versions of Exchange is done at mailbox level). If that is your problem and you are running Exchange 2016 (or earlier), then see the following article first.

Exchange ContentIndexState ‘Failed’

Each of the following may work, or you may need to work though the list, but BE AWARE once indexing is fixed it can take some time (depending on how much email you have) to index it all, be patient.

Incomplete Missing Outlook Search Results

Before we start ‘fixing’ search, are you sure you are not just missing emails because modern Outlook will only cache 3 months of email locally, so emails older than that, simply cannot be seen by the index? If so you may need to change the following setting.

Microsoft Outlook: Check Indexing, and Rebuild Index

Within Outlook > File > Options > Search > Indexing Options.

Make sure Microsoft Outlook is listed.

Note: You can get to the same options in ‘Control Panel’ > Indexing options.

If Microsoft Outlook is NOT listed: Modify > Select it > OK.

If Microsoft Outlook is IS listed: Advanced > Rebuild > OK.

While in this window, go to the ‘File Types‘ tab, and ensure .msg files are selected.

This might take a while! You can see progress, by clicking in the search box > Search Options > Indexing Status.


Windows Search Service

Outlook indexing relies on the Windows Search Service, Run services.msc > Locate the Windows Search Service, ensure it’s running, and it should be set to Automatic (Delayed Start).

Repairing Windows Search Service

Sometimes it wont start, or you simply want to flush its contents and start again. Occasionally you may need to set the service to ‘disabled’ and reboot before it will let you manipulate it, but I simply opened an administrative Powershell window, and ran the following Powershell commands;


Set-Service WSearch -StartupType Disabled
Stop-Service WSearch
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows -Include *.* -File -Recurse | foreach { $_.Delete()}
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Temp -Include *.* -File -Recurse | foreach { $_.Delete()}
sc.exe config WSearch start= delayed-auto
Start-Service WSearch


Note, Before I’m Asked: I used sc.exe and not set-service, because you need Powershell v6 to set a service as ‘Automatic Delayed Start’, and all the visitors may not have Powershell version 6.

Don’t Panic if the service takes a long time to start, (it’s recreating a lot of files!)

Make Sure Outlook Indexing Has NOT Been Disabled In the Registry

To save you poking about in the Regisry just run the following TWO Powershell commands;


New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\" -Name "Windows Search" –Force
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search" -Name "PreventIndexingOutlook" -Value 0 -PropertyType "DWord"


Microsoft Outlook Repairing PST Files

I detest PST files with a passion! Please stop using them, there’s far more efficient ways of storing old emails for those of you that simply need to keep ‘every‘ email you’ve ever received, sent, or deleted. A broken or corrupt PST file can also break search/indexing.

If you are using PST file(s) then firstly you need to know where it/they are. You can get that from their properties > Advanced > Filename.

Secondly you need to run the scanpst.exe program to scan and fix them. Each version of Office puts this in a different place annoyingly, but here I’ll tech you some old-school search ninja skills to find it on your PC, (this also saves me listing all the versions and locations, and having to keep updating them!)

Open an administrative Command Window > Execute the following two commands;


cd c:\
dir scanpst.exe /s


After while it should show you where scanpst.exe is, (this is still how I search for files, it’s a lot quicker);

You can now run scanpst.exe and point it at your PST files.

Check Indexing has NOT been disabled by Group Policy

You can get a group policy enforced on you remotely by your IT admins, or on your local PC with local group policy (unless you run a ‘Home’ version of windows where there is no group policy. You can run winver from command line or Powershell and that will tell you, if you’re unsure).

Here I’m going to use Resultant  Set Of Policy, to show me the sum total of ALL policies being applied to make sure some doofus hasn’t disabled indexing for the drive/location. My outlook Index should be in (C:\ProrgamData\Microsoft by default, Note: That’s a hidden folder so you may not see it if you try and browse to it).

Run > mmc.exe > File > Add/Remove Snap-in > Resultant Set of Policy > Add > OK.

Right click Resultant Set of Policy > Generate RSoPData > Next.

Accept all the defaults (keep clicking next) > Finish.

Below, someone has disabled Indexing, (on the C drive!) You should NOT be able to see this. In fact you may not even see administrative templates.

Note: Above it’s been set in ‘Local‘ policy, if yours has been set by ‘Domain‘ group policy, you will need to speak to your IT department.

Repair Microsoft Office

Run appwiz.cpl > Locate Microsoft Office > Change > Yes.

Try Quick Repair first (you can rerun and try Online Repair if you wish afterwards) > Repair > Close.

Update Microsoft Office

You should be able to update office from File > Office Account > Update eOptions > Update Now.

I cant see that option! If you have a retail or volume copy of Windows you may need to manually download the updates. To find out your version of office see the following link;

Finding Out Your Microsoft Office Licence Version

Outlook 2016 and 2019 (Office 365 Version)

You may need to create a DWORD registry value called ServerAssistedSearchTimeout and set its value to 5000 (decimal), in the following key;


HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Office > {version} > Outlook > Search



Please feel free to comment any ‘fixes’ I’ve missed, below!

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

macOS: Microsoft Outlook Search Broken

macOS: FaceTime HD Camera Not Working In Microsoft Teams?

KB ID 0001671


My firm are in the middle of moving from Skype to Teams, so more and more online meetings are being done with Teams. I have had some problems trying to get my camera to work?


Firstly you need to ‘Allow’ Teams to use the camera; Click the ‘Apple’ icon > System preferences > Security and privacy > Privacy > Camera > Tick to enable ‘Microsoft Teams’ (Note: You may need to click the padlock at the bottom, before you can change any settings).

If you have Teams running, you will need to restart it, then if you can see the camera ‘feed’ in Settings > Devices, (as below) you should be good to go.

Cannot See Camera Input in Teams

If there’s still no input, then it’s probably because another application has control of the Camera. (Remember I said above, we are migrating from Skype!) Well look in Skype and boom its working there, so Teams can’t use it!

I don’t need my camera in Skype, so I can simply ‘Block’ Skype from using it;

But if you want to use the Camara in BOTH/MORE applications, simply close the other applications that may have stolen the camera and restart the one you want to use it.

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