Auto Update ADMX Files
Auto Update ADMX KB ID 0001824 Problem It’s been a long time since I ran through setting up a central policy definitiosn store. In that time, you’ve probably had to copy ADMX (and ADML) files into your central store manually. Microsoft updates typically DO download updates but puts them (usually) in C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions, There’s probably a sensible reason for that. When someone cleverer than I has scripted...
451 4.7.0 Temporary Server Error
451 4.7.0 KB ID 0001823 Problem If you attempt to connect to and send mail via command line to your Exchange Server, you may see the following error after you end the data section of the operation. 451 4.7.0 Temporary server error. Please try again later. PRX5 Solution 451 4.7.1 Error Log into Exchange Amin Center > Mail Flow > Receive Connectors > Default Frontend {Server-Name} > Edit > Scope > Select the IPV4 entry...
Windows LAPS
Windows LAPS KB ID 0001822 Problem We used to have Microsoft LAPS, now we have Windows LAPS! LAPS is a solution that lets’ you store admin passwords ‘elsewhere’ be that in your local Active Directory or Azure Active Directory*. Unlike previously, where you had to deploy/install client software, it’s now built into Windows from the following versions. Windows 11 22H2 – April 11 2023 Update Windows 11 21H2...
OneDrive GPO (Domain Group Policy)
OneDrive GPO KB ID 0001821 Problem The administrative template that you get with Win11 is somewhat out of date, so if you want to manage OneDrive with domain group policy your options are limited, if only there was a newer administrative template! Well, there is, and it gets updated and sent to you quite regularly. Microsoft just do a good job of hiding it. Solution OneDrive GPO Depending on your deployment the files you need can be...
UnifiedContent Folder ‘Growing’
UnifiedContent KB ID 0001820 Problem If you have a vanilla install of Exchange, it will clean up the UnifiedContent folder on a four hourly schedule. the problem occurs if you have moved your Exchanges ‘Queue” directory. This will also relocate the UnifiedContent folder, but then Exchange, will still try (and fail) to tidy it up in the original location, (because it’s not there anymore!) Typically, you will see your...