Upgrade Azure AD Connect
Upgrade Azure AD Connect KB ID 0001813 Problem On 15th March 2023 support for the following Azure AD Connect sync versions will be removed; 2.0.89. So plan in some maintenence and upgrade yours, at time of writing the current version is, so you can still upgrade if you running an older version. Upgrade Azure AD Connect: Solution Before you start it’s...
A Reboot From a Previous Installation is Pending
KB ID 0001755 Problem You may see the “A Reboot From a Previous Installation is Pending” error when either attempting to install Microsoft Exchange or apply a cumulative update, (which is basically a reinstall anyway!) You may also see this if you are only installing the management tools. At command line; A reboot from a previous installation is pending. Please restart the system and then rerun Setup. Or if you are running...
GIMP: Post Upgrade Tools Missing?
KB ID 0001726 Problem I’ve been running an older version of GIMP for a while, it’s been a bit ‘flaky’ since the Big Sur upgrade, so yesterday I took the plunge and updated it. As expected I had to recreate my custom arrow brushes and things. But the problem that hit me the most was ‘Where have all the tools gone!’ Solution I know it’s open source software and I’ve no right to complain,...
VMware Fusion: Not Enough Physical Memory
KB ID 0001715 Problem I upgraded to macOS Big Sur this week, and was surprised everything still worked! That was until I tried to start up my Windows 1o Virtual machine. “Not enough physical memory is available to power on this virtual machine with its configured settings.” Solution Though it took me a while to ‘fix’, the fix is quite straight forward, I was running version 11 (see Below). As soon as I upgraded...
Your vSphere Client Session Is No Longer Authenticated
KB ID 0001711 Problem I updated my vCenter to yesterday, and since then every time I tried to login to the HTML5 web client, it authenticated, let me in, showed me the error (below), then kicked me out again? Solution I assumed, (wrongly) that the upgrade had overwritten the webclient.properties file that controls timeouts. this may be you problem, see the following article If my ‘fix’ does not work for you....