Safari: Not Showing all Bookmarked Favourites

KB ID 0001702


Recently my Safari browser on my MacBook updated, somehow this managed to break Microsoft Edge, a reboot fixed that. The problem was, it was now only showing a ‘reduced‘ number of bookmarks from my favourites, (only 24 bookmarks) i.e.

Even if I clicked in the navigation bar, (only 12 bookmarks) from my favourites;



A Google search didn’t turn up the answer, clicking on the setting logo on the home page didn’t offer any clues, neither could I find any settings in ‘Preferences’ that might have fixed it.

I found the answer quite by accident, there is an option to  ‘show more‘, but it’s hidden unless you hover over/near it. 


Everything is back where it belongs!

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Technical Terminology

Safari – Download ZIP files (Not Open Them!)

KB ID 0001537


I’d forgotten Safari did this, after replacing my mac a few weeks ago I was trying to download a ZIP file from Github, and was perplexed that it was getting extracted to a folder in my downloads folder, and not appearing as a ZIP file?


After about the third time, the penny dropped. Safari does this by default. You need to disable it. Safari > Preferences > General > UNTICK : Open “Safe” Files after downloading. (It’s at the bottom!)

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Citrix: mac OSX ‘You have chosen not to trust…’

KB ID 0001520


After a colleague deployed Citrix for a customer the other day, they complained that they had a mac user that was getting certificate errors. They had a publicly signed wildcard certificate, but this user was still having problems.

After I  heard a few “tell him to stop using a mac” comments, I said, “I’m using a MacBook here, would you like me to test it?” The URL opened fine in Safari, and the certificate looked good (all green), I was prompted to install the Citrix receiver, and was presented with a session to open, when I did so, I got this;

You have chosen not to trust {Certificate-Name} the issuer of the servers security certificate.


Head over to and put your Citrix URL in and check it, I found this. So I downloaded the two certificates it said I was missing.

Note: For someone who works with certificates, this makes no sense, (as I got to the portal without an error). I had to trust the root CA, and its intermediate CA, (what’s being called a Chain Cert below). But I thought I’d play along to see what happened.

‘Double Click’ each downloaded certificate, then choose ‘Add’, (repeat for each certificate in the chain).

Close any open Citrix receiver sessions, restart you browser, and try again.

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Safari: This connection Is Not Private Loop

KB ID 0001462


This has been bugging me for a while, I use Safari for most things, but recently going to an https (SSL secured) web page that uses a self signed, or expired certificate, give me this;

Now this is to be expected, normally you click ‘visit this website‘ it asks for you password, and away you go. However now it doesn’t, it loops you back here again and you can go round many times, until you give up and use FireFox.


This stung me yesterday when I wanted to get on the office MFD. The fix is easy, open a new private browsing window  (File > New Private Window). Then go to the same URL, what’s more, once you have been to that URL, it  now works in normal Safari

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Safari Keeps Re-opening Compromised/Spammy Web Pages

KB ID 0001431


To be honest it was my own fault, I was trying to get some software and was on a ‘dubious’ file sharing site, when ‘Boom’ loads of popup windows and scripts executing! Normally I’d just’ force quit’ Safari, and open it again then get on with my life, but Safari ‘Helpfully‘ remembered which URL I was on, and reopened it as soon as it launched,  and the whole process happened all over again.


Press CMD+ALT+Esc, then ‘force quit’ Safari.

In ‘Finder’ Go > Go to Folder,

Go to;


Locate and delete

Repeat the process but this time, go to;

[box]~/Library/Saved Application State/[/box]

Locate and delete

Reboot your machine, and relaunch Safari.

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Safari – Open jnlp Files Not Download Them

KB ID 0001148


Next to the rise of Nazism, war, hunger, and pestilence Java is the worst hing to happen to humankind! But because people keep using it for management consoles and things we are stuck with it.

I’m particularly a big fan of the way they (Oracle) upgrade it because it’s got some huge security flaw in it, then all my remote iLO, DRAC and Cisco ASDM sessions don’t work anymore. It’s even better when the device that launches Java is old and not supported so I can’t upgrade that either, So I have to maintain a VM with an old version of Java just to do my job.

So this week after I stupidly hit the ‘update’ button I had to downgrade Java ‘again’. Seriously just put in a button that says, “You need to click this button for things to work but tough luck if it all breaks”, and was on the brink of being able to get back to work, when Safari decided to download the java file and not run it, (which is not normally the end of the world, but was the straw that broke the camels back!)


When the .jnlp file has downloaded once, go and find it > Right click (or cmd click) > Open With > Other.

Navigate to System/Library/CoreServices > Locate and select Java Web Start > Always Open With > Open.

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