FortiGate Securing Remote Administration

KB ID 0001734


When considering Securing FortiGate  remote administration, I’ve written about changing the https management port to something other than TCP 443 before, I suppose that’s security by obfuscation (though even a script kiddy with one hours experience, will be able to spot an html responses).  Typically with other vendors you limit remote administration access, to specific IP addresses (or ranges). So how to do the same in Fortigate?

FortiGate Trusted Hosts

With FortiGate the approach is slightly different, (to Cisco anyway) in that, you allow access from ‘Trusted Hosts‘ and you do that ‘Per Administrator’ not for the entire remote access solution (like HTTPS or SSH). On reflection I like this, because by default you will have a user called ‘admin’ and an attacker will ‘possibly’ know that. With FortiGate you can restrict the admin account so it can only log on from inside, or from management hosts/networks or from an Out of Band management network.

You can also give an administrative password to one partner and only allow access from that partner’s public IP/Range, or if like my firm we need to support a lot of firewalls we can hard code this into our default deployments and retain remote administration. (Though FortiManager is the direction you want to be headed in, for that!)

Configure FortiGate ‘Per Administrator’ Trusted Hosts.

System > Administrators > Create New > Administrator.

Create a username/password > Select the admin level required > Enable ‘Restrict Login to Trusted Hosts’

Here’s an example where the admin account can only manage the firewall form the network, and a management host 192.168.2100.3 For ‘external‘ access I’ve got a new administrator, who can get access from my management host, (for belt and braces), a single public network, and a public IP address.

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Cisco ASA – Port Forward a ‘Range of Ports’

KB ID 0001111

Note: This is for Cisco ASA 5500, 5500-x, and Cisco Firepower devices running ASA Code.

This comes up on forums a lot, some applications and most phone systems require a ‘LOT’ of ports to be open. Normally thats fine you just give the internal IP a static public IP and open the ports. But what if you don’t have a spare public IP? I’ve already covered port forwarding before.

Cisco PIX / ASA Port Forwarding

Until version 8.4 you couldn’t even do this, you needed to create a translation for each port! Note: There is a bug in versions 9.0 and 9.1 that can stop this working, so check your OS with a ‘Show Ver’ command to be sure.

As I said this come up a lot on forums so when it asked on EE the other day, I fired up GNS3 and works out how to do it. Here is my topology;

So I will setup ‘port forwarding’ from the outside interface of ASA-1 for TCP ports 1000 to 2000 to then Internal Server (

1. Setup object groups for your internal server and for the range of ports you are going to forward.


object network Obj-Internal-Server
object service Obj-Ports-Range
 service tcp destination range 1000 2000


2. Then allow the traffic in with an ACL See MY WARNING before doing this.


access-list inbound extended permit tcp any host range 1000 2000
access-group inbound in interface outside


3. Perform the PAT translation from the outside interface to the internal server.


nat (outside,inside) source static any any destination static interface Obj-Internal-Server service Obj-Ports-Range Obj-Ports-Range


Note: A lot of people ask to ‘port forward’ a range of ports when they actually mean ‘I would like to open a range of ports to an internal IP address’. Thats essentially just a one-to-one static NAT. I’ve already covered that before, but in our example i use a spare public ip


object network Obj-External-Server
object network Obj-Internal-Server
 nat (inside,outside) static Obj-External-Server
access-list inbound permit tcp any host range 1000 2000
access-group inbound in interface outside


What’s My Network Address and What’s my Broadcast Address?

KB ID 0000215 


The network address is the IP address that is the lowest number in your network range, and the broadcast address is the highest.

To find out what your is, use the form below.


Find your IP address and Subnet Mask then enter it below.


Enter your IP address:


Enter your subnet mask:




Network Address:
Broadcast Address:


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BT Business ADSL – Configure a 2Wire Router to Allocate a Static (Public) IP Address

KB ID 0000760 


I know BT are now shipping the BT Business Hub, to their business ADSL clients, but there’s still a few 2Wire routers out there in the wild. Essentially if you have a range of public IP addresses, this is how to allocate one of the public IP addresses to one of your devices. In my case its a Cisco ASA firewall that I need to have a public IP.


Firstly I’m going to assume the router is working and connected to the internet, if there’s a problem and you need to reset it you will need the following pieces of information.

1. The BT ADSL Username and password.

2. The public IP address range allocated to you by BT (and the IP allocated to the router).

Note: Plug your device into the router before you start, and set it to get its address via DHCP.

1. Connect to the web interface of the 2Wire router (normally > Settings > Broadband > Link Configuration > Scroll down the page.

2. Locate the ‘Add additional network’ section > Add in the IP address that BT have told you to allocate to the router, the subnet mask will be provided by BT also, but you can work it out with my subnet calculator if you don’t know > Save >Enter the router password if prompted.

Note: By default the password will be the Serial Number of the router, (on the white sticker). If you have forgotten you can reset it.

3. Select the LAN tab > NAT & Address Allocation > Locate your device > Set the firewall to disabled > Address Assignment = Public (Select WAN IP Mapping) > WAN IP Mapping = Public Fixed {The IP address you want to assign} > Save > Enter the password if prompted.

4. This relies on the router providing DHCP, which it will do by default, though you can check on the Private Network tab.

5. Finally either reboot the device you are assigning the IP address to, (or ‘reload’ if it’s a Cisco ASA).

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BT Business Hub 3 – And Cisco ASA 5500

KB ID 0000762 


Warning: If your ASA is running version 8.3(4) or above you are going to have problems assigning public IP addresses from your allocated BT Range (jump to the bottom of the article for a resolution).

You have a pool of public IP addresses and you wish to allocate one of these IP addresses to your Cisco ASA Firewall. Note: This is for customers using BOTH ADSL and BT Infinity


For this procedure I was running an ASA5505 (Unlimited) with version 8.4(5). You will need to know the public IP address range allocated to you by BT (and the IP allocated to the router/hub).

Allocating a Public IP address to an Internal Client with the BT Business Hub

1. Log into the router, (the password initially is on the pull out plastic tab on top of the router). Set the IP to the one allocated to the router by BT (from the IP range they have given you). Note: The router actually gets a different IP address externally, this is normal, don’t panic.

2. Apply > Wait for the changes to apply.

3. Under business Network > Devices> You should see your device listed > Select it.

4. Assign the public IP as shown, you need to select the two radio buttons before the drop-down list of IP addresses will work > Apply.

5. Note: additionally if you are installing a firewall you might want to disable the Business Hubs internal firewall. Settings >Port Forwarding > Firewall > “Allow all traffic…” > Apply.

Problem with Cisco ASA (Now Resolved: See below)

My firewall (after a reload) picked up the correct IP address, but was unable to connect to the internet. My laptop (also connected to the BT Business Hub) connected fine to the internet (both with an allocated public address, and using the public address of the router). The ASA could not get out at all, nor could it ping the IP address of the Business Hub. The ASA showed as disconnected for a while, then disappeared from the ‘Devices’ tab, even though it continued to get the correct IP address leased to it from the Business Hub, this persisted after a reload of the firewall – so the hub COULD see it. I tried giving the ASA the correct IP address statically, I also locked the speed and duplex of the ethernet interface (in case it was simply an auto-negotiation error), this did not resolve the problem. BT told me they had no record of anyone having the same problem, but that they would take a note in case it came up again. Luckily the client had his old 2Wire router as soon as I plugged that in everything worked fine.  


Update 210414 (and resolution)

Got an email from Nate Morris this week who had been working on this very problem, while debugging the ARP traffic he saw;


arp-in: request at external from c0ac.54e4.d8d8 for 
0000.0000.0000 arp-in: Arp packet received from which is in different subnet 
than the connected interface 


This pointed to a known problem with Cisco ASA introduced in version 8.3(4). Cisco identified this as bug CSCty95468 (Cisco CCO Login required to view). To resolve this problem you need to allow the ASA to populate its ARP table from a non connected subnet. To do this you need to issue an arp permit-nonconnected command.


User Access Verification Password: 
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands. 
Petes-ASA> enable 
Password: ******** 
Petes-ASA# configure terminal 
Petes-ASA(config)# arp permit-nonconnected 
Petes-ASA(config)# exit 
Petes-ASA# write mem 
Building configuration... Cryptochecksum: 28790e0e 91da681e 7cf92e8a 85efb7ea 9449 bytes copied in 1.310 secs (9449 bytes/sec) [OK] 


Update 260213

Got an Email from Andrew Joubert, to say that he had the same problem, and he was using the BT business hub via BT Infinity not ADSL.

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Original Article Written 26/02/13

Credit to: Nate Morris, for finding the resolution to the original problem.

Special thanks to Steve at BT, who rang me back on my mobile so I didn’t have wait in a queue, and then followed up afterwards to see what the outcome was, if I knew his surname I would publish it! He did a grand job, and does not get paid enough!

Also thanks to Chris at BT who pitched in and did as much as he could.

Windows Server 2012 – Deploying SSTP VPNs

KB ID 0000819


SSTP gives you the ability to connect to your corporate network from any location that has an internet connection, and is not filtering https. This port is usually open for normal secure web traffic. Traditional VPN connections require ports and protocols to be open for them to work, which makes a solution that runs over TCP port 443 attractive.

Thoughts: While I can see why this is a good idea, Microsoft has basically changed some existing protocols so they work on a port that wont be blocked by most firewalls. This is not a new approach, (Microsoft did it before with RPC over HTTP). I can’t help feeling that the more traffic we push over ports 80 and 443, sooner or later security/firewall vendors are going to statefully inspect/block traffic that isn’t supposed to be on that port. (If you think ‘that would never happen!’ Try running an Exchange Server through a Cisco firewall with SMTP inspection turned on). Anyway, it’s there, I’ve been asked to do a walkthrough, so read on,


I’ve got a Windows 2012 Server already setup, it’s a domain controller, and is running DNS. You don’t have to have the same server running SSTP/RRAS but in this lab environment that’s what I’m doing. In addition my remote VPN clients will get an IP address from my normal corporate LAN.

1. On the server I have two network cards installed, the first (NIC1) is the normal network connection for the server, the second (NIC2) will be the one that the remote clients get connected to (once they have authenticated to NIC1).

2. Make sure the Internet facing NIC has good comms, and works OK.

3. NIC2 as you can see, does not even need a default gateway.

Windows Server 2012 Add Certificate Services

I’m going to use a ‘self signed’ certificate, if you have purchased one, then skip this section.

4. From Server Manager (ServerManager.exe) > Add Roles and Features > Next > Next > Next > Select > Active Directory Certificate Services.

5. Add Features > Next > Next > Next > Tick ‘Certificate Authority Web Enrolment’.

6. Add Features > Next > Next > Next > Install > Close > From the warning (top right) > Configure Active Directory Certificate Services on this server.

7. Next.

8. Select both Certificate Authority and Certificate Authority Web Enrolment > Next.

9. Next > Next > Next > Next > Next > Next > Next > Configure > Close > Close Server Manager.

10. Open a Microsoft Management Console.

11. File > Add Remove Snap-in > Certificate Authority > Add > Local computer > Finish > OK.

12. Drill down to Certificate Templates > Manage.

13. From the list that appears locate IPsec > Right Click > Duplicate Template.</p:

14. General tab > Change the name to SSTP-VPN.

15. Request Handling tab > Tick ‘Allow private key to be exported’.

16. Subject Name tab > Tick ‘Supply the request’ > Click OK when prompted.

17. Extensions Tab > Select the Application Policies entry > Edit.

18. Add > Locate the ‘Server Authentication’ policy > OK > OK > Apply > OK > Close the Certificate Template console.

19. From the Certificate templates Folder > New > Certificate Template Issue.

20. Locate the SSTP-VPN entry > OK > Close the MMC.

SSTP Firewall Setup

In this example my server is behind a corporate firewall. If yours is internet facing then you may simply want to add an exception/rules for allowing https/TCP443. My server will ultimately have a public IP address that resolves to its public name ( so I just need to allow the ports in. If your server does not have its own public IP address, then you may need to setup port forwarding instead. You will see later I’m also going to use TCP 80 (normal HTTP) to access my certificate services remotely, so I’ve got that open as well. You may want to access certificate services via HTTPS instead in a corporate environment.

21. On this server I’m simply going to disable the firewall > Start > Run > firewall.cpl {enter} > Turn Windows Firewall on or off > Set as appropriate.

Grant users SSTP VPN/Dial-in rights.

22. Make sure that any user who wants to access the SSTP VPN has had their Dial-in set to ‘allow access’.

Windows 2012 Server Install and Configure RRAS for SSTP

23. From Server Manager (ServerManager.exe) > Add Roles and Features > Next > Next > Next > Select > Network Policy and Access Services.

24. Add Features > Next > Next> Next > Next > Install > Close.

25. Back at Server Manager (ServerManager.exe) > Add Roles and Features > Next > Next > Next > Select ‘Remote Access’.

26. Add Features > Next > Next > Next > Tick ‘Routing’ > Next > Install.

27. Close.

Note: At this point you may see the warning that there are additional steps to take, (to configure routing an remote access), if so you can launch and then close this wizard because we will do it manually.

28. Close Server Manager > Open a new MMC > File > Add/Remove Snap-in > Certificates > Add > Computer account > Finish > OK.

29. Expand Personal > Certificates > All Tasks > Request New Certificate.

30. Locate the SSTP-VPN entry > Click the ‘More information required..’ link.

31. Change the Type to common name > Enter the public name of the SSTP VPN server > Add > OK.

Note: This will be the common name on the certificate, i.e., which will need a public A/Host record creating for it in your public DNS, (speak to your ISP or DNS hosting company). That way when your remote clients go to they wont get an error, (providing you imported the root cert correctly on THAT machine).

32. Tick the certificate > Enrol.

33. Finish > Close the MMC.

34. Windows Key+R > rrasmgmt.msc > OK.

35. Right click the server > Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access.

36. At the Wizard > Next > Next > Tick VPN > Next.

37. Select NIC1, In this case I’m unticking the ‘Enable security’ option, (or is disables RDP and locks the NIC down) > Next.

38. I’m going to use this server so select the bottom option > Next.

39. New > Create a range of IP addresses. (Note: You may need to exclude these from your existing DHCP scope) > OK > Next.

40. Next.

41. Finish > OK > OK > At this point you will see the services restarting.

42. Right click the server > Properties.

43. Security tab > Change the certificate to the one we created > Apply > Yes > OK > Close the console.

Windows Server 2012 – Connect to SSTP from a Remote Client

At this point I have the correct ports open on the firewall, and I’m on a Windows 7 client outside the corporate network.

44. Because we are using a self signed certificate, we need to get the client to trust it. We can give the user the root certificate, or they can connect and download it, here I’m connecting to the Certificate Services web portal. Note: Remember that’s on the same server.

45. Supply your domain credentials > OK > Download a CA Certificate > Download CA Certificate > Save As.

46. Put the certificate somewhere, and call it something sensible.

47. Now launch an MMC on the client machine, and add the certificate snap-in (for ‘computer account’).

48. Drill down to Trusted Root Certification authorities > Certificates > All Tasks > Import > Navigate to, and select the certificate you just downloaded.

Note: If you double click the cert and import it manually, then it gets put into the user account NOT the computer account, and this will cause you problems. (Error 0x800b0109).

Registry Key Required for SSTP Access

The title is not really true, but as we are using a self signed certificate the client cannot check the CRL for the CA. Even with some purchased certificates you may need to to do this.

49. Open the registry editor and navigate to:

HKLM > SYSTEM > Current > CurrentControlSet > services > SstpSvc > Parameters

50. Create a new 32 bit DWORD called NoCertRevocationCheck and set its value to 1 (one).

Setup a SSTP VPN Connection

51. Open the Network and sharing Center.

52. Setup a new connection or network.

53. Connect to a workplace.

54. Use my Internet Connection.

55. Supply the Internet Address (that matches the common name you used above) > Next.

56. Supply your domain credentials > Connect.

57. Connected successfully.

Note: If it fails at this point, it usually gives you an error code you can Google, or it gives you the option of logging for you to troubleshoot.

58. Just to prove I’m connected, this client can ping the SSTP servers private address.


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Excel – Creating a Dropdown Box ‘From data on another sheet’

KB ID 0000711 


My wife asked me how to do this today. I don’t use Excel much, most people think because I work in IT I know everything about all software packages, and they are surprised when I’m asked questions like this, and I say ‘I don’t know I’m a network engineer’.

But seeing as it was for the better half, I fired up Excel and worked it out. (This must be worth at least a cup of Tea!)


Step 1 – Create the source Data

1. Select the sheet that you want to populate the drop down list from, or create a new one and call it something sensible.

2. Type all your values into a column.

3. Select the column (you can select the cells but then if you add any new data it wont be added to the drop down).

4. In the ‘Name’ Section give the range a name i.e. garment, then press Enter.

Step 2 – Create the Drop Down List

1. Select the sheet that you want the drop down box to appear on.

2. Select the Cell where you want the drop down.

3. On the ‘ribbon’ select data.

4. Data Validation.

5. Settings tab.

6. Change allow to ‘list’.

7. Set Source to ‘={the range name you used above}’ OK.

8. The drop down (list box) will be created.

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Configuring Multiple Cisco Switch Ports at the Same Time

KB ID 0001009 


If you have the same configuration that needs to be placed on multiple ports, then doing each one individually can be time consuming. To save time use the ‘interface range‘ command. Be aware this command is only available on devices running IOS versions newer than 12.0(7)XE, Release 12.1 E, and Release 12.1(5)T.


1. From configure terminal mode, I want to apply the same configuration to Gigabit Ethernet ports 3 and 4. Note: There is a space each side of the hyphen.


Petes-Switch(config)#interface range GigabitEthernet 0/3 - 4
Petes-Switch(config-if-range)#switchport mode access
Petes-Switch(config-if-range)#switchport access vlan 123


2. Let’s see if that worked;


Petes-Switch#show run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 1888 bytes
<------------config removed for the sake of brevity------------>
interface GigabitEthernet0/3
switchport access vlan 123
switchport mode access
interface GigabitEthernet0/4
switchport access vlan 123
switchport mode access
<------------config removed for the sake of brevity------------>



How To Configure Multiple Cisco ‘Non Contiguous’ Switch Ports

1. The process is the same as above, but you separate ranges, (or individual ports) with a comma. Note: There is a space each side of the comma.


Petes-Switch(config)#interface range GigabitEthernet 0/3 - 4 , GigabitEthernet 0/9 - 10
Petes-Switch(config-if-range)#switchport mode access
Petes-Switch(config-if-range)#switchport access vlan 123


2. Let’s see if that worked;


Petes-Switch#show run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 1888 bytes
<------------config removed for the sake of brevity------------>
interface GigabitEthernet0/3
switchport access vlan 123
switchport mode access
interface GigabitEthernet0/4
switchport access vlan 123
switchport mode access
interface GigabitEthernet0/5

<------------config removed for the sake of brevity------------>
interface GigabitEthernet0/9
switchport access vlan 123
switchport mode access
interface GigabitEthernet0/10
switchport access vlan 123
switchport mode access
<------------config removed for the sake of brevity------------>


You can use the interface range command with the following interfaces;

  • FastEthernet
  • GigabitEthernet
  • TenGigabitEthernet
  • Port-Channel
  • VLAN

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Cisco ASA – Allowing Domain Trusts, and Authentication

KB ID 0000973 


I cringed this morning when I was asked about this, last time I had to get a client to authenticate to a domain through a firewall, it was ‘entertaining’. The problem is Windows loves to use RPC, which likes to use random ports, so to make it work you either had to open TCP ports 49152 and 65535 (Yes I’m Serious). Or you had to registry hack all your domain controllers and specify individual ports for RPC as per MS KB 224196, then allow those ports. I have a client that’s got a separate domain in their DMZ and I need to setup a trust with their internal domain, so I started writing the firewall config. Then when I asked the ‘Do you want to open all these ports or simply lock RPC down on all the domain controllers?’ Question, my colleague found ‘dcerpc’ inspection.

Dcerpc has been available since at least ASA version 7.2, I had never heard of it! Cisco Says;

DCERPC is a protocol widely used by Microsoft distributed client and server applications that allows software clients to execute programs on a server remotely.

DCERPC inspection maps inspection for native TCP communication between a server called the Endpoint Mapper (EPM) and client on the well-known TCP port 135. Map and lookup operations of the EPM are supported for clients. Client and server can be located in any security zone. The embedded server IP address and port number are received from the applicable EPM response messages. Because a client can attempt multiple connections to the server port returned by EPM, creation of multiple pinholes is allowed

Heres how to do it with the following topology;

Note: Setting up a ‘Trust’ or allowing a client to ‘Authenticate’ requires the same configuration, but below I will use the IP of the Domain controller, rather than the IP of the client.


I’m assuming you ALREADY have access-lists from your internal network, and from your DMZ, you may need to replace the names of the ACL’s I use below with your own, ‘show run access-group’ will tell you.

1. There are a myriad of ports, (both TCP and UDP) that you are required to open, those being;

So connect to the ASA, Go to enable mode, then global configuration mode, and add the ACL’s to open the ports above. BE AWARE the last line enables ICMP/ping (just for testing you can remove it later and you will need to have ICMP inspection on for it to work).


Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.
PetesASA> enable
PetesASA# configure terminal
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit tcp host host eq 135
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit tcp host host eq 464
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit udp host host eq 464
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit tcp host host eq 389
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit udp host host eq 389
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit tcp host host eq 636
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit tcp host host eq 3268
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit tcp host host eq 3269
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit tcp host host eq 53
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit udp host host eq 53
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit tcp host host eq 88
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit udp host host eq 88
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit tcp host host eq 445
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit icmp host host


2. Then we need to allow the traffic from the other direction, again here my ACL is called ‘DMZ’, check and change yours accordingly.

[box]PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit tcp host host eq 135
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit tcp host host eq 464
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit udp host host eq 464
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit tcp host host eq 389
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit udp host host eq 389
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit tcp host host eq 636
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit tcp host host eq 3268
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit tcp host host eq 3269
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit tcp host host eq 53
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit udp host host eq 53
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit tcp host host eq 88
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit udp host host eq 88
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit tcp host host eq 445
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit icmp host host[/box]

3. Now create a class-map and set it to inspect TCP port 135.

[box]PetesASA(config)# class-map CM-DCERPC
PetesASA(config-cmap)# match port tcp eq 135[/box]

4. Then create a policy-map to use that class map to perform dcerpc inspection.

[box]PetesASA(config-cmap)# policy-map PM-DCERPC
PetesASA(config-pmap)# class CM-DCERPC
PetesASA(config-pmap-c)# inspect dcerpc
PetesASA(config-pmap-c)# exit [/box]

5. Finally apply the policy-map to the interfaces with a service-policy.

[box]PetesASA(config)# service-policy PM-DCERPC interface inside
PetesASA(config)# service-policy PM-DCERPC interface DMZ[/box]

6. Give it a test, make sure the machines can ping each other, and you may at this point want to remove the ICMP lines from the ACL. Once you are happy, save the changes.

[box]PetesASA# write mem
Building configuration…
Cryptochecksum: 4d7f7ccd 5c55a9e1 6ced12c4 46728bc7


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