Internet Explorer Puts ‘Borders’ Round Your Images

KB ID 0000823 


Chrome is my browser of choice, so I don’t look at my website with IE often. (Yes I know that’s bad practice for a webmaster). So I was surprised when I opened my home page and saw this.

IE does this IF your image is a hyperlink.


Option 1: Edit your Hyperlink

If you have a lot of them this is quite time consuming, but you can add the attribute of border and set it to zero within the IMG section of your hyperlink like so;

Option 2: Edit your CSS

This would be the preferred option, because you make one change and it will effect all your images. Simply add the following commands to your CSS.


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Cannot Open a Console Session in the VMware VI Client on Windows 8

KB ID 0000677 


Mostly my conversion to Windows 8 has been pretty painless, the only thing that wont work is the VMware VI client cant open a console session to the VMs on my ESX server.

The VMRC console has disconencted…attempting to reconnect

This happens because the IE10 that comes with Windows 8 does NOT LIKE the requests the VI client is sending to the Internet Explorer plug-in.

Update 08/03/13 – This problem has now been fixed! Download the latest 5.1 version of the VI client. (see screenshot).


Work-Around 1 Use VMware workstation (Note: scroll down for a permanent fix)

Until either Microsoft or VMware change something then we are stuck! however there is a work around. if you have VMware Workstation (download the trial it will keep you ticking over till the problem is fixed!).

1. Launch VMware workstation > File > Connect to Server > Enter your ESX/vCenter server details > Connect.

Note: You may need to accept the certificate warning if you are using self signed certificates.

2. Now you can open a console session to your virtual machines.

Work-Around 2 Use VMware Guest Console

Download and run VMware Guest Console > Connect to to a host or vCenter, and you can access the guest machines consoles from there.

Permanent Fix

Sorry, the only way to fix this (at time of writing) is to upgrade to vSphere 5.1 AND install the 5.1 version of the vSphere client. (You can’t point the 5.1 client at a 5.0 host, it automatically launches the 5.0 version of the VI client).

Note: You will need to update vCenter to 5.1 as well for that to work!

Problem Resolved

Update to the latest VI client, and the problem will cease.


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Windows Server – Enable Flash

KB ID 0000978 


Note: For Server 2016, the process if different, see;

Windows Server 2016: Enable Flash

I upgraded my VMware vCenter server to 5.5 last week, and as soon as I tried to open the vSphere Web Client, I got a polite message asking me to install flash.

I headed over to Adobe to download and install it, and was told that from IE10 it had already installed simply ‘enable the add-on’. Well thats not strictly true for servers, theres a couple of hoops to jump through first.


1. You cant use Flash, unless your server has the ‘Desktop Experience’ feature installed. The quickest way to do this is right click the PowerShell Icon on the Task bar > Run As Administrator.

2. Execute the following command;


Install-WindowsFeature Desktop-Experience


3. As directed reboot the server;


shutdown -r 


4. The server will reboot TWICE and it may take a little while.

5. Once back in Windows I suggest you run Windows Update, (to get the most up to date Flash version) >Windows Key+R > Execute the following;


%windir%\explorer.exe shell:::{36eef7db-88ad-4e81-ad49-0e313f0c35f8}


6. Then my Flash enabled vSphere Web Client, worked as expected.

Additional Problem

You may also have trouble using flash if you have ActiveX Filtering enabled. To turn this off Press Alt+T > Untick ActiveX Filtering.

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Internet Explorer 10 – Cannot access OWA 2003

KB ID 0000718


At first I thought this was a problem with clients accessing OWA via VPN. That was until I saw it worked fine with Firefox and Chrome.

The page will not render correctly, and all the folders are listed as ‘Loading…’


There are two ways to fix this problem.

Option 1

1. Whilst attempting to view OWA, Press ALT+F > compatibility view settings.

2. Add in the IP address or URL of the Exchange servers OWA page.

Option 2

1. Whilst attempting to view OWA, Press F12 > change the browsers’ display mode to an earlier version.

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Exchange 2013 – ‘Internet Explorer has stopped working’

KB ID 0000776


When using the Exchange Admin Center with Exchange 2013, on a Server Running Internet Explorer Version 10, you see the following error (particularly when working on the recipients > mailboxes tab!

Problem Details

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: IEXPLORE.EXE
Application Version: 10.0.9200.16384
Application Timestamp: 50107ee0
Fault Module Name: msvcrt.dll
Fault Module Version: 7.0.9200.16384
Fault Module Timestamp: 5010ae12
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 0000986a
OS Version: 6.2.9200.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: a65c
Additional Information 2: a65c2884b2d8aca525c1cbb50e388db9
Additional Information 3: 396e
Additional Information 4: 396e9fe5e0fa1a3f9a73d5b2c9681128

Read our privacy statement online:

If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:


This is a known problem in the beta, pre-release, and the RTM versions of Exchange 2013.

There is now a fix from Microsoft here

You can also round the problem by accessing the Exchange Admin Center from a client (Windows running IE10 works fine). If you must access it on the server install the hofix or use Firefox

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Exchange 2010 SP3 – Can I Upgrade to Exchange 2013

KB ID 0000770 


At the time of writing (14/02/13), the answer is NO, for full coexistence with Exchange 2013 you need to have Exchange 2013 CU1 (Cumulative Update), which at this time is unreleased (Expected Q1 of 2013 – so we are not far away).

Note: CU2 is now released.


So What do I get with Exchange 2010 SP3?

1. You can install Exchange 2010 on Windows Server 2012, (though you can’t in-place upgrade the OS of an existing Windows 2008 R2 server to 2012).

2. Full support for Internet Explorer 10.

3. All fixes from previous update roll-ups, (including MS13-012).

You will need to perform an AD schema update to install SP3.

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