Add a 2012 Domain Controller to a 2008 Domain
KB ID 0000680 Problem This is considerably less painfull than adding a 2008/2008 R2 domain controller to a 2003 domain was. You dont have to maually prep the schema on the schema master, or run forestprep and domainprep. The wizard does everything for you. Solution 1. Launch server manager from the taskbar > Select Local Server > Manage > Add Roles and Features. 2. Role Based… > Next. 3. Select local server >...
Locate your FSMO Role Servers
KB ID 0000221 Problem You would like to know which servers are holding which roles. To move your FSMO Servers CLICK HERE Solution FSMO Servers There are five FSMO (Flexible Single Master Operations) Roles that need to Exist in a Windows AD Forest. PDC Emulator (One per domain) RID Master (One per domain) Schema Master (One per forest) Domain Naming Master (One per forest) Infrastructure Master (One per domain) But I’ve Googled...
Deploying a Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller in a Windows 2003 Domain
KB ID 0000239 Problem Before you can add a Windows Server 2008 Domain Controller to a Windows Server 2003 Domain you need to carry out some preparation, this can be done during working hours, as the process only has a slight performance hit no one will notice there is work going on. Solution Before you start, have a good look round your existing domain controllers, get the latest service packs and updates installed. Have a good look...
Transferring Your FSMO Roles
FSMO Roles KB ID 0000240 Problem Note: This article is still valid, but this procedure can now be done simply with PowerShell. Windows Server – Locating, Transferring, and Seizing FSMO Roles If you are replacing a domain controller, or simply taking one offline for a while, you might want to transfer its FSMO roles to another Domain Controller. There are 5 FSMO roles which are, · Schema master – Forest-wide and one per forest. ·...
Microsoft Exchange RPC Client Access Service Does Not Start
KB ID 0000802 Problem I build a new SBS 2011 environment last week, and I had just put on the new digital certificate, and as no one was using it, I simply rebooted the SBS Server and went for a coffee. From that point forward all the new Outlook 2013 clients give me this error, Cannot start Microsoft Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook window. The set of folders cannot be opened. You must connect to Microsoft Exchange with the current...