Recently my Safari browser on my MacBook updated, somehow this managed to break Microsoft Edge, a reboot fixed that. The problem was, it was now only showing a ‘reduced‘ number of bookmarks from my favourites, (only 24 bookmarks) i.e.
Even if I clicked in the navigation bar, (only 12 bookmarks) from my favourites;
A Google search didn’t turn up the answer, clicking on the setting logo on the home page didn’t offer any clues, neither could I find any settings in ‘Preferences’ that might have fixed it.
I found the answer quite by accident, there is an option to ‘show more‘, but it’s hidden unless you hover over/near it.
Everything is back where it belongs!
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So now theres a version of Microsoft Edge for macOS! Normally I would not bother, but I spend a lot of time in SharePoint and Azure so I thought, rather than my usual approach of playing ‘Browser Roulette’ I’d try Microsoft Edge and see what it was like.
My usual browser of choice is Safari, but the install wizard defaults to wanting to import bookmarks / favourites* from Chrome. (I do also have Chrome, but I don’t use it often!)
*Note: Wow! Microsoft have spelled Favourites correctly for once!
So how to get my Safari Bookmarks?
Firstly Edge needs full disk access to get the bookmarks > Apple Logo > System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk Access > ‘UNLOCK’ > Tick Microsoft edge.
There are many different versions of PIX and ASA Firewalls. So, if you want to get a backup of the configuration and save it elsewhere, (so in the event of a failure, (or more likely someone tinkering and breaking the firewall)). you will be able to recall and restore that configuration. By far the easiest method is to use a TFTP server – and it works on ALL versions, so learn it once and use it many times.
Note: Some people flatly refuse to use command line, if that’s you, you can also backup and restore from the ASDM click here.
OK for starters you need to get a TFTP server – while this sounds very grand, its a little piece of software that will run on just about any windows PC, I use an application called 3CDeamon and I’ve put information on how to get it and how to set it up (about 5 min’s work) HERE. Or if you have a Mac it’s built in.
I’ll assume at this point you have the TFTP server installed and running, and you know the IP address of machine that’s running it.
NOTE: TFTP uses UDP Port 69, if you have firewalls in between the one you are working on, and the TFTP server then this port needs to be open.
2. To back up the firewall you need to specify the IP address of where you want to send it(i.e. the TFTP server), what you want to call the backup, and you tie them together with a “Write Net” command. The syntax is,
write net {ip address}:{filename}
Petes-ASA# write net
Building configuration...
INFO: Default tftp-server not set, using highest security interface
Cryptochecksum: 85c211cb 3099b392 9e7206e6 e1548bcd
3. On your TFTP server you will see that a file has been received.
4. If you look in the TFTP server root directory you will find the file, though it has no file extension you can open it and view it using a text editor like notepad or wordpad, just remember NOT to save it with a txt or rtf extension when you close it again. Keep it safe you will need it if you ever want to restore.
1. To restore you must have already backed up the firewall earlier and have that backup in the TFTP servers root directory.
3. Enter configuration mode using the “conf t” command.
Petes-ASA# configure terminal
4. Unlike when you backed up the firewall to restore the configuration you use the copy tftp start command.
Petes-ASA(config)# copy tftp start
5. Supply it with the IP address of your TFTP Server.
Address or name of remote host []?
6. Supply it with the name of the file you backed up earlier.
Source filename []? firewall_backup
7. The file will get copied over.
Accessing tftp://!
Writing system file...
2974 bytes copied in 0.90 secs
8. On your TFTP server you will see the file being “copied out”
9. Not finished yet, the file now lives in the “Startup” configuration so its not been loaded from memory yet, the best way to do this is to reboot the firewall. To do this issue the reload command, and confirm by pressing enter.
Petes-ASA(config)# reload
Proceed with reload? [confirm] {Enter}
*** *** — START GRACEFUL SHUTDOWN — Shutting down isakmp Shutting down webvpn Shutting down File system
** *** — SHUTDOWN NOW —
10. After the reboot, you will be running on the restored configuration.
Note: With a Version 6 Firewall – restoring a config from TFTP simply “Merges” the new one with the config on the firewall, in most cases this is NOT what you want, to get round this place the following command at the top of the config you are restoring
clear config all
Backup a Cisco 5500 firewall from the ASDM
1. Connect to the firewall via ASDM, then Tools > Backup Configuration > Browse to a Location to Save the File > If you have certificates to backup, then choose and confirm a password > OK.
2. Watch the progress > Close > OK.
Restore a Cisco 5500 firewall from the ASDM
1. Connect to the firewall via ASDM, then Tools > Restore Configuration >Browse to the .zip file you saved earlier > Select File > Next > Restore.
2. If you are restoring certificates enter the password you used above > OK > Then choose whether to ‘replace‘ the config on the firewall, or ‘merge‘ the restored config with the one on the firewall.
3. The ASDM will detect theres been a change, just drag that window to one side, Wait for the restore to finish > Close. You will probably need to reconnect to the firewall now.
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1. I’ve seen some posts indicating that this can be caused by the version of Java that’s installed, however in my case that was NOT the problem.
2. Connect to the ASDM of the ASA firewall > Configuration > Clientless SSLVPN Access > Portal > Client Server Plug-ins. Ensure your RDP plug in is up to date, download and import the latest one (Cisco CCO account and valid support agreement required).
Note: At time of writing the latest is rdp2-plugin.090211.jar (released 14/08/09).
3. Ensure that the bookmark you are using is set to use rdp2 (not rdp). Under Portal > Bookmarks > Your bookmark list > Edit.
I was creating some “Bookmarks” on a client’s AnyConnect web portal last week. They were simply CIFS links to shared folders on his servers so he could access them remotely from his Android tablet PC’s.
However every time I clicked a link I got this error;
A bit of searching later and I found that in the release notes for version 8.0(4) this was a known problem that had been fixed (Bug CSCsl94183).
A quick check on the ASA in question, revealed it was still on 8.0(3). Note: From command line issue a “show version” command to check the version level.
I upgraded to version 8.2(2) to be on the safe side (This firewall was a 5505 Security Plus, and did not have enough memory to go beyond version 8.2 see here for details). Post upgrade everything worked as it should.
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