On the bottom of the display you will see a minus sign and an exclamation mark, like so.
Perfect Draft Exclamation Mark Solution
Theres two reasons that you will see this, firstly your keg has been in the machine more than 30 days, or you have powered off your Perfect Draft Machine, and changed kegs.
Remember always leave your machine ON when changing kegs!.
To fix this, you can either use the Plus & Minus keys to change the figure back to 30, of if you’ve changed kegs, leave the machine powered on, and remove / replace the keg.
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Can you install ASDM on Windows 11? yes, but as usual there’s some pre requisites. Someone asked this question on EE today, so I thought I’d check.
ASDM on Windows 11 Solution
ASDM requires Java, theres an open Java version, but to be honest, most people (and certainly most older firewalls) are using the Oracle JRE so make sure you have that installed before you do anything.
Note: Some older versions of ASDM may require older versions of Java, I like to keep my ASDM images up to date, so this never trips me up. Consider updating your firewalls OS and ASDM images (I’ll put instructions at the bottom of the page – if you unsure how to do that).
Browse to the interface on the firewall you have ASDM working on, and add /admin to the end of the URL, i.e. or (if you have ASDM on a non standard port). From there select Install ASDM Launcher.
Note: If you DON’T know how to enable ADSM then read this article.
The installer (.msi) will open and load to your default browsers download directory.
Run the installer.
Accept all the defaults.
Open the shortcut
Note: At this point if you get an error that says “This app can’t run on your PC” then see this article.
All being well, your ASDM will open.
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When attempting to install Windows 11 on ESX (in this example vSphere 6.7) you will receive the following error;
Windows Setup
This PC can’t run Windows 11
This PC doesn’t meet the minimum system requirements to install this version of Windows. For more information, visit https://aka.ms.WindowsSysReq
The reason you are seeing this is probably not because you don’t have the RAM,CPU, or storage requirements, it’s probably because setup can’t see a TPM 2.0 chip. So you can either bypass this requirement or install a virtual TPM 2 chip. (I could not do this, as I’ve still got ESX 6.5 in my test cluster and all the hosts need to be 6.7 or above).
VMware Fusion Note: Be aware to run Windows 11 on VMware Fusion, you need to set the HDD to 64GB (or greater) and the RAM to 4096 GB or this error will persist.
VMware ESX Note: MAKE SURE you change the boot options to EFI and enable secure boot, in the VM properties.
Windows 11: Bypass the TPM 2.0 Requirement
Press SHIFT+F10 (or Fn+Shift+F10 on a mac) this will open a command window > type ‘regedit’ {Enter} > the registry editor will open > Navigate to;
Create a NEW KEY called LabConfig.
Note: There is a newer version of this fix you can find here
In the new key, create a new 32 Bit DWORD object.
Call the new object ByPassTPMCheck and give it a value of 1.
Close the registry editor, type exit to close the command window. Then close the error window, (as shown below).
You will be asked to confirm that you want to exit, do so, and setup will restart, and then progress normally.
Note: If you are in a VMwar environment, you can also (with some caveats) install a vTPM