Cisco ASA Site to Site VPN ‘Using ASDM’

KB ID 0000072


Note: This is for Cisco ASA 5500, 5500-x, and Cisco Firepower devices running ASA Code.

Do the same from command line

Below is a walk-through for setting up one end of a site to site VPN Tunnel using a Cisco ASA appliance – Via the ASDM console. Though if (like me) you prefer using the Command Line Interface I’ve put the commands at the end.

click image for full subnet information


VPN Setup Procedure carried out on ASDM 6.4

Note: The video above uses IKE v1 and IKE v2, in reality you would choose one or the other, and for IKE v2 both ASA 5500 firewalls need to be running OS 8.4(1) or above.

VPN Setup Procedure carried out on ASDM 5.2

1. Open up the ADSM console. > Click Wizards > VPN Wizard.

2. Select “Site-to-Site VPN” > Next.

3. Enter the Peer IP address (IP of the other end of the VPN tunnel – I’ve blurred it out to protect the innocent) > Select “Pre Shared Key” and enter the key (this needs to be identical to the key at the other end. > Give the tunnel group a name or accept the default entry of its IP address. > Next.

4. Choose the encryption protocol (DES, 3DES, AES-128, AES-192, or AES256), choose the Authentication Method (SHA or MD5), and choose the Diffie Hellman Group (1, 2, 5 or 7). Note the other end must match, this establishes phase 1 of the tunnel. > Next.

5. Now select the Encryption Protocols (DES, 3DES, AES-128, AES-192, or AES256), choose the Authentication method (SHA, MD5 or None). Note this is for phase 2 and will protect the encrypted traffic “In Flight”. > Next.

6. Now you need to specify what traffic to encrypt, on the left hand side enter the network or host details (of what’s behind the ASA you are working on), and on the right hand side the IP address of the network or host that’s behind the other VPN endpoint.  Note the other end should be a mirror image. > Next.

7. Review the Settings (Note I’ve blurred the IP address out again) > Next.

8. Back at the ASDM console commit the settings to the ASA memory, Click File > “Save Running Configuration to Flash.”

ASA 5500 VPN Setup from command line


object network Site-A-SN
object network Site-B-SN
nat (inside,outside) source static Site-A-SN Site-A-SN destination static Site-B-SN Site-B-SN
access-list outside_1_cryptomap extended permit ip object Site-A-SN object Site-B-SN
crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set ESP-3DES-SHA esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
crypto map outside_map 1 match address outside_1_cryptomap
crypto map outside_map 1 set pfs
crypto map outside_map 1 set peer {Other Ends IP Address}
crypto map outside_map 1 set ikev1 transform-set ESP-3DES-SHA
crypto ikev1 enable outside
crypto ikev1 policy 10
authentication pre-share
encryption 3des
hash sha
group 2
lifetime 86400
tunnel-group {Other Ends IP Address} type ipsec-l2l
tunnel-group {Other Ends IP Address} ipsec-attributes
ikev1 pre-shared-key 12345678901234567890asdfg


ASA 5500 VPN for Version 8.2 and older firewalls


access-list outside_20_cryptomap extended permit ip
access-list inside_nat0_outbound extended permit ip
nat (inside) 0 access-list inside_nat0_outbound
crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-3DES-SHA esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
crypto map outside_map 20 match address outside_20_cryptomap
crypto map outside_map 20 set pfs
crypto map outside_map 20 set peer {Other Ends IP Address}
crypto map outside_map 20 set transform-set ESP-3DES-SHA
crypto map outside_map interface outside
crypto isakmp enable outside
crypto isakmp policy 10
authentication pre-share
encryption 3des
hash sha
group 2
lifetime 86400
tunnel-group {Other Ends IP Address} type ipsec-l2l
tunnel-group {Other Ends IP Address} ipsec-attributes
pre-shared-key 12345678901234567890asdfg



Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Original article written 09/11/09

Troubleshooting Phase 1 Cisco Site to Site (L2L) VPN Tunnels

Troubleshooting Phase 2 Cisco Site to Site (L2L) VPN Tunnels

Outlook: Import and Export Data (.pst)

Backup and restore from .pst file

KB ID 0000154


You want to import your mail from an older version of Outlook  into your new Outlook mailbox, or you simply want to backup your mail.


Thankfully the process is the same for modern Outlook as it was for previous versions of Outlook.

1. In Outlook > Select the “File” Tab > Open > Open & Export > Import/Export

Note: On older versions of Outlook  its simply Open > Import (you select Import even if your going to Export!)


2. Export to a file.

3. Outlook Data File (.pst).

4. Select your mailbox, select the ailbox – {username} > To back up everything (calendar contacts the lot), tick “Include sub folders” > Next.

Note: If using a POP mail account, here it may say Personal Folders.

5. Choose a location to save the .pst file.

6. If you want to password protect this (remember someone can import your .pst and read all your mail). I usually leave this option blank > OK.

7. After a few seconds the mailbox will export. (Note: if the mailbox is very small this might happen so quickly nothing is displayed on the screen). And there it is.

To “Import” your mailbox,

1. Launch thewWizard as above (Step 1) > Select “Import from another program or file” > Next.

2. Outlook Data File (.pst) >Next.

3. Browse to, and select your .pst file > Next.

4. Stop and think! where do you want to import the files to? Select as appropriate > Finish (Note at this point if the .pst is password protected you will be prompted for a password).

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Windows – Backing up, Transferring, and Restoring Wireless Network Settings

KB ID 0000626


If you have a machine setup and working on your wireless network, sometimes it’s easier to set other machines up by simply migrating the settings. Either because you don’t want your child to try and type in a 64 bit WPA key, or you might simply have forgotten the WEP/WPA key,and don’t want to go through all the hassle of setting it up again.

In a small business environment you can give your colleagues their wireless settings in an XML file, or on a USB thumb drive. When using XML files you can even script the deployment of wireless settings to your users.


Option 1: Export/Import wireless Networks to XML File.

This is quick and easy, and if you are feeling adventurous enough, could be used to script the deployment of wireless networks.

1. On your working wireless machine, open a command window, the following command will list all the wireless profiles that are installed on this machine, )in the example below there is just one).

[box]netsh wlan show profiles[/box]

2. Now we know the name of the profile (Note: Typically it will be the SSID), we can export it to a folder. Be aware if the folder does not exist, the process is liable to fail.

[box]netsh wlan export profile name={profile name} Folder=c:{folder name}[/box]

3. This will produce an XML file, containing the settings.

4. Copy the folder containing your XML file to the destination machine, and issue the following command;

[box]netsh wlan add profile filename=”c:{folder name}{file name}.xml”[/box]

5. Your wireless profile will be restored.

Option 2: Export/Transfer/Import wireless Settings via USB.

1. On the source machine open ‘Control Panel’.

2. Select ‘Network and Sharing Center’.

3. Select ‘Manage wireless networks.

4. Locate the wireless profile you want to migrate, (in the example below there is just one), double click it > select ‘copy this network profile to a USB flash drive’.

5. Assuming you already have a USB drive plugged in, the wizard will detect it > Next.

6. Close.

7. Take the drive to a destination machine, and plug it in, Windows 7 has autorun disabled, with older versions of Windows you can simply choose ‘Connect to wireless network” from the autorun menu. If not open the drive and run the setupSNK.exe file.

8. Yes to confirm.

9. OK to close.

10. Your network is setup and ready to go.

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Direct Access – Error While Running The Remote Access Wizard

KB ID 0000839 


Seen on Windows Server 2012, when configuring direct access, while running the ‘Getting Started Wizard’ you have to choose the network topology. You have a choice of edge, behind an edge device (with 1 NIC), or behind an edge device (with 2 NICs). Each choice you make will present you with one of the following errors.

An external adapter with a public IP address, IPv6 enabled and without a domain profile cannot be located.

An internal adapter with a valid IP address, DNS settings and a domain profile cannot be located.

An internal adapter with a valid IP address, IPv6 enabled, DNS settings and a domain profile cannot be located.


The reason you are getting this error is because the network card (or cards) in this server are NOT set with a domain profile, in my case it had been set to public (which was confusing as this was a domain controller).

The fix is a little unusual, and why it works I have no idea, but it worked for me.

1. Windows Key+R > ncpa.cpl {Enter} > Right click the NIC > Properties > REMOVE the tick from IPv6 > OK > Then RETICK IPv6 > OK.

2. Now if you look in ‘Network and Sharing Center’ you will see it labelled as ‘Domain network’. The wizard should now proceed without error.

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Windows Server 2012 ‘Direct Access with Windows 8’

KB ID 0000842


In the following procedure I’m using Window Server 2012, and Windows 8 Enterprise, I am NOT configuring for Windows 7 so I don’t need to worry about PKI and certificates. (Other than the one the direct access server uses for https identification).

I’m not adding in any Application or Infrastructure servers, this is just a basic run through on setting up Direct Access to get you up and running.


Step 1 Create Direct Access Group

You can of course accept the default of allowing access to the domain computers group, but I would like to tie things down a little further.

1. Server Manager> Tools > Active Directory Administrative Center > Select the OU (or create one) where you want to create the group.

2.Give the group a sensible name like DirectAccessComputers.

3. Remember when you try and ‘add’ members it will by default NOT have computers listed you will need to add them in.

4. Add in your computer objects as required.

Step 2 Install Direct Access

5. You can simply execute the following command;

Install-WindowsFeature RemoteAccess -IncludeManagementTools[/box]

6. Or from Server Manager > Tools > Add Roles and Features.

7. Simply add in ‘Remote Access’ and accept all the defaults.

Step 3 Configure Remote Access

8. Once installed launch Remote Access Management.

9. Run the getting stated wizard.

10. Deploy Remote Access Only (I’m not deploying VPNs).

11. Select how the server will be deployed, mine has a single NIC and I’m going to port forward TCP Port 443 (https) to it from the firewall. Enter its Publicly addressable name > Next > Finish.

Note: If you get an error see here.

12. Configure Remote Clients > Edit.

13. I want both options > Next

14. Remove the domain computers and add in the group we created above. Untick the ‘mobile only’ option.

Note: Force Tunnelling means that the remote clients will access the internet though YOUR corporate network. This is only a good idea if you have internet filtering, AV or NAP that you want to take advantage of. (It’s literally the exact opposite of split tunnelling).

15. Remote Access Server > Edit.

16. Select an existing Cert or create a new one > Next.

17. Remember I’m just using Windows 8, if you see the Windows 7 box and think “ooh I’ll tick that!” Then you need to start using certificates > Finish.

18. Finish.

19. Review the settings > Apply.

20. Operation Status.

21. Press Refresh until all the services are green.

Step 4 Configure Clients

The title is a misnomer and to be honest there is no configuration to be done, but they have to get the settings through group policy, so log then onto the domain.

22. A quick simple check is to run the following command;


Note: If you get an error message make sure you are not using Windows 8 Pro see here.

23. The client knows it’s ‘inside’ the LAN, because it has a Name Resolution Policy Table and it can see your internal DNS, you can prove this with the following command;

[box] Get-DNSClientNrptPolicy[/box]

Step 5 Test Clients Externally

Note: Before you proceed your Direct access server needs to be publicly available via the name you specified on the certificate in step 11, and needs to have https open to it.

25. Whilst out on the internet you can test your remote client by first making sure it’s pointing to the correct place;

[box]netsh interface httpstunnel show interface[/box]

This should give the the URL that is on the certificate you specified in step 11, when you ping it by name you should expect a reply (unless ICMP has been blocked by your edge device).

26. And to prove that the client knows it’s NOT on the corporate LAN execute the following;

[box]netsh dnsclient show state[/box]

27. So If i try to ping the internal FQDN of my Direct Access server it should respond (Note its IPv6 address will respond this is normal).

Note: Here I’ve only setup the one server, you can add more Infrastructure and Application servers in the Remote Access Management Console.

28. Because I can resolve that, I can access resources on that server like UNC paths.

29. To access shared resources.

Step 6 Monitoring Remote Access Clients

30. Back on the Direct Access server, you can see the remote clients under ‘Remote Client Status’.

31. Right click each one for a more detailed view.

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SBS – No Incoming Mail ‘421 4.3.2 Service not available’

KB ID 0000803


While testing mail flow on a new SBS 2011 Server, outbound mail worked fine, but no mail would flow in. When I attempted to Telnet in from a remote host this was what I saw;

421 4.3.2 Service not available
Connection to host lost.


Normally I’d expect to see an error like this if the Exchange ‘Receive Connector’ was misconfigured, (if you’re not using SBS 2011 create a new default receive connector and make sure there are no firewalls in the way).

If you are using SBS 2011 you need to run the ‘Connect to the Internet’ Wizard (seriously!)

After this check inbound mail flow again.

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Cisco ASA 5500 – Install and Configure a CSC Module

KB ID 0000731 


The Cisco CSC module provides ‘in line’ scanning of POP3, SMTP, HTTP and FTP traffic, to protect against viruses but also for anti spam and anti phish (with the correct licensing).

If you are familiar with Trend products, you will like it, (because that’s what it runs), and the interface is much the same as Trend IWSS.

It is a hardware device that plugs into the back of the ASA, and comes in two flavours.

1. CSC-SSM-10 (50 to 500 users, depending on licenses) for ASA 5510 and 5520.

2. CSC-SSM-20 (500 to 100 users, depending on licenses) for ASA 5510, 5520, and 5540.

In addition to licensing the amount of users, you can also buy a Plus License, this enables anti-spam, anti-phish, URL filtering, and blocking control. Note: This license expires and must be renewed annually).


Some licenses on the CSC are time specific, I would consider setting the ASA’s internal clock before you start.

Set the ASA to get time from an External NTP Server

Step 1: License the Cisco CSC Module

1. Connect to the ASA via command line, go to enable mode and issue the following command;

From the output you should be able to get the serial number of the CSC module (write it down).

2. In the box with the CSC/ASA should be an envelope containing the PAK for the CSC module, write that number down as well.

3. Go to the Cisco license portal here, Note: If you do not have a Cisco CCO account you may need to create one. Enter your PAK code > Fulfill Single PAK.

Note: If you have multiple PAK codes, you can do them at once with the ‘Load more PAK’s’ button, this may be the case if you also have a ‘plus’ license to add.

4. Enter the serial number of your CSC module and the person/company from whom you bought it > Next.

5. It should display your valid email address (from your CCO account). Tick the box to accept the terms and conditions > Get License.

6. Scroll down and accept, then select DOWNLOAD, (that way you wont have to wait for it to be emailed to you).

7. Open the license file (will have a .lic extension) with notepad and you should see two keys.

Step 2: Setup the CSC Module

Note: Here I’m going to simply set up inspection of everything on all interfaces, this might not be what you want, i.e. if theres no mail server in the DMZ why would you want to inspect all DMZ traffic for SMTP.

1. Connect to the firewall’s ASDM console > Trend Micro Content Security > It should point you straight to the setup wizard.

9. Enter the base and plus license codes. Note: The plus license code that comes with the CSC is just an evaluation one, if you have purchased a plus license separately, then paste THAT code in instead.

10. Enter the network settings you require for the CSC (it requires its own network connection). it has a single RJ45 network socket on the CSC modules back plane, connect that to your LAN > Next.

11. Supply a name for the CSC module and details of your email server (if you require email notification) > Next > enter the IP addresses that will be allowed access to the CSC web console > Next > Change the password Note: The original password will be cisco > Next.

12. Select what traffic you want to inspect, here I’ve selected all traffic all interfaces > Ive set the CSC to fail open (if theres a problem it simply passes traffic, if you have it on fail close and the CSC encounters a problem all http, smtp, ftp, and pop traffic will be blocked until the problem is resolved) > OK > Next.

13. Review the settings > Finish.

Note: You may get a warning if you set ‘fail open’ above that’s OK.

Connecting to and Managing the Cisco CSC Module

Although you can access the CSC settings via the ASDM, the easiest way is via its web interface, you set the IP address in step 2 number 10 above, navigate to

Note: You should now set the CSC module so that is DOES NOT scan its own update traffic, see the following article.

Cisco CSC Module – Stop it scanning its own update traffic

Adding a ‘PLUS’ License to a Cisco CSC

If you add the plus license later, you will obtain the code in the same manner as you did above (put the PAK and the CSC Serial number into the licensing portal and have it sent to you.

1. Once you have the code, open a web session to the CSC management interface https://{ip-address}:8443 > Administration > Licensing > Enter a new code.

2. Paste in the new code > Activate.

3. It may look like it has hung, wait a minuter or so, and check the licensing tab again.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Cisco CSC Module Error – Activation Warning

Apple Devices will not Update Though Cisco ASA and CSC Module

Outlook Error 0x800CCC0F – Using POP3 To Exchange – Behind a Cisco CSC (Trend InterScan) Module