SmoothWall – Allowing Windows Updates and Windows Activation
KB ID 0000441 Problem I’ve had fun this week installing a new virtual environment for a client with a SmoothWall firewall. It took a call to SmoothWall support for me to get Windows updates to work, then after activating a few 2008 R2 servers via phone, I was motivated to get online activation running as well. Windows Activation Error – (We are being blocked by the SmoothWall Proxy). A problem occurred when Windows tried...
SmoothWall site to site (IPSEC) VPN to Cisco ASA
KB ID 0000436 Problem You would like to put in a site to site VPN from a site that has a SmoothWall firewall to another site that has a Cisco ASA. Note: This procedure was carried out on a SmoothWall UTM 1000 Series appliance, and uses a pre-shared key to authenticate the VPN. Solution 1. For The Cisco end of the configuration, you can configure it from command line see here, or from the ASDM see here.. 2. Connect to the...