vSphere Adding iSCSI Storage

vSphere Adding iSCSI KB ID 0001378


iSCSI storage is nice and cheap, so adding iSCSI 10/1Gbps storage to your virtual infrastructure is a common occurrence.

vSphere Adding iSCSI Solution (vSphere 7/8)

Add a Software iSCSI Adaptor: Select the host > Configure > Storage Adapters > Add > Software iSCSI adaptor > OK.

After a few seconds you should see it appear at the bottom of the list.

Create a vSwitch and VMKernel:If you already have this configured you can skip this section, but basically you need a vSwitch, with a VMKernel interface (that has an IP address on it that can ‘see’ your iSCSI device), and then you need to connect a physical NIC from that vSwitch the iSCSI network (or VLAN).

With the host still selected > Configure > Virtual Switches > Add Networking.


VMKernel Network Adapter > Next.

New Standard Switch > Set the MTU to 9000 to enable jumbo frames > Next.

Note: Make sure the physical switches you are connecting to also support Jumbo Frames. Each vendor will be slightly different to configure.

THIS IS CONFUSING: Select the NIC you want to add the the vSwitch, and then ‘Move Down‘ so that it is listed in Active Adapters > Next.

Give the switch a sensible name (like iSCSI) > Next.

Define the IP address of the VMKernel (this needs to be able to see the iSCSI Target IP addresses) > Next.

Note: Don’t worry about the default gateway, it will display the default gateway of the managment network, that’s fine, unless you need to route to the iSCSI devices).

Review the settings > Finish.

You should now have a new vSwitch for iSCSI.

vSphere Adding iSCSI Storage: Create Port Binging

Back on the Storage Adapters tab > Select the iSCSI adapter > Network Port Binding > Add.

Select the one you’ve just created > OK.

vSphere Adding iSCSI Storage: Add iSCSI Target

Dynamic Discovery > Add.

Add in the iSCSI Target IP for your storage device/provider > OK.

At this point it’s a good idea to do a full storage rescan.

No Storage Has Appeared? Remember at this point your iSCSI storage device probably needs to ‘allow’ this ESX server access to the storage before it will either appear (if it’s already been formatted as VMFS and is in use by other hosts) or if it’s the first host that needs to connect to format the datastore as VFMS.

How this is done varies from vendor to vendor.

If you need to add the storage manually > Host > Storage > New Datastore.

vSphere Adding iSCSI Solution (vSphere 5/6)

Add a Software iSCSI Adaptor: Select the host > Configure > Storage Adaptor > Add > Software iSCSI adaptor.

After a few seconds you should see it appear at the bottom of the list.

Create a vSwitch and VMKernel:If you already have this configured you can skip this section, but basically you need a vSwitch, with a VMKernel interface (that has an IP address on it that can ‘see’ your iSCSI device), and then you need to connect a physical NIC from that vSwitch the iSCSI network (or VLAN).

Note: You can add a port group to an existing switch, (or use a distributed switch!) Here I’m using a standard vSwitch and keeping my storage on its own vSwitch.

With the host still selected > Configure > Virtual Switches > Add.

VMware Kernel Adaptor > Next > New Standard Switch > Next > Add in the Physical NIC that’s connected to your iSCSI network > Next.

Give the VMKernel port a name (i.e. Storage-iSCSI) > Next > Put in the IP details* > Next > Finish.

*Note: You may need to add a gateway if your iSCSI device is on another network.

Jumbo Frames Warning: Edit the properties of the switch and set it’s MTU to 9000 to allow for jumbo frames.

vSphere Adding iSCSI Storage, make sure the physical switches you are connecting to also support Jumbo Frames. Each vendor will be slightly different in my case the switches are Cisco Catalyst 3750-X’s so I just need to enable jumbo frames universally on the switch (which requires a reload/reboot!)

Allow Jumbo Frames Cisco Catalyst 3750-X

Execute the following commands;


Petes-Switch#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Petes-Switch(config)#system mtu jumbo 9198
Changes to the system jumbo MTU will not take effect until the next reload is done

Then Reboot/Reload the Switch and Check

Petes-Switch#show system mtu

System MTU size is 1500 bytes
System Jumbo MTU size is 9198 bytes
System Alternate MTU size is 1500 bytes
Routing MTU size is 1500 bytes


vSphere Configure iSCSI: Back on your vCenter, we need to ‘Bind’ the VMKernel port we created above, to our Software iSCSI adaptor. With the host selected > Configure > Storage Adaptors > Select the iSCSI Adaptor > Network Port Binding > Add.

Select the VMKernel Port  > OK.

Note: If you can’t see/select anything, make sure each iSCSI port group is set to use ONLY ONE physical NIC, (i.e. move the others into ‘unused’). That’s on the port group properties NOT the failover priority of the vSwitch.

Add an iSCSI Target to vSphere: With the iSCSI Adaptor still selected > Targets Add.

Give it the IP address of your iSCSI device.

At this point, I would suggest you perform a ‘Storage Rescan’.

Ensure ALL HOSTS, have had the same procedure carried out on them. Then (assuming you have configured your iSCSI device), presented the storage, and allowed access to it from your ESX hosts. Right click the Cluster > Storage > New Datastore > Follow the instructions.

IBM Storagewize v3700 iSCSI 

This article is just for configuring the VMware side, but just as a placeholder, (and to jog my memory if ever I put in another one.) The process is.

1. iSCSI IP addresses, Note: these are under Settings > Network > Ethernet Ports. (Not iSCSI confusingly.) 

2. Create the Hosts (Note: you can copy the iqn in from vCenter).


3. Create MDiscs (RAID groups) from the available disks, Note: Global Spares are allocated here.

4. Create a Pool, I don’t really see the point of these, but you need one to create a volume.

5. Create the Volumes, which you will present to the Hosts, then create host mappings.


Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

vSphere ESX – Configure Buffalo Terastation 5000 as an iSCSI Target

Digital Certificates Explained

Digital Certificates Explained KB ID 0001846


From setting up PKI environments, to migrating them, and a myriad of errors and problems in between, we have a lot of content on PNL referring to digital certificates and PKI. I’ve dealt with these technologies a lot over the past 20+ years and I’m always surprised how frightened of digital certificates people are. So in the space of a few minutes I’ll try and give you a basic understanding of what PKI is, how that relates to Digital certificates, then finish off with a few certificate ‘Golden rules‘.

Solution : Digital Certificates Explained

You will see I use the terms PKI environment, and Certificate Services  and interchange those two things a lot, Certificate Services is the name of the Microsoft ‘Role” that provides Certificate Services. If you simply want to setup certificate services, then use the following link.

Microsoft PKI Planning and Deploying Certificate Services

Before you understand certificates, you need to have a basic understanding of Public Keys, and Private Keys, how this key pair is used, and what Asymmetric Cryptography is (bear with me the maths might be mind boggling, but the concept is simple).

Public Key

The public key is shared openly and is used to encrypt messages or data. It is associated with a user (or entity) and can be freely distributed to anyone. Its primary function is to ensure confidentiality by allowing others to encrypt messages that only the owner of the corresponding private key can decrypt.

Private Key

The private key is kept secret and is known only to the owner. It is used for decrypting messages or data that have been encrypted with the corresponding public key. The private key is crucial for ensuring the authenticity and integrity of the data because only the person with the private key can decrypt and access the information.

Digital Certificates Explained: How These Keys are Used for Encryption


1. Sender obtains the recipient’s public key and uses the recipient’s public key to encrypt the message.
2. Encrypted message is sent to the recipient.


3. The recipient, (who possesses the corresponding private key), can then decrypt the message.

The strength of the security lies in the complexity of the key pair. Asymmetric cryptography is based on mathematical principles, making it computationally infeasible for someone to calculate the private key even if they have the corresponding public key. This makes it a secure method for tasks such as secure communication, digital signatures, and online transactions.

Digital Certificates Explained: Use of Keys and Certificates

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a framework that manages digital keys and certificates. it requires the following:

Key Pair Generation: The process begins with the generation of a key pair (the public and private keys) for a user or entity. As shown above the public key is shared openly, and the private key is kept secret.

Certificate Authority (CA):A Certificate Authority is a trusted third party (public) or you own (private) system for authenticating digital certificates. in a PKI system.
The user’s public key is combined with other information (such as identity details and time stamps,) and then signed by the CA to create a digital certificate.

Digital Certificates: A digital certificate is a data structure that binds a public key to an individual, device, or service. It includes the public key, and information about the entity, the digital signature of the CA, and other metadata. So the digital certificate serves as a way for others to verify the authenticity of the associated public key and ultimately the identity of the entity.

Certificate Lifecycle: Certificates have a defined lifecycle, including issuance, and expiration. Note: They can also be revoked before expiration for example if compromised, or if the associated private key is lost.

Usage in Secure Communication

When parties want to communicate securely, they exchange their digital certificates. So just like the example above, the sender encrypts data with the recipient’s public key, which they get from the certificate that the receiver has published publicly, ensuring only the recipient, with the corresponding private key, can decrypt it.
Note: Digital signatures, created using the sender’s private key, can also be attached to messages to ensure authenticity and integrity. The recipient can verify the signature using the sender’s public key.

Digital Certificates Explained: Golden Rules Of Certificates

You must trust the CA that issued (authorised) the Certificate.

Every certificate has a CA that issued/approved it you NEED TO TRUST that CA, there are several trusted Certification Authorities that are built into your computer, and these are updated regularly with normal updates. this is why if you self-sign a certificate or build your own CA – then you may need to manually get people to trust your CA before they will be trusted. Also Certificate Authorities are hierarchical (they can have parent CAs) these form a CHAIN, and you need to be able to see that chain and trust ALL the CAs in that chain, (all the way back to the Root CA).


Above on my (current) site certificate you can see it was issued by a CA called RapidSSL, and that CA was authorised by a Root CA called Digicert Global Root G2. This means my certificate was signed by an intermediate CA (sometimes called and Sub CA).

The Certificate needs to be In Date

Certificates a have a date they were issued and a date when they will expire, If you are not at a point in time between these two dates, then you will not trust the certificate. (Note: this can happen if the internal clock/date on YOUR machine is incorrect).



Note: A Certificate that is in date can also be revoked. This is done by the CA, which publishes a list of certificates that have been revoked, (that your computer can check.)

The Common Name (CN) and/or Subject Alternative Name (SAN)  needs to be correct.

In times gone by, the certificate CN had to be correct, but more modern browsers will require BOTH Common Name and Subject Alternative Name to be correct. these are fields in the certificate that hold the name of the entity for example mine is www.petenetlive.com (that is the Common Name) This is the address (or FQDN) that is typed into the browser window to get to the site that presents this certificate.


Note: That means if you are putting a certificate on ‘something‘ be that a website, or a device, the NAME needs to be both correct, and resolvable by the person (or entity) that you want to trust it, e.g. if the common name was www.petes-site.com and you needed to type in https://www.petenetlive.com to get there, it would not be trusted (even if both names resolved to the correct IP address!)

You need to trust the ‘Algorithm‘ that signed the certificate.

This is a more recent development, I mentioned above that there’s some very complicated maths going on, as time moves on the mathematics needs to get more complicated, as computers get more powerful to maintain security. So older methods of signing have been depreciated, if a certificate is using technology that’s been depreciated it will also not be trusted.


Here’s an example of what happens when the signature algorithm is not trusted.


Here’s an example of what happens if the CN or SAN values are wrong.


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Error seen when attempting to open a web page that’s been secured by https with a certificate.

Your Connection isn’t private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from  {host-name} (for example, passwords , messages or credit cards).


This error confused me GREATLY because I generated that certificate, and I was pretty certain the common name was correct, so I double checked.

The truth is this error is VERY  MISLEADING, the problem has nothing to do with the certificates Common Name (for the uninitiated, the Common Name or CN is a value within a certificate, that usually holds the ‘resolvable name’ of the website you are visiting i.e. on my certificate (above) you can see that’s www.petenetlive.com).

The certificate giving me the error in the picture above THERE NOTHING WRONG WITH THE COMMON NAME. The real reason that you are seeing this error is because there’s no entry in the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) value in the certificate.  So I created a new certificate and copied that same value into both the common name and subject alternative name fields – like so.

If your certificate is publicly signed, then you will need to go back to the certificate vendor and have the certificate reissued with a subject alternative name. However, I issue these certificates internally from my own Certificate Services, so I just needed to add that like so.


Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Microsoft PKI Planning and Deploying Certificate Services

0x800094801 Certificate Issue Error

Using Openfiler and vSphere ESX / ESXi 5

KB ID 0000380


Openfiler is a free NAS / SAN prebuilt Linux distribution, that can provide iSCSI storage to your VMware environment, it’s ideal for small setups (This video was made with all the devices running in VMware workstation 7, on my laptop. That’s two ESXi servers, a vCenter server, and the Openfiler iSCSI target server).


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Openfiler Thanks to VMware for the free copy of VMware Workstation.


SBS Exchange Certificate Expired

KB ID 0000535


When you setup SBS2008 (and Exchange 2007) it creates and uses a self signed certificate, which is fine. But by default it only lasts two years. The best option is to buy a proper certificate, but if you simply want to generate a new one here’s how to do it.


1. Here you can see your certificate has expired.

2. Normally you need to access your certificate services web enrolment console to carry this procedure out. But when you navigate to https://localhost/certsrv you will probably see this:

Server Error in Application “SBS WEB APPLICATIONS”

Note: If web enrolment is installed, and you still cant access certificate services (CertSrv) then click here

3. You are seeing this error because certificate services might be installed, but the “Certificate Authority Web Enrolment” role service is not, you can add it from server manager.

4. Select it and follow the on screen prompts > Go and have a coffee.

5. Now you should be able to access the web front end.

6. To get a certificate we need a certificate request, you can write the powershell yourself like so:

[box] New-ExchangeCertificate -GenerateRequest -Path c:mail_yourpublicdomianname_co.csr -KeySize 2048 -SubjectName “c=gb, s=Your State COunty, l=Your City, o=Your Org, ou=Your Department, cn=mail.yourpublicdomianname.com” -PrivateKeyExportable $True [/box]

OR simply go here and let the good folk at Digicert do the heavy lifting for you.

7. Now you have the code, generate the request, on the Exchange server >  Start > All Programs > Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 > Exchange Management Shell > Execute the command you copied above.

8. This will dump the request on the C: drive (because in your command above you set the path to C:mail_yourpublicdomianname_co.csr) Locate it and open it with Notepad. Then select and copy ALL the text (copy as shown no extra spaces etc.)

9. If you have closed it down log into certificate services web access. Select “Request Certificate” > We will be submitting an advanced certificate request.

10. “Submit a certificate request by using………..”.

11. Paste in the text you copied at step 8, change the certificate template to “Web Server” > Submit.

12. Download the certificate.

13. Save it somewhere you can find it (the root of the C: drive is easiest, as you are going to be referencing it in a command shortly).

14. Job done, close the browser window.

15. Back at the Exchange Management Shell issue the following command:

[box] Import-ExchangeCertificate -Path c:the-name-of-your-cert.cer [/box]

As it imports it shows you the thumbprint of the certificate, mark this and copy it to the clipboard.

16. Now you have the certificate imported you can enable it, issue the following command:

[box] Enable-ExchangeCertificate -Services “SMTP,POP,IMAP,IIS” [/box]

It will ask you for the thumbprint > paste it in > when prompted enter “A” to confirm all.

17. That’s the job finished.

SBS2008 Unable to access Certificate Services

I’ve seen this on a few SBS2008 Servers, when you install the web enrolment service it installs into the servers “Default Web Site”, For any other Windows/Exchange combo that’s fine but SBS likes to do things its own way. It creates another web site called “SBS Web Applications” and uses that. That’s fine, but only one can be up and running at a time.

CertSrv The Webpage cannot be found

1. Warning: You are about to stop things like OWA briefly. From Administrative tools launch the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager > Locate the SBS Web Applications site and click stop (right hand column) > then select the Default Web site and start it.

2. Select the CertSrv virtual directory.

3. You can now browse via http/https and this will open the site in your default browser. Don’t forget to stop the Default website, and restart the SBS Web Applications site when you are finished.


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Exchange 2010 – Working with Certificates

KB ID 0000453


Exchange 2010 installs with it’s own (self signed) certificate. To stay free of security errors and warnings, the best bet is to purchase a “publicly signed” digital certificate and use that.

The following process uses the Exchange Management console to create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request). Then what to do with the certificate, when it has been sent back to you.


Certificate Vendors

Buy Your Exchange Certificates Here!


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HP MSA P2000 (G3) Error – ‘Unwritable write-back cache data exists for a volume’

KB ID 0000817 


Seen on a G3 P2000 SAN, the client had also had an MSA70 shelf, which contained a failed array. I was removing the MSA and after the job, this error was getting logged.

Unwritable write-back cache data exists for a volume (vdisk: unknown name, volume: unknown name, SN {Serial Number} it comprises {number}% of cache.


Essentially, there was data in the cache that needed writing to the array/vdisk, when it failed. If the volume was going to get repaired and brought back online the data would have got written back. However this volume was never coming back.

1. Connect to a controller via Telnet.

2. Issue the following command;

[box] clear cache [/box]

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HP MSA P2000 – Replacing a Failed Disk

KB ID 000087


If you have a disk fail in one of the volumes on your HP MSA SAN, this is the process for replacing it.

Note: Normal RAID rules apply, if you replace a 146GB drive with a 300GB drive, it will add it fine, but you will lose the difference.


1. Remove the failed drive, and replace with the new one.

2. Connect to the web cosole of the storage array. Select the MSA > Provisioning > Manage Global spares.

3. Tick the replacement drive > Modify Spares

Note: If you cannot see the drive, and/or it is flagged LEFTOVR it may have metadata on it that needs removing.

4. That’s it, the vdisk that HAD the failed drive will ‘claim’ the spare and rebuild, this may take a little time. After this process is finished, the vdisk will carry out a ‘Media Scub’ job.

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