Cisco WLC: EAP-TLS Secured Wireless with Certificate Services

KB ID 0001420


Ah certificates! If I had a pound for every time I’ve heard “I don’t like certificates”, I could retire! The following run through is broken down into the following parts;

Note: If you are scared of certificates, sometimes it’s easier to setup password (PEAP) Authentication, get that working then migrate to EAP-TLS, but I’ll leave that to you.


Setup The Cisco WLC (WLAN)

I’m assuming your WLC is deployed, and working, and all your AP’s are properly configured, we are simply going to add a RADIUS Server and configure a new wireless LAN to use that RADIUS server for authentication.


Log into the WLC web console > Security > AAA > RADIUS > authentication > New.

Specify the IP address of the RADIUS server and a shared secret (you will need to enter this on the Windows RADIUS server, so write it down!) > Apply.


WLAN > Create New > Go.

Specify a profile name, and SSID for the new WLAN  > Apply

Edit your new WLAN > Select  enabled. If your WLC has many VLANs/Interfaces select the one you want your wireless clients to egress on. Note: you can also turn off SSID broadcast if you wish, remember your GPO will need an additional setting if you do this.

Security > Layer 2  >Set the following;

  • Layer 2 Security: WPA+WPA2
  • WPA +WPA2 Parameters: WPA2 Policy-AES
  • Authentication Key Management: 802.1x


Security Tab > AAA Servers.

  • Authentication Servers: Enabled
  • Server1: {Your RADIUS Server}
  • EAP Parameters: Enable

Note: You may wish to scroll down, and remove Local and LDAP authentication methods, but you dont have to.

Click APPLY.


Save Configuration > OK > OK.


Network Access Protection is a server ‘Role‘, Launch Server Manager > Local Server > Manage >Add Roles and Features > If you get an initial welcome page, tick the box to ‘skip’ > Next > Accept the ‘Role based or feature based installation’ > Next > Next > Add ‘Network Policy and Access Server’ > Next > Add Features > Next > Next > Network Policy Server > Next Install.

Go and have a coffee, when complete  open administrative tools ‘Network Policy Server.’ Right click NPS > Register server in Active Directory.

Radius Clients > New > Enter a friendly name >Enter the IP address of the WLC > Enter, and confirm the shared secret you used above > OK.

Note: This may be a different IP to the management IP of the WLC, ensure you enter the correct IP that the AAA requests will be coming from.

Connection Request Policies > New > Give it a sensible name > Next.

Add > NAS Port Type > Wireless- IEEE 802.11 > Wireless Other > OK > OK.

Note: You don’t actually need ‘Wireless other’, I usually add it for Meraki and it’s force of habit.

Next > Next > Next.

Next > Finish.

Network Polices> New > Give it a sensible name > Next

Add > NAS Port Type > Wireless- IEEE 802.11 > Wireless Other > OK > OK.

Note: You don’t actually need ‘Wireless other’, I usually add it for Meraki and it’s force of habit.

Next > Access granted > Next.

Add > Microsoft Smart Card or Other certificate > OK

Note: If you wanted to use PEAP then then you would add this here instead!

Untick all the bottom options, (unless you are using PEAP, which would need MS-CHAP-v2) > Next.

Edit > Ensure the certificate information for the NAP server is correct > OK > Next.

Next > Nap Enforcement > Untick ‘Enable auto remediation…’ > Next.


Setup Certificate Auto Enrolment

Again I’m assuming you have a domain PKI/Certificate Services deployment already, if not, then follow the instructions in the post below;

Microsoft PKI Planning and Deploying Certificate Services

So rather than reinvent the wheel, I’ve already covered computer certificate auto enrolment, see the following article, then come back here when you are finished.

Deploying Certificates via ‘Auto Enrolment’

At this point: You might want to connect to the WLAN manually to make sure everything is OK before deploying the settings via GPO!

Deploy Wireless Settings via Group Policy

Remember this is a Computer Policy, so it needs to link to an OU that has computer (not user) in it, create and link a new GPO > then give it a sensible name. 

Edit the GPO.

Navigate to: Computer Configuration > Policies > Window Settings > Security Settings > Wireless Network (IEEE 802.11) Policies > Create A New Wireless Network Policy for Windows Vista and Later Releases.

Give it a name > Add > Infrastructure > Supply the Profile name and SSID, (I keep them the same to avoid confusion).

Note: As mentioned above, if you are not Broadcasting the SSID, then also tick the bottom option also.

Security Tab: Authentication = WPA2 Enterprise > Encryption = AES > Change Authentication Method to Microsoft Smart Card or other certificate > Properties > In here you can choose to verify the NAP server via its certificate, if you do then locate and tick your CA server cert in the list (as shown). Though I do not ‘verify the servers identity…’ So I would untick this option (your choice) > OK > OK > Close the Policy Editor.

Then either wait fo the policy to apply for force it.

Windows – Forcing Domain Group Policy

Troubleshooting RADIUS Authentication

On the NAP server in C:\Windows\System32\Logfiles you can find the RADIUS logs they look like INI{number}

You can also use the Event Log (Security Log) and there’s a dedicated logging section under Windows Logs. In extreme cases install Wireshark on the NAP server and scan for traffic from your WLC

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Configure Wireless Network Stings via Group Policy

Windows ‘Always On’ VPN Part 2 (NPS, RAS, and Clients)

KB ID 0001403


Back in Part One, we setup the AD (Groups,) and the Certificate services that will knit everything together. Now we need to configure an NPS server that acts as a RADIUS server for our remote clients, And a RAS Server that our remote clients will connect to.

Step1: Network Setup

Microsoft have an alarming habit of telling you to connect DMZ assets to the LAN. In their defence I’ve seen some documentation where theres is a firewall in front and behind their RAS/VPN server, but then you keep reading and they refer to the NIC on the LAN and the NIC in the DMZ. As you can tell I’m not a fan, I prefer to have an un-authenticated and an authenticated DMZ, and neither of them are connected to the LAN, So then I can control what can, and cannot flow between the DMZs and the LAN.

My way means I have to allow more ports for domain membership etc, but, if you have a Cisco ASA I’ve covered that in the following article,

Cisco ASA – Allowing Domain Trusts, and Authentication

As for the VPNs and RADIUS you need to allow the following;

From Outside to the RAS Server

  • UDP 500 (ISAKMP)
  • UDP 4500 (NAT Traversal)

From the RAS Server to the NPS/NAP Server

  • UDP 1812 (RADIUS Authentication)
  • UDP 1813 (RADIUS Accounting)
  • UDP 1645 (RADIUS Authentication)
  • UDP 1646 (RADIUS Accounting)

Quite why it needs both pairs or RADIUS ports I’m unsure, I’ve not scanned or packet captured the traffic, but I’m wiling to bet it really only needs 1812/1813 or 1645/1646.

Step2: Install NPS

Server Manager > Manage > Add Roles and Features > Network Policy and Access Services > Complete the wizard accepting the defaults.

Administrative tools > Network Policy Server > Right click NPS (Local) > Register in Active Directory > OK.

Even though its not setup yet, we need to create our RAS server as a RADIUS client > RADIUS Clients > New.

Friendly Name: A sensible name that identifies the RAS server

IP: IP of the RAS server (On the LAN segment)

Shared Secret: Generate a new one and copy it to the clipboard, (you will need it in a minute.)

On the main page, ensure ‘RADIUS server for Dial-Up or VPN Connections’ is selected‘ > Configure VPN or Dial-Up.

Select ‘Virtual Private Network (NPS) Connections > Next > Ensure the RADIUS server you have just created is listed > Next > Ensure ONLY ‘Extensible Authentication protocol’ is ticked > Change its value to Microsoft Protected EAP (PEAP) > Configure.

EAP Types: Remove the one that is listed by default > Add in ‘Smart card or other certificate’ > OK > Under Groups make sure sure you have ONLY added the group you created back in part one > Next > Next.

Next > Next > Finish.

Your connection request policies should look like this.

Your network policies should look like this.

Step 3: Setup RAS

Server Manager > Manage > Add roles and Features > Next > Next > Next > Remote Access > Next.

Select DirectAccess and RAS > Finish the wizard accepting the defaults.

Open the Getting Started Wizard > Select VPN Only.

Administrative Tools > Routing and Remote Access > Right click {server-name} > Configure and enable Routing and Remote Access > Next  > Custom configuration.

VPN Access > Next > Finish > Start service.

Once again right click {server-name} > Properties > IPv4 > Note: If you are not going to use your internal DHCP server/scope, then you can set one up manually (as shown) > Ensure ‘Enable broadcast name resolution’ is selected, and the RAS servers internal/LAN interface is selected > Apply.

Security Tab:  Authentication provider  = RADIUS Authentication  > Configure > Add > Enter the IP of the NPS server > Change > Paste in the shared secret you copied, (above) > OK > OK. 

Repeat the same procedure for Accounting provider, (below).

Drill down to ‘Ports’ > Right Click  > Properties > Select SSTP > Configure > Remove the tick from ‘Remote access connections (inbound only) > OK. Repeat this procedure for ALL the protocols EXCEPT IKEv2, (So when finished, only IKEv2 is set to accept incoming requests).

Step 4: Configure Reference Windows 10 Machine

On a Windows 10 machine* Launch the ‘Change virtual private networks.

*Note: Your logged on user, must have a certificate issued to them, and be a member of the AD group we created earlier. 

Add a VPN Connector.

  • VPN Provider: Windows (Built-in).
  • Connection Name: Connection-Template.
  • Server Name or address: (The ‘public’ name we put on the certificate on the RAS server).

Change Adapter options.

Right click the VPN connection > Properties.

Security Tab:

  • Type of VPN: IKEv2
  • Data Encryption: Maximum
  • Use Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)
  • Properties > Enter the name on the certificate on your NAP Server, (I know that does not make sense trust me!)
  • Tick your Root CA Cert for the domain.
  • Select ‘Don’t prompt user to authorise new servers or new authorities’.

Connect your VPN to test it.

Make sure everything works.

Note: I had some DNS resolution problems, see the post below to find out how I fixed them;

Windows 10: Remote VPN Client Cannot Resolve Domain DNS

Now you need to ‘capture’ all those settings so you can give them to your other clients. To do that you need a copy of the PowerShell script MakeProfile.ps1 You will need to edit the script a little, see the example below. Running the script will output two files to the desktop, an PowerShell Script and an XML file

Step 5: Deploying the Settings

At the time of writing you can deploy these settings via three methods, PowerShell Script, SCCM, or Microsoft Intune. I’m simply going to run the PowerShell Script, there are a few restrictions though, you have to be logged on as the particular user. They need administrative rights to run the script, which is a bit of a pain, you can use restricted groups and set the powershell to run at logon with group policy, then remove the policy when configured, but it’s still a bit of a drama. Below I’m simply running the VPN_Profile.ps1 file I generated above.

Now once the user logs in, (and has a valid remote internet connection.) The remote client will auto-connect.

That covers USER tunnels, you can also, (Post 1709 Windows 10 Builds,) have DEVICE tunnels. Which I would write a part three about, but I simply cannot get them to work, so I’m waiting for the bugs to be ironed out, and I will revisit it at some point in the future.

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HP MSM Controller – Using RADIUS With Windows Server

KB ID 0000922 


I’m very disappointed with HP, theres next to no information on how to do this. My plan was to secure wireless access with certificates, so only clients with a valid digital certificate could authenticate and connect to the wireless. After spending nearly a whole day on the phone to various technical support departments at HP, this remained an impossible requirement!

In the end, as the client only had a few laptops for wireless access, we had to set NPS to allow access to domain users, then filter the devices that were allowed on the MSM controller via MAC address.


1. Launch Server Manager (Servermanager.msc) Roles > Add Roles > Network Policy and Access Services > Next.

2. Accept the defaults, but on the Role Services page select ‘Network Policy Server’.

3. Expand Network Policy and Access Services > Right click NPS (Local) > Register in Active Directory > Accept the defaults.

4. Expand RADIUS Client and Servers > RADIUS Clients > New.

5. Specify a name > The IP address of the MSM controller > type in a shared secret and confirm it (this can be anything but remember it, as you need to enter it on the controller later > OK.

6. Expand Policies > Network Policies > New.

7. Give it a name > Next.

8. Add in Windows Groups and select the user group you wish to grant access to > OK > Add > Next.

9. Add in ‘Microsoft Protected EAP (PEAP)’ > OK > Next.

10. Move your newly created policy to the top.

11. Now create a new ‘Connection Request Policy’.

12. Add in NAS Port Type > Select Ethernet and Wireless – IEEE 802.11 > OK > Next.

13. Move your new policy to the top.

14. Log into the MSM > Home > Authentication > RADIUS Profiles > Add New Profile.

15. Give the policy a name > Enter the IP address of the NPS server > Then type in the shared secret, (you created in step 5.) > Save.

16. On the VSC for the wireless network you want to enable RADIUS for > Set Wireless protection to WPA > Mode to WPA2 (AES/CCMP) > Key source to Dynamic > Your RADIUS profile should be added automatically > Save.


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Cisco ISE – Basic 802.1x With Windows Part Two – Configuring 802.1x Policies

KB ID 0001075 D


Back in Part One, we joined Cisco ISE to Active Directory, now we we will take the built in ISE policies and change them. This will allow our clients to authenticate, with the correct protocols.


1. By default ISE will use pretty much any available protocol, we are going to use PEAP, although I’m also going to allow EAPTLS (it’s more secure and if I start rolling out certificates I’ve already got it available). Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authentication > Allowed Protocols > Add > Give the protocol set a name > Allow EAPTLS and PEAP.

2. Policy > Authentication > There will be three built in, one for MAB and one for 802.1x, and a ‘catch all’ rule at the end. Edit the MAB rule.

3. Click the cross next to ‘Internal Endpoints’.

4. Change the options, (top to bottom) to; Continue, Continue, and Drop.

5. Now edit the Dot1x policy.

6. Set the identity source to the Active Directory you configured in part one. Ensure the options are set (top to bottom) to; Reject, Reject, and drop.

7. Finally change the ‘Allowed Protocol’ to the set you created in step 1. Then click ‘Save’.

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Cisco ISE – Basic 802.1x With WindowsPart Four – Configuring The Windows Clients (Supplicants)

KB ID 0001083 


Back in Part Three we setup the switches ready to plug in our clients. I’m going to configure the Windows clients by Group Policy. But I suggest you carry out tests using single Windows clients and LOCAL policy until you know you have everything setup correctly.

WARNING: Rolling this out without adequate testing, can resolve in all your Windows clients falling off the network


1. On a DC or a machine with the AD management tools installed, open the group management console. Either edit an existing policy or create and link a policy to the OU that contains your client computers.

2. Navigate to;

[box]Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Wired Network (IEEE 802.1x) Policies[/box]

Create A New Wired Network Policy for Windows Vista and Later Releases.

3. Configure the following;

General Tab

  • Policy Name: Give the policy a name
  • Description: Optional
  • Use Windows Wired Auto Config service for clients. (Ticked)

Security Tab

  • Enable use of IEEE 802.1X authentication for network access. (Ticked)
  • Select a network authentication method: Microsoft Protected EAP (PEAP)
  • Authentication Mode: User or computer authentication
  • Properties (optional in case you ever use TLS) Add in your Root CA Cert

4. Navigate to;

[box]Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > System Services > Wired AutoConfig[/box]

Define the policy and set the startup type to ‘Automatic’.

5. Now when you connect a client to a properley configured switch port it will authenticate before if is allowed to join the network. If the machine is not a domain PC, or 802.1x fails then it will get an authentication failed remark on its network card.

6. OPTIONAL: We have setup 802.1x now, but it is also worth adding RADIUS to the ISE profiling configuration.

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