Testing Your Email AntiSpam and AntiVirus Systems

KB ID 0000972 


I’ve known about the Eicar test virus ever since I started installing CSC modules. But until recently I didn’t realise you could test your AntiSpam system as well.


Test Your AntiVirus Device/Software

1. Open a text editor and paste in the following text, (make sure you don’t add any extra spaces or formatting).


2. Save the file as eicar.com (Note: If using notepad (as below), change the file type to ‘all files’, so it does not save as eicar.com.txt).

2. Then simply email that file to the recipient mailbox that is protected by the system you want to test.

Test Your AntiSpam Device/Software

1. Compose a new email message and and paste in the following text into the body of the message, (make sure you don’t add any extra spaces or formatting).


2. Then simply send that email to the recipient mailbox that is protected by the system you want to test.

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Windows – Printing Folder Listings

KB ID 0000222


You might simply want a record of your .mp3 collection, or a print out of all your users home drives. Whatever the reason sometimes you just want what’s on the screen on paper, yes you could screen shot and print it, but if you want the text to put in a report that’s not going to help.


In my example I have a folder on my C: drive called “PetesFolder”

1. To open a command Window, Click Start > In the Search/Run box type cmd {enter}

2. Change to the directory we want, with a “cd c:petesfolder” command.

3. Issue the following command “dir | clip” Note:That’s a pipe symbol, on a UK keyboard its above the backslash.

4. Now Open Notepad and select Edit > Paste.

Click for Larger

Note: If there’s to much info try “dir /b | clip” instead.

Printing Folder Structures.

To do the same for printing folders within folders and their hierarchy use the “tree” command instead of the dir command, e.g.

Will give you..

Click for Larger

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IIS: How to Create a Certificate Request

KB ID 0000840 


If you would like to obtain a digital certificate either from your own CA, or from a public certificate vendor, you need to submit a certificate signing request (csr) first.


Note: I’m making the assumption you have already installed the Web Server (IIS) role on your server.

1. Windows Key+R > iis.msc {Enter} > Select the servername > Server Certificates.

2. Create Certificate Request > Fill in the details > Next.

Note: The Common name will be the name on the certificate, e.g. If this certificate is going to secure https://sitea.domain.com then the common name would be sitea.domain.com.

3. Note: For IIS generally 1024 bits will be fine, but I suggest you use a 2048 bit length > Next.

4. Select a location to save the request and give it a sensible name > Finish.

5. Here is your certificate request in PIM format, you can copy and paste this text into your certificate request.

6. Go Here to get a web server certificate.

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Windows – Cannot Save the ‘Hosts file’

KB ID 0000674 


Windows did this with Windows 7 (and Vista). If you attempt to edit the hosts file you will see the following.

You don’t have permission to save in this location. Contact the administrator to obtain permission. Would you like to save in the My Documents folder instead?


1. You could run an admin command window, and use the EDIT command, but Notepad is easier. Open the Apps page (Windows Key+Q) > Locate Notepad and right click it > Run as Administrator.

Note: YES Even if you are logged in as an administrator.

2. Now you can open the hosts file (make sure you change the file type to all files or notepad wont see it!). And you can then edit the file and save the changes.


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