Get Free Cisco AnyConnect Licences For COVID-19 Homeworkers

KB ID 0001661


Cisco released information on their blog a few days ago to say that they would be offering free Umbrella, Duo and AnyConnect Licences to customers in the wake of the the COVID-19 outbreak.

Thats great news, but there’s no information on how to get the AnyConnect licences. It just says speak to your Cisco partner. As I am a Cisco partner I was confused, and it seems my colleagues were also. So I contacted Cisco Partner help, who passed me to licensing, who passed me to Cisco TAC, who opened a call. 24 hours later still no reply. Luckily by this time a colleague had managed to set this up for a client, and he pointed me in the right direction, (cheers Trev!)


Note: This procedure DOES NOT work for vASA or FTD. You can email Subject: ‘COVID-19 AnyConnect License Request’. Provide your platform information, and smart account details, and they will provision licenses for your account that you can then assign via the usual methods.

Note: I exclusively work at command line, I realise some people are terrified of doing this, so if you want to work with activation keys and serial numbers in the ASDM then read this post.

Log into your Cisco Device (in my case a Cisco ASA) and get the serial number. (Issue a show version command).

Note: I would also take a copy of the Activation Key at this point paste it into Notepad and keep it somewhere safe.

Also from the show version command you will see I only have the factory default 2 AnyConnect premium licences.

You will need a Cisco CCO account, these are free to setup and once you have one you can log into the licensing portal, from there, (either using classic licences or SMART licences) > Get Licences > Demo and Evaluation > Security Products > AnyConnect Plus/Apex(ASA) Demo Licence and Emergency COVID-19 Licence > Next.

Enter the Serial Number of your ASA (from above), Here I asked for 10 users, you will get the maximum for your model of ASA, if you don’t know what the maximum is see this article > Next.

Review > Next.

You will get sent the licence by email, (this has a habit of going into spam!) But I download them directly anyway.

Heres you new activation key, copy it to the clipboard;

Excute the following commands;


Petes-ASA# configure terminal
Petes-ASA(config)# activation-key a27ed158 406176b7 799f41f2 6184be43 12345678
Validating activation key. This may take a few minutes...
The requested key is a timebased key and is activated, it has 91 days remaining.


Now if you recheck your AnyConnect Licence count, it will match the maximum for your hardware.

I Need More! Sorry buddy, you need to replace the hardware with a larger one.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

AnyConnect 4 – Plus and Apex Licensing Explained

Cisco ASA 5500 AnyConnect Setup From Command Line

Deploy Cisco FirePOWER Management Center (Appliance)

KB ID 0001263


You have been able to manage your firewalls Internal SFR module for  while using the ASDM

Setup FirePOWER Services (for ASDM)

For most people that’s fine, but if you have a lot of FirePOWER devices to manage that does not scale well. In those cases you should use theFMC  (FirePOWER Management Center). Here ‘Im going to use the Vmware virtual appliance, (at time of writing there is no Hyper-V version).

This lets you create policies centrally and then deploy them to your devices in bulk.


Deploy the FirePOWER Management Center Appliance

Obviously before you start you need to have VMware (ESX or vCenter). With 250GB of storage free, (you can deploy it thin provisioned). You will also need to allocate 8GB of RAM and 4 virtual CPUs. Whichever network (or VMware port Group) you connect the appliance to it needs to have IP connectivity to the devices you intend to manage.

Download the FMC Appliance: Be aware it downloads in tar.gz format so on a Windows machine you will need something like 7Zip to uncompress the files. You WONT find the file under the firewalls, they are listed under;

Downloads > Produces > Security > Firewalls > Firewall Management > Firepower Management Center Virtual Appliance

Make Sure: You download the same version that is installed on the modules you want to manage! (‘show module’ on the ASA will yell you).

Get the files extracted and on a machine that you can access your VMware infrastructure from;

The appliance comes in OVF format if you are unsure how to import an OVF file see the following article;

VMware vSphere – How to Import and Export OVF and OVA Files

You will need to accept the EULA, then set the admin password, and some basic IP settings.

I’ve got IPv6 disabled, if you want to address the appliance with IPv6 enter the details here.

Even after the appliance has been imported and powered on it can take 20-30 minutes before you can log on. At this point I would go and do something else. If you really must, then open a ‘console’ session and wait until the logon prompt is shown. You can then logon to the web portal.

Go to System > Updates > Download and install any updates > Visit both the ‘Rule Updates’ and the ‘Geolocation Updates’ tabs and set a time to download them.

Don’t Install the licences Just Yet! Add your devices to the FMC first, then if there’s a problem and you need to rebuild/redeploy, you don’t have to go cap in hand to Cisco licensing to get the licences re-armed. To add the SFR devices see the following article;

Cisco Add FirePOWER Module to FirePOWER Management Center

Network Discovery: Older version of the FMC used to only look for RFC 1918  IP ranges, This was changed at some point to so you couldn’t misconfigure the system by having a private address space internally for example. This was a good idea but Ive seen some firewalls fall over trying to run discovery on every IP address they see!  So lets manually add in our subnets. Objects > Object Management > Add Network > Add Object > Add one for you internal network(s).

Policies > Network Discovery > Remove the Rule.

Create a new discovery rule using just your subnet(s).


Adding Licences To FirePOWER Management Center

You used to have to licence the appliance itself, after version 6 you don’t need to do that, if you have a licence and you try and apply it nothing happens and you just see this message;

Note: FireSIGHT is the old name for FirePOWER Management Center.

What Licences do I need to Add? Your Next Generation Firewalls now come with a ‘CONTROL LICENSE‘ in the box, it is in a large white card envelope, you don’t need to open it the number you need is on the front of the envelope. You add a control licence for every device you want to manage (they do not expire).

System > Licences > Classic Licenses > You need to take a note of the ‘Licence Key’, (which is the MAC address of the appliance with a 66 in front of it). This is the serial number you need to enter on the Cisco licensing portal.

When you get the licence back, if you open it in a text editor, it will look like this (its essentially a digital certificate). Copy everything from ‘— BEGIN‘ to ‘License —‘ 

Paste in the text > Submit License.

Repeat for each licence (IDS, AMP, URL Filtering ,etc)

You will also need to allocate the licenses to devices. Devices > Device Management Select the Device in question > Edit.

Device > License Section >Edit > Allocate accordingly.

Configuring FirePOWER Intrusion Policy

To use an intrusion policy the devices each need a ‘Protection‘ licence. Note: You get a protection licence now automatically when you add a CONTROL licence, but you still need to pay a subscription to legally obtain the updates.

Policies > Access control > Intrusion > Create Policy.

Give the policy a recognisable name > Create and Edit policy.

The policy it creates is based on the ‘Balances Security and Connectivity’ Template. You might want to add a few extra rules > Rules > Blacklist > Select All.

Rule State > Drop and Generate Events.

Repeat for ‘Malware’. Note: This does NOT require and AMP licence@

Repeat for  PUA (Probably Unwanted Applications).

Repeat for ‘Indicator Compromise‘.

Repeat for ‘Exploit Kit‘.

Search for ‘1201’ and locate the ‘INDICATOR-COMPROMISE 403 Forbidden’ rule and DISABLE IT.

Policy Information > Commit Changes > OK.

Note: To be used, the Intrusion policy needs to be declared in an Access control policy (or set as a Default Action).

Also in the Access Policy set the logging to ‘Log at the end of connection‘.

As mentioned above you can also set it as the ‘Default Action‘.

Configuring FirePOWER AMP and File Policy

You need an AMP, (subscription based licence) to enable the ‘Malware Cloud Lookup, or Block Malware‘ Actions, but you can have a file policy and block specific file types.

Polices > Access Control > Malware and File > New File Policy.

Give the policy a name you will remember > Save.

Action = Malware Cloud lookup > Add in the files you want to scan > Below I’ve set it to store unknown files > Save.

Then create another rule below that that detects all files.

As above the file policy wont be applied to anything unless you specify it in an access policy.

In the rule also set the logging to ‘log at the end of connection’.


Configuring FirePOWER URL Filtering Policy

You need to have a URL filtering licence allocated to the devices you want to use this policy on.

Unlike File policies and Intrusion policies, URL filtering is configured directly on your Access Control policy > Add Rule.

Here’s an example of blocking some categories you don’t want viable in tour organisation.

In a rule that only has URL filtering set the login to ‘Log at the beginning of the conneciton‘.


When done, don’t forget to ‘Deploy‘ the new policy to your managed devices. Deploy > Select Devices > Deploy.

hen Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links


Cisco AnyConnect – Essentials / Premium Licenses. Explained

KB ID 0000628 


Note: With Anyconnect 4 Cisco now use Plus and Apex AnyConnect licensing.

When Cisco released the 8.2 version of the ASA code, they changed their licensing model for AnyConnect Licenses. There are two licensing models, Premium and Essentials.


Cisco ASA AnyConnect Premium Licenses.

You get two of these free with your firewall*, with a ‘Premium License’ you can use the AnyConnect client software for remote VPN Access, and you can access Clientless SSL facilities via the web portal.

*As pointed out by @nhomsany “The two default premium licenses available are NOT cross-platform, (i.e. only Mac or Windows).

Additionally you can use this license’ model with the Advanced Endpoint Assessment License’, this is the license’ you require for Cisco Secure Desktop. You can also use this license’ with the AnyConnect Mobile license’ for access from mobile devices like phones or tablets, (both these licenses are an additional purchase).

For most people wishing to buy extra AnyConnect licensing, this will be the one you want. Their type and size differ depending on the ASA platform in question, e.g. the 5505 premium licenses. are available as 10 session and 25 session licenses. the 5510 are in 10, 25, 50, 100 and 250 Sessions. (Note: These are correct for version 8.4 and are subject to change, check with your re seller).

Failover: If you are using failover firewalls you can (but don’t have to) use a shared license’ model, this lets you purchase a bundle of Premium licenses. and share them across multiple pieces of hardware, This requires an ASA to be setup as the license’ server’. Before version 8.3 you needed to purchase licenses for both firewalls. After version 8.3, Cisco allowed the licenses. to be replicated between firewalls in a failover pair. The exception is Active/Active where the amount of licenses. is aggregated together from both firewalls and ALL are available providing the figure does not exceed the maximum for the hardware being used.

Cisco ASA AnyConnect Essential Licenses

When you enable ‘Essential Licensing’, your firewall changes it’s licensing model and the two Premium licenses. you get with it are disabled*. The Firewall will then ONLY accept AnyConnect connections from the AnyConnect VPN client software.

Note: The portal still exists, but can only be used to download the AnyConnect Client Software.

With Essentials licensing enabled, the firewall will then accept the maximum VPN sessions it can support for that hardware version (see here), without the need to keep adding licenses.

Note: Remember these are “Peer VPN Sessions”. If you have a bunch of other VPN’s (including IPSEC ones), then these are taken from the ‘pot’.

Additionally, you can also use this license’ with the AnyConnect Mobile license’ for access from mobile devices like phones or tablets, this license’ is an additional purchase.

Failover: Prior to version 8.3, if you have failover firewalls and are using Essentials licenses you need to purchase an Essentials license’ for BOTH firewalls. After version 8.3 Cisco allowed the licenses. to be replicated between firewalls in a failover pair.

Cisco ASA Maximum VPN Peers / Sessions

5505 = 25
5510 = 250
5520 = 750
5540 = 5,000
5550 = 5,000
5580 = 10,000

Next Generation Platform (X)

5512-X = 250
5515-X = 250
5525-X = 750
5545-X = 2500
5555-X = 5000
5585-X = 10,000

*To re-enable the built in Premium Licenses. you need to disable Essentials licensing by using the ‘no anyconnect-essentials” command or in the ASDM> Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Network (Client) Access > Advanced > AnyConnect Essentials.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Cisco ASA5500 AnyConnect SSL VPN 

Cisco AnyConnect Mobility License’

Cisco ASA 5500 – Adding Licenses


Cisco AnyConnect Error (iPhone)

KB ID 0000362


While using the Apple/Cisco Anyconnect App/Client you receive the following error.


The secure gateway has rejected the agent’s VPN request. A New connection requires re-authentication and must be started manually. Please contact your network administrator if this problem persists.
The following message was received from the security gateway: No License.



The most pertinent information above is the last two words of the error message “No License”

This DOES NOT mean you have ran out of SSL/AnyConnect Licences!

This licence is a “One Off” purchase and will enable the feature on your ASA, be aware the licence is different for each model make sure you purchase the correct one!

AnyConnect Mobile, (or AnyConnect for Mobile) licence details can be found at Cisco’s website Below is the section we are interested in.

Update 2017: Applying a modern AnyConnect (v4) licence, will also enable the mobile feature as well.

Once the correct licences are installed this is what it SHOULD look liike.


Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Cisco ASA 5500 – Adding Licenses

Android AnyConnect Error

Android AnyConnect Error

KB ID 0000537


While using the Android/Cisco Anyconnect App/Client you receive the following error.


The secure gateway has rejected the agent’s VPN request. A New connection requires re-authentication and must be started manually. Please contact your network administrator if this problem persists.
The following message was received from the security gateway: No License.


The most pertinent information above is the last two words of the error message “No License”

This DOES NOT mean you have ran out of SSL/AnyConnect Licences!

This licence is a “One Off” purchase and will enable the feature on your ASA, be aware the licence is different for each model make sure you purchase the correct one!

AnyConnect Mobile, (or AnyConnect for Mobile) licence details can be found at Cisco’s website Below is the section we are interested in.

Once the correct licences are installed this is what it SHOULD look liike.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Cisco ASA 5500 – Adding Licenses

Cisco AnyConnect Error (iPhone)

Replace an ASA 5505 with an ASA 5506-X

KB ID 0001091 


Given the amount of ASA work I do it’s surprising that the first time I saw an ASA 5506-X was last week (I’ve been working on larger firewalls for a while). I’m probably going to have to do a few of these over the next couple of years so I’ll update this article as things surface.


Q: Can I just copy the config from an ASA 5505 to an ASA 5506-X?

A: No, that would be nice, truth be told if the 5505 is running an OS newer than 8.3, about 90% of the config can be copy/pasted if you know what you are doing.

The ASA 5506 Interfaces are different.

  • Unlike its predecessor (and just about all other Cisco equipment), the interfaces start at number 1 (the 5505 starts at 0).
  • The 5506 Interfaces are the opposite way round (left to right).
  • The 5506 has IP addresses applied to its physical interfaces. Where as the 5505 had IP addresses applied to VLANs and then the physical interfaces were added to the appropriate VLAN. Note: the 5506 still supports VLANs, (5 or 30 with a security plus license).*

*UPDATE: After version 9.7 This has changed (on the 5506-X) See the following article for an explanation;

Cisco ASA 5506-X: Bridged BVI Interface

So let’s say your 5505 has three interfaces called inside, outside, and DMZ, (yours might have different names, and you may only have two,) the relevant parts of the 5505 config would be;


 ASA 5505 VLAN and Physical Interface configuration

interface Vlan1
 nameif inside
 security-level 100
 ip address
 interface Vlan2
 nameif outside
 security-level 0
 ip address
 interface Vlan3
 nameif DMZ
 security-level 50
 ip address
 interface Ethernet0/0
 switchport access vlan 2
 interface Ethernet0/1
 interface Ethernet0/2
 switchport access vlan 3
 interface Ethernet0/3
 interface Ethernet0/4
 interface Ethernet0/5
 interface Ethernet0/6
 interface Ethernet0/7


VLAN Note: You might be wondering why no ports have been put into VLAN 1? By default all ports are in VLAN 1, So above, ports 0/1 and 0/3 to 0/7 are all in VLAN 1.

Outside IP Note: Yours may say ‘dhcp setroute’ if it does not have a static IP , that’s fine.

To convert that (Assuming you are NOT going to use the BVI interface, (see link above!);


ASA 5506-X Physical Interface configuration

interface GigabitEthernet1/1
 nameif outside
 security-level 0
 ip address
 interface GigabitEthernet1/2
 nameif inside
 security-level 100
 ip address
 interface GigabitEthernet1/3
 nameif DMZ
 security-level 50
 ip address


AnyConnect Has Changed

If you use AnyConnect then prepare for a little hand wringing. The 5505 could support up to 25 SSL VPN connections. On a 5506 they are actually called AnyConnect now, and it supports up to 50.

There is no Essentials license for a 5506-X! Don’t bother looking, you need to get your head into AnyConnect 4 licensing, I’ve already written about that at length.

AnyConnect 4 – Plus and Apex Licensing Explained

Q: Does this mean I can’t use my AnyConnect 3 (or earlier) packages in the new 5506?

A: Yes you can, but you will only get two connections, unless you purchase additional Apex/Plus licensing.

I’m working on the assumption that we are going to load in the AnyConnect 4 packages and use those. With that in mind if anyone manages to get them added to their Cisco profile without the ‘Additional Entitlement Required’ then contact me, and let me know how, (link at bottom). I have to ring Cisco and use my employers partner status to get the client software 🙁

In addition to getting new AnyConnect Packages and loading them into the new 5506. If you have an anyconnect XML profile, that will also need copying into the new firewalls flash drive before you can paste the AnyConnect settings in.

Below you can see I’ve got a profile on my 5505.

Tools > File Transfer > File Transfer > Between Local PC and Flash. (Do the reverse to get the file(s) into the new 5506).

Note: You can also do this from CLI by copying the file to a TFTP server.

Below is a typical AnyConnect config from an ASA 5505, I’ve highlighted the lines that will cause you problems.


ip local pool ANYCONNECT-POOL mask
 enable outside
 anyconnect-essentials <-REMOVE THIS IT'S OBSOLETE
 anyconnect-win-3.1.05152-k9.pkg 1 <-REPLACE WITH ANYCONNECT 4
 anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-macosx-i386-3.1.04063-k9.pkg 2 <-REPLACE WITH ANYCONNECT 4 
 anyconnect profiles SSL-VPN-POLICY disk0:/PeteNetLive-Profile.xml <-COPY OVER FIRST
 anyconnect enable
 tunnel-group-list enable
access-list SPLIT-TUNNEL standard permit

group-policy GroupPolicy_ANYCONNECT-PROFILE internal
group-policy GroupPolicy_ANYCONNECT-PROFILE attributes
 vpn-tunnel-protocol ssl-client
 dns-server value
 wins-server none
 split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
 split-tunnel-network-list value SPLIT-TUNNEL
 default-domain value
 split-tunnel-all-dns enable
  anyconnect profiles value SSL-VPN-POLICY type user
tunnel-group ANYCONNECT-PROFILE type remote-access
tunnel-group ANYCONNECT-PROFILE general-attributes
 default-group-policy GroupPolicy_ANYCONNECT-PROFILE
 address-pool ANYCONNECT-POOL
tunnel-group ANYCONNECT-PROFILE webvpn-attributes
 group-alias ANYCONNECT-PROFILE enable
nat (inside,outside) 2 source static any any destination static OBJ-ANYCONNECT-SUBNET
 OBJ-ANYCONNECT-SUBNET no-proxy-arp route-lookup


ASA Transferring Certificates From One ASA to Another

I appreciate a lot of you wont be using certificates, and even if you use AnyConnect you just put up with the certificate error. That’s fine, but do me a favor? Before you do anything else go and generate the RSA keys on your new 5506 before you do anything else, (people forgetting to do this has cause me a LOT of grief over the years). So set the host name, domain-name, and then generate the keys like so;


ciscoasa# configure terminal
Petes-ASA(config)# hostname Petes-ASA
Petes-ASA(config)# domain-name
Petes-ASA(config)# crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048

INFO: The name for the keys will be: <Default-RSA-Key>
Keypair generation process begin. Please wait...


OK, so if you are still reading this section, then you have at least one certificate, that you need to move to the new firewall. For each scenario here’s what I recommend you do;

Self Signed Certificate from your own PKI / CA Server : Just generate a new cert for the new firewall and import it the same as you did on the old firewall

Externally / Publicly signed certificate that you have paid for: This we will need to export then import onto the new 5506. (Note: If there’s not much time left to run on the validity, it may be easier to get onto the certificate vendor and have a new one reissued to save you having to replace it in a couple of months – just a thought).

If you have purchased a certificate you will have already gone though the process below;

Cisco ASA 5500 – Using a Third Party Digital Certificate

The easiest option for you is to go where you purchased the cert, download it again, and import it into the new firewall. But here’s where you find out you forgot the username and password you used, or the guy who sorted this out has left the company etc. If that is the case all is not lost. You can export an identity certificate, either from the ADSM;

Cisco ASA Export Certificates From ASDM

Configuration > Device Management > Certificate Management > Identity Certificates > Select the certificate > Export > Choose a location and a ‘pass-phrase’.

Cisco ASA Export Certificates From Command Line.

To do the same at CLI the procedure is as follows;


Get Your Trustpoint(s) Names

Petes-ASA# show crypto ca trustpoints 

Trustpoint ASDM_TrustPoint0:
    Not authenticated.

Trustpoint PNL-Trustpoint-1:
    Subject Name:
          Serial Number: 5ec427e4910fa2bf47e1269e7fdd7081
    Certificate configured.

Then Export the Certificate(s) for that Trustpoint

Petes-ASA# configure terminal
Petes-ASA(config)# crypto ca export PNL-Trustpoint-1 pkcs12 Password123

Exported pkcs12 follows:
-----BEGIN PKCS12-----


-----END PKCS12-----


Cisco ASA Import Certificates From ASDM

Configuration > Device Management > Certificate Management > Identity Certificates > Add > Use the same Trustpoint name as the source firewall > Browse the file you exported earlier > Enter the passphrase > Add Certificate.

Cisco ASA Import Certificates From Command Line.

To do the same at CLI the procedure is as follows, Note: You need to paste in the text from the output.


Petes-ASA# configure terminal
Petes-ASA(config)# crypto ca import PNL-Trustpoint-1 pkcs12 Password123

Enter the base 64 encoded pkcs12.
End with the word "quit" on a line by itself:
-----BEGIN PKCS12-----


-----END PKCS12-----

INFO: Import PKCS12 operation completed successfully



Assorted Firewall Migration ‘Gotchas’

Time (Clock Setting)

If you do any AAA via Kerberos or LDAP, then not having the time correct on the new ASA might get you locked out of it. I would always suggest setting up NTP so do that before you restart.

Cisco ASA – Configuring for NTP

ARP Cache

Not on the ASA, but on the devices the ASA is connecting to, (routers and switches etc). Unplug an ASA 5505 and plug in an ASA 5506, and nine times out of ten you will not get comms. This is because the device you are connecting to has cached the MAC address of the old firewall in its ARP cache. So either reboot the device, (or it thats not practical, lower the ARP cache to about 30 seconds).


ASA 5505 to 5506 Config To Copy And Paste

Below I’ll put a full config for an ASA 5505. If the text is normal,the commands can be copy and pasted directly into the new firewall. If the text is RED, then you can NOT, and I will have outlined the problems above.



hostname Petes-ASA
 enable password H4ejVQF2DI/W9sLZ encrypted
 xlate per-session deny tcp any4 any4
 xlate per-session deny tcp any4 any6
 xlate per-session deny tcp any6 any4
 xlate per-session deny tcp any6 any6
 xlate per-session deny udp any4 any4 eq domain
 xlate per-session deny udp any4 any6 eq domain
 xlate per-session deny udp any6 any4 eq domain
 xlate per-session deny udp any6 any6 eq domain
 passwd 2GFQnbJIdI.2KYOU encrypted
 interface Ethernet0/0
 switchport access vlan 2
 interface Ethernet0/1
 interface Ethernet0/2
 switchport access vlan 12
 interface Ethernet0/3
 interface Ethernet0/4
 interface Ethernet0/5
 interface Ethernet0/6
 interface Ethernet0/7<
 interface Vlan1
 nameif inside
 security-level 100
 ip address 
 interface Vlan2
 nameif outside
 security-level 0
 ip address
 boot system disk0:/asa903-6-k8.bin
 boot system disk0:/asa902-k8.bin
 ftp mode passive
 clock timezone GMT/BST 0
 clock summer-time GMT/BDT recurring last Sun Mar 1:00 last Sun Oct 2:00
 dns server-group DefaultDNS
 same-security-traffic permit inter-interface
 same-security-traffic permit intra-interface
 object network obj_any
 object network Obj-INT-Server1
 object network Obj-Ext-Public_1
 object network VPN_Pool
 object service Obj-ApplicationX-Ports-TCP
 service tcp destination eq 1234
 object-group icmp-type Obj-ICMP
 icmp-object echo-reply
 icmp-object time-exceeded
 icmp-object unreachable
 access-list inbound remark traffic allowed to Server1
 access-list inbound extended permit tcp any object Obj-INT-Server1 object-group Obj-ApplicationX-Ports-TCP
 access-list inbound extended deny ip any any log disable
 access-list outbound remark traffic allowed from Server1
 access-list outbound extended permit ip object Obj-INT-Server1 any
 access-list outbound extended deny ip any any log disable
 no pager
 logging enable
 logging asdm debugging
 logging mail critical
 logging from-address
 logging recipient-address level critical
 mtu inside 1500
 mtu outside 1500
 ip local VPN-POOL mask
 no failover
 icmp unreachable rate-limit 50 burst-size 10
 icmp permit any inside
 icmp permit any outside
 no asdm history enable
 arp timeout 14400
 no arp permit-nonconnected 
 nat (inside,outside) source static any any destination static VPN_Pool VPN_Pool no-proxy-arp route-lookup
 object network obj_any
 nat (inside,outside) dynamic interface
 object network Obj-INT-Server1
 nat (inside,outside) static Obj-Ext-Public_1
 access-group inbound in interface inside
 access-group outbound in interface outside<
 route outside 1
 route inside 1
 timeout xlate 3:00:00
 timeout pat-xlate 0:00:30
 timeout conn 1:00:00 half-closed 0:10:00 udp 0:02:00 icmp 0:00:02
 timeout sunrpc 0:10:00 h323 0:05:00 h225 1:00:00 mgcp 0:05:00 mgcp-pat 0:05:00
 timeout sip 0:30:00 sip_media 0:02:00 sip-invite 0:03:00 sip-disconnect 0:02:00
 timeout sip-provisional-media 0:02:00 uauth 0:05:00 absolute
 timeout tcp-proxy-reassembly 0:01:00
 timeout floating-conn 0:00:00
 dynamic-access-policy-record DfltAccessPolicy
 aaa-server AD protocol kerberos
 aaa-server AD (Inside) host
 kerberos-realm PETENETLIVE.COM
 aaa-server AD (Inside) host
 kerberos-realm PETENETLIVE.COM
 aaa-server AD-LDAP protocol ldap
 aaa-server AD-LDAP (Inside) host
 server-port 636
 ldap-base-dn OU=Users, OU=PETENETLIVE, DC=com
 ldap-scope subtree
 ldap-naming-attribute sAMAccountName
 ldap-login-password Password123
 ldap-login-dn cn=ciscoasa, OU=Service Accounts, OU=Service, DC=petenetlive, DC=com
 ldap-over-ssl enable
 server-type microsoft
 user-identity default-domain LOCAL
 aaa authentication enable console LOCAL 
 aaa authentication http console LOCAL 
 aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL 
 aaa authentication telnet console LOCAL 
 aaa authentication serial console LOCAL 
 http server enable 2456
 http inside
 http outside
 no snmp-server location
 no snmp-server contact
 snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication linkup linkdown coldstart warmstart
 sysopt noproxyarp inside 
 sysopt connection tcpmss 0
 crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set ESP-DES-SHA esp-des esp-sha-hmac 
 crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set ESP-DES-MD5 esp-des esp-md5-hmac 
 crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set ESP-AES-256-MD5 esp-aes-256 esp-md5-hmac 
 crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set ESP-3DES-SHA esp-3des esp-sha-hmac 
 crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set ESP-AES-192-MD5 esp-aes-192 esp-md5-hmac 
 crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set ESP-3DES-MD5 esp-3des esp-md5-hmac 
 crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set ESP-AES-256-SHA esp-aes-256 esp-sha-hmac 
 crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set ESP-AES-128-SHA esp-aes esp-sha-hmac 
 crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set ESP-AES-192-SHA esp-aes-192 esp-sha-hmac 
 crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set ESP-AES-128-MD5 esp-aes esp-md5-hmac 
 crypto ipsec ikev2 ipsec-proposal AES256
 protocol esp encryption aes-256
 protocol esp integrity sha-1 md5
 crypto ipsec ikev2 ipsec-proposal AES192
 protocol esp encryption aes-192
 protocol esp integrity sha-1 md5
 crypto ipsec ikev2 ipsec-proposal AES
 protocol esp encryption aes
 protocol esp integrity sha-1 md5
 crypto ipsec ikev2 ipsec-proposal 3DES
 protocol esp encryption 3des
 protocol esp integrity sha-1 md5
 crypto ipsec ikev2 ipsec-proposal DES
 protocol esp encryption des
 protocol esp integrity sha-1 md5
 crypto dynamic-map SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CRYPTO_MAP 65535 set ikev1 transform-set ESP-AES-128-SHA ESP-AES-128-MD5 ESP-AES-192-SHA ESP-AES-192-MD5 ESP-AES-256-SHA ESP-AES-256-MD5 ESP-3DES-SHA ESP-3DES-MD5 ESP-DES-SHA ESP-DES-MD5
 crypto dynamic-map SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CRYPTO_MAP 65535 set ikev2 ipsec-proposal AES256 AES192 AES 3DES DES
 crypto map outside_map 65535 ipsec-isakmp dynamic SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CRYPTO_MAP
 crypto map outside_map interface outside
 crypto ikev2 policy 1
 encryption aes-256
 integrity sha
 group 5 2
 prf sha
 lifetime seconds 86400
 crypto ikev2 policy 10
 encryption aes-192
 integrity sha
 group 5 2
 prf sha
 lifetime seconds 86400
 crypto ikev2 policy 20
 encryption aes
 integrity sha
 group 5 2
 prf sha
 lifetime seconds 86400
 crypto ikev2 policy 30
 encryption 3des
 integrity sha
 group 5 2
 prf sha
 lifetime seconds 86400
 crypto ikev2 policy 40
 encryption des
 integrity sha
 group 5 2
 prf sha
 lifetime seconds 86400
 crypto ikev2 enable outside client-services port 443
 crypto ikev1 enable outside
 crypto ikev1 policy 130
 authentication crack
 encryption des
 hash sha
 group 2
 lifetime 86400
 crypto ikev1 policy 140
 authentication rsa-sig
 encryption des
 hash sha
 group 2
 lifetime 86400
 crypto ikev1 policy 150
 authentication pre-share
 encryption des
 hash sha
 group 2
 lifetime 86400
 crypto ca trustpoint PNL-Trustpoint-1
 enrollment terminal
 crl configure
 crypto ca trustpool policy
 crypto ca certificate chain ASDM_TrustPoint1
 certificate ca 33f5d6ed96a558bc45f43f6c9b8fd82d
 30820397 3083027f a0030201 02021033 f5d6ed96 a558bc45 f43f6c9b 8fd82d30 
 0d06092a 864886f7 0d010105 05003052 31133011 060a0992 268993f2 2c640119 
 16036e65 74311b30 19060a09 92268993 f22c6401 19160b70 6574656e 65746c69 
 7665311e 301c0603 55040313 15706574 656e6574 6c697665 2d504e4c 2d44432d 
 4341301e 170d3133 31313131 31313135 30305a17 0d323331 31313131 31323530 
 305a3052 31133011 060a0992 268993f2 2c640119 16036e65 74311b30 19060a09 
 92268993 f22c6401 19160b70 6574656e 65746c69 7665311e 301c0603 55040313 
 15706574 656e6574 6c697665 2d504e4c 2d44432d 43413082 0122300d 06092a86 
 4886f70d 01010105 00038201 0f003082 010a0282 010100c8 2d21e8cb 317741d7 
 e4eb4af4 2561f92a efec293a 9202bc38 e9d25eb7 3a0ff9e0 7c7ee9b3 8e76f328 
 df115581 3f70ac45 91b402b4 dba25c80 6dee49da eb904bda f2fbb21f 5661ba2a 
 81f9cd37 87d87811 05cce829 8112495b 0587b272 12b6d3c1 107d9529 e860900b 
 947af212 0b72eb0e de2f5891 87be7172 1fc02f38 ba82d0c9 ec3351b2 c6fe216a 
 0f674e81 608ba7f9 5fd9343a 4d815a12 0dbc0747 854211ba c0a32cdb 18fe8a92 
 bc5dd319 f4fba969 ed95c7d6 a51620f3 d3510b56 17471ece 89c2393d c14b42b9 
 2d4fc2c5 7f47b9b0 c4645c60 00d02e1c e54669b9 e54d0d49 1b6a4a09 e5f1ad5c 
 e2f901d9 b679ef5a 27de98bf 089c79b4 6723295a 436db902 03010001 a3693067 
 30130609 2b060104 01823714 0204061e 04004300 41300e06 03551d0f 0101ff04 
 04030201 86300f06 03551d13 0101ff04 05300301 01ff301d 0603551d 0e041604 
 146baa8b 30599cfb d5a0b40a 33a9c296 f4f24ec2 80301006 092b0601 04018237 
 15010403 02010030 0d06092a 864886f7 0d010105 05000382 0101007a d4edaf88 
 6bd0d3d5 916c9c1c 3d67d551 f78b41f6 75740965 f6dca8df 30878d56 65b900c8 
 cb27aa65 9092c9f0 c3bdc080 ded23cb0 10715db9 af8cd39c 5416d8d2 a0ee7ae2 
 ceb09be7 145a0969 1bf672db e0c532d2 26a27e8a f897f474 e9e638e1 bf12e385 
 3bb9af1e bdaadecd cbcf5a61 23c5b68f a040a5e0 70150541 d190eeef 3d72d702 
 b0d9d3fa 0241802a b87505c6 a217c714 e9f55692 b9bdd84f 25351f18 35bf53c1 
 b24d10be 876ef392 c971dee4 10a5d244 d08624eb 6d29975a 2f35e3d1 38260a1d 
 51e6b661 f0c709a7 0e072039 530a26b8 78d00f22 a754c0f7 90fb58a0 5d564259 
 ceafe29f 22e95391 7ea10a81 629f384c 7ed8d009 02f65068 e93ff0
 crypto ca certificate chain PNL-Trustpoint-1
 certificate 1a000000056df312597af00c80000000000005
 3082062a 30820512 a0030201 0202131a 00000005 6df31259 7af00c80 00000000 
 0005300d 06092a86 4886f70d 01010505 00304b31 13301106 0a099226 8993f22c 
 64011916 03636f6d 311b3019 060a0992 268993f2 2c640119 160b7065 74656e65 
 746c6976 65311730 15060355 0403130e 504e4c2d 44432d50 524f442d 4341301e 
 170d3135 30363135 31353131 32325a17 0d313730 36313531 35323132 325a3081 
 c9312530 2306092a 864886f7 0d010902 13167265 6d6f7465 2e706574 656e6574 
 6c697665 2e636f6d 310b3009 06035504 06130247 42311130 0f060355 04081308 
 54656573 73696465 31163014 06035504 07130d4d 6964646c 65736272 6f756768 
 31143012 06035504 0a130b50 6574654e 65744c69 7665310b 30090603 55040b13 
 02495331 1f301d06 03550403 13167265 6d6f7465 2e706574 656e6574 6c697665 
 2e636f6d 31243022 06092a86 4886f70d 01090116 1561646d 696e4070 6574656e 
 65746c69 76652e63 6f6d3082 0122300d 06092a86 4886f70d 01010105 00038201 
 0f003082 010a0282 010100ed 6403f970 5c3d8f90 c106cc7a 85b69965 05ac5a50 
 2f3f0351 984e28aa d68d1f28 88d44ae6 99997b06 cc7ca9a0 573db801 d8277276 
 b6e7d7a7 6863da35 29156dcd fbe063f2 9855bf75 b5529c22 ecbd87f0 9be50cc4 
 cf5d245f 9e7b4443 6e8afe02 9442f79d 16f0d4e6 09cdb3f4 0771173d 707a0cae 
 9facd254 a9ba4401 d3ce14fe 1ecee991 b83f7ca8 f11f549f b4b0f302 6d09eec7 
 b522d7b7 97af7648 a2f99b93 207c3f0c 62800df7 532478ad 9020c6e6 87fb956c 
 d20289f6 68efe7ff a7914fea 7b28d9f4 e8504c40 48f65d88 dffcfa3e 5ecbc50a 
 b28b07dc 792ce53d 0475ef96 12c3d402 d2ad7fcb b1099266 1fb5087b 71910dd4 
 d0b33dcf 7cc585c7 af0b4702 03010001 a3820286 30820282 300e0603 551d0f01 
 01ff0404 030205a0 30210603 551d1104 1a301882 1672656d 6f74652e 70657465 
 6e65746c 6976652e 636f6d30 1d060355 1d0e0416 0414e3d5 5aaa3004 d607bd3f 
 13384329 1acf7f21 92f3301f 0603551d 23041830 16801495 d2ae01e1 45769582 
 39b946bf a2799ccd c5d28a30 81d40603 551d1f04 81cc3081 c93081c6 a081c3a0 
 81c08681 bd6c6461 703a2f2f 2f434e3d 504e4c2d 44432d50 524f442d 43412c43 
 4e3d504e 4c2d4443 2d50524f 442c434e 3d434450 2c434e3d 5075626c 69632532 
 304b6579 25323053 65727669 6365732c 434e3d53 65727669 6365732c 434e3d43 
 6f6e6669 67757261 74696f6e 2c44433d 70657465 6e65746c 6976652c 44433d63 
 6f6d3f63 65727469 66696361 74655265 766f6361 74696f6e 4c697374 3f626173 
 653f6f62 6a656374 436c6173 733d6352 4c446973 74726962 7574696f 6e506f69 
 6e743081 c406082b 06010505 07010104 81b73081 b43081b1 06082b06 01050507 
 30028681 a46c6461 703a2f2f 2f434e3d 504e4c2d 44432d50 524f442d 43412c43 
 4e3d4149 412c434e 3d507562 6c696325 32304b65 79253230 53657276 69636573 
 2c434e3d 53657276 69636573 2c434e3d 436f6e66 69677572 6174696f 6e2c4443 
 3d706574 656e6574 6c697665 2c44433d 636f6d3f 63414365 72746966 69636174 
 653f6261 73653f6f 626a6563 74436c61 73733d63 65727469 66696361 74696f6e 
 41757468 6f726974 79303d06 092b0601 04018237 15070430 302e0626 2b060104 
 01823715 0885fbfb 0d83ea8c 0c83e187 2282c9d9 5783d9e2 675c86b2 fd3486f3 
 8d1b0201 64020104 30130603 551d2504 0c300a06 082b0601 05050703 01301b06 
 092b0601 04018237 150a040e 300c300a 06082b06 01050507 0301300d 06092a86 
 4886f70d 01010505 00038201 01002154 6bf54ea2 23a10a75 77df1b15 65c4c2b9 
 f17ff795 1cc28834 f41e6d88 3e03f18a 6e2bdc05 f1da80b3 10ccf096 eeec10c4 
 07dccb0a 0791a99f afda01ac 6cc7d985 82060c56 9e871a56 136805b3 7c277162 
 ae034197 addfe623 2bb814dd a401b053 b44fd7a6 302237ac f5bcc024 a25d3f84 
 d8d3ecb4 de0d9c7e 51e56c95 5e2ebf7a fee86ac6 26dcbaf8 09e4864f f3956447 
 398ed790 8cba02c3 bddca424 3777d625 3e39ed27 8b2778b8 20414b5d 30d1b20a 
 ee1e2771 deea6f40 e2ed07de 8e66e2b6 651d7b19 4f3594d6 8acc0713 fd4436cc 
 c38e9f92 b0ebc89a f39c599d 28a23040 d46dd8ad 80fec713 d38987f5 0c473098 
 5584e2de 3a1be0e3 72c24d48 90de
 certificate ca 5ec427e4910fa2bf47e1269e7fdd7081
 30820371 30820259 a0030201 0202105e c427e491 0fa2bf47 e1269e7f dd708130 
 0d06092a 864886f7 0d010105 0500304b 31133011 060a0992 268993f2 2c640119 
 1603636f 6d311b30 19060a09 92268993 f22c6401 19160b70 6574656e 65746c69 
 76653117 30150603 55040313 0e504e4c 2d44432d 50524f44 2d434130 1e170d31 
 35303631 32313231 3935375a 170d3330 30363132 31323239 35365a30 4b311330 
 11060a09 92268993 f22c6401 19160363 6f6d311b 3019060a 09922689 93f22c64 
 0119160b 70657465 6e65746c 69766531 17301506 03550403 130e504e 4c2d4443 
 2d50524f 442d4341 30820122 300d0609 2a864886 f70d0101 01050003 82010f00 
 3082010a 02820101 00ad6ce6 b3d3852b 6524ee38 bab2beb8 1184f717 0bcebe1f 
 7b590260 6f0d0503 6d3409cb fcc7af7c f197cc74 91de290f cd65da5b cb5715b9 
 5c975ad6 20ba8573 4e4058fc 383f40d2 08f6390d f4c5c3e5 c7fc8571 ba7613a4 
 5e0dafde b98b8641 f9b5ba7f c50142c6 7854a785 22fa94d8 2f648590 0a0287ab 
 568fcac4 e6fde0aa 11cafe44 beadd840 7c1fa631 89be34c0 bf15858e c44f78be 
 c1140f04 f1b89eb0 23442430 bacd9b9d a3b2620b 5d0e59c1 520b39e2 f95c9e91 
 305bd92b 4eab53b6 bfee551d 57e1f864 a043a757 39150ca7 bfdfb6ab 77510fa9 
 c8c35eec 02a59c75 460cdd61 7cae7949 9879e472 970bb444 25d01556 336b1a86 
 1ec95330 cac03f5e 01020301 0001a351 304f300b 0603551d 0f040403 02018630 
 0f060355 1d130101 ff040530 030101ff 301d0603 551d0e04 16041495 d2ae01e1 
 45769582 39b946bf a2799ccd c5d28a30 1006092b 06010401 82371501 04030201 
 00300d06 092a8648 86f70d01 01050500 03820101 005c4437 216d5cc1 38a0e3bb 
 8af4657d 83fca1a3 57483d54 4a73a663 c8bf8c2a b0280cc4 155f4a15 72da34ee 
 6e67ae3f c503b73f 3e267f05 b1be022e 2e979295 b661e942 ef8d2039 4da5e555 
 a1babc03 33792b4d 85272d81 0484c36c fd49c383 dd95b1a3 64dbca14 b01bc48a 
 61b6cb84 38128fbe 2860097c 1a0e15a1 6a3c409a be6074fb be64d87a 6d46b11e 
 8548fb44 dfc35483 1c7668cd e72828fa 102a2069 8939f613 11ec5bb6 341a70fc 
 a6a85bc6 a93cdc73 59b36756 cba6f787 957d3eca 1ef9a057 31c2ae9c 26ab72f5 
 096129c6 0ed0bc05 0a7bca34 ae6fd90a 1e86cf91 49f558ea e174de18 dc8cb428 
 922bb233 ee5cf072 98a78f60 1a98f540 7c227063 e2
 telnet inside
 telnet timeout 5
 ssh inside
 ssh timeout 5
 ssh version 2
 console timeout 0
 management-access Inside
 tls-proxy maximum-session 24
 threat-detection basic-threat
 threat-detection statistics port
 threat-detection statistics protocol
 threat-detection statistics access-list
 no threat-detection statistics tcp-intercept
 ntp server source outside
 ntp server source outside prefer
 ssl encryption 3des-sha1
 enable outside
 anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-win-2.5.2014-k9.pkg 1
 anyconnect profiles SSL_VPN disk0:/Petenetlive-profile.xml 
 anyconnect enable
 tunnel-group-list enable
 group-policy DefaultRAGroup internal
 group-policy DefaultRAGroup attributes
 dns-server value
 vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev2 l2tp-ipsec 
 default-domain value
 group-policy DfltGrpPolicy attributes
 dns-server value
 vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev1 ikev2 l2tp-ipsec ssl-client ssl-clientless
 address-pools value VPN_Pool
 username user1 password G0=2iYoApombmlE5de7 encrypted
 username user1 attributes
 service-type remote-access
 tunnel-group DefaultRAGroup general-attributes
 address-pool VPN_Pool
 class-map inspection_default
 match default-inspection-traffic
 policy-map type inspect dns preset_dns_map
 message-length maximum client auto
 message-length maximum 512
 policy-map global_policy
 class inspection_default
 inspect dns preset_dns_map 
 inspect ftp 
 inspect tftp 
 inspect icmp 
 inspect pptp 
 inspect ipsec-pass-thru 
 inspect icmp error 
 class class-default
 set connection decrement-ttl
 service-policy global_policy global
 prompt hostname context
 no call-home reporting anonymous
 profile CiscoTAC-1
 no active
 destination address http
 destination address email
 destination transport-method http
 subscribe-to-alert-group diagnostic
 subscribe-to-alert-group environment
 subscribe-to-alert-group inventory periodic monthly
 subscribe-to-alert-group configuration periodic monthly
 subscribe-to-alert-group telemetry periodic daily 
 no call-home reporting anonymous
 : end



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