PowerCLI: Get All Snapshot Information

KB ID 0001690


This was asked on EE today, and it was an interesting one so I wrote it up. How to locate all the Snapshots in your VMware virtual infrastructure, and see how much space they are taking.


Use the following PowerCLI;


Get-Snapshot * | Select-Object -Property VM, Name, SizeGB, Children | Sort-Object -Property sizeGB -Descending | ft -AutoSize


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Windows – Compressed (zipped) Folders Error ‘File not found or no read permission’

KB ID 000077


Seen when attempting to compress a folder or file using Windows Explorer.

Compressed (zipped) Folders Error
File not found or no read permission.


This is not really a permissions error at all! The built in Windows Explorer compression tool does NOT LIKE large files and folders. Unfortunately that’s a limitation you are stuck with. But there is nothing to stop you using the free and much better compression software 7-Zip, and that will do what you want.

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Windows SBS – Moving the Windows Software Update Services Database (SUSDB.mdf)

KB ID 0000609


Last week a client rang in to say their servers system drive was running out of room. A quick scan showed me the biggest thing on there was a 12 GB database called SUSDB.mdf.

A few searches told me what I’d already guessed from the name, WSUS was the offender, so I set about moving it to their data drive that had lots of free space.


1. Launch the Windows SBS Console > Backup and Server Storage > Server Storage > Move Windows Update Repository Data.

2. If you are using third party backup software you may see this warning > OK.

3. Locate the Drive you want to Migrate TO and select it > Next.

4. This will move a few GB of data across to the new location. However it does NOT move the database itself.

5. To actually move the Database > Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > SQL server Management Studio Express, (Note: You may need to run as administrator).

6. Change the server name to the following and log in.


7. Expand Databases > Locate the SUSDB Database > Right Click > Detach.

8. Tick the “Drop Connections” box > OK.

9. I suggest you COPY the database from the system drive to the new drive.

10. Once its moved across, back in the SQL management studio > Right click Databases > attach.

11. Add.

12. Browse to the NEW location of the SUSDB.mdf file > OK.

13. OK.

14. Once the database is successfully added back in you can go back to the system drive and delete the original WSUS database.

15. When finished, it’s good practice to tidy up the database > From within the Window Server Update Services Console > Options > Server Cleanup Wizard.

16. Select All > Next > Prepare to wait A LONG TIME (this will probably take a few hours!)

17. When its finished you should see something like this.

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Stop Exchange Store.exe Taking 99 – 100% Physical Memory

KB ID 0000903 


Before you go any further with this article THIS IS COMPLETELY NORMAL! It may look a little odd if you look in Task Manager.

Store.exe will take as much RAM as it can get hold of, the difference between that, and a program that ‘hogs’ memory is, it has been designed to monitor the system, and release memory as it’s required by other processes.

So for 99.999% of you stop reading now!

OK, You can cap the memory that Exchange uses, but Microsoft recommend that you don’t do this. Why did I do it then? Well my company uses N-central to monitor our clients servers, and when monitoring the metrics for memory, it reports as failed if it stays at 99% for a while. This can happen quite often on some busier Exchange servers. So I set about capping the memory that store.exe would use.


1. Launch ADSIEdit.msc > Connect to the Configuration Context.

2. Navigate to;

[box]Services > Microsoft Exchange > ‘Organization Name’ >  Administrative Groups > ‘Administrative Group Name’ > Servers > < ‘Server Name’ > InformationStore[/box]

Open its properties > Locate the msExchESEParamCacheSizeMax attribute. Edit its value.


After Exchange 2010 SP1 you also need to set the msExchESEparamCacheSizeMin  to the SAME VALUE.

3. Finaly restart the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service.


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Cisco ISE NFR Appliance Setup

KB ID 0001066


The Cisco ISE NFR appliance is for demos and test bench use, I’m currently building a test lab for ISE so I spun a copy up. I looked at the associated ReadMe.pdf for instructions on the basic setup, and found a hyper-link to the instructions, that didn’t work! bah.


The appliance comes as an OVA file for importation into vSphere/ESX, I’m assuming you have already imported the appliance.

VMware vSphere – How to Import and Export OVF and OVA Files

1. Default username and Password: Username admin Password ISEc0ld

Cisco ISE NFR Setup Basic IP Addressing.

2. By default the appliance has an IP address of, you can see that at CLI.

[box]ise/admin# show interface[/box]

3. Or here you can see the IP address in the vSphere console.

4. To change the IP (Note: The ISE appliance has two virtual NIC’s I’m just changing the default ones IP address).

ise/admin# configure
ise/admin(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0
ise/admin(config-GigabitEthernet)# ip address

Enter ‘Y’ to restart the services.


[box] ise/admin(config-GigabitEthernet)# exit
ip default-gateway[/box]

Cisco ISE NFR Set Hostname and DNS Information

6. To change the appliances default domain;

ise/admin(config)# ip domain-name pnltest1.com

Enter ‘Y’ to restart the services.


7. To set the DNS server to use for local lookups;

[box]ise/admin(config)# ip name-server

Enter ‘yes’ to restart the services.


8. To set the Hostname, simply use the following syntax;

[box]ise/admin(config)# hostname ISE-01 [/box]

Cisco ISE NFR Set NTP Information

9. To set the timezone;

[box]ise/admin(config)# clock timezone GB [/box]

10. To set the NTP servers it’s a little more convoluted, you can have up to three, two are already configured. If you try and delete the pre-configured ones it will error. So you need to add one, then delete the two factory ones, then you can add up to another two.


To Add an NTP Server

ise/admin(config)# ntp server
To Remove an NTP Server

ise/admin(config)# no ntp server


11. As usual NTP can take a while to synchronise, I’d go and have a coffee at this point, to test;

[box]ise/admin(config)# show ntp [/box]

12. Save your changes.

13. At this point you should be able to get to the web console.

14. Logged in successfully.


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