Fortigate Hairpin NAT

KB ID 0001781


Imagine the following scenario, you have a PUBLIC web server and it’s either in the same network your uses are or attached to a DMZ on your FortiGate.

So above our users open a web browser and attempts to go to (1) Their PC will do a DNS lookup for and (in this case) a public web server returns an ip of (2). The browser then attempts to HAIRPIN to that IP which is external to your FoirtiGate and the traffic is blocked.

FortiGate Hairpin Solution

If you have internal DNS servers you can of course solve this problem with Split DNS with a Cisco firewall, you could also solve this problem with DNS Doctoring, In fact if your from a Cisco background then even the name Hairpin is confusing because in Cisco when we mention Cisco Hair pinning we are usually talking about VPN traffic. Anyway I digress.

So to replicate the scenario above, i.e. it being broken on my LAN PC, I cannot browse to that site, and you can see my DNS is resolving to its public IP.

Polices and Objects > Virtual IPs > New > Virtual IP > Give it a Name > Interface  = any > Set External IP > Set Internal IP > Note: You don’t have to set port forwarding but I’m only using TCP 80 > OK.

I already Have a Virtual IP: If your existing web server already has a Virtual IP object MAKE SURE it’s NOT bound to the outside interface, (or you won’t be able to select it in a minute). If you can’t edit it (because it’s in use), then you might need to remove it from the existing policy, and recreate it.

Policy and Object > Firewall Policy > Create New > Give the Policy a Name > Set the incoming and outgoing interface to the internal one > Source =  All > Destination > the Virtual IP you just Created > Schedule = always > Service = HTTP  > Disable NAT > OK.

I can’t see Virtual IP in the Policy:  Then it’s either bound to an interface that ISN’T the inside one, or you have Central NAT enabled. If you don’t want to change your global NAT policy create an address object for the internal IP and use that instead.

Now the website should work

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Cisco ASA – DNS Doctoring

KB ID 0001113


Cisco DNS doctoring is a process that intercepts a DNS response packet as it comes back into the network, and changes the IP address in the response.

Why Would you want to do this? Well lets say you have a web server on your network, and its public IP is, and on your LAN its internal IP address is, its public DNS name, (or URL) is When a user types into their browser, DNS will respond with the public IP of, and not the IP address thats on your LAN ( The client can’t send the traffic out of the firewall, ‘hairpin’ it though 180 degrees and send the traffic back in again. So it fails. What DNS does is look for DNS response packets that have in them and dynamically changes the ip in the packet to

Are there any prerequisites? Only that the DNS server sending the response sends it response though the ASA, i.e. if you have your own DNS server onsite that serves the request (without a forward lookup or a root hint). then the DNS response does not go though the ASA so it can’t doctor it. This happens if you public website and your internal domain have the same name, or if your DNS server is authoritative for a domain with an IP address outside your network. To solve that problem your best bet is to setup ‘Split DNS’

Windows Setting up Split DNS

How to Setup DNS Doctoring

If you read the preamble you know that the DNS response needs to go though the firewall, and the public IP that gets resolved needs to be on your network. This can be either a host on your network with a public IP, or a host in your DMZ that has a public IP (both examples are shown below).

It takes longer to explain what DNS doctoring is, than it does to actually set it up. Essentially you simply add the ‘dns’ keyword to the end of the static nat statement for the internal host to its public address.

Option 1 – DNS Doctoring for a host on your LAN

This is simply a one-to-one static nat with the dns keyword added onto it, so using the example above (on the left), lets take a look at our NATs.


Petes-ASA# show run nat
object network obj_any
 nat (inside,outside) dynamic interface
object network Obj-Static-
 nat (inside,outside) static


You may have a lot more output, but this tells me theres a dynamic NAT for all network traffic (PAT everything to the outside interface dynamically). And a static translation for your internal host, that’s the one we need to add the dns keyword to.


Petes-ASA# configure terminal 
Petes-ASA(config)# object network Obj-Static-
Petes-ASA(config-network-object)# nat (inside,outside) static dns
Petes-ASA(config-network-object)# exit
Petes-ASA(config)# write mem
Building configuration...
Cryptochecksum: de650019 1f1583f7 70121512 e1d093e8 

15724 bytes copied in 3.430 secs (5241 bytes/sec)


How Do I Set Up DNS Doctoring In The ASDM?

Testing DNS Doctoring

Heres an example of what happened before we setup DNS doctoring, (or where DNS doctoring is not working).

And once its been configured do the same and note the difference;

Option 2 – Host in the DMZ

The process is identical to above only the NAT stamens is different, i.e.

Note: I’m assuming the object host already exists, if NOT then add the line in BLUE.


Petes-ASA# configure terminal 
Petes-ASA(config)# object network Obj-Static-
Petes-ASA(config)# host
Petes-ASA(config-network-object)# nat (DMZ,outside) static dns


Option 3 – Split DNS

Windows – Setting Up Split DNS

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Original Article Written 09/12/15