Windows – Certificate Enrollment Fails

KB ID 0000921 


I first saw this problem a few years ago trying to get some Windows clients to auto enrol with server 2008, then this week my colleagues could not get  new 2019 Domain Controller to enrol for a Kerberos certificate, and the this was caused by the same problem.

Symtoms (RPC Error)

1. Test to make sure the client can see the CA, and is able to communicate with it, issue the following command;


certutil -pulse


As you can see above, the first time I ran the command I got the following error;

CertUtil: -pulse command FAILED: 0x80070005 (WIN32: 5)
CertUtil: Access is denied.

I then ran the command window ‘as administrator’ and it completed, this was the first inkling I had, that permissions were probably not right.

2. Run mmc on an affected machine, and add in the certificates (local computer*) snap-in. right click the ‘personal container’ > attempt to get the certificate you have published manually.

Problem seen on a Domain Controller (Attempting to get a Kerberos Certificate).

An error occurred while enrolling for a certificate.
The Certificate request could not be submitted to the certification authority

Url: {CA Server Path}

Error: the RPC server is unavailable. 0x80076ba (WIN32: 1722

Problem seen on Windows Client (attempting to enrol for a Computer Certificate).

*Or local user if you are auto enrolling user certificates.

At that point I on the Windows cliebntgot this error;

Active Directory Enrollment Policy
STATUS: Failed

The RPC server is unavailable.

Resolution (Windows Certificate RPC Error)

The most common cause for that error, is the membership of the ‘Certificate Service DCOM Access’ group is incorrect, check yours and make sure it matches the one below.

On the CA Server launch the Certification Authority management tool and look at the properties of the CA Server itself, on the security tab make sure yours looks like this, (Domain computer and domain controllers should have the ‘request certificates‘ rights).

Still on the CA Server, check the permissions on the C:Windows\System 32\certsrv directory, authenticated users should have Read & Execute rights.

This is the change that finally fixed mine: In active directory users and computers, locate the Builtin container, within it there is a group called ‘Users’. Make sure it contains Authenticated Users and INTERACTIVE.

Run a ‘gpupdate /force’ on your test client, and/or reboot it.

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Certificate Services Error – ‘The Email name is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject or Subject Alternate name’

KB ID 0001029


Server: Windows Server 2012 R2
Client: Windows 8 Enterprise

I was setting auto-enrollment this morning, and the computer certificates were getting issued but not the user ones. The policies were correct, the registry keys on the clients were correct, even RSOP told me the users ‘should’ be getting certificates.

However nothing was working so I decided to ‘manually enroll’ and this happened;

The Email name is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject or Subject Alternate name. Denied by Policy Module the request ID is {number}

As I could see it was denied, I went and looked in failed requests, sure enough, here was where my auto enrollment had been failing.

Event ID Logs

A look in the event log on the Certificate Server also gave me this.

Log Name: Application
Source: Microsoft-Windows-CertificateServicesClient-CertEnroll
Date: 03/02/2015 13:31:07
Event ID: 13
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: PETENETLIVEpetelong
Certificate enrollment for PETENETLIVEpetelong failed to enroll for a PNL-User
 certificate with request ID 23 from PNLPKI00v.petenetlive.competenetlive-CA 
(The EMail name is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject or Subject 
Alternate name. 0x80094812 (-2146875374)).

Log Name: Application
Source: Microsoft-Windows-CertificateServicesClient-AutoEnrollment
Date: 03/02/2015 13:28:52
Event ID: 6
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Automatic certificate enrollment for PETENETLIVEpetelong failed (0x80094812) 
The EMail name is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject or Subject 
Alternate name.


The certificate template I was using needed the following option removing (WARNING: Don’t do this if you are going to use these certs to sign emails – I was not). I also removed the include E-mail name option below.

Or (as a quick fix -I was on my test network with one user) I simply gave that user an entry in their Email field in Active Directory.

Another Option: Give all users an email address using PowerShell, see the following article;

PowerShell – Update All Domain Users With Email Address From UPN

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Deploying Certificates via ‘Auto Enrollment’

KB ID 0000919


SHA CERTIFICATE WARNING: Note This article was written some time ago, ensure your CA environment does NOT use SHA1 for your certificates, if it does, Please visit the following link for migration instructions;

Upgrade Your Microsoft PKI Environment to SHA2 (SHA256)

I need to setup wireless authentication based on computer certificates, I’ve done similar jobs before by manually issuing certificates for Cisco AnyConnect, but this will be for NAP/RADIUS authentication to MSM. I’ll be working with Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 clients. So task one was getting my head round ‘auto enrollment’. As stated I’m deploying Computer certificates but the process is practically the same for issuing User certificates (I’ll point out the differences where applicable).


Prerequisites: A Windows domain environment, with working DNS.

Setup a Certification Authority

1. Launch Server Manager (Servermanager.msc) Roles > Add Roles > Active Directory Certificate Services > Next > I’m going to accept all the defaults.

2. The only thing I’m going to change is the lifetime, I usually change that from 5 to 10 years (force of habit, after 5 years it will probably still be my problem, in 10 years it will be replaced, or in a skip!)

Create a Computer Certificate Template and Issue it.

3. Start > Administrative Tools > Certification Authority > Certificate Templates > Manage.

4. Locate and make a copy of the Workstation Authentication template. If you were using User certificates the you would copy the User template.

Note: I got an email a few months ago form someone who had an argument about whether to make copies or edit the originals, and was asking what I thought was best practice. Well I would ALWAYS copy a template and edit that copy. Then if you ‘stuff it up’ you still have the original. It’s always best practice to avoid looking like a cretin!

5. If you still have Server 2003 servers choose the default, if not pick 2008 > OK.

6. General Tab > Give the template a sensible name.

7. Subject Name Tab: Tick User principle name (UPN).

8. Security Tab: Ensure Domain Computers have the rights to Read and Autoenroll > OK > Close the template console.

9. Certificate templates > New > Certificate Template to Issue.

10. Pick the one you just created > OK.

11. Make sure it’s listed > Close the Certificate Authority management console.

Deploy Auto-enrolled Certificates via Group Policy

Note: You could just add this to the to the default domain group policy, and all computers would get a certificate, but for this exercise I’ve created an OU, and I’m going to create a new policy and link it there.

12. Select an OU or container that contains the computer objects you want to send certificates to.

Note: Obviously if you are sending out User certificates then link it to a user OU, (you would be surprised!)

13. Navigate to;


Computer Certificate Auto-Enrollment

Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Public Key Policies > Certificate Services Client - Auto-Enrollment

User Certificate Auto-Enrollment

User Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Public Key Policies > Certificate Services Client - Auto-Enrolment


WARNING: If deploying user certificates read this article.

14. Enable the policy > Select the two options available > Apply > OK > Close the GPO management editor.

Test Windows Certificate Auto-Enrollment

15. Before we do anything else, you can see there are no certificates on the Windows 7 client machine, and there are no certificates ‘issued’ from the server.

Note: To see a computers certificates, you need to be logged in with administrative rights, run mmc and add in the certificates snap-in for ‘local computer’.

16. Now if I move this machine into the OU that I’ve linked the GPO to.

17. And then force that client to refresh its group policies, (or reboot it).

18. Now when you check, you can see it has received a certificate, and the server is now showing one certificate issued.

Now I’ve got to work out NAP and RADIUS and force them to use the certificates, but I’ve got a headache and I need a brew, watch this space….

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Certificate Services Error – ‘The Email name is unavailable and cannot be added to the Subject or Subject Alternate name’