Cisco Firewall Port Forwarding

KB ID 0000077


Note: This is for Cisco ASA 5500, 5500-x, and Cisco Firepower devices running ASA Code.

Note2: If your firewall is running a version older than 8.3 you will need to scroll down the page.

Port forwarding on Cisco firewalls can be a little difficult to get your head around, to better understand what is going on remember in the “World of Cisco” you need to remember two things…..

1. NAT Means translate MANY addresses to FEW Addresses

2. PAT Means translate MANY addresses to ONE Address.

Why is that important you ask? Well most networking types assume NAT is translating one address to many, BUT on a Cisco device this is PAT, and it uses (as the name implies) port numbers to track everything. e.g. the first connection outbound might be seen on the firewall as and the second connection outbound might be seen as so when the traffic comes back the firewall knows where to send it.

Fair enough but what has that got to do with Port Forwarding? Well you can use the exact same system to lock a port to an IP address – so if only one port can go to one IP address then that’s going to give you port forwarding 🙂

To make matters more confusing (sorry) you configure PAT in the NAT settings, for this very reason it confuses the hell out of a lot of people, and the GUI is not intuitive for configuring port forwarding, (the ADSM is better than the old PIX PDM) but most people, (me included,) prefer to use command line to do port forwarding.

Below you will find;

Option 1 (Use ASDM)
Option 2 Use Command Line Interface
Option 3 Use PDM (PIX v6 Only)

Option 1: Port Forwarding Using ASDM

Note: This option uses ASDM Version 7.9(2) If yours is older see below;

Connect to the ASDM, Configuration > Firewall > NAT Rules > Right Click ‘Network Object Nat Rules’ > Add ‘Network Object’ Nat Rule.

Name = “Give the internal server/host a sensible name” > Type = Host > IP Address = The internal / private IP address > Type = Static > Translated address = Outside > Advanced > Source Interface = Inside > Destination Interface = Outside > Protocol = TCP  > Real port = http > Mapped Port = http > Ok > OK > Apply.

Note: This assumes your Outside interface is called outside, Inside interface is called inside and you want to port TCP port 80 (http).

Configuration > Firewall > Access Rules > Right Click ‘Outside Interface” > Add Access Rule.

Interface = Outside > Action = Permit > Source = Any > Destination {Browse}  > Locate the object you created earlier > Add to Destination > OK.

Service {Browse} > Select the Port you require (i.e. http) > OK.

OK > Apply > When you have tested it works, save the changes.


Using Older ASDM (PIX V7 and ASA5500) 1 Port to 1 IP Address

1. As above you will need to know the port and the IP to forward it to, Launch the ASDM, Select Configuration > Security Policy > Then either Rule Add, or right click the incoming rules and select “Add Access Rule.”

2. Interface = Outside > Direction = Incoming > Action = Permit > Source = Any > Destination, Type = Interface IP, Interface = Outside > Protocol = TCP > Destination Port Source = smtp (for example) > OK > Apply.

3. Back at the main screen select Configuration > NAT > Add, or Right Click an Existing mapping and click “Add Static NAT Rule.”

4. Real Address Interface = Inside > IP Address = > Netmask = > Static Translation Interface = outside > IP Address = (Interface IP) > Tick “Enable Port Translation (PAT) > Protocol = TCP > Original Port = smtp > Translated Port = smtp (for example) > OK > Apply.

5. File > “Save Running Configuration to Flash.”

Option 2 Use the Command Line to Port Forward (Post Version 8.3)

Note: Port forwarding changed on PIX/ASA devices running OS 8.3 and above, in regards to port forwarding. There is no longer a global command, for a full run-down of the changes click here.

If you issue a global command after version 8.3 you will see this error,

ERROR: This syntax of nat command has been deprecated.
Please refer to “help nat” command for more details.

1. First things first, you will need to know what port you want to forward, and where you want to forward it, for this example We will assume I’ve got a server at and it’s a mail server so I want to Forward all TCP Port 80 traffic (HTTP) to it. Connect to the Firewall via Console/Telnet or SSH.


Warning Notice
User Access Verification#
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.


2. Enter enable mode, and enter the enable mode password.


Petes-ASA> enable


3. Now we need to go to configuration mode.


Petes-ASA# configure terminal


4. Create an object for the web server that the traffic is going to be forwarded to.


Petes-ASA(config)# object network Internal_Web_Server
Petes-ASA(config-network-object)# host


5. Then create a NAT translation for the port to be forwarded. Then you can exit the network object prompt.


Petes-ASA(config-network-object)# nat (inside,outside) static interface service tcp http http
Petes-ASA(config-network-object)# exit


6. Now you need to allow the http traffic in. Before you can add an ACL you need to see if you already have one. We are applying an ACL to the outside interface for traffic going in (I call this inbound for obvious reasons). To see if you already have an ACL applied, issue the following command;


Petes-ASA# show run access-group
access-group inbound in interface outside
access-group outbound in interface inside


Note: In the example above we have an ACL called inbound that we MUST use. (If you added a new one, all the access list entries for the old one get ‘Un-applied’). If yours has a different name (e.g. outside_access_in then use that instead of the ACL name I’m using here). If you DONT have an access-group entry for inbound traffic then we will do that at the end!


Petes-ASA(config)# access-list inbound permit tcp any object Internal_Web_Server eq http


7. Then: Only carry out the following command if you DO NOT HAVE an ACL applied for incoming traffic.


Petes-ASA(config)# access-group inbound in interface outside


8. Don’t forget to save your hard work. (write memory).


Petes-ASA(config)# write memory
Building configuration...
Cryptochecksum: aab5e5a2 c707770d f7350728 d9ac34de


All the commands to Copy & Paste (Post v 8.3);


object network Internal_Web_Server
nat (inside,outside) static interface  service tcp http http
access-list inbound permit tcp any object Internal_Web_Server eq http
access-group inbound in interface outside 


Use the Command Line to Port Forward (pre version 8.3) 1 Port to 1 IP Address

1. First things first, you will need to know what port you want to forward, and where you want to forward it, for this example we will assume I’ve got a server at and it’s a mail server so I want to forward all TCP Port 25 traffic to it. Connect to the Firewall via Console/Telnet or SSH.


Warning Notice

User Access Verification

Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.


2. Enter enable mode, and enter the enable mode password.


Petes-ASA> enable
Password: ********


3. Now we need to go to configuration mode.


Petes-ASA# configure terminal


4. Now you need to allow the http traffic in. Before you can add an ACL you need to see if you already have one. We are applying an ACL to the outside interface for traffic going in (I call this inbound for obvious reasons). To see if you already have an ACL applied, issue the following command;


Petes-ASA#show run access-group
access-group inbound in interface outside
access-group outbound in interface inside


Note: In the example above we have an ACL called inbound that we MUST use. (If you added a new one, all the access list entries for the old one get ‘Un-applied’). If yours has a different name (e.g. outside_access_in then use that instead of the ACL name I’m using here). If you DON’T have an access-group entry for inbound traffic then we will do that at the end!

5. Then: Only carry out the following command if you DO NOT HAVE an ACL applied for incoming traffic.


Petes-ASA(config)# access-group inbound in interface outside


6. Lastly the command that actually does the port forwarding, (static command). And allow the traffic in.


Petes-ASA(config)# static (inside,outside) tcp interface smtp smtp netmask
Petes-ASA(config)# access-list inbound extended permit tcp any interface outside eq smtp


7. Don’t forget to save your hard work. (write memory).


Petes-ASA(config)# write memory
Building configuration...
Cryptochecksum: aab5e5a2 c707770d f7350728 d9ac34de


Option 3 Use the PIX Device Manager (PIX Version 6 Only)1 Port to 1 IP Address

1. As above you will need to know the port and the IP to forward it to, Launch the PIX Device manager, Select Configuration > Access Rules > Then either click “Rule”s > Add or Right click an incoming rule and select > “Insert Before” or “Insert After”.

2. Under the “Action” select “Permit”, Under Source Host/Network Select “Outside”, and all the zeros, Under Destination Host/Network Select “Inside” and all the zeros then set the “Destination Port” to smtp > OK > Apply.

3, Now select the “Translation Rules” tab, Rules Add or Right click a rule and select “Insert before” or “Insert After”.

4. In this example I’ve set it to forward all TCP Port 25 traffic to (NOTE: I’ve blurred out the public IP Address you will need to add this also) > OK > Apply.

5. Finally save your work > File > “Save Running Configuration to Flash.” > Exit.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

ASA 5500 – Port Forwarding To A Different Port

Cisco ASA – Port Forward a ‘Range of Ports’

Add a Static (One to One) NAT Translation to a Cisco ASA 5500 Firewall

Cisco ASA 8.2 Upgrade to 8.3

KB ID 0001366


I can’t believe I’m writing this, it’s been so long since 8.3 was released (7 Years!) And still there’s firewalls out there running old code?

Why is the 8.3 upgrade important? This update made some very major changes to the way we did NAT, and also the way we wrote ACL’s. It was a big change. I remember keeping my client firewalls on 8.2 for a while until I fully understood the changes. And even then if there was anything ‘complicated’ I’d build them with 8.2 and then upgrade them!

So why am I writing this now? Well I’ve done a LOT of these, and every time I’ve got another one to do I check my notes. I was upgrading a clients 5510 today, so I thought I’d polish my notes and publish them for anyone else that has a ‘teal coloured dinosaur’ that needs an upgrade.



Make sure your firewall has enough RAM! To upgrade to/install 8.3 (or above) needs a larger amount of RAM than was installed in the 5500 firewall range before Feb 2010. Cisco RAM is expensive! I suggest a trip to eBay e.g. memory for my 5510 cost me £15.00 and memory for my 5505 cost me $6.00. Ive already written about the memory requirements, see the article below;

ASA – Memory Error (Post upgrade to version 8.3)

Performing the Upgrade 

Step 1: A Few Days Before

Before you do anything, take a full backup of the Firewall. The amount of time I’ve asked ‘You did back it up first didn’t you?’ and the answer is an awkward silence, is far to high!

1. Disable NAT Control (This is a throwback to version 6, when we had to have NAT to pass traffic between interfaces)

You may have it enabled


Petes-ASA# show run all nat-control


To disable it;


Petes-ASA# conf t
 Petes-ASA#(config)# no nat-control


Will it break anything? I’ve not seen it break anything.

2. Disable ‘names’: I was never a fan of these anyway, they seemed like a good idea, then made everything difficult to troubleshoot, I routinely disable ‘names’ when I’m troubleshooting things.


Petes-ASA# conf t
 Petes-ASA#(config)# no names


Will it break anything? Absolutely not!

3. Look at all your NAT statements: Their syntax is about to change A LOT, make sure you know what each one is doing, and why it’s there. Study the differences to the NEW NAT commands, and if you have enough time, convert them offline in notepad, then you have the commands ready to post in if there’s a drama. See the following article;

Cisco PIX/ASA 8.3 Command Changes{NAT / Global / Access-List}

Step 2: Performing the upgrade

Note: During the upgrade the Pre 8.3 config is saved as disk0:/{version-number}_startup_cfg.sav, (i.e. disk0/:8_2_5_59_startup_cfg.sav). This will be critical if there’s a problem and you need to ‘roll-back’. Another handy file is upgrade_startup_errors_{time-stamp}.log (i.e. disk0:/upgrade_startup_errors_201711151046.log). But only look in there if you actually have a problem, because there will always be things in this file, and you will only panic needlessly!

The actual upgrade is the same process for any ASA upgrade. My recommendation is to go from 8.2 to 8.4(6), then you can perform further upgrades from there (as required).

Basic upgrade commands;
copy tftp:// flash
no boot system disk0:/asa825-59-k8.bin
boot system disk0:/asa846-k8.bin
write men

Cisco ASA5500 Update System and ASDM (From CLI)

Post Install Problems?

VPNs Don’t Work? Make sure the upgrade has NOT added the keyword ‘unidirectional‘ to the NAT statements for the VPN tunnel, (bug if you upgrade straight to 8.3(2))

ACL’s Don’t Work? I’ve seen the upgrade process fail to change the IP address from the Public IP to the Private IP in the ACL.(Post 8.3 ACL Statements are written to allow traffic to the internal (pre-tranlslated) IP rather than the external/public (post-transtaled IP,) like you had to do BEFORE version 8.3. This is most common on ACLs applied to the outside interface.

I need to downgrade the ASA back to 8.2!!

To downgrade;


downgrade {image} {config}
downgrade disk0:/asa825-59-k8.bin disk0/:8_2_5_59_startup_cfg.sav


Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links


ASA 5500 Adding a DMZ Step By Step

KB ID 0000316 


Assuming you have a working ASA 5500 and you want to add a DMZ to it, this is the process.


1. Networks,

a. Inside network is b. Outside network is c. DMZ network is

2. Interfaces,

a. Inside Interface is b. Outside Interface is c. DMZ Interface is

3. The Web server in the DMZ will have the following IP addresses,

a. DMZ IP address b. Public IP address

4. From the Internet you want to allow web traffic and secure web traffic (http/www and https/ssl) to the DMZ Server.

5. The DMZ Server needs to speak to a database server on the inside LAN, on TCP port 1433.



Step 1: Setup the DMZ Interface

1. Firstly connect to the ASA log in and go to enable mode.


User Access Verification

Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.
PetesASA> enable
Password: ********


2. Go to configure terminal mode and set up the DMZ interface (In this case Ethernet0/2).


PetesASA# configure terminal
PetesASA(config)# interface Ethernet0/2
PetesASA(config-if)# nameif DMZ
PetesASA(config-if)# security-level 50
PetesASA(config-if)# ip address
PetesASA(config-if)# no shutdown
PetesASA(config-if)# exit


Step 2: Setup the DMZ NAT

Before we worry about the NAT, we need to find out what version of code the ASA is running, (configuration of NAT changes in version 8.3).

Find out your Cisco ASA version (Operating system and ASDM)

ASA Version 8.3 and Newer DMZ NAT

1. Allow the IP addresses in the DMZ to be NATTED to the outside IP address, (we will set up a static translation for the DMZ host in a minute).


PetesASA(config)# object network DMZ-subnet
PetesASA(config-network-object)# subnet
PetesASA(config-network-object)# nat (DMZ,outside) dynamic interface
PetesASA(config-network-object)# exit


2. Specify the public IP of the DMZ host.


PetesASA(config)# object network DMZ-Host-EXT
PetesASA(config-network-object)# host
PetesASA(config-network-object)# exit


3. Create a static NAT translation for the public ip of the DMZ host, to its private IP.


PetesASA(config)# object network DMZ-Host-INT
PetesASA(config-network-object)# host
PetesASA(config-network-object)# nat (DMZ,outside) static DMZ-Host-EXT
PetesASA(config-network-object)# exit


ASA Version 8.2 and Older DMZ NAT

1. I like to name the DMZ entities IP addresses so things look neat.


PetesASA(config)# name DMZ-Host-Private-IP
PetesASA(config)# name DMZ-Host-Public-IP2. Set a some NAT statement to handle traffic flow. (assuming you have a matching global statement like global (outside) 1 xxx - "show run global" will tell you).

[/box] [box]

PetesASA(config)# nat (DMZ) 1


Note We are only going to have one DMZ host, and it will have a static mapping – if you had many DMZ hosts then also add “global (DMZ) 1 interface”.

3. Now add some static mappings.


PetesASA(config)# static (DMZ,outside) DMZ-Host-Public-IP DMZ-Host-Private-IP netmask
PetesASA(config)# static (inside,DMZ) netmask
PetesASA(config)# static (inside,DMZ) netmask


Step 4: Create ACL’s to Allow Traffic

Once again there’s a slight change in the syntax based on the ASA version, after version 8.3 you allow access to the ‘Pre-Natted’ address, but before version 8.3 you allowed access to the ‘Post-Natted’ address.

ASA Version 8.3 and Newer Access Lists

1. To let people from outside you need to either create an access-list or add some rules to any existing inbound access-list. (“show run access-group” will tell you, look for an ACL applies “in” to the outside interface e.g. “access-group outbound in interface inside”. We will assume I don’t have one so I’ll need the access-group at the end..


PetesASA(config)# access-list inbound extended permit tcp any object DMZ-Host-INT eq www
PetesASA(config)# access-list inbound extended permit tcp any object DMZ-Host-INT eq https
PetesASA(config)# access-group inbound in interface outside


2. Now to allow the DMZ host to get to the database server I’m going to allow TCP 1433.

[box]PetesASA(config)# access-list DMZ-outbound permit tcp object DMZ-Host-INT host eq 1433 PetesASA(config)# access-group DMZ-outbound in interface DMZ[/box]

ASA Version 8.2 and Older Access Lists

1. To let people in from the outside you need to either create an access-list or add some rules to any existing inbound access-list. (“show run access-group” will tell you, look for an ACL applies “in” to the outside interface e.g. “access-group outbound in interface inside”. We will assume I don’t have one so I’ll need the access-group at the end.

[box]PetesASA(config)# access-list inbound extended permit tcp any host DMZ-Host-Public-IP eq www PetesASA(config)# access-list inbound extended permit tcp any host DMZ-Host-Public-IP eq https PetesASA(config)# access-group inbound in interface outside 2. Now to allow the DMZ host to get to the database server I’m going to allow TCP 1433.

PetesASA(config)# access-list DMZ_outbound extended permit tcp host DMZ-Host-Private-IP host DMS-SQL eq 1433 PetesASA(config)# access-group DMZ_outbound in interface DMZ[/box]

Step 5: Save the changes

8. Finally save the configuration.


write mem
Building configuration...
Cryptochecksum: 5417d5a1 bee8b082 16c6f19d b3839f139379 bytes copied in 1.410 secs (9379 bytes/sec)


Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Original Article Written 27/08/10

Allow access to VMware View through Cisco ASA 5500

KB ID 0000545 


To access VMware View though a firewall you need the following ports to be open;

In the following example I’m using as the internal IP address of the View Server and the public IP address of the firewall is

Which solution you use, depends on weather you are allowing access via a dedicated public IP that you will assign to the VMware View server, or if you do not have a spare public IP, you will need to use port forwarding.

Option 1 – You have a public IP that you want to assign to the VMware View Server

Option 2 – You want to use Port Forwarding (And your ASA is pre version 8.3)

Option 3 – You want to use Port Forwarding (And your ASA is version 8.3 or newer)


Option 1 – You have a public IP that you want to assign to the VMware View Server

As I’m using on the outside of my ASA I’m going to use another public IP address for the VMware View server ( and I will statically map that to its internal IP address. Then I allow the ports to that IP address, and finally apply the access-list (ACL) that I’ve used to the outside interface (where the VMware View traffic will be coming from).

Warning: The last command (starting access-group, applies the access-list ‘inbound’ in the inbound direction on the outside interface, you may already have an access-list applied to this interface (the ‘show run access-group’ command will tell you) If you do have another ACL simply substitute the name of yours for the work inbound in my example below).

[box]static (inside,outside) netmask
access-list inbound extended permit tcp any host eq www
access-list inbound extended permit tcp any host eq https
access-list inbound extended permit tcp any host eq 4172
access-list inbound extended permit udp any host eq 4172
access-group inbound in interface outside

Option 2 – You want to use Port Forwarding (And your ASA is pre version 8.3)

Below I’m creating a static PAT entry for all the ports required, then allowing the traffic with an access-list, and finally applying the access-list (ACL) that I’ve used to the outside interface (where the VMware View traffic will be coming from)

Warning: The last command (starting access-group, applies the access-list ‘inbound’ in the inbound direction on the outside interface, you may already have an access-list applied to this interface (the ‘show run access-group’ command will tell you) If you do have another ACL simply substitute the name of yours for the work inbound in my example below).

Note: If you port forward https on the outside interface, as I’m doing here, you will not be able to access the ASDM from outside – unless you put it on another port. The following two commands would change the ASDM to port 2345 for example:

no http server enable
http server enable 2345

[box]static (inside,outside) tcp interface www www netmask
static (inside,outside) tcp interface https https netmask
static (inside,outside) tcp interface 4172 4172 netmask
static (inside,outside) udp interface 4172 4172 netmask
access-list inbound permit tcp any interface outside eq www
access-list inbound permit tcp any interface outside eq https
access-list inbound permit tcp any interface outside eq 4172
access-list inbound permit udp any interface outside eq 4172
access-group inbound in interface outside

Option 3 – You want to use Port Forwarding (And your ASA is version 8.3 or newer)

Below I’m creating a network object for all the ports required and statically NATTING the ports required to them, then I’m allowing the traffic to reach that network object, and finally applying the access-list (ACL) that I’ve used to the outside interface (where the VMware View traffic will be coming from)

Warning: The last command (starting access-group, applies the access-list ‘inbound’ in the inbound direction on the outside interface, you may already have an access-list applied to this interface (the ‘show run access-group’ command will tell you) If you do have another ACL simply substitute the name of yours for the work inbound in my example below).

Note: If you port forward https on the outside interface, as I’m doing here, you will not be able to access the ASDM from outside – unless you put it on another port: The following two commands would change the ASDM to port 2345 for example:

no http server enable
http server enable 2345

[box]object network VMWare-View-T80
nat (inside,outside) static interface service tcp www www
object network VMWare-View-T443
nat (inside,outside) static interface service tcp https https
object network VMWare-View-T4172
nat (inside,outside) static interface service tcp 4172 4172
object network VMWare-View-U4172
nat (inside,outside) static interface service udp 4172 4172
access-list inbound permit tcp any object VMWare-View-T80 eq www
access-list inbound permit tcp any object VMWare-View-T443 eq https
access-list inbound permit tcp any object VMWare-View-T4172 eq 4172
access-list inbound permit udp any object VMWare-View-U4172 eq 4172
access-group inbound in interface outside

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Cisco PIX / ASA Port Forwarding Using Command Line, ASDM and PDM

Cisco ASA 5500 Active/Standby – Zero Downtime Upgrade

KB ID 0000733


You have two ASA firewalls deployed in Active/Standby failover configuration, and need to upgrade either the operating system or the ASDM. As you already have a high availability solution you do not want any downtime.

Before we start, we need to make sure we know the difference between primary, secondary, active and standby.

From the rear (Active=Green, Standby=Amber)

The Primary and Secondary firewalls are physical firewalls, the primary will always be the primary, and the secondary will always be the secondary. (Unless you manually change the configuration to force things otherwise!).

The Active firewall will be the firewall that’s passing traffic and in operation, and the Standby firewall is sat waiting to take over, each physical firewall can be either active or standby.


To get updates from Cisco you need to have a valid support agreement for your firewalls and a Cisco CCO account to log in with. (download link)

In this example, I’m going to upgrade both the firewalls from 8.4(5) to 9.1(1), and the ASDM from version 7.1(1) to 7.1(1)-52. When we start, the primary firewall is the active firewall.

In the past I’ve upgraded from 8.2(5) to 8.4(5), and (here) 8.4(5) to 9.1(1). I’ve never had a problem HOWEVER, DO NOT ATTEMPT an upgrade until you have a good backup of the config.

Backup and Restore a Cisco Firewall

1. First you need to upload the software to the flash memory on BOTH firewalls, you can either connect to the ASA via command line and TFTP them there, or connect to the ASDM and upload them from your PC/Laptop. If you have an AnyConnect XML profile take a backup of that also (I’ve seen them disappear).

Install and Use a TFTP Server

Upload via Command Line



Petes-ASA> enable
Petes-ASA#copy tftp flash 

Address or name of remote host []?

Source filename []? asa911-k8.bin

Destination filename [disk0]? asa911-k8.bin

Accessing tftp:// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<<<<Removed lots for the sake of Space>>>>

Writing file disk0:asa911-k8.bin... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<<<<Removed lots for the sake of Space>>>> 


27260928 bytes copied in 49.250 secs (556345 bytes/sec)


Petes-ASA#copy tftp flash 

Address or name of remote host []?

Source filename []? asdm-711-52.bin

Destination filename [disk0]? asdm-711-52.bin

Accessing tftp:// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<<<<Removed lots for the sake of Space>>>> 

Writing file disk0:asdm-711-52.bin... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<<<<Removed lots for the sake of Space>>>> 


17790720 bytes copied in 32.200 secs (555960 bytes/sec)

[/box] Upload via ASDM Connect to the ASDM > Tools > File Management > File Transfer > Between Local PC and Flash > Navigate to the file(s) on your local machine > Upload.

REMEMBER TO DO THIS FOR BOTH FIREWALLS! Note: You can copy the file to the standby firewall’s flash memory, from the primary firewall, using the following syntax (though I usually just swap the console cable over!).


Petes-ASA(config)# failover exec mate copy tftp:// disk0:/asa911-k8.bin


2. On the Primary Active Firewall, set the new OS as the default, below I check to see what file the ASA will boot from, then I change it to the new one, finally I remove the link to the old file. You don’t need to carry out the last step, but I like to leave things tidy.


Petes-ASA# show running-config boot system
boot system disk0:/asa845-k8.bin
Petes-ASA# configure terminal
Petes-ASA(config)# boot system disk0:/asa911-k8.bin
Petes-ASA(config)# no boot system disk0:/asa845-k8.bin
Petes-ASA# show running-config boot system
boot system disk0:/asa911-k8.bin


3. If you are also upgrading the ASDM, you need to set the new one as the default image.


Petes-ASA(config)# asdm image disk0:/asdm-711-52.bin
Petes-ASA(config)# show run asdm image
asdm image disk0:/asdm-711-52.bin
no asdm history enable


4. Save the changes.


Petes-ASA(config)# write mem 

Building configuration...

Cryptochecksum: e150e036 036082e0 6d054a3d 1c7fd9fa

16257 bytes copied in 3.350 secs (5419 bytes/sec) [OK]


5. Whilst still on the primary active firewall, you need to reboot the secondary standby firewall with the following command:


Petes-ASA(config)# failover reload-standby

Mate version 9.1(1) is not identical with ours 8.4(5) 
Beginning configuration replication: Sending to mate. End Configuration Replication to mate


6. This may take a little while, remember it has to reboot, and depending on the version you are upgrading to, may need to change some of the config i.e. in this case of upgrading pasr 8.3 (and newer) all the NAT rules need to be changed. You can check to see if it’s back online by issuing a ‘show failover command (whilst still on the primary firewall). You will know when the secondary firewall is up and ready as you will see ‘Secondary – Standby Ready’.

Note: If you can see the status lights on the standby firewall watch for them to be green,green,amber,green,off (ASA5510).

Warning: Due to the limitations of HTML, your output will be formatted a little differently, you will see the output displayed like this, but the text is the same.


Petes-ASA(config)# show failover

Failover On Failover unit Primary Failover LAN Interface: 
failover Management0/0 (up) 
Unit Poll frequency 1 seconds, 
holdtime 3 seconds 
Interface Poll frequency 3 seconds, 
holdtime 15 seconds 
Interface Policy 1 
Monitored Interfaces 3 of 110 maximum 
Version: Ours 8.4(5), Mate 9.1(1) 
Last Failover at: 13:25:54 GMT/BST Dec 6 2012 
This host: Primary - Active Active time: 350 (sec)
slot 0: ASA5510 hw/sw rev (2.0/8.4(5)) status (Up Sys) 
Interface outside ( Normal (Monitored) 
Interface inside ( Normal (Monitored) 
Interface backup ( Normal (Monitored) 
slot 1: ASA-SSM-10 hw/sw rev (1.0/CSC SSM 6.2.1599.0) status (Up/Up) 
Logging port IP: CSC SSM, 6.2.1599.0, Up 
Other host: Secondary - Standby Ready <<<<<< Here we go! 
Active time: 326 (sec) slot 0: ASA5510 hw/sw rev (2.0/9.1(1)) status (Up Sys) 
Interface outside ( Normal (Monitored) 
Interface inside ( Normal (Monitored) 
Interface backup ( Normal (Monitored) 
slot 1: ASA-SSM-10 hw/sw rev (1.0/CSC SSM 6.3.1172.0) status (Up/Up)

Logging port IP:
CSC SSM, 6.3.1172.0, Up
Stateful Failover Logical Update Statistics 
Link : failover Management0/0 (up) 
Stateful Obj xmit xerr rcv rerr 
General 1709 0 491 49 
sys cmd 58 0 58 0 
up time 0 0 0 0 
RPC services 0 0 0 0 
TCP conn 896 0 244 48 
UDP conn 280 0 45 1 
ARP tbl 474 0 141 0 
Xlate_Timeout 0 0 0 0 
IPv6 ND tbl 0 0 0 0 
VPN IKEv1 SA 0 0 1 0 
VPN IKEv1 P2 1 0 1 0 
VPN IKEv2 SA 0 0 0 0 
VPN IKEv2 P2 0 0 0 0 
VPN CTCP upd 0 0 0 0 
VPN SDI upd 0 0 0 0 
VPN DHCP upd 0 0 0 0 
SIP Session 0 0 0 0 
Route Session 0 0 0 0

User-Identity 0 0 1 0
Logical Update Queue Information Cur Max Total Recv Q: 0 24 2101 Xmit Q: 0 1 2311


7. Now you need to force a failover to the secondary firewall, (again do this on the primary active firewall).


Petes-ASA(config)# no failover active
Switching to Standby


8. Now reboot the primary firewall and that should boot to its new operating system.


Petes-ASA(config)# reload
Proceed with reload? [confirm] {Enter}

9. Once complete, log back in and you can make the primary firewall active once more.



Detected an Active mate Beginning configuration replication from mate.


End configuration replication from mate. 
Petes-ASA> en 
Petes-ASA# configure terminal 
**** WARNING **** Configuration Replication is NOT performed from Standby unit to Active unit. Configurations are no longer synchronized. 

Petes-ASA(config)# failover active  

Switching to Active


Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Deploy Cisco ASA 55xx in Active / Standby Failover

Cisco ASA5500 Update System and ASDM (From CLI)

Cisco ASA – Global Access Lists

KB ID 0001019


I’ve been working for a client that has a large firewall deployment, and they have twelve switches in their six DMZ’s. I wanted to take a backup of these switches (and all the other network devices).

While I was bemoaning the amount of ACL’s that I would need to allow TFTP in from, (note: that’s UDP port 69 if you are interested). My colleague said “Why not use a global ACL?”, On the rare occasions I’m in the ASDM I’ve seen the ‘global’ rule but never really paid it much attention. (Note: You need an OS of 8.3 or newer!)

Don’t panic! I’m not going to use the ASDM, (if you want to use it you can pretty much work out how to do it from the picture above).

What is a Global ACL?

This is an access list that will allow traffic inbound on all interfaces. There are a couple of caveats;

  • Interface specific ACL’s will take precedence over the global ACL (with the exception of the implicit deny at the end of the ACL).
  • With the above in mind, if there is a deny on an interface ACL, traffic will be blocked for that interface.
  • If you have manually added a deny ip any any to the end of an interface ACL (e.g. for logging purposes) then traffic allowed in the global ACL will fail for that interface.

So the firewall processes each interfaces ACL and just before the implicit deny, if then checks the global ACL, if the global ACL allows the traffic it is passed.


OK, I want to allow all my DMZ devices to be able to communicate with a the TFTP server on my management server in the LAN.

1. Log into the firewall and create and ACL as you would normally.


PetesASA> enable
Password: *********
PetesASA# configure terminal
PetesASA(config)# access-list ACL-Global extended permit udp any any eq 69


2. Then instead of applying the ACL directionally to an interface, apply it globally.


PetesASA(config)# access-group ACL-Global global


Thats it! Let’s test it by trying to backup a DMZ switch.


DMZ1-SW-1#copy running-config tftp
Address or name of remote host []?
Destination filename [DMZ-SW-1-confg]? DMZ-SW-1-Backup
1130 bytes copied in 12.244 secs (92 bytes/sec)


Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links