Cisco Firewall Port Forwarding

KB ID 0000077


Note: This is for Cisco ASA 5500, 5500-x, and Cisco Firepower devices running ASA Code.

Note2: If your firewall is running a version older than 8.3 you will need to scroll down the page.

Port forwarding on Cisco firewalls can be a little difficult to get your head around, to better understand what is going on remember in the “World of Cisco” you need to remember two things…..

1. NAT Means translate MANY addresses to FEW Addresses

2. PAT Means translate MANY addresses to ONE Address.

Why is that important you ask? Well most networking types assume NAT is translating one address to many, BUT on a Cisco device this is PAT, and it uses (as the name implies) port numbers to track everything. e.g. the first connection outbound might be seen on the firewall as and the second connection outbound might be seen as so when the traffic comes back the firewall knows where to send it.

Fair enough but what has that got to do with Port Forwarding? Well you can use the exact same system to lock a port to an IP address – so if only one port can go to one IP address then that’s going to give you port forwarding 🙂

To make matters more confusing (sorry) you configure PAT in the NAT settings, for this very reason it confuses the hell out of a lot of people, and the GUI is not intuitive for configuring port forwarding, (the ADSM is better than the old PIX PDM) but most people, (me included,) prefer to use command line to do port forwarding.

Below you will find;

Option 1 (Use ASDM)
Option 2 Use Command Line Interface
Option 3 Use PDM (PIX v6 Only)

Option 1: Port Forwarding Using ASDM

Note: This option uses ASDM Version 7.9(2) If yours is older see below;

Connect to the ASDM, Configuration > Firewall > NAT Rules > Right Click ‘Network Object Nat Rules’ > Add ‘Network Object’ Nat Rule.

Name = “Give the internal server/host a sensible name” > Type = Host > IP Address = The internal / private IP address > Type = Static > Translated address = Outside > Advanced > Source Interface = Inside > Destination Interface = Outside > Protocol = TCP  > Real port = http > Mapped Port = http > Ok > OK > Apply.

Note: This assumes your Outside interface is called outside, Inside interface is called inside and you want to port TCP port 80 (http).

Configuration > Firewall > Access Rules > Right Click ‘Outside Interface” > Add Access Rule.

Interface = Outside > Action = Permit > Source = Any > Destination {Browse}  > Locate the object you created earlier > Add to Destination > OK.

Service {Browse} > Select the Port you require (i.e. http) > OK.

OK > Apply > When you have tested it works, save the changes.


Using Older ASDM (PIX V7 and ASA5500) 1 Port to 1 IP Address

1. As above you will need to know the port and the IP to forward it to, Launch the ASDM, Select Configuration > Security Policy > Then either Rule Add, or right click the incoming rules and select “Add Access Rule.”

2. Interface = Outside > Direction = Incoming > Action = Permit > Source = Any > Destination, Type = Interface IP, Interface = Outside > Protocol = TCP > Destination Port Source = smtp (for example) > OK > Apply.

3. Back at the main screen select Configuration > NAT > Add, or Right Click an Existing mapping and click “Add Static NAT Rule.”

4. Real Address Interface = Inside > IP Address = > Netmask = > Static Translation Interface = outside > IP Address = (Interface IP) > Tick “Enable Port Translation (PAT) > Protocol = TCP > Original Port = smtp > Translated Port = smtp (for example) > OK > Apply.

5. File > “Save Running Configuration to Flash.”

Option 2 Use the Command Line to Port Forward (Post Version 8.3)

Note: Port forwarding changed on PIX/ASA devices running OS 8.3 and above, in regards to port forwarding. There is no longer a global command, for a full run-down of the changes click here.

If you issue a global command after version 8.3 you will see this error,

ERROR: This syntax of nat command has been deprecated.
Please refer to “help nat” command for more details.

1. First things first, you will need to know what port you want to forward, and where you want to forward it, for this example We will assume I’ve got a server at and it’s a mail server so I want to Forward all TCP Port 80 traffic (HTTP) to it. Connect to the Firewall via Console/Telnet or SSH.


Warning Notice
User Access Verification#
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.


2. Enter enable mode, and enter the enable mode password.


Petes-ASA> enable


3. Now we need to go to configuration mode.


Petes-ASA# configure terminal


4. Create an object for the web server that the traffic is going to be forwarded to.


Petes-ASA(config)# object network Internal_Web_Server
Petes-ASA(config-network-object)# host


5. Then create a NAT translation for the port to be forwarded. Then you can exit the network object prompt.


Petes-ASA(config-network-object)# nat (inside,outside) static interface service tcp http http
Petes-ASA(config-network-object)# exit


6. Now you need to allow the http traffic in. Before you can add an ACL you need to see if you already have one. We are applying an ACL to the outside interface for traffic going in (I call this inbound for obvious reasons). To see if you already have an ACL applied, issue the following command;


Petes-ASA# show run access-group
access-group inbound in interface outside
access-group outbound in interface inside


Note: In the example above we have an ACL called inbound that we MUST use. (If you added a new one, all the access list entries for the old one get ‘Un-applied’). If yours has a different name (e.g. outside_access_in then use that instead of the ACL name I’m using here). If you DONT have an access-group entry for inbound traffic then we will do that at the end!


Petes-ASA(config)# access-list inbound permit tcp any object Internal_Web_Server eq http


7. Then: Only carry out the following command if you DO NOT HAVE an ACL applied for incoming traffic.


Petes-ASA(config)# access-group inbound in interface outside


8. Don’t forget to save your hard work. (write memory).


Petes-ASA(config)# write memory
Building configuration...
Cryptochecksum: aab5e5a2 c707770d f7350728 d9ac34de


All the commands to Copy & Paste (Post v 8.3);


object network Internal_Web_Server
nat (inside,outside) static interface  service tcp http http
access-list inbound permit tcp any object Internal_Web_Server eq http
access-group inbound in interface outside 


Use the Command Line to Port Forward (pre version 8.3) 1 Port to 1 IP Address

1. First things first, you will need to know what port you want to forward, and where you want to forward it, for this example we will assume I’ve got a server at and it’s a mail server so I want to forward all TCP Port 25 traffic to it. Connect to the Firewall via Console/Telnet or SSH.


Warning Notice

User Access Verification

Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.


2. Enter enable mode, and enter the enable mode password.


Petes-ASA> enable
Password: ********


3. Now we need to go to configuration mode.


Petes-ASA# configure terminal


4. Now you need to allow the http traffic in. Before you can add an ACL you need to see if you already have one. We are applying an ACL to the outside interface for traffic going in (I call this inbound for obvious reasons). To see if you already have an ACL applied, issue the following command;


Petes-ASA#show run access-group
access-group inbound in interface outside
access-group outbound in interface inside


Note: In the example above we have an ACL called inbound that we MUST use. (If you added a new one, all the access list entries for the old one get ‘Un-applied’). If yours has a different name (e.g. outside_access_in then use that instead of the ACL name I’m using here). If you DON’T have an access-group entry for inbound traffic then we will do that at the end!

5. Then: Only carry out the following command if you DO NOT HAVE an ACL applied for incoming traffic.


Petes-ASA(config)# access-group inbound in interface outside


6. Lastly the command that actually does the port forwarding, (static command). And allow the traffic in.


Petes-ASA(config)# static (inside,outside) tcp interface smtp smtp netmask
Petes-ASA(config)# access-list inbound extended permit tcp any interface outside eq smtp


7. Don’t forget to save your hard work. (write memory).


Petes-ASA(config)# write memory
Building configuration...
Cryptochecksum: aab5e5a2 c707770d f7350728 d9ac34de


Option 3 Use the PIX Device Manager (PIX Version 6 Only)1 Port to 1 IP Address

1. As above you will need to know the port and the IP to forward it to, Launch the PIX Device manager, Select Configuration > Access Rules > Then either click “Rule”s > Add or Right click an incoming rule and select > “Insert Before” or “Insert After”.

2. Under the “Action” select “Permit”, Under Source Host/Network Select “Outside”, and all the zeros, Under Destination Host/Network Select “Inside” and all the zeros then set the “Destination Port” to smtp > OK > Apply.

3, Now select the “Translation Rules” tab, Rules Add or Right click a rule and select “Insert before” or “Insert After”.

4. In this example I’ve set it to forward all TCP Port 25 traffic to (NOTE: I’ve blurred out the public IP Address you will need to add this also) > OK > Apply.

5. Finally save your work > File > “Save Running Configuration to Flash.” > Exit.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

ASA 5500 – Port Forwarding To A Different Port

Cisco ASA – Port Forward a ‘Range of Ports’

Add a Static (One to One) NAT Translation to a Cisco ASA 5500 Firewall

AnyConnect ‘Management VPN Tunnel’ Configuration

KB ID 0001503


With the newest version of AnyConnect (4.7) there’s an added feature called ‘Management VPN’. It’s there, so that if you have remote users who don’t VPN in very often, then you may struggle to mange them, e.g. put software updates, AV updates, SCCM packages etc. down to them. 

Before version 4.7  you could configure ‘Automatically Connect’, or ‘Start before Logon’ to handle these problems, well now you can use Management VPN. What it does is, it automatically connects (using the computer certificate to authenticate), and it automatically disconnects when a remote user brings up a normalAnyConnect VPN user  connection. When they disconnect again, the Management VPN (after a few seconds) will re-establish again.

As usual the Cisco documentation is not brilliant! So I built it out in EVE-NG to test. Here’s the Lab I used;

I’ve got a Windows 2012 R2 Server that’s doing Certificate services and DHCP, I’ve also got an external (Windows 7) client with AnyConnect 4.7 installed.


My first task was to setup normal user AnyConnect, which I secured with certificates, (user certificates), I sent the certificates out using auto-enrollment. Also while I had my certificate hat on, I generated a certificate for the outside of the ASA as well. (I didn’t  bother setting up NDES I just imported the CA Certificate eon the ASA).

Note: If you already have working AnyConnect, then you can skip this section.

Deploying Certificates via ‘Auto Enrollment’

Cisco AnyConnect – Securing with Microsoft Certificate Services

I’m also leasing my remote client’s IP addresses from my Windows DHCP server, so I’ve setup a DHCP scope on there as well (

As a pointer here is the config I’m using;


object network OBJ-AnyConnect-SN
access-list SPLIT-TUNNEL standard permit 
nat (inside,outside) source static any any destination static OBJ-AnyConnect-SN OBJ-AnyConnect-SN no-proxy-arp route-lookup
 enable outside
 anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-win-4.7.00136-webdeploy-k9.pkg 1
group-policy GP-AnyConnect internal
group-policy GP-AnyConnect attributes
 wins-server none
 dns-server value
 vpn-tunnel-protocol ssl-client 
 split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
 split-tunnel-network-list value SPLIT-TUNNEL
 default-domain value
tunnel-group TG-AnyConnect type remote-access
tunnel-group TG-AnyConnect general-attributes
 default-group-policy GP-AnyConnect
tunnel-group TG-AnyConnect webvpn-attributes
 authentication certificate
 group-alias TG-AnyConnect enable
 group-url enable


In addition, (much as I prefer to work at CLI, you need to go into the ASDM to do the following). Create a new connection profile and associate it with the group policy we just created (above).

Add to the ‘Server list‘ the URL you specified (above).

To avoid being prompted for which certificate to use, untick ‘Disable Automatic Certificate Selection’ (Yes the name makes no sense to me either!) Save the profile.

Then make sure the VPN works as expected.

Setup AnyConnect Management VPN


Your ASA needs to be running newer than version 9, and your ASDM image needs to be 7.10(1) or newer.

You need to have the Anyconnect client software (4.7 or newer!)

I’ve already mentioned certificates, but you will need to have the CA certificate from the CA that’s generating your COMPUTER certificates installed and trusted, mine’s already there, as I’m already authenticating my USER certificates with it.

Add another Tunnel-Group and Group-Policy for your Management-VPN, I’ll drop back to CLI to do that (to keep things neat and tidy).


group-policy GP-Management-VPN internal
group-policy GP-Management-VPN attributes
 dns-server value
 vpn-tunnel-protocol ssl-client 
 split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
 split-tunnel-network-list value SPLIT-TUNNEL
 default-domain value
tunnel-group TG-Managemet-VPN type remote-access
tunnel-group TG-Managemet-VPN general-attributes
 default-group-policy GP-Management-VPN
tunnel-group TG-Managemet-VPN webvpn-attributes
 authentication certificate
 group-alias TG-Managemet-VPN enable
 group-url enable


Add a new connection profile, set the type to ‘AnyConnect Management VPN Profile’, and link it to the Group-Policy for your AnyConnect USER connections.

As before add an entry to the server list with the same URL you specified in the Management VPN tunnel group.

Add an Automatic VPN policy, to connect whenever you are on a network that is NOT your corporate network. Here if a client sees my server, on the same network, or gets my domain name via DHCP it WONT connect.

Additional Settings Required for Management VPN

Edit the Group-Policy you are using for Management VPN > AnyConnect Client  > Custom Attributes > Add > Create an Attribute called: ManagementTunnelAllAllowed.

Create a value for it called true/true.

In the ‘AnyConnect Client‘ section, ENABLE ‘Client Bypass Protocol’.

Your client will need to connect at least once to get the new settings, once they have when they disconnect the Management VPn will establish.

As soon as the user tunnel comes up, the Management VPN tunnel will drop.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links


Cisco ASA EZVPN (Revisited)

KB ID 0001261


EZVPN is a technology that lets you form an ISAKMP/IPSEC VPN tunnel from a site with a dynamically assigned IP (EZVPN Client,) back to a device with a static IP (EZVPN Server).

I’ve called this EZVPN revisited, because this is a technology I’ve talked about before. So why am I here again? Well back then I used the ASDM. If you do that now, you need to go in and mess about with things to get it to work properly. Last week a client was asking me about buying a 5505 for his home, and putting a VPN into his place of work. Obviously he did not have a static IP at home, which was why I suggested EZVPN.

So it’s time to ‘Man Up’ and get to grips with the CLI. In the example below my corporate LAN is behind a Cisco ASA 5515-X, and my ‘Home Office’ is behind a Cisco ASA 5506-X, (you can use a 5508-X as well, or an old 5505).



So How does EZVPN Work? Well there’s no separate/special technology, it’s a good old fashioned Client IPSEC VPN. The one we used to use the OLD IPSEC VPN client for, (yes the one that went end of life – in 2011!)

But instead of using a piece of software to supply the username/password and the group/pre-shared-key, you configure a hardware device to supply those details. This enables the hardware device to bring up a software client VPN session. There are two methods of doing this, Client Mode and Network Extension Mode (NEM).

  • Client Mode: Works exactly like the VPN client software, and leases an IP address from a pool of IP addresses supplied by the ASA, (or a DHCP server).
  • Network Extension Mode: This works like a ‘proper’ site to site VPN, insofar as, all the IP addresses on the client/remote site can be addressed from the main site. 

I’m going to use Network Extension Mode for this example, I’m also going to enable ‘Split tunnelling’ so that only VPN traffic goes over the VPN.


The client that ‘dials in’ cannot be running any other VPN solution. In fact it can’t even have IKE policies defined, (even if they are not in use).

Configure the EZVPN Server

The bulk of the work is on the main site ASA.


crypto ikev1 policy 65535
 authentication pre-share
 encryption 3des
 hash sha
 group 2
 lifetime 86400
crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set TS-IPSEC-VPN esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
access-list SPLIT-TUNNEL standard permit
group-policy IPSEC-VPN internal
group-policy IPSEC-VPN attributes
 password-storage enable
 nem enable
 vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev1
 split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
 split-tunnel-network-list value SPLIT-TUNNEL
 vpn-simultaneous-logins 3
tunnel-group IPSEC-VPN type remote-access
tunnel-group IPSEC-VPN general-attributes
 default-group-policy IPSEC-VPN
 authentication-server-group LOCAL
tunnel-group IPSEC-VPN ipsec-attributes
 ikev1 pre-shared-key Cisco123456
crypto dynamic-map DYNAMIC-CRYPTO-MAP 65535 set ikev1 transform-set TS-IPSEC-VPN
crypto map CRYPTO-MAP 65535 ipsec-isakmp dynamic DYNAMIC-CRYPTO-MAP
crypto map CRYPTO-MAP interface outside
crypto ikev1 enable outside
object network OBJ-EZVPN-SUBNET
nat (inside,outside) source static any any destination static OBJ-EZVPN-SUBNET OBJ-EZVPN-SUBNET no-proxy-arp route-lookup
username EZVPNSite1 password P@ssword123


Points to Note:

  • I’m using 3DES and SHA1 for Phase 1 (ISAKMP,) and phase 2 (IPSEC).
  • The Network behind my main site ASA is
  • The Network behind my remote site ASA is
  • I’ve enabled split tunnelling.
  • My interfaces are called inside and outside, yours might be different!
  • Crypto Map Warning: If you already have a crypto map applied to the outside interface use the name of the existing one (i.e NOT CRYPTO-MAP), or your exiting VPN’s will stop working! Issue a ‘show run crypto map‘ command to check.
  • I have not enabled PFS. (If I had it would have been in the crypto map).

Configure the EZVPN Client (Remote Site)

The remote site(s) are easy.


vpnclient server
vpnclient mode network-extension-mode
vpnclient nem-st-autoconnect
vpnclient vpngroup IPSEC-VPN password Cisco123456
vpnclient username EZVPNSite1 password P@ssword123
vpnclient enable


Adding Additional EZVPN Sites

To add another site in Client Mode you would simply add another username and password, on the EZVPN server. With Network Extension Mode then you would add an object and NAT exemption on the main site, then setup a new username and password for that site like so;

New Site EZVPN Server Config


object network OBJ-EZVPN-SUBNET-2
nat (inside,outside) source static any any destination static OBJ-EZVPN-SUBNET-2 OBJ-EZVPN-SUBNET-2 no-proxy-arp route-lookup
username EZVPNSite2 password P@ssword456


New Site EZVPN Client Config

You just need the new username and password;


vpnclient server
vpnclient mode network-extension-mode
vpnclient nem-st-autoconnect
vpnclient vpngroup IPSEC-VPN password Cisco123456
vpnclient username EZVPNSite2 password P@ssword456
vpnclient enable



Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links


Windows Server Setup RADIUS for Cisco ASA 5500 Authentication

KB ID 0000685


Note: The procedure is the same for Server 2016 and 2019

This week I was configuring some 2008 R2 RADIUS authentication, so I thought I’d take a look at how Microsoft have changed the process for 2012. The whole thing was surprisingly painless.

I will say that Kerberos Authentication is a LOT easier to configure, but I’ve yet to test that with 2012, (watch this space).


Step 1 Configure the ASA for AAA RADIUS Authentication

1. Connect to your ASDM, > Configuration.

2. Remote Access VPN.

3. AAA Local Users > AAA Server Groups.

4. In the Server group section > Add.

5. Give the group a name and accept the defaults > OK.

6. Now (with the group selected) > In the bottom (Server) section > Add.

7. Specify the IP address, and a shared secret that the ASA will use with the 2012 Server performing RADIUS > OK.

8. Apply.

Configure AAA RADIUS from command line;


aaa-server PNL-RADIUS protocol radius
aaa-server PNL-RADIUS (inside) host
 key 123456
 radius-common-pw 123456


Step 2 Configure Windows 2012 Server to allow RADIUS

9. On the Windows 2012 Server > Launch Server Manager > Local Server.

10. Manage > Add Roles and Features.

11. If you get an initial welcome page, tick the box to ‘skip’ > Next > Accept the ‘Role based or feature based installation’ > Next.

12. We are installing locally > Next.

13. Add ‘Network Policy and Access Server’ > Next.

14. Add Features.

15. Next.

16. Next.

17. Next.

18. Install.

19. When complete > Close.

20. Select NPAS (Server 2016), or NAP (Server 2012).

21. Right click the server > Network Policy Server.

22. Right click NPS > Register server in Active Directory.

23. Expand RADIUS > right click RADIUS clients > New.

24. Give the firewall a friendly name, (take note of what this is, you will need it again) > Specify its IP > Enter the shared secret you setup above (number 7) > OK.

25. Expand policies > right click ‘Connection Request Policies’ > New.

26. Give the policy a name > Next.

27. Add a condition > Set the condition to ‘Client Friendly Name’ > Add.

28. Specify the name you set up above (number 24) > OK > Next.

29. Next.

30. Next.

31. Change the attribute to ‘User-Name’ > Next.

32. Finish.

33. Now right click ‘Network Policies’ > New.

34. Give the policy a name> Next.

35. Add a condition > User Groups.

36. Add in the AD security group you want to allow access to > OK > Next.

37. Next.

38. Access Granted > Next.

39. Select ‘Unencrypted Authentication PAP SPAP” > Next.

40. Select No.

41. Next.

42. Next.

43. Finish.

Step 3 Test RADIUS Authentication

44. Back at the ASDM, in the same page you were in previously, select your server and then click ‘Test’.

45. Change the selection to Authentication > Enter your domain credentials > OK.

46. You are looking for a successful outcome.

Note: if it fails check there is physical connectivity between the two devices, the shared secrets match. Also ensure UDP ports 1645 and 1646 are not being blocked.

To Test AAA RADIUS Authentication from Command Line

test aaa-server authentication PNL-RADIUS host username petelong password password123

47. Finally, save the firewall changes > File > Save running configuration to flash.


Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Windows Server 2003 – Configure RADIUS for Cisco ASA 5500 Authentication

Windows Server 2008 R2 – Configure RADIUS for Cisco ASA 5500 Authentication