Camtasia Recording Quit Unexpectedly

Recording Quit Unexpectedly KB ID 0001864


I use Camtasia every so often, both for sending screencasts to colleagues, and for making videos for my YouTube channel. Camtasia and Snagit are one of the few pieces of software I gladly pay for. After a recent update though every time I wanted to capture a recording, this happened.

Recording Quit Unexpectedly
Camtasia is unable to recover the recording.

Solution: Recording Quit Unexpectedly

I swore a bit, ignored it and waited for an update; the problem did not get resolved. I removed and reinstalled the software the problem remained. I logged a call, answered some questions, was asked to remove and reinstall, then do a manual removal backing up the Libraries and themes still the problem persisted. Ironically if Camtasia had been working it would be the very tool I used to demonstrate the problem to the people trying to help me. After about a week I took a screenshot (using Snagit!) of the button I was using to stop recording and the support guys know right away what the problem was.

The problem is – THAT’S NOT THE CAMTASIA APPLICATION, it’s some new Apple application that monitors your screen sharing, and to compound the problem there’s so many apps and programs on my menu bar I could not see the Camtasia program icon. So after I closed a few background programs down.

And everything was fine. That’s going to catch a few people out running the newer versions of macOS.

Additional Information

Although the following steps did not rectify the problem (which was in fairness user error!) I’ll post them here.

Reinstall Camtasia (Preserving Libraries and Themes)

Backup Libraries and Themes
* If you have any Libraries or Themes, you’d like to backup so you can re-store them later, you must do the following first: If you do not, you will lose everything in your Libraries and Themes you have added or created:

1. Open a Finder window and then click the Go menu at the top left of your monitor and then choose Go to Folder… at the bottom.
2. Type in: ~/Library/Application Support/TechSmith/Camtasia 2023
3. Click on Go
4. In the window that appears, copy the Library and Themes folders to your desktop
5. Confirm those folders are on the desktop, close the Finder window and continue with the steps below.

Uninstall Camtasia 2023 (and previous versions)

1. Move Camtasia 2023 from the Applications folder to the Trash bin. Move any previous versions to the trash as well if you see them.
2. Open a Finder window and then click the Go menu at the top left of your monitor and then choose Go to Folder… at the bottom.
3. Type in: ~/Library/Preferences/
4. Click on Go
5. In the window that appears, locate the com.techsmith.Camtasia2023.plist file and move it to the trash. If you see any previous versions .plist files move those to the trash as well. Once those have been removed, close the Finder window.
6. Click on a new Finder window. Click on the Go menu at the top left again and click on Go To Folder… at the bottom.
7. Type in: ~/Library/Application Support
8. Click on Go
9. In the window that appears, look for Camtasia2023, and any previous version folders. If you see any, move them to the trash.
10. In this same Finder window, find the TechSmith folder and open it. Move the Camtasia 2023 folder to the trash. If you see any previous versions folder in here as well, move those to the trash. Once done, close the Finder window.
11. Open a Finder window and then click the Go menu at the top left of your monitor and then choose Go to Folder… at the bottom.
12. Type in: ~/Library/Caches
13. Click on Go
14. In the window that appears, move all  com.techsmith.Camtasia and folders to the trash.
15. Empty the Trash.
16. Restart computer.
17. Download and install Camtasia 2023
18. Open Camtasia

Restore Libraries and Themes from backup
1. Open a Finder window and then click the Go menu at the top left of your monitor and then choose Go to Folder… at the bottom.
2. Type in: ~/Library/Application Support/TechSmith/Camtasia 2023
3. Click on Go
4. Find the Library and Themes folders you copied to your desktop. Select and copy both.
5. Go back to the Finder window that just appeared and paste Library and Themes folders you just copied from your desktop.
6. You should get a prompt about a folder already being named Library and Themes. Choose Replace.
7. Open Camtasia to see your Libraries and Themes.

If that does not work the following will reset all the services for Camtasia.

1. Open the Terminal program (you can find this in the spotlight search bar by typing it in)2.
2.Once open type the following command: tccutil reset All com.techsmith.camtasia20xx (Where “xx” is the last two digits of the version, for example 2023 would have 23 in the xx area)

*If executed properly, you should get this: tccutil: Usage: tccutil reset SERVICE

1.Restart computer.
2.Open Camtasia and follow the prompts to enable screen recording and see if you’re able to record.

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Kudos and special thanks to Alex C from Techsmith Support.

How To Open KMZ Files

KB ID 0001765


Occasionally I get KMZ files sent to me, (usually from Telcos that are showing me the routes of comms circuits). Basically a KMZ file is a ‘Compressed Map File‘. If you need to open KMZ files, then it’s simpler than you think.

Open KMZ Files

These files can be opened with Google Earth Pro, (it’s a free download and install).

There you go.

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Running Dropbox On Windows Server

KB ID 0001489


If you are here, you have probably already found out that Dropbox is not supported on Windows Server platforms. You can install it and set it up happily but it stops working and needs to be relaunched all the time (manually).

I love dropbox! So much I actually pay for it! I run it on my management server and its handy for copying file up into my test network, so I can appreciate how annoying it is having to restart it all the time. So to fix the problem we have to use a piece of software that’s over 15 years old! 

Running Dropbox as a Service on Windows Server

First you have to stop dropbox running.

Then download srvany and extract the executable to the Dropbox install directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox). Note: This file is form the old Server 2003 resource kit.

From an elevated command prompt run the following command;

[box]sc create Dropbox binPath= “C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\srvany.exe” DisplayName= “Dropbox Service”[/box]

Run services.msc > locate the dropbox Service  > And set its ‘LogOn’ to the account you were logged in with, when you installed the Dropbox software.

Change the startup type to Automatic, (Don’t start the service yet!) > OK.

Execute the following three commands;


New-Item -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dropbox\Parameters

New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dropbox\Parameters -Name Application -PropertyType String -Value “C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\Client\Dropbox.exe”

Start-Service Dropbox



You also need to execute the following from an ‘Administrative command window’, (or Dropbox will stop synchronising after a few hours).


SETX /M QT_OPENGL software


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Special Thanks to Frédéric for the SETX command to fix the timeout.

Why Do You Need Anti-Phishing Software?

KB ID 0001491

Written By: Joseph Gojo Cruz

The basic steps you use in protecting your computer, such as an antivirus program, are important in avoiding phishing scams. Additional security measures include reviewing SSL certificates, building a firewall, and implementing an anti-phishing software.

An anti-phishing software helps you test your employees on how they will react when there’s a phishing attack. In using an anti-phishing software, you could create different kinds of phishing emails that you could send to your employees, the purpose of this kind of software is to help educate your employees about the most up-to-date phishing lures in the internet.

Once they experienced the different kinds of phishing scams with the help of an anti-phishing software, they will be able to recognize phishing scams and will have enough knowledge on how to fight it and prevent it in the future. With the help of digital age nowadays, many quality anti-phishing softwares are now available online, you can look for the reviews to know more info about the softwares and choose which one you think is the best option.

For obvious reasons, credit card safety and sensitive data protection are why you have to implement an anti-phishing software. But how does it really benefit you as a user?

Importance of Anti-Phishing Programs

With the increase in phishing scams reported every year, it’s high time business owners reconsider implementing the latest security features and tools in their database. Below are some important facts about phishing according to the and NGS Software:

  • August, 2005 recorded 13,776 phishing scams connected to 5,259 sites.
  • Phishing attacks have targeted 84 companies, three of them suffered 80% of the fraud.
  • 85% of phishing attacks were targeted to financial entities, like banks.
  • Unfortunately, the phishers succeeded in illegally obtaining personal and sensitive details from almost 5% of the victims.
  • A staggering 57 million of internet users in the US have experienced phishing emails, while 1.7 million of them fell victim to the phishing attacks.

Now you know how crucial it is for businesses and credit card users to protect their data at all times. The more you secure your data, the lower your risk of falling victim to fraudsters.

Here are some tips if you think a phisher has obtained your sensitive details:

  • Immediately report the incident to the bank, credit or lending institution which your personal details have been disclosed.
  • Let the company or entity that was phished know about the incident.
  • Notify the Equifax, TransUnion, or Experian so they’ll take action.
  • Report it to a local police office.
  • Also, send word to the Federal Trade Commission or Federal Bureau of Investigation so they are informed of the case.

Changing your PIN or passwords is also an important step to secure other accounts that may have been connected to the exposed data.

With the different kinds of cyber crimes that’s happening right now, you should never be complacent that your cyber security measures are enough to combat cyber attacks. Never underestimate how cyber criminals work and always be the one who is a step ahead of the game. Phishing might be simple at first look but with all the records that were shown, it is one of the most known cyber crime that businesses fall into. Always strive to be a phishproof business. In that way, your customers are secured that their personal information will never be compromised and fall into the hands of hackers.


Governments and companies are doing their best to stop phishing attacks. However, efforts seem not to be enough to deter phishers and other cyber criminals from accessing private and personal information online. So the best way to protect yourself from phishing is to implement an anti-phishing software.

Software and tools that secure personal data are effective in fighting phishing scams. When your data is secure, you can have peace of mind and confidence when dealing with online payment methods.

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EVE-NG (VMware) Connecting to the Internet

KB ID 0001432


I did an article a while back on doing this with UNL, so I thought I’d revisit it today for EVE-NG. I really like EVE-NG, for proof of concept work, testing, and just learning new products I cant think of any product better.

But what if you want to connect your labs to the outside world? 


In all honesty a lot of this article you can skip, I’m just showing you what’s going on down at the Linux level (so you can be sure yours will be OK).

I’m assuming you already have EVE-NG installed and some images in it, and know how to create a lab, and that you want to connect that lab to the internet.

Unlike UNL, EVE-NG will deploy with only one vNIC, (below I’m using vSphere 6), so to keep things nice and simple I’m just going to add one more;

VMXNet3 is fine, just make sure it’s connected to the correct port-group.

Note: You can probably skip down to allowing promiscuous mode below. As the good folk at EVE-NG have configured all the hard stuff for you!

SSH into your EVE-NG server > log on as the root user, and make sure it can see BOTH network cards, with the following command;

[box]ifconfig -a | grep ^eth[/box]

Above you can see the original eth0, and the one I just added eth1.

You probably already have nano installed, (it’s a text editor). But just in case, run the following command;

[box]apt-get install nano[/box]

Use nano to edit/view the network card settings; 

[box]nano /etc/network/interfaces[/box]

Scroll down to the settings for eth1 and make sure it is tied to, (bridged to)  pnet1 (as below). Repeat for any additional network cards.

To exit nano Press CTRL+X, (then if you have made any changes save them).

You can also see a summary of bridged interfaces with the following command;


brctl show


Enable Promiscuous Mode

Your Hyper Visor (VMware) needs to be able to see traffic from your EVE-NG devices, coming out though the vNIC we added earlier, that means a lot of MAC addresses are going to be coming from the MAC address of that vNIC. By default VMWare will block that. so we need to enable promiscuous mode on the port-group that we connected to earlier, (mine was called VM Network).

If you are using the older VMware (Fat) client, see the link at the bottom of the page for the older UNL article.

Edit the port group;

On the Security tab > Tick ‘Override’, and set it to ‘Accept’ > OK.

Forged Transmits: You will also need to enable this, (if you use VLAN tagging in your network!)

Add Cloud Objects to EVE-NG

Above, (if you remember) the vNIC (eth1) was bridged to pnet1. These used to be labelled pnet1, pnet2, etc. Now they are labelled Cloud1, Cloud2, etc.

In your lab workspace add a ‘Network’ object.

Select Cloud1 (remember this is mapped to pnet1, which is bridged to eth1.). You may want to change the name from Net, to something like ‘Internet’.

Connect a device to it, (I’m using a router, because they are quick and easy to setup).

My Network has DHCP on it, so my router picked up an IP from my LAN, and once I’d given it a default route, I now have full internet access from the lab.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Unified Networking Lab – Connecting ESX VM to the Internet

Audacity: ‘Click Track’ Missing?

KB ID 0001426


While attempting to generate a ‘Click Track’ in Audacity, I could not find the option?


There are a couple of reasons why this can happen, firstly you don’t have the ‘Nyquist’ effect enabled, (Audacity > Preferences> Effects). But that wasn’t the case for me.

Open a Terminal window, and execute the following command;

[box]sudo xattr -r -d /Applications/Audacity[/box]

Supply your password, and restart Audacity. It should now display.

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Audacity – Looping Audio (Repeating Sections)

Looping Audio KB ID 0001290


Those that know me, will know I’ve been struggling to learn the guitar over the last few months. Recently my teacher, (the extremely talented Mr John Robson,) gave me some tab to learn, and helpfully recorded a backing track. 

Now it’s only 8 bars long, and not particularly fast, but I was still struggling to keep up. 🙁 Like all practical skills I learn by good old EDIP, (Explanation Demonstration Imitation Practice). However I don’t multitask well, Mmm thats not strictly true, I don’t multi-problem well! In an effort to break the problem down into smaller problems I wanted to just play one problem at a time! This needed me to play and loop a section at a time, to at least give me a chance!


A number of weeks ago I had asked my tutor how to do this and he said, “Use Audacity, it’s free as well.” 

Solution: Looping Audio

Open you audio track in Audacity and ensure you have the right selection tool chosen (1). Click and drag within the track (2), (not on the top of the track or it will annoyingly autostart playing from where you clicked). Finally, press and hold shift, and press the space bar. (I read some posts that said shift and click also works but it does not on my mac).


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