Nutanix: Could Not Reach Next Server

Could Not Reach Next Server KB ID 0001865


Nutanix is very flaky! On a new (single host  cluster,) post setup whilst attempting to login to Prism for the first time, it wanted to link to my Nutanix account.

Unknown host, could not reach NEXT server. Please configure name server

Solution : Could Not Reach Next Server

Why do I say it’s flaky, well I defined a DNS server when I created the cluster.

However, If I fired up SSH and connected into the CVM and queried the DNS servers for the cluster, ncli cluster get-name-servers, the list was blank? I created a new entry with ncli cluster add-to-name-servers servers= (then retested to make sure).

Problem solved.

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Camtasia Recording Quit Unexpectedly

Recording Quit Unexpectedly KB ID 0001864


I use Camtasia every so often, both for sending screencasts to colleagues, and for making videos for my YouTube channel. Camtasia and Snagit are one of the few pieces of software I gladly pay for. After a recent update though every time I wanted to capture a recording, this happened.

Recording Quit Unexpectedly
Camtasia is unable to recover the recording.

Solution: Recording Quit Unexpectedly

I swore a bit, ignored it and waited for an update; the problem did not get resolved. I removed and reinstalled the software the problem remained. I logged a call, answered some questions, was asked to remove and reinstall, then do a manual removal backing up the Libraries and themes still the problem persisted. Ironically if Camtasia had been working it would be the very tool I used to demonstrate the problem to the people trying to help me. After about a week I took a screenshot (using Snagit!) of the button I was using to stop recording and the support guys know right away what the problem was.

The problem is – THAT’S NOT THE CAMTASIA APPLICATION, it’s some new Apple application that monitors your screen sharing, and to compound the problem there’s so many apps and programs on my menu bar I could not see the Camtasia program icon. So after I closed a few background programs down.

And everything was fine. That’s going to catch a few people out running the newer versions of macOS.

Additional Information

Although the following steps did not rectify the problem (which was in fairness user error!) I’ll post them here.

Reinstall Camtasia (Preserving Libraries and Themes)

Backup Libraries and Themes
* If you have any Libraries or Themes, you’d like to backup so you can re-store them later, you must do the following first: If you do not, you will lose everything in your Libraries and Themes you have added or created:

1. Open a Finder window and then click the Go menu at the top left of your monitor and then choose Go to Folder… at the bottom.
2. Type in: ~/Library/Application Support/TechSmith/Camtasia 2023
3. Click on Go
4. In the window that appears, copy the Library and Themes folders to your desktop
5. Confirm those folders are on the desktop, close the Finder window and continue with the steps below.

Uninstall Camtasia 2023 (and previous versions)

1. Move Camtasia 2023 from the Applications folder to the Trash bin. Move any previous versions to the trash as well if you see them.
2. Open a Finder window and then click the Go menu at the top left of your monitor and then choose Go to Folder… at the bottom.
3. Type in: ~/Library/Preferences/
4. Click on Go
5. In the window that appears, locate the com.techsmith.Camtasia2023.plist file and move it to the trash. If you see any previous versions .plist files move those to the trash as well. Once those have been removed, close the Finder window.
6. Click on a new Finder window. Click on the Go menu at the top left again and click on Go To Folder… at the bottom.
7. Type in: ~/Library/Application Support
8. Click on Go
9. In the window that appears, look for Camtasia2023, and any previous version folders. If you see any, move them to the trash.
10. In this same Finder window, find the TechSmith folder and open it. Move the Camtasia 2023 folder to the trash. If you see any previous versions folder in here as well, move those to the trash. Once done, close the Finder window.
11. Open a Finder window and then click the Go menu at the top left of your monitor and then choose Go to Folder… at the bottom.
12. Type in: ~/Library/Caches
13. Click on Go
14. In the window that appears, move all  com.techsmith.Camtasia and folders to the trash.
15. Empty the Trash.
16. Restart computer.
17. Download and install Camtasia 2023
18. Open Camtasia

Restore Libraries and Themes from backup
1. Open a Finder window and then click the Go menu at the top left of your monitor and then choose Go to Folder… at the bottom.
2. Type in: ~/Library/Application Support/TechSmith/Camtasia 2023
3. Click on Go
4. Find the Library and Themes folders you copied to your desktop. Select and copy both.
5. Go back to the Finder window that just appeared and paste Library and Themes folders you just copied from your desktop.
6. You should get a prompt about a folder already being named Library and Themes. Choose Replace.
7. Open Camtasia to see your Libraries and Themes.

If that does not work the following will reset all the services for Camtasia.

1. Open the Terminal program (you can find this in the spotlight search bar by typing it in)2.
2.Once open type the following command: tccutil reset All com.techsmith.camtasia20xx (Where “xx” is the last two digits of the version, for example 2023 would have 23 in the xx area)

*If executed properly, you should get this: tccutil: Usage: tccutil reset SERVICE

1.Restart computer.
2.Open Camtasia and follow the prompts to enable screen recording and see if you’re able to record.

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Kudos and special thanks to Alex C from Techsmith Support.

Cannot Remove vCLS Virtual Machine

Cannot Remove vCLS KB ID 0001863


I had a NAS box fail on me and the NFS share it was presenting to  my vSphere environment was no longer available. Which was fine, but there was a vCLS (vSphere Cluster Services) virtual machine in that datastore, that I could not get rid of, as the datastore was no longer available, and I could not remove the datastore because, (as far as VMware was concerned it had a VM in it).

Solution: Cannot Remove vCLS

Firstly select your cluster object > Configure > vSphere Cluster Services > General > vCLS Mode > Edit vCLS mode.

Select ‘Retreat Mode‘ > OK.

At first glance, it looks like nothing is happening but if you look in ‘Recent Tasks’ you will see any running vCLS VMs have been shut down and deleted, and any others (including our orphaned one, have been deleted).

Now simply exit ‘Retreat Mode” by selecting ‘System Managed‘ > OK.


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HPE MSA Cannot See LUN?

 Cannot See LUN KB ID 0001862


I finally got round to replacing the SAN on my test network, I setup the new one via direct cable connection (10Gbps iSCSI DAC).  I created vDisks and volumes, presented those volumes. Setup iSCSI bindings in vSphere, all vanilla stuff.

ESX hosts could not see the storage LUNS, they could see the SAN, but ‘add datastore‘ showed me no available storage.

Solution: Cannot See LUN

Two days! That’s what this cost me, I’ve spent over 20 years deploying storage (mostly HPE) but an assortment of HPE, Dell, IBM, NetApp, and a score of cheap alternatives. I manually changed the iqn names in VMware, I proved connectivity from VMKernels to the storage array with vmping.  I updated the controller and card firmware – nothing.

I got a trusted colleague on the gear remotely to check I’d not done anyhting stupid, he made some suggestions, still no progress. I opened an quesiton on Experts Exchange – lot’s of good advice but nothing worked.

Then after trawling through old HPE  and VMware forum posts I found a link to a video, it was an Indian chap deploying some iSCSI volumes to a Windows server, even though I don’t speak Hindi, I thought “What the hell I’ll watch it, and make sure (once again) I had not done anything stupid.

Then while mapping the new volume, he did something so simple and so mind bogglingly easy to miss, everyone I’d spoken to had missed it also. When mapping a volume you create a LUN (in this example LUN 10) Set the rights to ‘read-write’ and apply.

See those green ticks over the iSCSI ports they DO NOT MEAN present the storage through those ports. They simply mean there’s a working cable in those ports.

You must manually go to each port, and make sure the PORT IS TICKED so it looks like this.

Whoever designed that GUI needs a massive punch in the face.

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Exchange Size Limits

Exchange Size Limits KB ID 0001368


When attempting to send an email from Outlook via Exchange,  you see a message like the one below.

The following files weren’t attached because adding them would cause the message to exceed the maximum size limit of {Size} MB: {File-Name}

Or, when someone attempts to send a message to one of your mailbox users they get an NDR that looks like this.

Remote Server returned ‘550 5.2.3 RESOLVER.RST.RecipSizeLimit; message too large for this recipient’

Solution: Exchange Size Limits

There are a few places this can be set, (three main places and few obscure ones!), Let’s deal with the most common one first.

Transport ‘System Wide Settings’: Exchange Size Limits

TransportConfig: This has a maximum send and a maximum receive size, to view yours use the following command.


Get-TransportConfig | format-list MaxSendSize, MaxReceiveSize


If one of them is tripping you up, you can change the sizes with the following command.


Set-TransportConfig -MaxSendSize 100MB -MaxReceiveSize 100MB


Send & Receive Connectors: Exchange Size Limits (PowerShell)

Send Connector: This has a maximum message size, to view yours use the following command.


Get-SendConnector | format-list Name, name,maxmessagesize


To change the limit on a specific send connector , use the following command.


Set-SendConnector "{connector-name}" -MaxMessageSize 100MB


To change the limit on all send connectors , use the following command.


Get-SendConnector | Set-SendConnector -MaxMessageSize 100MB


ReceiveConnector: This has a maximum message size, to view yours, use the following command.


Get-ReceiveConnector | format-table Name, MaxMessageSize


You will have many, the one you probably want to change is called “Default Frontend {Server-name}” To change the limit, use the following command;


Set-ReceiveConnector "{connector-name}" -MaxMessageSize 100MB


To change the limit on all receive connectors , use the following command.


Get-ReceiveConnector | Set-SendConnector -MaxMessageSize 100MB


Send & Receive Connectors: Exchange Size Limits (Exchange Admin Center)

Send Connector: If you prefer to do things in the GUI, then Mail flow > Send Connectors > Select the send connector > Edit > Maximum Send Message (MB) > Set accordingly > Save.

Receive Connector: Mail Flow > Receive Connectors > Select the receive connector (usually the Default Frontend  {server-name} connector > Edit > Maximum Receive Message Size > Save.

User ‘Mailbox’: Exchange Size Limits (PowerShell)

You can set individual limits on a particular mailbox. BUT Remember MOST RESTRICTIVE LIMITS WILL APPLY, so if you set a mailbox to 50o0Mb send receive, then, if the connectors the mail travels through, have a more restrictive figure, or the global transport figure is more restrictive the message WILL BE BLOCKED. UNLESS: The message is between two mailboxes internally. So it’s sensible practice to only set a mailbox restriction to LOWER than the connectors or system wide settings.


Set-Mailbox -Identity "user-name" -MaxSendSize 100MB -MaxReceiveSize 100MB


To ensure that worked or view max limits for a particular user use the following syntax.


Get-Mailbox -Identity "user-name" | format-table MaxSendSize,MaxReceiveSize


User ‘Mailbox’: Exchange Size Limits (Exchange Admin Center)

Again this can also be done front the web management console > Recipients > Mailboxes > Select the user to be changed > Edit > Mailbox Features > Message Size Restrictions > View Details > Set accordingly > OK > Save.

I’ve Done All This And It Still Wont Work? 

Sometimes the settings above don’t take effect until all the AppPools in IIS (on the CAS servers) have been restarted, an IISRESET command should solve the problem, (or a reboot if you can handle the downtime.) However even then in some cases you will continue to see the same error message. There are three places that it can still be misconfigured.

OWA Config File

Open the File located at;


Locate and set the maxRequestLength (NOTE: the value is in Kilobits)

EWS Config File

Open the File located at;


Locate and set the maxRequestLength (NOTE: the value is in Kilobits)

ActiveSync (Sync)  Config File

Open the File located at;


Locate and set the maxRequestLength (NOTE: the value is in Kilobits)

Having changed these values, perform an IISRESET;

Repeat for any additional servers.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Message Size Limits on Exchange 2003

Exchange – Message Not Sent ‘Because there are too many recipients’

VMware Enable SSH (vSphere ESX)


VMware Enable SSH KB ID 0000299 


Should you wish to get SSH (remote secure console) access to your ESX  hosts, you need to do the following.

ESX Version 8 and Newer

ESX Version 6.5 and Newer

ESX version 5 and Newer

ESX version 4.1.0

ESX version 4.0.0 and earlier

ESX version 4.0.0 and earlier


VMware Enable SSH ESX 8.0

Directly on an ESX Host: If you have a stand-alone ESX Server running version 8.x, Log in via the web console >  Select ‘Host’ > Actions > Services > Enable Secure Shell (SSH).

Via vSphere/vCenter: If you want to enable SSH on an ESX host through the vCenter Web client then, from the ‘hosts and datacentres’ view > Select the Host  > Configure > Services > Locate SSH > Start.

Enable SSH Permanently: Some people don’t want this enabled for security reasons, and in production that makes sense, but on my test network I always have SSH enabled. from the same screen as above with SSH selected > Edit Start-up Policy > Select ‘Start an stop with host” > OK.

VMware Enable SSH 6.5

If you have a stand-alone ESX Server running version 6.5, it’s a lot easier to enable ESX access. Select ‘Host’ > Actions > Service > Enable Secure Shell (SSH). Note: You can also enable the direct console access here.

If you want to enable SSH on an ESX host through the vCenter Web client then, from the ‘hosts and datacenters’ view > Select the Host  > Configure > Security Profile > Scroll down to ‘Services’ > Edit.

Locate ‘SSH > Start > OK.

Once enabled you will see the following warning on the hosts summary page, however, in version 6.5 you can suppress this error.

VMware Enable SSH ESX 5

ESX 5 has a built in firewall, which can have SSH opened in the VI clients, or just as with version 4.1.0 you can enable SSH Locally from the console from troubleshooting options.

Enable Remotely

1. Log into the host with the VI client > Select the host > Configuration > Security Profile > Properties.

2. Locate SSH Server > Tick it > Options > You can either manually start it or set it to start automatically.

3. You will see the following warning to “retrieve” the firewall settings (because you have just changed them) > Select Yes.

Note: Having it running will still cause the “Configuration Issues – SSH for the host has been enabled” nag screen on the summary tab of the host.

VMware Enable SSH ESX 4.0.1

Starting with version 4.0.1 you can enable SSH access from the server console.

1. Go to the normal ESX console > Press F2 > Log in >Troubleshooting Options.

2. Select “Enable Remote Tech support” toggle on and off with {enter} if you want to SSH in the server remotely using PuTTy for example > If you want to log on directly at the console choose “Enable Local Tech Support”.

3. Note: Having it running will still cause the “Configuration Issues – Remote Tech support Mode (SSH) for the host {hostname} has been enabled” nag screen on the summary tab of the host.

Grant SSH Access to ESX 4.0.0 and earlier

1. Go to the normal ESXi console.

2. Press ALT+F1 > the screen will change > Type unsupported {enter} > Note: Nothing will appear on the screen till you hit {enter} > Type in the root password and press {enter}.

3. You now need to edit a config file, the only editor we have is vi (sorry) issue the following command,

[box]vi /etc/inetd.conf[/box]

4. The vi editor will open the file, use the arrow keys to move down to the line that says,

[box]#ssh stream tcp nowait root…[/box]

Press I on the keyboard (that puts the vi editor into insert mode) and delete the hash “#” mark from the beginning of the line.

5 Then, to save the changes press {Esc} > type in :wq {Enter} (that’s write the changes and quit if you’re interested).

6. Enter the following command.


cat /var/run/


It will provide you with a number, (in the example below its 4983, yours will be different).

7. Issue the following command.


kill -HUP {the number you got from above}


8. To get back to the usual ESXi screen and exit command line press ALT+F2.

9. You can now connect with an SSH client like Putty.


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Original Article written: 07/12/11

ESX4 – Grant Root User SSH Access

Thanks to Dave Corrasa for the feedback.