Managed By Your Organisation KB ID 0001899
When attempting to add a printer, or engage with the printer settings dialog, you may see.
Some Of These Settings are Managed By Your Organisation
Solution : Managed By Your Organisation
This is usually because a policy is being applied, (or has been applied) that is making a change in your registry, to the following key.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Policies > Explorer > NoAddPrinter
Values are.
- ENABLED = 1 (Printers cannot be added).
- DISABLED = 0 (Printers can be added).
Of course if this IS being enforced by group policy changing the registry key will only fix the problem until the policy is re applied!
I’ve previously written about how to locate where a group policy is coming from. the policy you are looking for is
User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Printers > Prevent addition of printers
In this case it was being enforced by Local User Policies
Running gpedit.msc got me to the culprit.
If yours is being enforced from your domain, gpresult will point to the correct policy.
Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links
Allow Users to Install Printers with Group Policy
Deploying Printers with Group Policy Preferences