Windows Server Evaluation Extending & Converting

Server Evaluation Extending & Converting KB ID 0001879


If you download and install Windows Server evaluation, you get 180 days grace to upgrade it to a full licensed version. Now the internet is awash with articles telling you how you can extend that – In fact you can extend it by 180 days a further SIX TIMES. But what they fail to tell you, is this only works if you DONT LET IT EXPIRE. Once you’ve breached the 180 days you cannot extend it by 180 days (If you try you only get 10 days grace!)

Day 1
180 Days remaining Windows

After 180 Days
Windows License Expired

Solution: Server Evaluation Extending

When the server is first deployed you will have 180 days and SIX REARMS available, which you can see with the following command.

slmgr -dlv

Server Evaluation Extending 180 Days remaining Rearm Count Windows

Assuming you are within the 180 day period you can simply extend by 180 days with the following command.

slmgr -rearm

Server Evaluation Extending Windows Rearm Evaluation Copy

Once rebooted you can check status with the same command we used above (slmgr -dlv).

Solution: Server Evaluation Extending (If Expired)

If you have been on the server it would have warned you with prompts like this.

Server Evaluation Extending Windows will expire soon

What Happens If The Windows Server Evaluation License Expires?

The server will shut itself down, 1 hour after it has been powered on, (after logging Event ID 1074).

Windows Shutdown Event 1074

Event ID 1074
The License period for this installation of Windows has expired. the operating system is shutting down.

As mentioned above you can give yourself some breathing room (assuming you have a rearm count of 1 or more) by using the same command to extend (slmgr – rearm). But you will only get 10 days grace to enter a valid key/activation code.

Windows License Inital Grace Period

Converting Windows Server Evaluation To Full Version

The other option, and of course what Microsoft want you to do, is convert the evaluation version to a full version. You can see what versions are available by running the following command.

DISM /Online /Get-TargetEditions

My only option is ServerDatacenter – so I can convert to that version and enter a valid Windows Key to licence the server at the same time.

DISM /Online /Set-Edition:ServerDatacenter /ProductKey XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX /AcceptEula

Windows upgrade Evaluation to full product

Then (when asked) reboot the server to complete the procedure.

Note: Before you email me to point out there’s a Windows licence key in that screenshot (above) that’s the Windows Server 2022 KMS Key.

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Author: PeteLong

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