Windows: Cisco ASDM ‘This app can’t run on your PC’

‘This app can’t run on your PC’ KB ID 0001574


Whys isn’t Java dead yet? 🙁 Anyway, I tried to connect to a clients ASDM today, and from my Windows 10 machine, I got the following error;

Windows 11

Windows 10

This app can’t run on your PC
To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher.

‘This app can’t run on your PC’ Solution

Make sure you have installed Java ( and also make sure you are using an Intel (Not ARM based processor)

If you are launching straight for the desktop open the properties of the ASDM shortcut, and look at the ‘Target‘ value.

Change it to;


C:\Windows\system32\wscript.exe invisible.vbs run.bat


Apply > OK.

Try again.

If you are launching from the ‘Start Menu’ Open the file location of the shortcut;

Windows 11

Windows 10


And change the target to “C:\Windows\system32\wscript.exe invisible.vbs run.bat“. > Apply > OK.

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Dreamweaver – ‘You Need To Install The Legacy Java SE 6 Runtime’

KB ID 0001213 


I used to use Dreamweaver all the time, it was used to design and build the site and handle all the uploads etc. Since I moved to WordPress I don’t use is as much. But it’s still a great code editor so I still fire it up on occasion. At least I did until this started happening;

To open “dreamweaver” you need to install the legacy Java SE 6 runtime.
Click “More info…” to visit the legacy Java SE 6 download website.


I’m a bit twitchy about Java, I need to tread a fine line between keeping updated, and still having a version that works with my clients firewalls. The amount of times things have ‘smashed’ because Java has updated for me are numerous. Java can turn a 25 second job into a two hour job.

So the thought of ‘downgrading’ to version 6 was not one I relished. But thankfully, if you avoid the Sun Java site and install the Apple Legacy Java package everything continues to work.

If you’re still having problems, see this article.

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Windows 10 – Install The VMware Virtual Infrastructure Client

KB ID 0001082 


Have you installed the VI client on Windows 10? My boss asked me this week, I replied no, but if it didn’t work then loads of people would soon be moaning. I remember sometime ago I had to use comparability mode to install it on Windows 8. I had the brainwave, “Why not ThinApp the client” it would work then, but the 5.5 client stubbornly refused to fire and the ThinApp package size was enormous.

So using the manual process I had used to try and ThinApp it on Windows 8, I pulled down Windows 10 from MSDN and tried it on that, successfully.

Disclaimer: Yes you should be using the VMware web client, but what if it’s a standalone ESXi server?

Speaking of which, the web client will not currently run in ‘Spartan’, (yes flash is enabled).

But it runs in Internet Explorer 11, which is still in Windows 10.


Anyway we want the ‘Fat’ VMware client, here I’m using 5.5 (build 1618071). Which I have downloaded to the desktop.

1. The install EXE file is actually an archive with the installation files within it, to open that archive I’m going to use 7Zip, download and install that first.

2. Now I can open the archive and navigate around the folder structure inside.

3. Locate and extract the actual VI client install file (in the bin folder).

4. VI client requires .Net 3.5 the install file for that is in the redist folder.

5. Finaly it also requires Visual J#, you will find that in redistvjredist directory locate the 32 or 64 bit version as applicable, and extract that also.

6. Install the .Net 3.5 first, Then install Visual J#.

7. Then on the properties of the extracted setup file >properties > Compatibility > Run as Windows 7 > Apply > OK.

8. I also launched by right clicking and selecting ‘Run as Administrator’, but I don’t think that’s necessary. When done launch the application.

9. All being well, you should be able to log in as normal.

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