Windows Client(s) not ‘appearing’ in WSUS
KB ID 0000591 Problem Before you start troubleshooting clients, how long have you waited? I usually setup and configure WSUS up at the start of a job, then leave it alone for a few DAYS, before I start worrying. Here are the steps I usually follow to get the machines listed in the WSUS management console. Solution Before doing anything further, simply try running the following two PowerShell commands, (on the problem client,) and...
SmoothWall – Allowing Windows Updates and Windows Activation
KB ID 0000441 Problem I’ve had fun this week installing a new virtual environment for a client with a SmoothWall firewall. It took a call to SmoothWall support for me to get Windows updates to work, then after activating a few 2008 R2 servers via phone, I was motivated to get online activation running as well. Windows Activation Error – (We are being blocked by the SmoothWall Proxy). A problem occurred when Windows tried...
Windows Update Error 80072EFD
KB ID 0000440 Problem While attempting to run a Windows Update you see the following error. Code 80072EFD Windows Update encountered an unknown error. Get help with this error. Solution Note: There seems to be a few causes of this error, but in my case it was the proxy server. 1. Assuming you have a proxy set in your web browser settings (Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings > Set proxy settings accordingly). Note:...
Stop Windows Rebooting Due To Updates
KB ID 0000773 Problem I realise that updates are important, and Microsoft made updating easier by only releasing them once a month. But my laptop always wants to reboot at the point where I’m doing something critical! and Windows 8 unilaterally decides that its updates are far more important than my work. OK this will only happen once a month, (normally) and it will only happen a maximum of 72 hours after the update. It affects...