You want to Setup FTP on your Windows Server, (and more importantly make it work without disabling the firewall.) Below are the procedure you will need to carry out.
Note: For older Windows Operating systems like Server 2012, click here, or for Server 2008, click here.
Setup FTP Server (Windows Server)
Setup FTP on Windows Server 2012 (Including firewall setup)
Setup FTP on Windows Server 2008 R2 (Including firewall setup)
Firewall Configuration for FTP on Server 2008 R2 (Included in the Video above).
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You would like to set up port forwarding on a Sonicwall 2040, in this example I will assume we are forwarding SMTP (TCP port 25).
Sonicwall Pro 2040 – System Screen
Note: Notice the “Network Interfaces” section, take note of the names of the interfaces and what they are doing, this will become relevant later.
1. Log into the Sonicwall’s management console.
2. If you have not already done so create an address object for the server you are going to port forward to (Network > Address Objects > Scroll down > Add).
3. Service creation > If you have not already done so you need to create a “Service” (Firewall > Services > scroll to the bottom >Add) Note: This example is for HTTPS on port 443, for mail simply create SMTP on Port 25).
3. Expand Network > NAT Policies > Add > Original Source = Any > Translated Source = Original > Original Destination = WAN Interface IP > Translated Destination = {the object you created in step 1} > Original Service = {the service you created in step 2}> Translated Source = Original > Inbound Interface = X1 (default for outside) > Outbound interface = Any > Description = {a relevant comment} > OK.
4. Now you want to allow the traffic in expand Firewall > Access Rules > WAN to LAN > Add > Service = {the service you created in step 2} > Source = Any >Designation = WAN Interface IP > Users Allowed = All > Schedule = Always on > Comment = {a relative comment} > OK.
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You have a ZyXEL router (In my case a P-600R-D1) and you want to put a device behind it with a public IP.
Note: I’m assuming you have agreed with your ISP that you will receive a range of public IP addresses. With some ASDL packages the first IP in the range usually gets allocated to the router, confirm this with your ISP.
BT Business Broadband Note: If you are a BT Business customer, your setup will be slightly different, I’ll point that out as we go along.
1. Connect up to the router, and you should get an IP address from it, open your web browser and proceed to the default password is “1234”
2. You will be prompted to change the default password, do so, then select the option to go to ‘Advanced Setup’.
3. Expand Network > WAN > Enter the ADSL details provided by your ISP (i.e. ADSL username and ADSL password). If you are having a static IP on the outside of the router you can also set that here.
Note: If you have only been given TWO IP addresses you may need to set BOTH the WAN and LAN IP address to the SAME IP (and disable NAT).
BT Business Broadband Note: Even if you have been allocated a range of public IP addresses, you LEAVE the routers outside IP address option set to, ‘Obtain an IP address automatically’
4. Disable NATONLY IF YOU ARE SETTING THE LAN AND WAN TO THE SAME IP: Select NAT > General > Un-tick “Active Network Address Translation (NAT)” > Apply.
4. Disable DHCP: Select LAN > DHCP Setup > Change DHCP to “None” > Apply.
5. Set the inside IP: Set this to the IP address allocated to your Router – (Note: this may be the SAME as the address allocated to the outside IP, don’t panic it will not conflict (NAT is disabled).
BT Business Broadband Note: This is typically the highest IP address in the range, BT have given you.
6. You can now connect your internal device/firewall (Note: You may need to reboot the device AND the router as the MAC address may have changed if you have been testing from your laptop/PC.) Or simply allocate another public IP address to device, then make its default route, (or default gateway) the IP address you set on the LAN port of the ZyXEL, (in our example above
Factory Reset ZyXEL Router
If things break and you want to reset the router,
1. Power off the router.
2. Depress the reset button on the rear of the router.
3. Power on the device until the ethernet light, flashes amber.
4. Now DHCP will be turned on and the router will use internally and the default password will be reset to 1234.
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