Manually Remove VMware Workstation?
KB ID 0000576 Problem Tried to upgrade my VMware Workstation Version 8 today, then my laptop has a BSOD with a NETIO.SYS error, I bought it back up again, and attempted to manually install the newer version. This failed with an obscure .msi error. Even running the installer for the older version would not help. Solution Rather than picking it out of the registry, you can run remove it by running the install .exe file with a...
Nero Install Error: ‘The Installation process cannot be resumed…’
KB ID 0000294 Problem Seen while installing Nero Burning ROM, at various points along the install it will fail with the following error, Error: The Installation process cannot be resumed. A rollback of the failed component will be performed. Some applications have been installed successfully and can be used, Do you want these applications to be uninstalled? Solution 1. Click “Yes” to uninstall. 2. Download and run the...