RDP Black Screen

RDP Black Screen KB ID 0001840


This problem has jumped up through various iterations of Windows operating systems. You attempt to RDP to a machine; it connects but you simply get a black screen.


RDP Black Screen Solution

Over the years various ‘hotfixes’ were known to cause this, but before proceeding make sure both the machine you are connecting FROM and the machine you are connected TO are fully patched and updated.

Common troubleshooting dictates that your first step is to see if you can replicate the same problem from another machine, and if possible, from a different OS. below I’m attempting the same from my MacBook and getting the same result.


If something is happening on the target that is simply preventing the desktop from showing press CTRL+ALT+END, or CTRL+ALF+Fn+END (depending on your keyboard). Hopefully you should be able to now launch Task Manager > New > Run New Task > Explorer.exe > OK.

You can also try disabling ‘Persistent Bitmap caching’. On the Experience tab of you rdp dialog.

In the same dialog on the Display tab also try some low resolutions in case the target machine is confused about what to display on your remote session.

If it’s still not working the next most likely culprit is a display driver, Either update it or roll it back to a known good one, try this n the source and target machines. Note: if you see something like this – then the target machine may just need its VMware tools updating.

Finally try using a different RDP client for windows there’s the Remote Desktop Connection Manager, and on a mac theres the Microsoft Remote Desktop app.

Did none of these work for you? or if you have a better solution post it below and Ill update the post accordingly.

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Remote Desktop Services – Connection Errors

Windows – Black Screen Of Death


Windows – Find your ‘Uptime’

KB ID 0000552 


There are lots of reasons you might want to know your PC/Servers uptime, to make sure a client has rebooted a server (like you asked them to), or to see if a server has had a BSOD and rebooted overnight, etc.

Check Uptime with Task Manager

You can get your uptime from the Task Manager’s “Performance” tab.

To launch Task Manger

Start > Run > Taskmgr.exe {enter}. or Press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC, or Right click the Task bar > Select Task Manager.  > Options


Use PowerShell to find Server Boot time

From Powershell Use the following syntax;


[Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime((Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).LastBootUpTime)


Use PowerShell to find Uptime

From Powershell Use the following syntax;


(Get-Date) - [Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime((Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).LastBootUpTime)


Option 3 – Use Systeminfo to find Uptime

From command line execute the Systeminfo | find /I “boot” command;


Option 3 -Use Net Statistics to find Uptime

You can get uptime information by either querying the workstation service, or the server service, issue either, the following command;


net statistics workstation


Or the following command;


net statistics server


Option 4 – Use Uptime.exe to find Uptime

Download uptime and put a copy in your “System32” Directory, you can then use the uptime command.

Option 5 – Use WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) to find Uptime

Issue the following command;


wmic os get lastbootuptime


As you can see the result is not pretty, it is presented in UTC format.

20120109081112.925800+000 = Year 2010, Month 01, Day 09, Time 08:11:12

Option 6 – Check the Event Log to find Uptime

Launch the Event Viewer (eventvr.msc) > Windows Logs > System Log > Find > Search for Event ID 6005, (Note: This event gets logged each time the server boots, as the event log service starts). Event ID 6006 will be labeled as “The event log service was stopped.” This is synonymous with system shutdown.


Note: Event 6013 is periodically logged this shows the machines uptime at that point.

Note:  In the event of an abnormal shutdown look for Event ID 6009 indicates the processor information detected during boot time. Event ID 6008 will let you know that the system started after it was not shut down properly.

Option 1 – Use Uptime.exe to get a Remote Machines Uptime

Already mentioned above download uptime and extract it to your system32 directory. Then to get a remote machines uptime, use the following command;


uptime {Name of Remote PC}


Use Powershell to get a Remote Machines Uptime

Use the following syntax;


[Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime((Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName RemoteMachine).LastBootUpTime)


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Run PowerShell (and Command Prompt) Administratively

KB ID 0000988


We had the ‘run as’ service way back in Windows 2000, so the concept of running a command window ‘as administrator’ should not be difficult to understand. But the amount of times I tell people ‘You need to run that as administrator’, and they reply ‘I AM an administrator’ is far too high. With PowerShell theres no way of knowing, and with command prompt the differences are subtle.


There’s a myriad of different ways to launch an administrator command window, here are a few, If I’ve missed any let me know.

Launch Powershell in Administrative Mode 

Powershell administrative mode (from Within Powershell)

If you’re already in Powershell you can open an administrative Powershell window, with the following command;


Start-Process PowerShell -Verb RunAs


Powershell Administrative Mode (from Start Menu)

Option 1: From Start/Search > Powershell > Right Click Windows PowerShell > Run as administrator.

Option 2: Start > Right Click Windows PowerShell > Run as administrator.

Option 3: Start > Windows PowerShell > Windows Powershell > Run as Administrator.

Option 4: Right Click Start Menu (or Press Windows+X) > Window Powershell (Admin).

Powershell Administrative Mode (from Task Manager)

Launch Task Manger > File > Run new task > Powershell > Tick ‘Create this task with administrative privileges’.

Powershell Administrative Mode (from Windows Explorer)

From Windows Explorer > File > Open Windows PowerShell as administrator.

Launch Command Prompt in Administrative Mode 

Administrator Command Prompt From Start Menu. (Windows 10 and Server 2016/2019)

From the Start/Search option > Type cmd > Then right click Command Prompt and select ‘Run as administrator’.

Command Prompt (Admin) – Windows 10 (& Server 2016/2019) 

Right click the Start Button > Command Prompt (Admin)

Command Prompt (Admin) – Windows 8 (& Server 2012) Quick Links Menu

Press Windows Key+X > Select Command Prompt (Admin)

Administrator Command Prompt From Start Menu. (Windows 8 and Server 2012)

If you have the new Windows 8/2012 Start Menu (that we can’t call Metro any more) then type ‘command’ in the search window, then either right click and select ‘Run as administrator’, or press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to launch.

If you have the traditional start menu enabled or are running Windows 7/Vista, you can type command in the search/run box, then

Create An Always Run As Administrator Command Prompt Shortcut

1. Right click and empty area of your desktop > New > Shortcut.

2. Set the location to ‘cmd’ > Next > Call it Admin Command > Finish.

3. Right click your new shortcut > Properties.

4. Shortcut > Advanced > Run as administrator > Apply > OK.


Launch Admin Command Prompt from Task Manager.

Launch Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) > File > Run new task > cmd > Tick ‘Create this task with administrative privileges’.

Launch Command Prompt ‘As Administrator’ From Command/Run.

I’m not a fan of this, in fact I only include it here for completeness, you can call a command windows and run it as administrator from command (or the run box (Windows Key+R). The reason I don’t like this is, you need to enter the machines local administrators password for it to work.


runas /user:%computername%administrator cmd


If theres any I’ve missed feel free to drop me an email, and I will update the article.

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Windows Server: Stop Programs Auto Starting / Auto Running

KB ID 0001600


I like to learn the keyboard shortcuts for these sort of things, (because developers will change the way things are done in the GUI). So in the good old days I simply ran msconfig, and located the offending software on the startup list and disabled it. Then that got removed and put in ‘Task Manager’, then that got removed. So I’m pulling a frowny face at Microsoft Developers for their lack of continuity 🙁 (It’s not just them Cisco and VMware are just as bad!) 

I’ve got an administration server I use, (Server 2016,) and it’s got a load of software on there that usually would not be on a server, Skype Client, Citrix Client etc. So how do I stop them autoloading?


Well I could start digging around in the registry manually, but a much simpler option is to download and run AutoRuns;

Either untick the offender or right click and go to the source and manually disable it yourself.

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Massive thanks to Syinternals and Mark Russinovich, who has been bailing me out of the mire for many years!

VMware vSphere Hot Add and Hot Plug

KB ID 0000527 


I was trying to hot add some memory to a VM the other day, and found the option grayed out. Normally I’d just down the VM, add the memory, then bring it back up. But it was a production server and I was pretty sure the OS supported it.

A quick Google search told me why it was grayed out, but it also transpired there was little to no information on what version of Windows hot add and hot plug would work with.


I’m not going to argue the semantics of the differences between “hot add” and “hot plug”, if I’m taking about hot add I’m talking about memory, if I’m talking about hot plug I’m talking about adding CPUs. You also need to be aware that to date Few OS’s support hot remove or hot unplug. If you try you will see the following;

vSphere version 6 or 6.5 (Hot Unplug )

It simply wont let you lower the value;

Note: With a Supported O,S (i.e. Server 2016 and 2019) you CAN hot remove CPU.

vSphere version 5.0 or 5.5

Hot Add Memory/ CPU in vSphere 6 & 6.5

As with earlier version of vSphere, to enable hot plug or hot remove, the machine has to be shut down. Then the option can be enabled. Select the VM > Edit Settings.

Memory: Virtual Hardware > Memory > Tick ‘Memory Hot Plug’ > Save.

CPU: Virtual Hardware > CPU > Tick ‘Enable CPU Hot Add’ > Save.

Hot Plug, Hot Add  in the vSphere HTML5 Client

Hot Add Memory/ CPU in vSphere 5 & 5.5

As for memory and CPU settings you will probably see what I was seeing. Both the options are not changeable.

2. Sorry but to enable this feature you need to power off the client machine, then when you edit its settings > Options > Advanced > Memory/CPU_Hotplug > You can enable hot add and hot plug > OK . Power the VM back on again.

3. Now you will see you have the option to hot add memory and hot plug CPUs.

What Operating Systems support this?

Like I said above, I did some testing because information is thin on the ground, this is what I was actually able to make work.

With 2008 R2 Standard

1. As you can tell from the table memory hot add will work but to add a CPU will need a reboot. Before I started I had 2 CPUs and 4GB of memory.

2. Lets add more memory and CPUs.

3. For all machines I tested there was a lag, sometimes as little as 3-5 seconds, other times as long as 15-20 seconds, during this time you will see some processor and memory usage spikes. But as shown the memory eventually becomes available.

4. Post reboot, your extra CPUs will appear.

With 2008 R2 Enterprise and Datacenter

1. Note I’m using Datacenter here, but Enterprise is the same. I increased the memory from 4 to 5 GB, And added a further 3 CPUs.

2. It does work, you simply need to restart the “Task Manager” to reflect the increased CPU count.

3. Finished.

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Windows Server – Disk Performance Missing From Task Manager?

KB ID 0001203 


If your machine is struggling, a good place to look first is the performance tab on ‘Task Manager’

Here you can see CPU and Memory Stats and how our network cards are performing, but wheres the disk stats?


Before you can see them you need to enable them, open a PowerShell, (or an administrative command window). and run the following command;

diskperf -y


Now re-open task manager and go to the performance tab and you can see the stats for the hard drives;

I can’t think why, but if you wanted to turn this off again issue the following command;

diskperf -n

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Possible bug in VMware Client

KB ID 0000413


Unable to use multiple console sessions in Windows 7.

1. Seen on Windows 7 x64 Ultimate, with and without aero enabled, on two separate machines.

2. Happens if connected to VCenter OR directly to ESXi (build 4.1.0, 260247)

3. Does NOT happen with the same software from Server 2003. (Same systems, same vesion of the VI client).

4. Does NOT happen on Server 2008 R2 Standard x64 (Same systems, same version of the VI client).

5. Does NOT happen on Server 2008 R2 Standard x64 with Service Pack 1 (Same systems, same version of the VI client).

6. Does NOT happen on Server 2008 R2 Standard x64 aero Enabled with Service Pack 1 (Same systems, same version of the VI client).

7. Does NOT happen on Windows 7 Enterprise (Service Pack 1) x86 (Same systems, same version of the VI client).



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Getting Rid of the ‘Ask Toolbar’

KB ID 0000754 


The ‘Ask Toolbar’ is a swear word in my office this morning, I noticed it in my “Add Remove Programs” today, and it refused to be removed.

All Chrome browser windows should be closed in order to complete the uninstallation. Please close all Chrome bowser windows. Click OK if you are ready to proceed with the uninstallation.


Well there were no Chrome windows open, (so I thought). I tried to use a software uninstaller and it stopped in the same place.

1. Right click the task-bar an launch ‘Task Manager’.

2. Scroll down and locate any Google Chrome processes, right click and ‘End Task’ for each one.

3. Attempt to remove the Ask Toolbar again.


<rant> If your wondering where it came from, it comes bundled with other products (like Adobe Flash). Annoyingly if you didn’t untick the option to install it, it will get installed. I think this is a very shabby approach. I fail to see the difference between this, and a piece of malware! I’m disappointed with Ask, and even more disappointed that a respected vendor like Adobe is pushing this down also. Their defence will be “But you only have to untick it if you don’t want it”, the point is, if I wanted it I’d go and install it!.

And why cant they programatically shut down these processes during uninstall? Or at least provide a button to do it. </rant>

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SBS – Alert – ‘The following disk has low idle time’

KB ID 0000583 


I got this alert forwarded to me, from a client that I’d put in new hard drives for a few week ago.


The following disk has low idle time, which may cause slow response time when reading or writing files to the disk. Disk: {Number} {Drive Letter}: Review the Disk Transfers/sec and % Idle Time counters for the PhysicalDisk performance object. If the Disk Transfers/sec counter is consistently below 150 while the % Idle Time counter remains very low (close to 0), there may be a problem with the disk driver or hardware. If the review shows that the disk is functioning properly, use Task Manager to determine which processes are causing the majority of the disk activity. You can attempt to correct the problem by stopping and then restarting those processes. You can disable this alert or change its threshold by using the Change Alert Notifications task in the Server Management Monitoring and Reporting tasked.


1. It’s telling me review some counters (Start > Run >Perfmon {Enter}). I added in the counters that it asked me to, and sure enough this disk was getting thrashed with a very high disk latency.

2. While discussing it in the office, a colleague suggested I check the BBWC on the RAID card. Sure enough a quick look at the System Management Homepage shows;

4. The battery has failed on the internal E200i RAID card. The server in question was an HP ML350 (G5). So my first thought was to update the firmware for the RAID card, (If for no other reason than it’s the first thing HP would ask me to do, if I logged a call). This did not resolve the problem, so I logged the call for a replacement (The server is under care pack).

5. After fitting, I left it 24 hours for the battery to charge, and checked it again.

Note: Latency has dropped from 1100 to 70).

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