Reimage Cisco 1010 ASA to FTD

KB ID 0001677


Sorry it’s taken me a while to get round to this, every time I do some work on the firewall I need to kill the internet at home, and I’ve got a wife and two daughters, who live online! So if you follow the site you will know I’ve got a Cisco Firepower 1010 device, and I’ve been looking at it running the ASA code.

Now here’s how to ‘re-image’ the device with the FTD (Firepower Threat Defence) operating system.

Warning this can take a while, if you are performing this in production equipment, plan in at least a couple of hours downtime.


Firstly this is a lot easier than it was on the old ASA 5500-x platform, If you have ever updated the OS on a Cisco ASA, then the process is pretty much the same.

Before proceeding, you need to unregister the firewall from its Smart Licence (assuming it’s registered correctly). You can do this with the following command;


licence smart deregister


Or from the ASDM;

Then connect the firewall via console cable, I’m going to copy the operating system in from a TFTP server on my mac, (you can use FTP or HTTP if you prefer).


Petes-ASA# copy tftp flash

Address or name of remote host []?

Source filename []? cisco-ftd-fp1k.6.6.0-90.SPA

Destination filename [cisco-ftd-fp1k.6.6.0-90.SPA]? {Enter}
Accessing tftp://!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Verifying file disk0:/cisco-ftd-fp1k.6.6.0-90.SPA...

Writing file disk0:/cisco-ftd-fp1k.6.6.0-90.SPA...

1097176240 bytes copied in 331.300 secs (3314731 bytes/sec)


Now we simply need to set the image as the primary boot OS.


Petes-ASA# configure terminal
ciscoasa(config)# boot system disk0:/cisco-ftd-fp1k.6.6.0-90.SPA

The system is currently installed with security software package, which has:
   - The platform version:
   - The CSP (asa) version:
Preparing new image for install...
Image download complete (Successful unpack the image).
   If you proceed, the system will be re-imaged and then reboot automatically.
   All existing configuration will be lost and the default configuration will be applied.
Installation of version 6.6.0-90 will do the following:
   - upgrade to the new platform version
   - upgrade to the CSP FTD version 6.6.0-90
Do you want to proceed? [confirm] {Enter}


The firewall will install the new OS then reboot itself, it will take a while, be patient! Once rebooted the FTD software will ask you to login, the default username and password is admin and Admin123, upon logging in, you are asked to change the password.


firepower login: admin
Password: Admin123
Successful login attempts for user 'admin' : 1

Copyright 2004-2020, Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Cisco is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.
All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Cisco Fire Linux OS v6.6.0 (build 37)
Cisco Firepower 1010 Threat Defense v6.6.0 (build 90)

Hello admin. You must change your password.
Enter new password: {new-password}
Confirm new password: {new-password}
Your password was updated successfully.

Cisco Firepower Extensible Operating System (FX-OS) Software
TAC support:
Copyright (c) 2009-2019, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

The copyrights to certain works contained in this software are
owned by other third parties and used and distributed under


Now you can carry out an initial configuration of the Firepower. 


firepower# connect ftd


Here I set the basic IPv4 settings, and tell the firewall it will be managed locally via FDM (Firepower Device Manager), that’s the web management interface on the device, rather than FMC (Firepower Management Center) a separate management appliance.


You must accept the EULA to continue.
Press  to display the EULA:
End User License Agreement

Effective: May 22, 2017

This is an agreement between You and Cisco Systems, Inc. or its affiliates
("Cisco") and governs your Use of Cisco Software. "You" and "Your" means the
individual or legal entity licensing the Software under this EULA. "Use" or
"Using" means to download, install, activate, access or otherwise use the
Software. "Software" means the Cisco computer programs and any Upgrades made

---------------Output removed for the sake of Brevity---------------------
mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word
partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other
company. (1110R)

Please enter 'YES' or press Enter to AGREE to the EULA: YES

System initialization in progress.  Please stand by.
You must configure the network to continue.
You must configure at least one of IPv4 or IPv6.
Do you want to configure IPv4? (y/n) [y]: y
Do you want to configure IPv6? (y/n) [y]: n
Configure IPv4 via DHCP or manually? (dhcp/manual) [manual]: {Enter}
Enter an IPv4 address for the management interface []:
Enter an IPv4 netmask for the management interface []:
Enter the IPv4 default gateway for the management interface [data-interfaces]:
Enter a fully qualified hostname for this system [firepower]: FTD-1
Enter a comma-separated list of DNS servers or 'none' [,]:,,
Enter a comma-separated list of search domains or 'none' []: {Enter}
If your networking information has changed, you will need to reconnect.
Setting DNS servers:
No domain name specified to configure.
Setting hostname as FTD-1
Setting static IPv4: netmask: gateway: on management0
Updating routing tables, please wait...
All configurations applied to the system. Took 3 Seconds.
Saving a copy of running network configuration to local disk.
For HTTP Proxy configuration, run 'configure network http-proxy'

Manage the device locally? (yes/no) [yes]: {Enter}
Configuring firewall mode to routed

Update policy deployment information
    - add device configuration
Successfully performed firstboot initial configuration steps for Firepower Device Manager for Firepower Threat Defense.



At this point I reboot the unit, but be prepared, it can take a LONG time before it comes back online, (wait at least 40 minutes). 

IMPORTANT you have configured the IP address on the MANAGEMENT interface (1) , to configure further, and complete the Firepower 1010 initial setup, connect to any one of the LAN interfaces (2), and navigate to (you should get an DHCP address, if you don’t, then you’ve not waited long enough!)

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Cisco FPR – Re-image from FTD to ASA Code

Cisco ASA – Changing the Outside IP Address

KB ID 0001081 


I see this question get asked a lot on forums, most people never touch the firewall, ‘if it’s working leave it alone’. And that’s great until you move offices, or get a newer faster (or cheaper) Internet connection.

What if you have lots of public IP addresses? What if you have VPN’s (or AnyConnect clients). What’s the best way to do this with a minimum of downtime?

Note: If you get your all your outside IP details via DHCP, and no one speaks you you from outside (i.e. The ISP always reserves and issues the same IP details to you because you have a mail server or have VPN connections etc). Then you can probably simply plug into the new Router/Modem/Socket and reboot the ASA.


Time spent on reconnaissance is seldom wasted.

OK lets not run to the comms rack with a laptop and get stuck into the problem, get all your ducks in a row first.

1. Your Current Internet Connection: I know you’re going to turn this off, but if there’s a problem and everything ‘goes to hell in a hand cart’, you might need to connect back to this one in a hurry, (best not to look like a clown because you deleted all those settings and don’t know what they are). As a bare minimum have the following;

  • ISP Name.
  • ISP Tech Support phone number.
  • IP Address(s) allocated to you from the ISP. (Including the subnet mask and IP of their router if applicable).
  • Username and Passwords for your Internet Connection (if applicable i.e. for ADSL, PPPoE etc).
  • The details, of any public DNS records that point to you i.e. The MX records for your email, or URLs for any web services you host etc. If you have a web portal for managing this make sure you can log in. Or if your ISP handles this, get the information on how you can change your host records to point to the new IP address, (i.e. a fax on company headed notepaper, or a call to your account manager etc).

Setting up the Correct DNS Records for your Web or Mail Server

Then ring the old ISP make sure you can log a technical call without having to give them a password, (that everyone’s forgotten), or the only person who they will talk to left the company five years ago. (Get the feeling I’ve done this a lot!)

2. Your New Internet Connection: See everything you did above? get all the same information for the new ISP.

3. Backup: You are only ever as good as your last backup, make sure the ASA is backed up before you start, and backup to TFTP, or via the ASDM NOT by copy pasting the config into Notepad (this tends to hide shared secrets etc).

Backup and Restore a Cisco Firewall.

4. Test The New Internet Connection: I’ve had many a call from a colleague, that they can’t get an ASA working through a new Internet connection. And when I tell then to turn off the ASA and plug their Laptop into the Router/Modem/Socket guess what? Yes, the connection that the salesmen at the ISP said was live, really isn’t!

Warning: Sometimes you find that if you have used the public IP your ISP gave you on your laptop, that when you plug in the ASA it won’t work, (this happens because the router ‘caches’ the MAC address of the Laptop, and get confused when the ASA uses the same IP). So if possible use a different IP for testing, (if you have more than one IP). Or turn the ISP equipment off for a while after testing.

5. Who talks to you? What speaks to the ASA from outside? Do you have a web server, email server, FTP server, public facing service. Do have other offices that connect to you via VPN? Do you have remote workers that connect via VPN/AnyConnect?

5a. What Other Public IP’s Do You Use? You may have covered this in point 5 but now I’m talking about the public IP addresses that are in use but NOT assigned to the outside interface. Typically these are used in what we call static NAT.

If you have other sites with VPNs to you, they will need changing to point to the new public IP address.

Cisco ASA – Changing VPN IP Addresses


Changing The ‘Outside’ IP of the ASA

Now you’ve read all the above, you have a better appreciation of what you might break, and how much downtime to expect. The outside interface of the ASA is exactly the same as any network connection it needs an IP address, a subnet mask, and a default route (same as default gateway for you Windows types).

Again never assume the outside interface is called ‘outside’, I’ve seen all sorts of naming outside, Outside, Public, WAN etc. You already know the public IP so let’s see what the interface name that’s using it is;

Connect to the ASA

From CLI;


Petes-ASA> enable
Password: ********
Petes-ASA# show ip
System IP Addresses:
Interface                Name                   IP address      Subnet mask     Method
GigabitEthernet0         outside       CONFIG
GigabitEthernet1         inside          CONFIG
Current IP Addresses:
Interface                Name                   IP address      Subnet mask     Method
GigabitEthernet0         outside       CONFIG
GigabitEthernet1         inside          CONFIG

Or on an ASA 5505

Password: ********
Petes-ASA# show ip
System IP Addresses:
Interface                Name                   IP address      Subnet mask     Method 
Vlan1                    inside          CONFIG
Vlan2                    outside       CONFIG  
Current IP Addresses:
Interface                Name                   IP address      Subnet mask     Method 
Vlan1                    inside          CONFIG
Vlan2                    outside       CONFIG  

Notice: On smaller ASA's the IP address is allocated to a VLAN, on larger ones the IP
is allocated to a physical interface. Also the 'Method' says 'CONFIG', if it said DHCP
then you are getting these settings dynamically from your ISP.


From ASDM;

Configuration > Device Setup > Interfaces.

Now we know out interface name and where the IP address and the subnet mask are. Now we need to locate the default route for the ‘outside’ interface, (or whatever yours is called).

From CLI;


ASA-1# show run route
route outside 1

Or to get the same information from the routing table;

Petes-ASA# show route

Codes: C - connected, S - static, I - IGRP, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
       D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
       N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
       E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, E - EGP
       i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, ia - IS-IS inter area
       * - candidate default, U - per-user static route, o - ODR
       P - periodic downloaded static route

Gateway of last resort is to network

C is directly connected, outside
C is directly connected, inside
S* [1/0] via outside


From ASDM;

Configuration > Device Setup > Routing > Static Routes.

Now you know the interface name, you know know its physical name, (GigabitEthernet0, Vlan 2, etc.) You have all the information you need to change the IP address, subnet mask and default route.

From CLI;


Petes-ASA> enable
Password: *********
Petes-ASA# Configure Terminal
Petes-ASA(config)# int gigabitEthernet 0
Petes-ASA(config-if)# ip address
Petes-ASA(config-if)# exit

You can only have one 'Default route', so you can't just add the new one, (or it will error)
so you need to remove that route, (by prefixing the command with a 'no'). Then add the new
default route in.

Note: If there's a number at the end of the route command, you can leave that off it's just
a routing metric number.

Petes-ASA(config)# no route outside
Petes-ASA(config)# route outside


From ASDM;

In the ASDM you go to the same sections you did above, select the interface or route, click edit, then make the change. Note if you are going to use PPPoE read the following article.

Cisco ASA 5500 – Configuring PPPoE

Don’t forget to click Apply!

Test – The New Public IP Address

Before we look at anything else we need to make sure the ASA has connectivity to the Internet, and THE ASA can ping a public ip address (Note: I said the ASA, not something on your network). I usually ping (Google DNS server) because it always responds.


User Access Verification

Password: *******
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.
Petes-ASA> enable
Password: ********
Petes-ASA# ping
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 10/14/20 ms


If this fails, ensure you can ping your ISP router (default route IP) this should be pretty easy to troubleshoot with the assistance of the ISP.

Once the ASA can connect to the Internet make sure your internal clients can, remember if you are going to use ping to test connectivity though the firewall you need to have ICMP inspection setup see the following article;

Cisco Firewalls and PING


Cisco ASA – Migrating Other Public IP Addresses

If you are performing ‘port forwarding‘ from the outside interface, i.e. taking all SMTP (TCP Port 25) traffic and forwarding it to an internal host, then the firewall should require no further configuration as that should be done from the interface name NOT the old public IP address.

You can quickly setup port forwarding if it’s stopped by reading the following article;

Cisco PIX / ASA Port Forwarding

If you have public IP addresses statically mapped to public IP addresses from your old ISP range then these will need to be changed. here you can see Ive got a static NAT for an internal server;


Petes-ASA# show nat

Auto NAT Policies (Section 2)
1 (inside) to (outside) source static Obj-Web-Server
    translate_hits = 101, untranslate_hits = 100
2 (inside) to (outside) source dynamic PAT-Internal interface
    translate_hits = 999, untranslate_hits = 52

Petes-ASA# show run nat 
object network PAT-Internal
 nat (inside,outside) dynamic interface
object network Obj-Web-Server
 nat (inside,outside) static

To Change

Petes-ASA# configure terminal 
Petes-ASA(config)# object network Obj-Web-Server
Petes-ASA(config-network-object)# no nat (inside,outside) static
Petes-ASA(config-network-object)# nat (inside,outside) static   
Petes-ASA(config-network-object)# exit
Petes-ASA(config)# clear xlate
INFO: 453 xlate deleted


To do the same in the ASDM, is a little more convoluted you need to check every NAT rule and see if you have one thats type is ‘static’ and has an IP address from your old ISP range, then you can change it accordingly.

Configuration > Firewall > NAT Rules

Don’t forget to click Apply!

For more information on Static (One to One) NAT see the following article;

Add a Static (One to One) NAT Translation to a Cisco ASA 5500 Firewall


Cisco ASA – Migrating VPN’s Post IP Address Change

Site to Site VPN

If you have site to site (IPSEC) VPN’s then these will have gone down when the public IP address changed. If the device at the other end is a Cisco ASA/PIX then follow the advice in the following article;

Cisco ASA – Changing VPN IP Addresses

Client VPN

For remote workers using the older IPSEC VPN client, you will need to send them a new PCF file to import into their VPN client with the new IP address in it, (unless they are pointing at your public DNS name, then you simply need to change the IP address that the DNS name points to). PCF files are explained in the following article;

Working with the Cisco VPN Client. (IPSEC)


As above if your AnyConnect clients connect directly to a public name like then just change that record to point to the new public IP address. Just be aware if you have set the AnyConnect profile to point to your old IP address, then your remote clients will automatically break themselves every-time they connect and download the profile, change it to the new IP address, or even better a public name/URL.

Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Network (Client) Access > AnyConnect Client Profile.


Dont Forget: Save any changes you have made to the firewall either with a ‘write mem‘ command, or File > Save running configuration to flash, if you’re in the ASDM.

I think I’ve got most stuff covered, if I’ve missed something that’s caused you problems let me know, and I will update this article accordingly (contact link below).

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Cisco ASA 5500 – Adding New ‘Different Range’ Public IP Addresses