I use EditPlus 3 a lot for editing firewall configs, and just taking notes. But freshly installed it has the annoying habit of creating .bak (backup) files for every file you work on. I tend to keep the notes I’m working on on my desktop, so this can clutter it up with annoying icons.
1. Launch EditPlus > Tools > Preferences > Files.
2. Untick ‘Create backup file when saving’ > Apply > OK.
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I put in a Remote Desktop Services Server this week, and every time the users launched their line of business app,
Open File - Security Warning
The publisher of this file can not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software.
Name: {Application name}
Publisher: Unknown Publisher
Type: Application
From: {PathApplication name}
This file does not have a valid digital signature that verifies its publisher. You should only run
software from publishers you trust.
OK the program is not digitally signed, but this is going to annoy the client even more, I need to suppress this warning.
1. Open the local group policy editor on the machine in question. (Start > Run > gpedit.msc {enter}).
2. Navigate to;
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Internet Explorer
3. Locate the ‘Turn off the Security Settings Check feature’ > Set it to enabled.
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Server Manager on Windows Server 2008 and Server 2012, launches every time you log on, (with administrative access). After a while this can get very annoying, if you log into a lot of servers for example. So I tend to stop it auto-launching (it’s still on the taskbar if you need it!)
Disable Server Manager Opening on Startup
1. With Server Manager Open > Manage > Server Manager Properties > Tick ‘Do not start Server Manager automatically at Logon’ > OK.
Disable Server Manager Starting on Server 2008
1. With Server Manager Open > Server Summary Section > Tick “Do Not Show this console at Logon”.
OR Via the Registry (2008 NOT 2012 For one user i.e. the domain admin).
1. Start > Start Search Box > Regedit {enter}.
3. Locate the DoNotOpenServerManagerAtLogon value.
Set 1=Enabled (The console WILL NOT load at logon). Set 0=Disabled (The console WILL load at logon).
For All users HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftServer Manager set as above.
Disable Server Manager Auto Start via Group Policy
1. Open your group policy editor (either gpedit.msc for local policy or gpms.msc for domain policy).
2. Navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Server Manager.
3. Locate “Do not display Server Manager automatically at logon”.
Set Enabled=Server Manager is NOT Displayed.
Set Disable= Server Manager is displayed (only when an administrator logs on).
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While setting up a new printer you might see this message on the screen, if you are manually installing a printer that’s fine, but if you are scripting the printer installs you DONT want all your users to see this popping up on their screens, it makes them flap, and then they will ring you up.
Do you trust this printer?
Windows needs to download and install software from the {print server name} computer to print to {printer name}. Proceed only if you trust the {print server name} computer on the network.
So using group policy let’s tun this off.
1. Go to your domain controller. Start > Administrative tools > Group Policy management console > either create a new policy and link it to your domain (or required OU’s) or edit an existing policy.
I have a client who manages the network at a school. They wanted to stop the profiles of their users being cached, in either the c:documents and settings or c:users folders (depending on the version of Windows and profile the users were using).
1. Log into a domain controller or a machine running the RSAT tools, Start > Administrative Tools > Group Policy Management > Either edit an existing group policy, or create a new one that is linked to your COMPUTERS.
2. If creating new policy, give it a sensible name > OK
3. Edit the relevant policy.
4. Navigate to;
[box]Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > System > User Profiles[/box]
Locate and edit “Delete User Profiles older than a specified number of days on system restart”.
5. Enable the policy and set it to 1 (24 hours) > Apply > OK.
6. Then edit the “Delete cached copies of roaming profiles” and enable that policy. (This will stop the copies caching locally as the user logs on) > Apply > OK.
7. Close the policy editor. Then get the clients to reboot, wait a couple of hours, or manually run “gpupdate /force” on them.
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By default after a while my Windows 8 laptop ‘Locks itself’ and afterwards it requires a password to unlock it. I don’t want it to do that, I do want to be able to lock it myself, and I don’t want it to log on without a password when I log on.
1. Move the cursor to the right hand side of the screen, select settings > PC Settings.
2. On the users menu, you need to press the ‘Change’ Button, below the ‘Any user who has a password must enter it when waking this PC’. But as you can see mine was greyed out, and it says ‘Security policies on this PC are preventing you form changing this setting. If yours does NOT say this press the change button and skip to step 6.
3. To remove that block, Press the Windows Key+X to bring up the advanced context menu > Control Panel > User Accounts > Reset Security Policies.
4. Reset Policies.
5. Now you should be able to repeat the process and this time press the ‘Change’ button.
6. OK to confirm.
7. Now you no longer need to enter a password, to wake up the PC.
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I realise that updates are important, and Microsoft made updating easier by only releasing them once a month. But my laptop always wants to reboot at the point where I’m doing something critical! and Windows 8 unilaterally decides that its updates are far more important than my work.
OK this will only happen once a month, (normally) and it will only happen a maximum of 72 hours after the update. It affects me because I never shut my machine down, (I just close the lid).
Warning: Like I said updates are a good thing, if you disable this feature the onus is on you to keep your machine up to date!
Stop Windows 8 Rebooting Due To Updates with Group Policy
1. Press Windows Key+R > In the run box type gpedit.msc {Enter}.
2. Navigate to;
[box] Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update [/box]
3. Locate the ‘No auto-restart with logged on users for scheduled automatic updates installations’ policy. Set its value to enabled > Apply > OK.
4. Press Windows Key+R > In the run box type cmd {Enter} > At command line issue the following command;
[box] gpupdate /force [/box]
Stop Windows 8 Rebooting Due To Updates via the Registry
Note: If you have already set this in policy (above) you don’t need to do this as well.
5. Press Windows Key+R > In the run box type regedit {Enter} > Navigate to;
[box]HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Policies > Microsoft > Windows[/box]
If there is not a Key Called WindowsUpdate create one.
6. And within the WindowsUpdate Key create another key.
7. Call that key AU.
8. Within that create a new DWORD (32 bit) value called ‘NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers’.
9. Set its value to 1 (one).
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With Outlook 2010, everytime you send and email withough a subject line you get the following prompt
“Do you want to send this message without a subject?”
Now there are sensible reasons for this, but a lot of the time I don’t really want to put in a subject, especially if I’m conversing with friends colleagues etc. And I’m really sick and tired of being asked.
1. Open Outlook, Press ALT+F11 > Expand Project1 > Microsoft Outlook Object > This Outlook Session (Note: if you can’t see the code window right click and select “View Code” > Paste in the script (see below) > Click Save > Close the VBA project window to return to Outlook.
2. Whilst in Outlook select File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Macro Settings > Seelct “Enable all macros…” > Tick “Apply macro security…” > OK.
3. Restart Outlook
The Script (Note: I DID NOT WRITE THIS the good folk here did).
Option Explicit
' Prevents Outlook® 2010 to display a no-subject warning message
' (c) Peter Marchert - http://www.outlook-stuff.com
' 2010-07-15 Version 1.0.0
' 2010-07-19 Version 1.0.1
' 2010-08-01 Version 1.1.0
' 2010-08-31 Version 1.1.1
Private WithEvents colInspectors As Outlook.Inspectors
Private Sub Application_Startup()
' Set a reference to all forms
Set colInspectors = Outlook.Inspectors
End Sub
Private Sub colInspectors_NewInspector(ByVal Inspector As Inspector)
' This code is running if a form (e. g. an e-mail) will be opened
Dim objItem As Object
' Skip errors
On Error GoTo ExitProc
' Set a reference to the open item
Set objItem = Inspector.CurrentItem
' Skip appointments, not meeting items
If InStr(LCase(objItem.MessageClass), "ipm.appointment") > 0 Then
If objItem.MeetingStatus = 0 Then GoTo ExitProc
End If
' A new item does not have an ID
If objItem.EntryID = "" Then
' Check if the subject is empty if an item was created by a
' template with predefined subject.
If objItem.Subject = "" Then objItem.Subject = " "
' Meeting items will be checked for a empty location too
If objItem.Location = "" Then objItem.Location = " "
End If
' Delete the reference to the form and to the item
Set objItem = Nothing
Set Inspector = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
' If a blank still exists it will now be removed (Outlook®
' will this not recognize)
Item.Subject = Trim(Item.Subject)
Item.Location = Trim(Item.Location)
End Sub
Private Sub Application_Quit()
' Delete the reference to the forms
Set colInspectors = Nothing
End Sub
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I put in an ASA 5505 this week, and while I was setting it up I was getting plagued with these popping up in the command window all the time;
DHCP: Interface 'inside' is currently configured as SERVER and cannot be changed to a CLIENT by a CLIENT feature
DHCP Client: can't enable DHCP Client when DHCP Server/Relay is running on the interface.
Seen here on ASA Version 9.1(1)
There not a lot of information out there about this, but it it essentially caused because you enabled the Cisco ‘Call-Home’ function. If you want call-home on then configure it, but I did not. The reason you are seeing these is because when you first entered configuration mode you were prompted with this,
You can confirm that by issuing a show call-home command,
As you can see its enabled, if you want it on, then configure it, I don’t so I’ll simply disable call-home.
User Access Verification
Password: Type help or ‘?’ for a list of available commands. PetesASA> enable Password: ********PetesASA# configure terminal PetesASA(cfg-call-home)# call-home PetesASA(cfg-call-home)# no configuration all PetesASA(cfg-call-home)# exit PetesASA(config)#
Finally save the changes.
PetesASA(config)# write mem
Building configuration...
Cryptochecksum: b984ffbc dd77cdbf f2cd8d86 0b8f3f96
3965 bytes copied in 1.490 secs (3965 bytes/sec) [OK]
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