Ubuntu Static IP

 Ubuntu Static IP KB ID 0001892


Like most OSs out of the box the system is set to get it’s IP address from a DHCP server (i.e. dynamically). On the rare occasions I’m deploying Linux its to perform a specific task, so in nearly all cases I want it to have a static IP. Here is how to achieve that.

Solution : Ubuntu Static IP

Disable Cloud-Init

Since Ubuntu version 18.04, it has shipped with this enabled, you can proceed with it enabled, but the procedure is different and your efforts can be ignored, so I simply disable it. the first command sees if its running (if it yields any output, {as shown} then it is).

Remember: This procedure changes the IP address, if you are connected remotely by SSH for example, you may lose connectivity. Perform this at the console or ensure you can reconnect to the new IP address (post change).


apt-cache pkgnames | grep cloud-init
sudo nano /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg



Paste in the following, then save and exit (CTRL+X >  Y > Enter).


network: {config: disabled}


Then reboot the machine.




Ubuntu Static IP Netplan

Ubuntu will apply a set of network configuration settings that are formatted as YAML. Before we create that file let’s look to find out what our network interface is called, what the current IP address and network range is, and where the default gateway (or default route) has been pointed to.


ip addr
ip route


From the above we can see our interface is called ens33 (yours may be called something different like eth0), it has an IP address of (i.e it has a netmask of, and its default gateway is To see the current netplan we need to look in/etc/netplan as you can see (below) mines called 50-cloud-init.yaml (yours may have a slightly different name, so change to the directory and list is contents to make sure.


cd /etc/netplan
sudoedit {name-of-your-netplan-file}.yaml


Here is an idea of what your file may currently look like.

And here is one I’ve edited to include the required IP and the default route (gateway), and my local DNS servers and


  dhcp4: no 
    - to: default
    addresses: [,]
Version: 2


Save and exit the file, then apply the netplan (Note: if you are connected via SSH you may lose connectivity).

Note: For an example of setting up a bridged network see the link below.


sudo netplan apply



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KVM Bridge Network

ZyXEL – Router Setup (Public IP Range)

KB ID 0000331 


You have a ZyXEL router (In my case a P-600R-D1) and you want to put a device behind it with a public IP.

Note: I’m assuming you have agreed with your ISP that you will receive a range of public IP addresses. With some ASDL packages the first IP in the range usually gets allocated to the router, confirm this with your ISP.

BT Business Broadband Note: If you are a BT Business customer, your setup will be slightly different, I’ll point that out as we go along.


1. Connect up to the router, and you should get an IP address from it, open your web browser and proceed to the default password is “1234”

2. You will be prompted to change the default password, do so, then select the option to go to ‘Advanced Setup’.

3. Expand Network > WAN > Enter the ADSL details provided by your ISP (i.e. ADSL username and ADSL password). If you are having a static IP on the outside of the router you can also set that here.

Note: If you have only been given TWO IP addresses you may need to set BOTH the WAN and LAN IP address to the SAME IP (and disable NAT).

BT Business Broadband Note: Even if you have been allocated a range of public IP addresses, you LEAVE the routers outside IP address option set to, ‘Obtain an IP address automatically’

4. Disable NAT ONLY IF YOU ARE SETTING THE LAN AND WAN TO THE SAME IP: Select NAT > General > Un-tick “Active Network Address Translation (NAT)” > Apply.

4. Disable DHCP: Select LAN > DHCP Setup > Change DHCP to “None” > Apply.

5. Set the inside IP: Set this to the IP address allocated to your Router – (Note: this may be the SAME as the address allocated to the outside IP, don’t panic it will not conflict (NAT is disabled).

BT Business Broadband Note: This is typically the highest IP address in the range, BT have given you.

6. You can now connect your internal device/firewall (Note: You may need to reboot the device AND the router as the MAC address may have changed if you have been testing from your laptop/PC.) Or simply allocate another public IP address to device, then make its default route, (or default gateway) the IP address you set on the LAN port of the ZyXEL, (in our example above

Factory Reset ZyXEL Router

If things break and you want to reset the router,

1. Power off the router.

2. Depress the reset button on the rear of the router.

3. Power on the device until the ethernet light, flashes amber.

4. Now DHCP will be turned on and the router will use internally and the default password will be reset to 1234.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

ZyXEL Firmware downloads (Look under DSL Technology)

Original Article Written 28/09/10

BT Business Hub 3 – And Cisco ASA 5500

KB ID 0000762 


Warning: If your ASA is running version 8.3(4) or above you are going to have problems assigning public IP addresses from your allocated BT Range (jump to the bottom of the article for a resolution).

You have a pool of public IP addresses and you wish to allocate one of these IP addresses to your Cisco ASA Firewall. Note: This is for customers using BOTH ADSL and BT Infinity


For this procedure I was running an ASA5505 (Unlimited) with version 8.4(5). You will need to know the public IP address range allocated to you by BT (and the IP allocated to the router/hub).

Allocating a Public IP address to an Internal Client with the BT Business Hub

1. Log into the router, (the password initially is on the pull out plastic tab on top of the router). Set the IP to the one allocated to the router by BT (from the IP range they have given you). Note: The router actually gets a different IP address externally, this is normal, don’t panic.

2. Apply > Wait for the changes to apply.

3. Under business Network > Devices> You should see your device listed > Select it.

4. Assign the public IP as shown, you need to select the two radio buttons before the drop-down list of IP addresses will work > Apply.

5. Note: additionally if you are installing a firewall you might want to disable the Business Hubs internal firewall. Settings >Port Forwarding > Firewall > “Allow all traffic…” > Apply.

Problem with Cisco ASA (Now Resolved: See below)

My firewall (after a reload) picked up the correct IP address, but was unable to connect to the internet. My laptop (also connected to the BT Business Hub) connected fine to the internet (both with an allocated public address, and using the public address of the router). The ASA could not get out at all, nor could it ping the IP address of the Business Hub. The ASA showed as disconnected for a while, then disappeared from the ‘Devices’ tab, even though it continued to get the correct IP address leased to it from the Business Hub, this persisted after a reload of the firewall – so the hub COULD see it. I tried giving the ASA the correct IP address statically, I also locked the speed and duplex of the ethernet interface (in case it was simply an auto-negotiation error), this did not resolve the problem. BT told me they had no record of anyone having the same problem, but that they would take a note in case it came up again. Luckily the client had his old 2Wire router as soon as I plugged that in everything worked fine.  


Update 210414 (and resolution)

Got an email from Nate Morris this week who had been working on this very problem, while debugging the ARP traffic he saw;


arp-in: request at external from c0ac.54e4.d8d8 for 
0000.0000.0000 arp-in: Arp packet received from which is in different subnet 
than the connected interface 


This pointed to a known problem with Cisco ASA introduced in version 8.3(4). Cisco identified this as bug CSCty95468 (Cisco CCO Login required to view). To resolve this problem you need to allow the ASA to populate its ARP table from a non connected subnet. To do this you need to issue an arp permit-nonconnected command.


User Access Verification Password: 
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands. 
Petes-ASA> enable 
Password: ******** 
Petes-ASA# configure terminal 
Petes-ASA(config)# arp permit-nonconnected 
Petes-ASA(config)# exit 
Petes-ASA# write mem 
Building configuration... Cryptochecksum: 28790e0e 91da681e 7cf92e8a 85efb7ea 9449 bytes copied in 1.310 secs (9449 bytes/sec) [OK] 


Update 260213

Got an Email from Andrew Joubert, to say that he had the same problem, and he was using the BT business hub via BT Infinity not ADSL.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Original Article Written 26/02/13

Credit to: Nate Morris, for finding the resolution to the original problem.

Special thanks to Steve at BT, who rang me back on my mobile so I didn’t have wait in a queue, and then followed up afterwards to see what the outcome was, if I knew his surname I would publish it! He did a grand job, and does not get paid enough!

Also thanks to Chris at BT who pitched in and did as much as he could.

Cisco ASA 5500 – Configuring PPPoE

KB ID 0000831 


Until very recently I’d never had to configure PPPoE. Most of my clients in that sort of connection speed range have ADSL with a router provided by their ISP. A Router that connects via PPPoA usually.

Here in the UK the main ISP’s (BT and Virgin) are busy rolling out FTTC connections that terminate with a ‘modem’ that presents an RJ45 socket.

So without the need for a router, you can get the ASA to perform the authentication (supply the username and password via PPPoE) and either use a static IP address, or obtain its IP via DHCP.


1. Before you attempt to configure the connection, you will need the following from your ISP;

  • Username
  • Password
  • IP Details (If you have bought static IP’s you will need the range of IP addresses and the IP address to use as the firewalls default route (default gateway). Some ISP’s will expect you to configure DHCP and will make sure you always get the same IP.
  • Authentication method: CHAP, MSCHAP, or PAP (If your ISP acts confused when you ask, it’s probably CHAP).

2. Connect to the ASA > Go to enable mode > Go to configuration mode > Create a ‘vpdn’ group, (here I’ve called it PNL-DIALER-GROUP) > Set the authentication method, (here I’m using CHAP).


User Access Verification

Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.
PetesASA> enable
Password: ********
PetesASA# configure terminal
PetesASA(config)# vpdn group PNL-DIALER-GROUP request dialout pppoe
PetesASA(config)# vpdn group PNL-DIALER-GROUP ppp authentication chap


3. Supply your username and password. (The store-local command puts the details in a protected area of flash memory).


PetesASA(config)# vpdn group PNL-DIALER-GROUP localname username1234-fttc@ispname.net
PetesASA(config)# vpdn username username1234-fttc@ispname.net password Password12345 store-local


4. Apply your vpdn group to the interface (or VLAN if your using an ASA5505), then configure the static IP address or DHCP;


Command for an ASA 5505 (By Default VLAN 2 will be the outside VLAN).

PetesASA(config)# Interface vlan2

Command for an ASA 5510 (or greater) (By Default Ethernet0/0 will be the outside interface).

PetesASA(config)# Ethernet0/0

The rest of the configuration is the same for all models

PetesASA(config-if)# pppoe client vpdn group PNL-DIALER-GROUP

If you have been given a static IP address and default route

PetesASA(config-if)# ip address pppoe
PetesASA(config-if)# route outside

If you are getting you IP address via DHCP

PetesASA(config-if)# ip address pppoe setroute


5. Save your changes.


PetesASA(config-if)# exit
PetesASA(config)# exit
PetesASA# write mem
Building configuration…
Cryptochecksum: 79745c0a 509726e5 b2c66028 021fdc7d

7424 bytes copied in 1.710 secs (7424 bytes/sec)


Cisco ASA Debugging PPPoE

You can use the following command/syntax to troubleshoot.


PetesASA# show ip address outside pppoe
PetesASA# [no] debug pppoe {event | error | packet}
PetesASA# show vpdn session [l2tp | pppoe] [id sess_id | packets | state | window]
PetesASA# show vpdn


Configure PPPoE via ASDM

1. Connect to the ASDM > Configuration > Device Setup > Interfaces > Ethernet0/0 > Edit > General Tab > Use PPPoE.

2. Enter VPDN Group name username and password.

3. Set the PPP Authentication method PAP / CHAP or MSCHAP.

4. Tick store username and password in flash > IP Address and Route Settings
Apply > OK.

5. File > Save Running Configuration to flash.

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