XenServer: Enable SNMP

KB ID 0001629


We had to enable SNMP on a XenServer today, I’d never even logged onto one, but it turns out, much like ESX, it’s just a Linux server, at least the good folk at Citrix included nano on there so I didn’t have to struggle with the vi editor!


First from the web console ensure that SSH access is enabled > Remote Services Configuration > Enable/Disable Remote Shell.

SSH into the host and execute the following commands to start the SNMP daemon,  take a backup of the config file, and finally edit the ‘live’ config file.


chkconfig snmpd
cp /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf.backup
nano /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf


You can delete EVERYTHING (At the beginning of the file press CTRL+6 to mark the file, then Press ALT+Shif+T (or ALT+T) to cut the text away). Then type in;


rocommunity {SNMP-String} {IP address or range with /{bits}}

rocommunity public


Save and Exit (CTRL+X > ‘Y’ > {Enter}). Now you need to edit the firewall on the host (iptables). To allow the IP addresses of your SNMP collector(s).


nano /etc/sysconfig/iptables


At the bottom, (usually) you will see a deny for ICMP, put an entry for each collector BEFORE that in the following format;


-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -s {Collector-IP-Address} -p udp -m udp --dport 161 -j ACCEPT


Save and Exit (CTRL+X > ‘Y’ > {Enter}). then restart iptables and the snmp daemon.


service iptables restart
service snmpd restart


If you are polling it though a firewall you can test it locally using this piece of freeware, (I use this to test, but remember to add the local IP you are testing from to the sump config and the iptables!)

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Configure Your Firewall for SNMP

KB ID 0001034 


Had a requirement to let SNMP traffic though a firewall this week, I have a client that has both SolarWinds and SCOM, and they need to monitor the external Citrix ADC load balancers. For SNMP we simply need UDP ports 161 and 162 (See below) but SolarWinds maintains ‘ping’ connectivity to the monitored assets, so ICMP also needs to be open.

Inbound Ports

Outbound Ports


As my ‘weapon of choice’ is a Cisco ASA, here’s how to set it up.

1. Connect to the firewall and proceed to global configuration mode.

[box] User Access Verification

Type help or ‘?’ for a list of available commands.
Petes-ASA> enable
Password: ********
Petes-ASA# configure terminal


2. Assuming my inside interface is called ‘inside’ allow the traffic outbound then apply that ACL to the firewall with an access-group command.

Cisco ASA – ‘access-group’ Warning

[box] Petes-ASA(config)# access-list outbound permit udp host host eq 161
Petes-ASA(config)# access-list outbound permit icmp host host
Petes-ASA(config)# access-group outbound in interface inside [/box]

3. Assuming my outside interface is called ‘outside’ allow the traffic inbound then apply that ACL to the firewall with an access-group command.

Cisco ASA – ‘access-group’ Warning

[box]Petes-ASA(config)# access-list inbound permit udp host host eq 161
Petes-ASA(config)# access-list inbound permit icmp host host
Petes-ASA(config)# access-group inbound in interface outside [/box]

Note: Simply allowing ICMP will not permit ‘ping’ see the following article;

Cisco Firewalls and PING

4. Save the changes.

[box]Petes-ASA(config)# write memory
Building configuration…
Cryptochecksum: aab5e5a2 c707770d f7350728 d9ac34de


You may want to open UDP 514 (syslog) from the device to the monitoring server, (assuming you have configured syslog on the monitored device). If the monitored device cannot communicate make sure it’s not using DNS to resolve the monitoring server (if so you may need to open UDP 53 to a DNS server).

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