Error Exchange – “Email Address Policy”

KB ID 0000038 Dtd 10/06/09



“Unable to edit the specified E-mail address policy. E-mail address policies created with legacy versions of Exchange must be upgraded using the ‘Set-EmailAddressPolicy’ task, with the Exchange 2007 Recipient Filter specified.”:

Caused because the policy in use was created on Exchange 2000/2003


1. Logon to the Exchange server.
2. Start > All Programs > Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 > Exchange Management Shell.
3. Issue the following command.
Set-EmailAddressPolicy “Default Policy” -IncludedRecipients AllRecipients
4. Confirm with Y {Enter}.

[PS] C:Usersadministrator.domainDesktop>Set-EmailAddressPolicy “Default Policy”
-IncludedRecipients AllRecipients

To save changes on object “Default Policy”, the object must be upgraded to the
current Exchange version. After the upgrade, this object cannot be managed by a
previous version of Exchange System Manager. Do you want to continue to
upgrade and save the object?
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help
(default is “Y”):Y
[PS] C:Usersadministrator.domainDesktop>


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Exchange Error during/post upgrade from Exchange 2003 ‘ Mailbox manager settings cannot be managed by the current version of Exchange Management Console’

KB ID 0000547 


I’ve already covered migration from 2003 here, I got an email today {Thanks Ashley :)} to say that when they tried to migrate the address policies from 2003 to 2010 using this command:

[box]Get-EmailAddressPolicy | where {$_.RecipientFilterType –eq “Legacy”} | Set-EmailAddressPolicy –IncludedRecipients AllRecipients[/box]

They got the following error;

Error on Exchange 2010

Set-EmailAddressPolicy : The recipient policy “Default Policy” with mailbox manager settings cannot be managed by the current version of Exchange Management Console. Please use a management console with the same version as the object.

Error on Exchange 2007

The recipient policy “Default Policy” with mailbox manager settings cannot be managed by the current version of Exchange Management Console. Please use a management console with the same version as the object.


This happens because In your Exchange 2003 environment, there is a Mailbox Manager Policy that’s been tied to the recipient update policy.

Option 1 (If you have access to the 2003 Exchange Management Console)

1. On your Exchange 2003 Server Launch the Exchange Management Console > Recipients > Recipients Polices > You may have more than one if so repeat this process with each one > right click > Change Property Pages > Make sure “Mailbox Manager Settings” is NOT TICKED. (If it is, Untick it and re-run the command above).

Option 2 (If you DO NOT have access to the 2003 Exchange Management Console)

1. From within ADSIEdit (Install the support tools if you can’t find it) > Configuration > CN=Configuration… > CN=Services… > CN=Microsoft Exchange… > CN={Your Exchange Org} > CN=Recipient Policies > Right click CN=Default Policy > Properties.

2. Locate the msExchPolicyOptionList attribute > Edit > Remove the entry that’s called ” 0xec 0x13 0x68 0x3b 0x89 0xce 0xba 0x42 0x94… (Mailbox Manager Settings)” > OK > Apply > OK.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Special thanks to Ashley for the information. Exchange 2003 to 2010 Transition “Swing Migration”