Adding Duo 2FA to Microsoft ADFS

Adding Duo 2FA to Microsoft ADFS

KB ID 0001656 Problem I did a Duo run through a few weeks ago, and to be honest their documentation is usually pretty good. I was spinning this up as a PoC for a client so I thought I’d put my take on the procedure here. ADFS Duo Pre-Requisites I already have a Duo Authentication Proxy server setup and my users are enrolled, you will need to set this up first. See the following article; Duo: ADSync and Enroll Users via SMS Log...

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PowerShell: Bulk Add/Remove Users From Groups

PowerShell: Bulk Add/Remove Users From Groups

KB ID 0001475 Problem I had to do this a few weeks ago, so I documented it. I had a list of usernames in a CSV file and I needed to bulk-add them to a security group. Bulk Add Group Users Solution Firstly you will need the usernames (sAMAccountNames) in .csv format like so,  (Note: As a header Im using User-Name.) I’ve saved the file to C:\Temp on my server. Execute the following commands; Import-Module ActiveDirectory ...

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Cisco AnyConnect With Server 2016 NPAS (RADIUS) Different Groups

Cisco AnyConnect With Server 2016 NPAS (RADIUS) Different Groups

KB ID 0001474 Problem A few years ago I replaced a firewall that was setup like this, and while it took me a while to work out what was going on, I remember thinking it was an elegant solution. Fast forward to today, and I’m now working with the guy who set it up! (Kudos to Paul White). So when I had a client with a similar requirement, I sat down fired up the lab, and documented it. What was used; Windows 10 Remote Client...

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SQL Install Error “SQL Server Browser Service Group Does Not Exist”

SQL Install Error “SQL Server Browser Service Group Does Not Exist”

KB ID 0000689  Problem Seen when reinstalling SQL 2008 R2 on a domain controller. Note: as a background the SQL Server was installed previously and then the server was promoted to a domain controller. Then when the attempt to reinstall SQL was carried out this happened: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup The following error has occurred. SQL Server Browser service group does not exists. Check for earlier failures in the setup Note:...

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Windows Server – Fine Grained Password Policies

Windows Server – Fine Grained Password Policies

KB ID 0000765  Problem Before server 2008 if you wanted more than one password policy, you had to create a sub domain just to do that! with Server 2008 we were given fine grained password policies, which were fine (if a little clunky), and involved you creating ‘Password Settings Objects’. They were a pain if you were not used to them e.g. five minutes is entered as 00:00:05:00. But now Microsoft have made things a LOT...

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