Microsoft Office for Mac – Favorites Missing

Microsoft Office for Mac – Favorites Missing

KB ID 0001264 Problem Whenever Office needs updating on my Mac I just hit OK and let it do its own thing. I did that this morning, and went and got a coffee. It was a while later that I noticed that when I needed to add an attachment to an email I got this; Now that might look fine, but in the left hand pane ‘Favourites’ is missing, it should look like this; If I opened launcher it was fine, it was only from Microsoft...

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Google Chrome – Can’t Open jnlp (Java) files

Google Chrome – Can’t Open jnlp (Java) files

KB ID 0000354 Problem It’s annoying but for some reason Google Chrome simply downloads .jnlp files rather than opening and launching the Java applications. You would think that associating .jnlp files so that they open in Chrome would fix the problem, but it does not. Solution 1. Go to the link that you are trying to launch the Java application from, and Chrome will download it, as before. 2. By default Chrome will list the...

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