Cisco FirePOWER Management Center Appliance – Allowing Domain Authentication

KB ID 0001117 


Once deployed, authentication is handled by the appliances own internal user database, in larger organisations this is a little impractical. So the ability to create an Active Directory Group, and delegate access to Firesight to members of that group is a little more versatile.


I’m making the assumption that the appliance does not already have external authentication setup at all, so I’ll cover everything from start to finish.

Newer Versions

Logon to the Appliance > System >Users > External Authentication > Add External Authentication Object

Older Versions

Logon to the Appliance > System > Local User Management > External Authentication > Create External Authentication Object.

  • Authentication Method: LDAP
  • Name: Chose a sensible name for the connection.
  • Server Type: MS Active Directory
  • Host Name/IP Address: the IP of your domain controller
  • Port:389 (this is standard LDAP)

If you have a second Domain Controller enter the details here.

Note: In Active Directory, I’ve created a USER to make the connection to Active Directory with, and I’ve also created a SECURITY GROUP that my administrators will be in.

You can use the ldp.exe tool to locate and find the correct LDAP path for the user you created, (and the group because you will need that in a minute as well).

  • Base DN: Usually the root of the domain, in standard LDAP format.
  • Username: The LDAP path to the user you created.
  • Password: For the user above.
  • UI Access Attribute: sAMAccountName
  • Shell Access Attribute: sAMAccountName

I’m simply having one administrative group, if you have a granular RBAC requirement, there are a number of pre-configured roles you can assign your AD groups to, (or you can create custom ones). So I’m adding the LDAP path of my administrators group to the ‘Administrator’ role.

Also set the default role to ‘Security Analyst (Read Only).

  • Group Member Attribute: member.
  • Username: A user in the AD Administrative group you created.
  • Password: Password for the above account.

Press ‘Test’

All being well you should see a success, Press Save.

Newer Versions

Switch the ‘slider’ to enabled > Save > Save and Apply. (Now skip to All Systems below).

Older Versions

You now need to add this to the policy being applied to this appliance. System > Local System Policy > Select the policy in use  >Edit.

External Authentication

  • Status: Enabled
  • Default User Role: System Analyst (Read Only)

Finally change the slider button and ensure it is ticked. Save policy and exit.

Now apply the policy (green tick).

Tick the appliance > Apply.


All Systems

Now you can login with your administrative AD accounts.

You can also create a local user to match an AD account.

And get the appliance to use AD for authentication of this user.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Original Article Written 18/12/15

Changing Domain Users’ ‘User Logon Names’ and UPN’s

KB ID 0001238


Changing a users UPN suffix is easy (as long as it’s been added – see below). There is some confusion about the User Login Name though.


A few weeks ago I had a client that needed this done, (for an office 365 migration). But they had the added problem that some of their User Logon Names had spaces in them, they were in first-name{space}last-name format.

What would happen if I changed their user logon names? Would they have to use a different logon name? Would their profile break? Or worse still, would they all lose their roaming profiles?


Adding A New UPN Suffix

Before you can add a new UPN suffix you need to make it available in the domain. Administrative Tools > Active Directory Domains and Trusts > Right Click ‘Active Directory Domains and Trusts’  > Properties > Add the new Suffix  >Apply > OK.

From this point forward you can add that as a new suffix for any/all users.

The Effect of Changing a User Logon Name

Using the same user as above, I’ve changed the ‘User Logon Name’, and added the new UPN Suffix to test.

How Does Changing a User Logon Name Affect Profile and Home Drive Paths?

Put simply it does not! To prove it I did some testing. The profile and home drive path of this user’s is set on the ‘profile’ tab of their user object.

It remains the same after the User Logon Name changes. When these users were setup the profile paths and home drive paths were all set ‘on mass’, by selecting multiple users and setting the path to \\server-name\folder-name\%username% and it fills in all the ‘usernames‘ with the sAMAccountName and that has not changed.

Does the User Have to Change their Logon Name?

Confusingly users don’t log on with their User Logon Name (Usually, but they can if they wanted to) from all the way back to NT4 we have logged on with the DOMAIN-NAME\USER-NAME format which uses the sAMAccountName, NOT the User Logon Name. If you look at the very first picture at the top of the page you can see that below the UPN. Its called the User name (pre-Windows 2000). You may not of even have noticed, but on Windows 10 they put this right in your face on the logon screen.

Whats the Point of a UPN Then?

You can actually authenticate, and log on with your UPN, (see below)

This logs on as the user in the example above with the correct profile, and group membership etc. Though it’s not common practice to logon with a UPN. Microsoft Now Have a Very BAD HABIT of telling users, (and putting in their documentation), to ‘Log on with your Email AddressThis is wrong, you actually are logging on with your UPN, Microsoft are making the assumption, that your Email and UPN are the same. This is why blogs and forums are full of scripts to change your UPN so that it matches your email address. They assume, (usually quite rightly, that if you tell users to log on with their UPN they will be confused and not know what that is). So rather than address this problem, they tell users to log on with their Email addresses. That’s the real reason we are talking about changing UPN’s, and probably why your here in the first place.

Some Users Don’t Have UPN’s?

This is normal, don’t panic, a user does not have to have a UPN, if you are seeing blank entries that user was probably migrated via a script or tool into your AD, or simply was migrated from an older version of AD as part of a domain upgrade.

So Nothing Broke?

No, the local cached copy of the profile is still named the same as the sAMAccountName;

And the roaming profile and home drive also stayed the same;

WARNING: Just so I don’t do the same thing Microsoft did and ‘Make an Assumption’. Where changing the User Logon Names would affect you is if users were already logging into their machines with their UPN, Then they would need to change their login names to the new UPN, (or use the pre-Windows 2000 login name). But I’ve never seen a user logon with a UPN, the only time I’ve ever logged onto something with a UPN, is when I can’t type a back slash to log on as DOMAIN\Username (I use a Mac). 

Remove Spaces From User Logon Names

Seriously who does this? I don’t even like spaces in folder names! Below is a PowerShell script that will search through AD and find users with a space in the middle of their logon name and replace the login name with firstname.lastname

Change the values in red.


Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Get-ADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName -like '* *'" -SearchBase 'OU=Test,DC=pnl,DC=com' | ForEach { Set-ADUser -Identity $_.SamAccountName -UserPrincipalName "$($_.GivenName).$($_.Surname)" }


Note: If you have users with spaces in their GivenName or Surname attributes in AD this wont work, i.e if AD thinks a users first name is Juan Carlos, and the Surname is Rodriquez, then it would change the user logon name to ‘Juan Carlos.Rodriquez’ which is the very problem we are trying to fix! Also the first name and surname fields in AD have to have properties in them as well, or you will see red errors.

Change UPN Suffix For All Users Script

In the script below I’ve targeted a specific OU, but you can change the $ou parameter to point at the root of the domain, and do all users at once if you wish. Change the values in red to suit your domain.


Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$oldSuffix = ""
$newSuffix = ""
$ou = "OU=Test,DC=pnl,DC=com"
$server = "DC-01"
Get-ADUser -SearchBase $ou -filter * | ForEach-Object {
$newUpn = $_.UserPrincipalName.Replace($oldSuffix,$newSuffix)
$_ | Set-ADUser -server $server -UserPrincipalName $newUpn


Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

PowerShell – Update All Domain Users With Email Address From UPN

PowerShell – Updating Users Email Addresses In Active Directory