HP MSM 765zl – How To Factory Reset

KB ID 0000916 


I had to setup some HP wireless gear again this week. It had been installed a while ago, but not used and there was some problems with it, so I elected to flatten it and start again. The handbook goes through how to factory reset it from the web management interface. That’s great if you can get to the management console, but I could not.


As the MSM765zl is a controller that is on a ‘blade’ it’s designed to fit into an HP Networking ‘chassis switch’. You will need command line access to that switch, either via telnet or a console cable.

1. Log into the switch, assuming you are in ‘enable mode’ issue a services command. This will tell you what slot the MSM is in, and what its index number is. In the example below that’s slot F and index 2.

2. Now using the slot and index number you can connect directly to the MSM, go to enable mode > go to config mode > issue a factory settings command.

3. You should exit back to the switch configuration, the MSM will now have no settings and will need setting up from scratch.

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Cisco IOS – Return an Interface to Default (Remove all Settings)

KB ID 0001010


The configuration for a particular interface can get quite long, you could go to interface configuration mode, and prefix all the commands with a ‘no’. But this can be a bit repetitive and time consuming.


To remove the configuration for interfaces use the ‘default’ command. for example take a look at the following config for FastEthernet1/0/5.


Petes-Switch#show run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 1854 bytes
<----------config removed for brevity---------->
interface FastEthernet1/0/5
switchport access vlan 999
switchport mode access
<----------config removed for brevity---------->


To remove the configuration for that port, use the following command.


Petes-Switch#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Petes-Switch(config)#default interface FastEthernet 1/0/5
Interface FastEthernet1/0/5 set to default configuration


To check it worked.


Petes-Switch#show run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 1854 bytes
<----------config removed for brevity---------->
interface FastEthernet1/0/5
<----------config removed for brevity---------->


Reset / Remove the Configuration for Multiple Ports

You can combine selecting multiple Cisco device ports with the default command, to remove the configuration, and reset a ‘range’ of ports in one command.


Petes-Switch(config)#default interface range GigabitEthernet 0/3 - 6


How to Remove the Configuration for a Cisco ASA 5500 Port

To do the same on a Cisco ASA you need a different command, you use the ‘clear configure‘ command. Note: The interface naming used here is for an ASA8885-X the interfaces on your model may have a different naming standard, i.e. vlan1, ethernet1 etc.)


Petes-ASA(config)#clear configure interface GigabitEthernet0/1



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