While setting up and configuring a new Postfix mail server, I attempted to use the Webmin ‘Read User Mail’ module, and got this error.
Module Config Read User Mail
The mail server set in the module configuration was not found on your system, You will need to adjust the configuration to use the correct server.
At first I thought I needed to enter a servername into the config. However it seems when my VPS hosting company provisioned my server it installed sendmail by default, I needed to change it to Postfix instead.
1. Open the link it provides to the Read User Mail module configuration.
2. Scroll down to the system configuration section.
3. Change the Mail server Installed to Postfix.
4. DON’T FORGET to scroll to the bottom and press ‘Save’.
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I built a Postfix mail server with Dovecat on CentOS 6.4 installed last week. To read my emails I installed SquirrelMail on the same server, and surprisingly it all went well. However If I attempted to send mail from Microsoft Outlook on my laptop, or from my iPhone this happened;
The following recipient(s) cannot be reached: 'name@domain-name.com' on 22/11/2013 22:21
Server error: '554 5.7.1 <name@domain-name.com>: Relay access denied'
In fact the only way I made any progress with this error was when I ‘briefly’ made the server an open relay. What you need to do, is grant a remote ‘user’ the right to relay mail though the server ONLY once they have authenticated. To do this you can use SASL authentication. Luckily I’d installed Dovecot, and the newer version of that will do the hard work for me.
1. Firstly make sure you are in the same boat as me, issue the following command and ensure ‘dovecot’ is available, if not you might want to update Postfix and Dovecot.
postconf -a[/box]
2. Fist you will need to add some lines to the dovecot.conf file, below I’m using nano to open and edit the file.
3. Paste the following to the end of the config file, then save and exit nano.
# Added for Dovecot to Postfix SASL SMTP Authentication
auth default {
socket listen {
client {
path = /var/spool/postfix/private/auth
mode = 0660
user = postfix
group = postfix
mechanisms = plain login
4. Now you need to edit the main.cf config file for Postfix, once again here I’m using nano.
5. Locate the mynetworks line and ensure it is set to (Note: If you have multiple servers you might want to add your servers network IP in here, I’ve only got one).
Warning: DO NOT enter this will make you an open relay!
6. Paste the following onto the end of the file, then save and exit.
#Added for SASL SMTP Authentication from Dovecot to Postfix
smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot
smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, reject_unauth_destination
broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
To See if SASL Authentication has Started Working
7. If you telnet to your mail server you can see the ‘verbs’ you are presented with.
Without Authentication Enabled
With Authentication Enabled
Connecting Microsoft Outlook to a Postfix Email Account
While setting up the account in Outlook, make sure that on the account, under ‘More Settings’ > Outgoing Server > Tick ‘My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication’ > Select ‘Use same settings as my incoming mail server’
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After my recent DNS troubles, I was checking my mail server’s (MX) records, and got a warning about not having any reverse lookup records (PTR) configured properly. I telnetted to the mail server on port 25, and saw it was responding with the servers host-name.
I know my records are correct for the FQDN of the server, I just needed to change its welcome banner.
Change the Postfix Welcome Banner by Editing The Postfix main.cf File
1. Connect to the server via SSH, (or open a terminal session). Logon as, (or su to) root.
2. Execute the following command;
nano /etc/postfix/main.cf
3. Locate and edit the myhostname value, to match your servers public FQDN.
4. Once you have saved and exited nano, restart the Postfix service with the following command;
[box]postfix stop && postfix start[/box]
Change the Postfix Welcome Banner Using Webmin
1. Connect to the Webmin console > Postfix Mail server > General Options.
4. Scroll down to internet host-name of this mail system > Edit to match your servers public FQDN > Save and Apply.
5. Stop then Start Postfix.
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