Fortigate: Cannot Ping an Interface?

KB ID 0001718


With other firewall vendors (i.e. Cisco) you can ping any interface you are ‘directly connected to‘. With Fortigate however you cannot (by default). That’s not the end of the world you can check connectivity using ARP (see below) which is what really cool network techs do instead! But if you want to be able to ping an interface (even for a short period of time). Here’s how to do it.


Fundamentally, the reason you can’t ping a Fortigate interface, is because ‘ping’ isn’t listed in the ‘allowaccess‘ section for that interface.

Let’s fix that;


config system interface
edit {port-name}
set allowances {Existing settings i.e. https http etc.} ping


Using ARP to check connectivity

A lot of people assume that if you can’t ping something, you are not connected to it, that’s not the case at all.  If you ‘think’ something is on the same layer 2 network segment as you, and you can’t ping it, then look in the ARP cache on your machine, (for Windows and Linux the command is arp -a).

Below: Shows you can see the MAC address of that IP address, even if you cannot receive a ping response!

However once ping is enabled, your ICMP responses will work fine.

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Cisco Firewalls and PING

KB ID 0000351


With regards to Ping, out of the box a Cisco firewall will allow you to ping the interface you are connected to, so in a normal setup inside clients can ping the inside interface, and the firewalls outside interface can be pinged from outside.

OK – to understand pinging through a Cisco Firewall you need to understand that Ping is part of the ICMP protocol suite, and unlike other protocols is not “connection orientated” what that means is, (on a new firewall that has no rules applied outbound) the firewall happily lets ping traffic out but it won’t let ping traffic back in – this results in a failure on the client.

Also See:

Cisco ASA 5500 Allowing Tracert


Cisco ASA and Cisco PIX (version 7 and above) From CLI

Version 7 introduced an ICMP inspection engine so that it could track ICMP requests like other protocols. It’s NOT turned on by default. And the command is “inspect icmp” but you need to enter the default map first (this assumes you have the standard policy-map). Connect to the firewall and use the following commands from config terminal mode. then save the changes with a “write mem” command.


PetesASA> enable
PetesASA# conf t
PetesASA(config)# policy-map global_policy
PetesASA(config)# (config-pmap)#class inspection_default
PetesASA(config)#inspect icmp
PetesASA(config)# write mem
Building configuration...
Cryptochecksum: 5c8dfc45 ee6496db 8731d2d5 fa945425 
8695 bytes copied in 3.670 secs (2898 bytes/sec)


Cisco ASA and Cisco PIX (version 7 and above) From ASDM

Connect to the ASDM > Configuration > Firewall > Service Policy Rules > Select “inspection_default” > Edit > Rule Actions > Tick ICMP > OK > Apply > File > Save running configuration to flash.

Cisco PIX (version 6 and below) From CLI

Older firewalls do not have an inspection map, nor was there a “fixup” for ICMP and ping traffic, so you need to explicitly allow the return icmp traffic back in. Note: this assumes you already have an inbound access-list called “inbound”, and we are adding some more lines to it, change the works inbound to match the name/number of your inbound access list (the “show access-group” will tell you what is applied to the outside interface),



PetesASA> enable
Password: ********
PetesASA# show access-group
access-group inbound in interface outside <<This ones called inbound.


If you already have an access-list applied then simply substitute the name word “inbound” for the name on your ACL.


PetesASA# conf t
PetesASA(config)# access-list inbound permit icmp any any echo-reply 
PetesASA(config)# access-list inbound permit icmp any any time-exceeded 
PetesASA(config)# access-list inbound permit icmp any any unreachable
PetesASA(config)# access-list inbound permit icmp any any source-quench


If you HAD an inbound ACL skip this step, If you didn’t have one you need to apply the ACL with an access-group command.


PetesASA(config)# access-group inbound in interface outside


Lastly save your work with a write mem command.


PetesASA# write mem
Building configuration...
Cryptochecksum: 4d7f7ccd 5c55a9e1 6ced12c4 46728bc7


Cisco PIX (version 6 and below) From PDM

Connect to the PDM > Configuration > Access Rules > Rules > Add > Permit > Outside Inside > Tick ICMP > Select “echo-reply”> OK > Apply > File > Save running configuration to flash.

Then repeat for time-exceeded, unreachable and source-quench

Stop Interfaces replying to Ping traffic

As stated above all firewall interfaces will respond to pings if they are on the network you are connected to. To stop this you use the “icmp” command.


icmp {permit or deny} {any or IP and subnet}{type of icmp traffic}{interface name}

icmp deny any echo outside


Do the same from ASDM

Connect to the ASDM > Configuration > Device Management > Management Access > ICMP > Add > Select ICMP type > Interface > Action > OK > Apply > File > Save running configuration to flash.

Do the same from PDM

Connect to the PDM > Configuration > system Properties > Administration > ICMP > Add > > Specify the Type, Interface, Source etc > OK > Apply > File > Save running configuration to flash.

If you are still having problems, see the following article;

Cisco ASA – I Cannot Ping External Addresses? (Troubleshooting ICMP)

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Mac OSX – Testing Packet Fragmentation Over VPN

KB ID 0001204 


Many moons ago I wrote a post about a problem where I had no RDP over a VPN connection, and all the hoops I jumped though to troubleshoot and fix the problem.

Today I had a similar problem, I was connected to a client via Cisco AnyConnect, and I had hair-pinned that traffic, from the client site, over an IPSEC VPN to their servers in the Data Center. Pings were successful, but not RDP. 

To be honest this affects various types of TCP traffic, but it only ever seems to trip me up with RDP! In the past I used to ping and set the traffic to ‘not fragment’ and manually set the packet size, then I increased/decreased the packet size until I found the optimal MTU size like this;

But these are Windows options, how can I do the same thing on my Mac?


Well things on the Mac are even easier! It will even find the value for you, (in a manner of sorts). You set the minimum packet size, and the maximum packet size, and ask it to increment each ping packet by one. Below I’ve narrowed the scope to fit it on one screenshot;


ping -g {lowest-value} -G {highest-value} -h 1 -D {IP-address}

As you can see above, I started at 1370 and the last ‘working’ ping was sequence 8, so the last working value was 1386

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Windows Accessing a Share Error – “You were not connected because a duplicate name exists on the network”

KB ID 0000991 


I hadn’t seen this myself but it was asked in a forum the other day so I replicated it on the test bench.

You were not connected because a duplicate name exists on the network. Go to System in Control Panel to change the computer name and try again.


You were not connected because a duplicate name exists on the network. If joining a domain, go to System in Control Panel to change the computer name and try again. If joining a workgroup choose another workgroup name.


Those ‘recommendations’ are NOT what you should be doing to fix this problem!

This is happening because a resource you are trying to connect to (another PC or Server) is addressable by two different names. As you can see below if i ping the server name ‘dc1b’ and ‘files’, the same IP address responds.

In my case that’s because I’ve got a CNAME entry in my DNS for files, that points to the server name dc1b.

Note: If you have two Host A records, I would recommend deleting the additional one and using a CNAME entry instead.

Note2: If the client exhibiting the problem has multiple entries in its ‘hosts’ file that point to the same IP you can also see this problem.


1. On the server/computer you are connecting TO > Windows Key +R > regedit {Enter}.

2. Navigate to:

[box]HKEY_LOCA_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > lanmanserver > Parameters[/box]

Create a new DWORD Value (or 32 bit DWORD if you are on a newer OS).

3. Call the value DisableStrictNameChecking and set its value to decimal 1 (one).

4. Then either reboot the server or Windows Key +R > services.msc {enter} > Locate the Server service > Restart.

5. At this point your client should be able to connect via either name.

It’s Still Not Working

In some cases you need to set an alias SPN (Service Principle Name). If you are still running Server 2003 Download and install this update first (or it wont know what setspn.exe is).



setspn -A host/<Alias Name> <Host Name>
setspn -A host/<Alias FQDN> <Host Name>


setspn -A host/files dc1b
setspn -A host/ dc1b



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HP E Series Wireless – Cannot Access Local LAN


KB ID 0000486


You have an HP HP E-Series Mobility E-MSM460, 466 & 430 Access Point, and you cannot access resources on your local LAN (though internet access works fine).

This is default “Out of the box” behavior, a lot of consumers want to provide wireless access but DONT want the wireless clients having access to their local servers. That’s fine but what if you do?


1. Log into the web management console of the access point, select VSC (Virtual Service Communities) > Locate your wireless VSC and click its name.

2. Scroll to the bottom of the page, Locate the “Wireless security filters” section. Make sure this section is NOT enabled (un-ticked), then click save.

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Cisco Catalyst – Find out What Port an IP Address is Plugged Into

KB ID 0001022 


I networked some gear this afternoon, and I made a mental note of the ports I patched into on the switch. On the way back to the office I got side-tracked. By the time I got back to my desk I could not remember what port I had used, and I wanted to add a description to the port.

This is not my server room 🙂

So I knew the IP address but not the port number, how can you find that out?


1. My IP address is, let’s ping that from the switch.


Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/5/17 ms


2. Well I can ping it so, there must be an entry in my ARP cache, and I can find the MAC address for that IP.


Petes-Switch#show ip arp
Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface
Internet 5 0080.a394.e2de ARPA Vlan100


3. Armed with the MAC address I can take a peek in the MAC Address table.


Petes-Switch#show mac address-table address 0080.a394.e2de
Mac Address Table

Vlan Mac Address Type Ports
---- ----------- -------- -----
40 0080.a394.e2de DYNAMIC Gi0/40 <<Boom! there it is!
Total Mac Addresses for this criterion: 1


Note: I knew that my device was a single device plugged into a port, but if you don’t know this, there is a chance that the physical port you track down, might just be the uplink to another switch, that your device is plugged into. Or you’re at the end of a lot of switches, this is just the next step towards your device). If that is the case you would have several MAC addresses on that physical port, like so;


Petes-Switch##show mac address-table interface GigabitEthernet 0/48
Mac Address Table

Vlan Mac Address Type Ports
---- ----------- -------- -----
40 6412.25ea.ca80 DYNAMIC Gi0/48
40 d072.dcac.becc DYNAMIC Gi0/48
120 6412.25ea.ca80 DYNAMIC Gi0/48
120 d072.dcac.becc DYNAMIC Gi0/48
122 6412.25ea.ca80 DYNAMIC Gi0/48
122 d072.dcac.becc DYNAMIC Gi0/48
121 6412.25ea.ca80 DYNAMIC Gi0/48
121 d072.dcac.becc DYNAMIC Gi0/48
Total Mac Addresses for this criterion: 8


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KB ID 0000936 


While setting up a simple site to site to site VPN, I was unable to get ISAKMP phase 1 to establish. When I had a look on the device at the far end. I saw this error logged in the console, every time I tried to bring up the tunnel.


*Mar 1 00:21:42.811: %CRYPTO-4-RECVD_PKT_NOT_IPSEC: Rec'd packet not an IPSEC packet. (ip) vrf/dest_addr= /, src_addr=, prot= 1



After about 40 minutes of staring at the configs, I realised I’d applied the crypto-map (on the router I was trying to bring the tunnel up from), to the inside interface and not the outside one – Doh!

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Cisco ASA – I Cannot Ping External Addresses? (Troubleshooting ICMP)

KB ID 0000914 


Considering we use ICMP to test connectivity, the fact that it is not a stateful protocol can be a major pain! Last week one of my colleagues rang me up and said, “Can you jump on this firewall, I’ve got no comms, and I cant ping external IP addresses. I can ping the internet from the firewall and I can ping internal IP addresses form the firewall”.


1. Before we start, lets get the basics out of the way, does the client you are pinging from have a firewall turned on? Can you ping the inside interface of the firewall?

2. Pinging will never work unless you have ICMP inspection turned on on the firewall. See the following article.

Cisco Firewalls and PING

Using Packet-Tracer to Test Ping/ICMP

3. At this point we troubleshoot as we would for any other traffic through the firewall. To do this we use packet-tracer, the syntax is slightly different for ICMP, than it is for TCP and UDP though. We need to specify an ICMP Type and an ICMP code, to make sure the traffic leaves the firewall we trace ICMP type 8 (echo), with ICMP code 0 (none). And ICMP type 0 (Echo-reply), with ICMP code 0 (none), for traffic inbound.

ICMP Types and Codes


Test Outbound Ping

Petes-ASA# packet-tracer input inside icmp 8 0

Testing Inbound Ping (where is the public IP you are mapped to)

Petes-ASA# packet-tracer input outside icmp 0 0


Note: You need to use the public addresses or this will happen.

4. Make sure the client you are on is getting NATTED or PATTED through the firewall. Below we will assume my internal IP address is

Note: If you have names enabled and has a name, you will get no results! issue a no names command from configure terminal mode to check.


Petes-ASA# show xlate | incl

If this machine was being NATTED to another public IP address it would look like..

NAT from inside: to outside:

If this machine was being PATTED to a public IP address it would look like..

ICMP PAT from inside: to outside: flags ri idle 0:00:07 timeout 0:00:30


If it fails at this stage then check you network translation configuration on the firewall.

5. If all appears normal so far you can capture the traffic as it passes though the firewall, below I’m successfully capturing the ICMP traffic though the firewall.


Petes-ASA# configure terminal
Petes-ASA(config)# capture capout interface inside match icmp host any
Petes-ASA(config)# capture capin interface outside match icmp host any

At this point attempt to ping, so some traffic is captured

Petes-ASA(config)# show capture capout

8 packets captured

1: 12:56:51.089244 > icmp: echo request
2: 12:56:51.104410 > icmp: echo reply
3: 12:56:52.092829 > icmp: echo request
4: 12:56:52.108926 > icmp: echo reply
5: 12:56:53.098688 > icmp: echo request
6: 12:56:53.113809 > icmp: echo reply
7: 12:56:54.105463 > icmp: echo request
8: 12:56:54.120263 > icmp: echo reply

Petes-ASA(config)# show capture capin

8 packets captured

1: 12:57:28.170981 > icmp: echo request
2: 12:57:28.185949 > icmp: echo reply
3: 12:57:29.175238 > icmp: echo request
4: 12:57:29.190084 > icmp: echo reply
5: 12:57:30.180212 > icmp: echo request
6: 12:57:30.195500 > icmp: echo reply
7: 12:57:31.186101 > icmp: echo request
8: 12:57:31.201680 > icmp: echo reply
8 packets shown


Note: If your capout capture looks like the following, then you didn’t have inspect icmp enabled on your policy-map.


Petes-ASA(config)# show capture capout

4 packets captured

1: 13:02:33.285309 > icmp: echo request
2: 13:02:37.886596 > icmp: echo request
3: 13:02:42.886672 > icmp: echo request
4: 13:02:47.888198 > icmp: echo request
4 packets shown


How Do I Clear or Delete a Cisco ASA Capture?


To clear a Capture, but leave it running;

Petes-ASA(config)# clear capture capin
Petes-ASA(config)# clear capture capout
Petes-ASA(config)# show capture capin

0 packet captured

0 packet shown
Petes-ASA(config)# show capture capout

0 packet captured

0 packet shown

To Delete a Capture;

Petes-ASA(config)# no capture capout
Petes-ASA(config)# no capture capin  


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Cisco Firewalls and PING

Cisco ASA 5500 Allowing Tracert


Cisco ASA – Allowing Domain Trusts, and Authentication

KB ID 0000973 


I cringed this morning when I was asked about this, last time I had to get a client to authenticate to a domain through a firewall, it was ‘entertaining’. The problem is Windows loves to use RPC, which likes to use random ports, so to make it work you either had to open TCP ports 49152 and 65535 (Yes I’m Serious). Or you had to registry hack all your domain controllers and specify individual ports for RPC as per MS KB 224196, then allow those ports. I have a client that’s got a separate domain in their DMZ and I need to setup a trust with their internal domain, so I started writing the firewall config. Then when I asked the ‘Do you want to open all these ports or simply lock RPC down on all the domain controllers?’ Question, my colleague found ‘dcerpc’ inspection.

Dcerpc has been available since at least ASA version 7.2, I had never heard of it! Cisco Says;

DCERPC is a protocol widely used by Microsoft distributed client and server applications that allows software clients to execute programs on a server remotely.

DCERPC inspection maps inspection for native TCP communication between a server called the Endpoint Mapper (EPM) and client on the well-known TCP port 135. Map and lookup operations of the EPM are supported for clients. Client and server can be located in any security zone. The embedded server IP address and port number are received from the applicable EPM response messages. Because a client can attempt multiple connections to the server port returned by EPM, creation of multiple pinholes is allowed

Heres how to do it with the following topology;

Note: Setting up a ‘Trust’ or allowing a client to ‘Authenticate’ requires the same configuration, but below I will use the IP of the Domain controller, rather than the IP of the client.


I’m assuming you ALREADY have access-lists from your internal network, and from your DMZ, you may need to replace the names of the ACL’s I use below with your own, ‘show run access-group’ will tell you.

1. There are a myriad of ports, (both TCP and UDP) that you are required to open, those being;

So connect to the ASA, Go to enable mode, then global configuration mode, and add the ACL’s to open the ports above. BE AWARE the last line enables ICMP/ping (just for testing you can remove it later and you will need to have ICMP inspection on for it to work).


Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.
PetesASA> enable
PetesASA# configure terminal
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit tcp host host eq 135
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit tcp host host eq 464
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit udp host host eq 464
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit tcp host host eq 389
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit udp host host eq 389
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit tcp host host eq 636
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit tcp host host eq 3268
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit tcp host host eq 3269
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit tcp host host eq 53
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit udp host host eq 53
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit tcp host host eq 88
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit udp host host eq 88
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit tcp host host eq 445
PetesASA(config)#access-list outbound permit icmp host host


2. Then we need to allow the traffic from the other direction, again here my ACL is called ‘DMZ’, check and change yours accordingly.

[box]PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit tcp host host eq 135
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit tcp host host eq 464
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit udp host host eq 464
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit tcp host host eq 389
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit udp host host eq 389
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit tcp host host eq 636
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit tcp host host eq 3268
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit tcp host host eq 3269
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit tcp host host eq 53
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit udp host host eq 53
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit tcp host host eq 88
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit udp host host eq 88
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit tcp host host eq 445
PetesASA(config)#access-list DMZ permit icmp host host[/box]

3. Now create a class-map and set it to inspect TCP port 135.

[box]PetesASA(config)# class-map CM-DCERPC
PetesASA(config-cmap)# match port tcp eq 135[/box]

4. Then create a policy-map to use that class map to perform dcerpc inspection.

[box]PetesASA(config-cmap)# policy-map PM-DCERPC
PetesASA(config-pmap)# class CM-DCERPC
PetesASA(config-pmap-c)# inspect dcerpc
PetesASA(config-pmap-c)# exit [/box]

5. Finally apply the policy-map to the interfaces with a service-policy.

[box]PetesASA(config)# service-policy PM-DCERPC interface inside
PetesASA(config)# service-policy PM-DCERPC interface DMZ[/box]

6. Give it a test, make sure the machines can ping each other, and you may at this point want to remove the ICMP lines from the ACL. Once you are happy, save the changes.

[box]PetesASA# write mem
Building configuration…
Cryptochecksum: 4d7f7ccd 5c55a9e1 6ced12c4 46728bc7


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