KB ID 0001593
Note: To add new subnets to a traditional Site to Site VPN, see the following article instead;
Cisco ASA – Adding New Networks to Existing VPNs
I see this get asked in online forums A LOT. If you have an existing AnyConnect VPN setup, and then need to add another network how do you do it?
Well that depends on where the new network is, and how it’s entering the firewall, these diagrams can be either way round, but the new network will either be coming into the ASA on the same interface (i.e you’ve spun up a new network for phones, or a new department etc), or the traffic will be coming into the ASA through a different interface, (like a DMZ, or partner network).
Option A: New Network is on another interface;
Option B: New Network is on existing (inside) interface;
Note: The process for adding the new network is the same for both, BUT depending on which interface the new traffic is coming in on, this will change your NAT command.
Warning: For this process to work you must already have a setup and working AnyConnect deployment!
Option A: New Network is on a Different Interface
Tasks on ASA
- Locate the NAT Exemption for the AnyConnect traffic, and add a new one on the SAME interface.
- If using Split Tunneling add the new network to the Spit Tunnel ACL
Locate the Nat Exception (or NO NAT on old Cisco Money) that prevents the AnyConnect traffic form getting NATTED.
ASA-1(config)# show run nat
nat (inside,outside) source static any any destination static Obj-ANYCONNECT-SUBNET Obj-ANYCONNECT-SUBNET no-proxy-arp route-lookup
nat (inside,outside) source static Obj-Local-LAN Obj-Local-LAN destination static Obj-Remote-LAN Obj-Remote-LAN no-proxy-arp route-lookup
From the output above we can see that the Nat exemption for the existing traffic is highlighted, we simply need to add another one, for the new interface (which we will call dmz).
Note: I’m using any, yours might be using a specific object or object-group, if so, you will need to create new objects or object groups for the new network(s), for the next step, I’m sticking with any!
ASA-1# configure terminal ASA-1(config)# nat (dmz,outside) source static any any destination static Obj-ANYCONNECT-SUBNET Obj-ANYCONNECT-SUBNET no-proxy-arp route-lookup
Now let’s see if we are using split tunnelling;
ASA-1# show run group-policy
group-policy DfltGrpPolicy attributes
customization value Portal
group-policy GroupPolicy_AnyConnectVPN internal
group-policy GroupPolicy_AnyConnectVPN attributes
wins-server none
dns-server value
vpn-tunnel-protocol ssl-client ssl-clientless
split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
split-tunnel-network-list value SplitTunneling
default-domain value petenetlive.com
anyconnect profiles value AnyConnect type user
customization value Portal
group-policy GroupPolicy3 internal
group-policy GroupPolicy3 attributes
vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev1
group-policy GroupPolicy2 internal
group-policy GroupPolicy2 attributes
vpn-filter value ACL_Filter
vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev1
group-policy GroupPolicy1 internal
group-policy GroupPolicy1 attributes
vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev1
customization value PulsantPortal
So we are using split tunnelling, and our split tunnel ACL is called SplitTunneling.
ASA-1# show run access-list SplitTunneling
access-list SplitTunneling standard permit
Now simply just add the new subnet;
ASA-1(config)# access-list SplitTunneling standard permit
Option B: New Network is on the Same Interface
Tasks on ASA
- Locate the NAT Exemption for the AnyConnect traffic, and add a new one for the new interface.
- If using Split Tunneling add the new network to the Spit Tunnel ACL
Locate the Nat Exception (or NO NAT on old Cisco Money) that prevents the AnyConnect traffic form getting NATTED.
ASA-1(config)# show run nat
nat (inside,outside) source static any any destination static Obj-ANYCONNECT-SUBNET Obj-ANYCONNECT-SUBNET no-proxy-arp route-lookup
nat (inside,outside) source static Obj-Local-LAN Obj-Local-LAN destination static Obj-Remote-LAN Obj-Remote-LAN no-proxy-arp route-lookup
From the output above we can see that the Nat exemption for the existing traffic is highlighted, IMPORTANT: Because I’m using any, (yours might be using a specific object or object-group), I DONT NEED TO ADD ANYTHING as any covers the newly added subnet. if you didn’t use any, then you will need to create new objects or object groups for the new network(s), for the next step, I’m sticking with any! then
ASA-1# configure terminal ASA-1(config)# object network Obj-New-LAN ASA-1(config-network-object)# subnet 192.168.100 ASA-1(config-network-object)#nat (inside,outside) source static Obj-New-LAN Obj-New-LAN destination static Obj-ANYCONNECT-SUBNET Obj-ANYCONNECT-SUBNET no-proxy-arp route-lookup
Now let’s see if we are using split tunnelling;
ASA-1# show run group-policy
group-policy DfltGrpPolicy attributes
customization value Portal
group-policy GroupPolicy_AnyConnectVPN internal
group-policy GroupPolicy_AnyConnectVPN attributes
wins-server none
dns-server value
vpn-tunnel-protocol ssl-client ssl-clientless
split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
split-tunnel-network-list value SplitTunneling
default-domain value petenetlive.com
anyconnect profiles value AnyConnect type user
customization value Portal
group-policy GroupPolicy3 internal
group-policy GroupPolicy3 attributes
vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev1
group-policy GroupPolicy2 internal
group-policy GroupPolicy2 attributes
vpn-filter value ACL_Filter
vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev1
group-policy GroupPolicy1 internal
group-policy GroupPolicy1 attributes
vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev1
customization value PulsantPortal
So we are using split tunnelling, and our split tunnel ACL is called SplitTunneling.
ASA-1# show run access-list SplitTunneling
access-list SplitTunneling standard permit
Now simply just add the new subnet;
ASA-1(config)# access-list SplitTunneling standard permit
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