Draytek Router – Firmware Update

KB ID 0000568 


You have a Draytek router (In my case a 2800 ADSL 2/2+), and you want to update the firmware to the latest version.


1. Make sure you have EXACTLY the correct model number, this one’s a Draytek Vigor2800.

2. Go here and download the latest firmware for your model.

3. The firmware will be in a ZIP file download and extract it to your machine.

4. Log into the web console of your Draytek > Navigate to > System Maintenance > Firmware Upgrade. (Note: Newer models will let you upload the firmware from here, ours sadly does not).

5. Download the run the Draytek Firmware Update Utility > Locate the IP address of your router (If you have multiple NICS select the one you will use) > Navigate to the firmware you extracted above > Enter the routers password > Send > Have a Coffee > OK.

Note: Select the firmware that has an .all extension, WARNING selecting the firmware that has an .rst extension will upgrade the router BUT it also removes all the settings.

6. If you now check your firmware version, it should be correct.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

DrayTek Vigor Router Port Forwarding

DrayTek Vigor – Reset To Factory Settings

Deploy Dual Virtual ASA Firewalls In Active/Standby Failover

KB ID 0000053


Now you have created your Virtual ASA platform you want to deploy 2 of them in failover configuration.



Software To Download

Qemu with ASA



Sample Batch File

[box] @echo off ECHO Telnet to on port 1234 to access ASA Console ECHO ——————————————————- ECHO * * * * * * *DO NOT CLOSE THIS WINDOWS* * * * * * * * qemupcap -L . -hda FLASH1 -hdachs 980,16,32 -kernel vmlinuz -initrd asa-nolina.gz -m 256 –no-kqemu -append “auto nousb ide1=noprobe bigphysarea=16384 console=ttyS0,9600n8 hda=980,16,32” -net nic,vlan=0,model=pcnet,macaddr=00:aa:00:00:01:01 -net pcap,vlan=0,ifname=DeviceNPF_{120662E6-8B8B-4A6D-A0B1-9159DBD283BA} -net nic,vlan=1,model=pcnet,macaddr=00:aa:00:00:01:02 -net pcap,vlan=1,ifname=DeviceNPF_{BF1F38D4-5D13-4DA2-B50B-17B1F35B1FA8} -net nic,vlan=2,model=pcnet,macaddr=00:aa:00:00:02:02 -net pcap,vlan=2,ifname=DeviceNPF_{2AA77C53-B558-4E7C-A377-E92BF9FAF1BB} -serial telnet::1234,server,nowait[/box]

MAKE SURE ALL THE MAC ADDRESSES AND Network ID’s are unique!!!!!!

Commands to enter at Telnet

modprobe e100 ifconfig eth0 up ifconfig eth1 up ifconfig eth2 up cd /mnt/disk0 ./lina_monitor

Command to save config

[box]copy run disk0:/.private/startup-config[/box]

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links