VMware: Windows VM – No Mouse & Cannot Install VMware Tools

KB ID 0001370


Every time this happens to me I have a rant about it, and everyone looks perplexed, surely this does not only happen to me? Using ESX6.5 I build a new Windows VM, and theres no mouse, web client has nothing, try the VMRC then I get a mouse pointer, but it’s as responsive as trying to play chess with a firehose! 

Once you install VMware tools it’s fine, but here’s the problem – try installing VMware tools with no mouse! Now before you all start typing ‘We didn’t always used to have mice, learn to use a keyboard doofus’ comments. Let’s be clear, I’m a keyboard ninjutsu legend, I can navigate with Tab and Spacebar!

And when I can get a command windows open, I can launch VMware tools install from CLI- Yay! Then when the installer re-opens the install window and it’s not the active window, Alt+Tab wont work – I swear louder.


Don’t forget to present the VMware Tools disk to the virtual machine before you start! 

OK this is more of a work around than a solution. First challenge is to get logged in. That’s simple; just keep pressing ‘Tab’ and the first letter of your password until you start seeing the password appear.

Now you are in, get a command window open, by either pressing ‘Tab’ until you see the ‘start button’ highlighted, then press {Enter}, you can then type cmd {Enter}. OR, if you have a Windows keyboard press the ‘right click/menu’ key and create a shortcut for ‘cmd’.

At command execute the following command;

[box]setup64.exe /s /v”/qn reboot=n”[/box]

It will look like nothing is happening, go and have a cup of coffee, in fact have two. When you return reboot the VM. Use ‘reboot -r -f’ if you’re still at command line. When the VM reboots, VMware tools will be installed, and all will be well with the world.

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VMware Jumpy /Erratic mouse on Server 2008 R2 Virtual Machine

KB ID 0000377 


Seen on Windows Server 2008 R2 running on VMware ESX/ESXi 4.0 and 4.1


Firstly, I’m assuming you are running the latest version of VMware tools on the machine in question, this procedure was carried out with VMware tools version 8.3.2 and cures the problem.

1. On the affected VM Click Start > In the search run box type > devmgmt.msc {enter}

2. Expand “Display adapters” Right click the one in use > “Update Driver Software.”

3. Browse to ” C:/Program Files/Common Files/VMware/Drivers/wddm_video” > Next.

4. When finished it should say “VMware SVGA 3D” Drivers have installed successfully. > Close

5. You will be prompted for a reboot, do so.

Note: Also ensure that you have allowed at least 8MB RAM for the graphics card (machine needs to be powered off before you can edit this).

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