Cisco HSRP: Normally your client machines have one route off the network, (their default gateway). But what if that goes down? HSRP aims to solve this problem by assigning a ‘Virtual IP address’ to your default gateway (or default route). So that IP can be shared amongst two or more possible devices (routers, or layer 3 switches).
Above, we have a client that has two possible routes off the network, (.254 and .253). We will setup a virtual IP of .250 and both routers can use that IP, (if they are the active gateway). Below is a brief overview of how to set it up.
Deploy Cisco HSRP
Setting up Cisco HSRP
1. On the first router (Router0), add the standby IP address ( the ‘1’ denotes the standby group (a number from 0 to 4096). It comes up as standby, then after it has checked (via multicast address on UDP port 1985). It finds no other live HSRP devices using that IP address so it becomes ‘Active’.
Router0#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router0(config)#interface GigabitEthernet0/0
Router0(config-if)#standby 1 ip
%HSRP-6-STATECHANGE: GigabitEthernet0/0 Grp 1 state Speak -> Standby
%HSRP-6-STATECHANGE: GigabitEthernet0/0 Grp 1 state Standby -> Active
2. Repeat this on the second Router, this one discovers the ‘Active’ router and sets itself up as ‘Standby’.
Router1#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router1(config)#interface GigabitEthernet0/0
Router1(config-if)#standby 1 ip
%HSRP-6-STATECHANGE: GigabitEthernet0/0 Grp 1 state Speak -> Standby
3. You can prove this by running show standby (or do show standby in configure terminal mode).
Router0#show standby
GigabitEthernet0/0 - Group 1 (version 2)
State is Active
8 state changes, last state change 00:02:02
Virtual IP address is
Active virtual MAC address is 0000.0C9F.F001
Local virtual MAC address is 0000.0C9F.F001 (v2 default)
Hello time 3 sec, hold time 10 sec
Next hello sent in 0.055 secs
Preemption disabled
Active router is localStandby router is 100 (default 100)
Group name is hsrp-Gig0/0-1 (default)
Router1#show standby
GigabitEthernet0/0 - Group 1 (version 2)
State is Standby
3 state changes, last state change 00:10:44
Virtual IP address is
Active virtual MAC address is unknown
Local virtual MAC address is 0000.0C9F.F001 (v2 default)
Hello time 3 sec, hold time 10 sec
Next hello sent in 2.125 secs
Preemption disabled
Active router is router is localPriority 100 (default 100)
Group name is hsrp-Gig0/0-1 (default)
4. That is HSRP configured! However there are a few changes you might want to make, for example, what if one router had a 100MB leased line, and the other was a 2MBADSL line, you would want the fastest one to be in use, (as long as it was up). To achieve that, give the router with the fastest connection a higher priority (you may notice above, that by default the priority is 100). Be aware, even if a router has the highest priority, it wont ‘seize’ the virtual IP, it just sits and waits until it’s available. For our 100MB and 2MB example that’s not good. We would want Router1 to seize the virtual IP as soon as it can. To do that we need to set it to preempt. (Note: This process is called ‘launching a coup’).
5. At this point it’s important to say, that in our scenario we would also need to setup a virtual IP for the ‘other side’ of the routers (i.e their GigabitEthernet 0/1 interfaces), or the remote client ( would not be able to return our ‘pings’ or get any traffic back to us. So lets setup a virtual HSRP address on that side as well. Notice I just use another standby group number.
Note: To work the remote host will need its default gateway changing to the HSRP Virtual IP of
Router0(config)#interface GigabitEthernet0/1
Router0(config-if)#standby 2 ip
Router1(config)#interface GigabitEthernet0/1
Router1(config-if)#standby 2 ip
6. Finally we have set Router0 with the highest priority and set it to seize the virtual IP as soon as it can. But what if another interface on Router1 goes down? e.g. If the GigabitEthernet 0/1 interface were to go down, HSRP would not do anything because it’s tracking both the GigabitEthernet 0/0 interfaces, so communications would fail.
To solve the problem we need to tell it which interfaces to ‘Track’. In our example we need to track GigabitEthernet 0/1, if that goes down we need to give the virtual IP address to the standby ‘router’. This works because once we tell it to ‘track’ the GigabitEthernet 0/1 interface, if that were to fail it will DECREMEMT the routers priority by 10. So for Router0 its priority would drop to 95, this is five less than the default value of 100 (on Router1). But Remember, at the moment that fail-over would still fail, unless you allow Router1 to preempt and launch a coup.
7. We can see that by running a ‘show standby’ on Router0.
Router0#show standby
GigabitEthernet0/0 - Group 1 (version 2)
State is Active
7 state changes, last state change 00:00:31
Virtual IP address is
Active virtual MAC address is 0000.0C9F.F001
Local virtual MAC address is 0000.0C9F.F001 (v2 default)
Hello time 3 sec, hold time 10 sec
Next hello sent in 2.81 secs
Preemption enabled
Active router is local
Standby router is, priority 115 (expires in 7 sec)
Priority 115 (configured 115)Track interface GigabitEthernet0/1 state Up decrement 10
Group name is hsrp-Gig0/0-1 (default)
GigabitEthernet0/1 - Group 2 (version 2)
State is Active
6 state changes, last state change 00:00:28
Virtual IP address is
Active virtual MAC address is 0000.0C9F.F002
Local virtual MAC address is 0000.0C9F.F002 (v2 default)
Hello time 3 sec, hold time 10 sec
Next hello sent in 0.81 secs
Preemption disabled
Active router is local
Standby router is
Priority 100 (default 100)
Group name is hsrp-Gig0/1-2 (default)
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Note: This is for Cisco ASA 5500, 5500-x, and Cisco Firepower devices running ASA Code.
If you have a spare/available public IP address you can statically map that IP address to one of your network hosts, (i.e. for a mail server, or a web server, that needs public access).
This is commonly referred to as a ‘Static NAT’, or a ‘One to One translation’. Where all traffic destined for public address A, is sent to private address X.
Note: This solution is for firewalls running versions above version 8.3. If you are unsure what version you are running use the following article.
In the following example I will statically NAT a public IP address of to a private IP address behind the ASA of Finally I will allow traffic to it, (in this example I will allow TCP Port 80 HTTP/WWW traffic as if this is a web server).
Create a Static NAT and allow web traffic via ASDM
3. Give the ‘object’ a name (I usually prefix them with obj-{name}) > It’s a Host > Type in it’s PRIVATE IP address > Tick the NAT section (press the drop-down if its hidden) > Static > Enter it’s PUBLICIP address > Advanced > Source = Inside > Destination > Outside > Protocol TCP. Note: You could set this to IP, but I’m going to allow HTTP with an ACL in a minute, so leave it on TCP > OK > OK > Apply.
4. Now navigate to Firewall > Access Rule > Add > Add Access Rule.
5. Interface = outside > Permit > Source = any > Destination = PRIVATEIP of the host > Service > Press the ‘more’ button > Locate TCP/HTTP > OK > OK > Apply.
6. Then save your work with a File > Save Running Configuration to Flash.
Create a Static NAT and allow web traffic via Command Line
2. Log In > Go to enable mode > Go to configure terminal mode.
User Access Verification
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.
PetesASA> enable
Password: *******
PetesASA# conf t
3. First I’m going to allow the traffic to the host (Note: after version 8.3 we allow traffic to the private (per-translated IP address). This assumes you don’t have an inbound access list if you are unsure execute a “show run access-group” and if you have one applied substitute that name for the word ‘inbound’.
Warning before carrying out applying the ‘access-group’ command, see the following article;
Seen on a Microsoft Hyper-V failover cluster (Server 2019);
Network Interfaces {Node-Name} {Interface-Name} and {Node-Name} {Interface-Name} are on the same cluster network, yet address {IP-Address} is not reachable from {IP-Address} using UDP port 3433
I’ve seen this error before, and usually you just need to disable the firewall or open UDP port 3433 and then re-validate the cluster (job done). However, in my case the following was true;
All IP addresses could ‘ping’ the IP addresses that it was telling me it could not communicate with.
All local firewalls were turned off on the domain profile.
No AV was running, or third party firewalls were installed.
There seemed to be no reason for this, I disabled and re-enabled the ‘Live migration’ NIC and 50% of the links ‘went green’ but then the Live Migration link said ‘partitioned‘ 🙁
In the end, (even though the cluster was in a failed state) I moved all my VMs onto one Host, then ran Windows update, and bounced the server, then repeated the process on the other host and the problem went away. I don’t know it it was a bug/update/driver problem, but fingers crossed it’s been OK since.
Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links
This covers the, (more modern) Route based VPN to a Cisco ASA that’s using a VTI (Virtual Tunnel Interface).
Virtual Network Gateway Options
With VPN’s into Azure you connect to a Virtual Network Gateway, of which there are TWO types Policy Based, and Route Based. This article will deal with Route Based, for the older Policy Based option, see the following link;
These were typically used with routers, because routers used Virtual Tunnel Interfaces to terminate VPN tunnels, that way traffic can be routed down various different tunnels based on a destination, (which can be looked up in a routing table). Cisco ASA now supports Virtual Tunnels Interfaces (After version 9.7(1)).
Can be used for VPNs to multiple sites.
Requires Cisco ASA OS 9.7(1) So no ASA 5505, 5510, 5520, 5550, 5585 firewalls can use this.
Policy Based
These came first, essentially they work like this, “If traffic is destined for remote network (x) then send the traffic ‘encrypted’ to local security gateway (y).” Note: Where Local Security Gateway is a firewall at YOUR site, NOT in Azure! This is the way traditionally VPNs have been done in Cisco ASA, in Cisco Firewall speak it’s the same as “If traffic matches the interesting traffic ACL, then send the traffic ‘encrypted’ to the IP address specified in the crypto map”.
Can be used on older Cisco Firewalls (ASA 5505, 5510, 5520, 5550, 5585).
Can be used on newer Cisco Firewalls (ASA 5506-x, 5508-X, 5512-x, 5515-x, 5516-x, 5525-X, 5545-X, 5555-x, 5585-X)
Can be used with Cisco ASA OS (pre 8.4) IKEv1 only.
Can only be used for ONE connection from your Azure Subnet to your local subnet. Note: You could ‘hairpin’ multiple sites over this one tunnel, but that’s not ideal.
Configure Azure for ‘Route Based’ IPSec Site to Site VPN
You may already have Resource Groups and Virtual Networks setup, if so you can skip the first few steps.
Sign int0 Azure > All Services > Resource Groups > Create Resource Group > Give your Resource Group a name, and select a location > Create.
OK, if you’re used to networking this can be a little confusing, we are going to create a virtual network, and in it we are going to put a virtual subnet, (yes I know this is odd, bear with me!) It’s the ‘Subnet Name‘and ‘address range‘ that things will actually connect to, (
All Services > Virtual Networks > Create Virtual Network > Give the Virtual Network a name, a subnet, select your resource group > Then create a Subnet, give it a name and a subnet > Create.
To further confuse all the network engineers, we now need to add another subnet, this one will be used by the ‘gateway’. If you are a ‘networking type’ it’s part of the virtual network, but is more specific than the subnet you already created.
With your virtual network selected >Subnets > +Gateway Subnet.
You can’t change the name, (you could before, then it wouldn’t work, which was strange, but I suppose it’s fixed now) > put in another network that’s part of the Virtual-Network, but does not overlap with the subnet you created in the previous step > OK.
All Services > Virtual Network Gateways > Create Virtual Network Gateway > Name it > Route Based > Create New Public IP > Give it a Name > Create.
Note: This will take a while, go and put the kettle on! Make sure all running tasks and deployments are complete before continuing.
You can do the next two steps together, but I prefer to do then separately, or it will error if the first one does not complete!
Now you need to create a Local Security Gateway. (To represent your Cisco ASA). All Services > Local Security Gateway > Create Local Security Gateway > Name it > Supply the public IP > Supply the Subnet(s) ‘behind’ the ASA > Select your Resource Group > Create.
Finally create the VPN > Select your Virtual Network Gateway > Connections > Add.
Give the tunnel a name > Site-to-Site IPSec > Select your Local Network Gateway (ASA) > Create a pre-shared-key (you will need this for the ASA config!) > Select your Resource Group > OK.
Configure the Cisco ASA for ‘Policy Based’ Azure VPN
I’m using 9.9(2)36, VTIs are supported on 9.7, but as with all new things, I’d assume that was buggy and go for 9.8 or above.
To Avoid Emails:
What IP do I put on my Tunnel interface / Where do I get that from? Use whatever you want, NO it does not have to be on the same network as something in Azure, in fact I’m using an APIPA 169.254.x.x. address, and it works fine, (think of it like a local loopback address, though do note the difference to the last octet in the route statement!)
Where’s the Crypto Map? It doesn’t need one.
Do I need to do NAT Exemption? NO (Unless you were hair pinning a traditional VPN from another ASA into this tunnel, or an AnyConnect client VPN session.)
There’s No ACL to Allow the Traffic, or an Interesting Traffic ACL? That’s correct, you don’t need any, (unless you apply an access-list to the the tunnel interface).
There are a couple of extra commands you will need, these are sysops commands. Their purpose is to set things globally, and are generally hidden from the config, (i.e ‘show run’ wont show them). These are recommendations from Azure. The first one drops the maximum segment size to 1350.The second command keeps the TCP session information even if the VPN tunnel drops.
The last thing to do, is tell the firewall to ‘route’ the traffic for Azure though the VTI. Note: The last octet in the destination IP is different from the VTI IP!
To test we usually use ‘ping’, the problem with that is, if you are using Windows Servers they will have their Windows firewall on by default, which blocks pings, (bear this in mind when testing). Also your ASA needs to be setup to allow pings, (try pinging that usually responds), if yours doesn’t then configure your ASA to allow ping traffic.
As mentioned above, you might want to turn the firewalls off to test.
On the ASA the first thing to make sure is that the Tunnel Interface is up!
Petes-ASA# show interface tunnel 1
Interface Tunnel1 "AZURE-VTI01", is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is Virtual Tunnel MAC address N/A, MTU 1500
IP address, subnet mask
Tunnel Interface Information:
Source interface: outside IP address:
Destination IP address:
Mode: ipsec ipv4 IPsec profile: AZURE-PROFILE
You can also use the following;
Petes-ASA# show crypto ikev2 sa
IKEv2 SAs:
Session-id:2, Status:UP-ACTIVE, IKE count:1, CHILD count:1
Tunnel-id Local Remote Status Role
Encr: AES-CBC, keysize: 256, Hash: SHA96, DH Grp:2, Auth sign: PSK, Auth verify: PSK
Life/Active Time: 28800/814 sec
Child sa: local selector -
remote selector -
ESP spi in/out: 0x7b10e41a/0xfcb4576a
Thats Phase 1 connected, you will also need to check Phase 2
Petes-ASA(config)# show crypto ipsec sa
interface: AZURE-VTI01
Crypto map tag: __vti-crypto-map-11-0-1, seq num: 65280, local addr:
local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
#pkts encaps: 32, #pkts encrypt: 32, #pkts digest: 32
#pkts decaps: 33, #pkts decrypt: 33, #pkts verify: 33
#pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0
#pkts not compressed: 32, #pkts comp failed: 0, #pkts decomp failed: 0
#pre-frag successes: 0, #pre-frag failures: 0, #fragments created: 0
#PMTUs sent: 0, #PMTUs rcvd: 0, #decapsulated frgs needing reassembly: 0
#TFC rcvd: 0, #TFC sent: 0
#Valid ICMP Errors rcvd: 0, #Invalid ICMP Errors rcvd: 0
#send errors: 0, #recv errors: 0
local crypto endpt.: 123.123.123/500, remote crypto endpt.:
path mtu 1500, ipsec overhead 74(44), media mtu 1500
PMTU time remaining (sec): 0, DF policy: copy-df
ICMP error validation: disabled, TFC packets: disabled
current outbound spi: DA3A1C28
current inbound spi : B562D9C6
inbound esp sas:
spi: 0xB562D9C6 (3043154374)
SA State: active
transform: esp-aes-256 esp-sha-hmac no compression
in use settings ={L2L, Tunnel, IKEv2, VTI, }
slot: 0, conn_id: 11, crypto-map: __vti-crypto-map-11-0-1
sa timing: remaining key lifetime (kB/sec): (3962877/28755)
IV size: 16 bytes
replay detection support: Y
Anti replay bitmap:
0x000003FF 0xFFFFFFFF
outbound esp sas:
spi: 0xDA3A1C28 (3661241384)
SA State: active
transform: esp-aes-256 esp-sha-hmac no compression
in use settings ={L2L, Tunnel, IKEv2, VTI, }
slot: 0, conn_id: 11, crypto-map: __vti-crypto-map-11-0-1
sa timing: remaining key lifetime (kB/sec): (4193277/28755)
IV size: 16 bytes
replay detection support: Y
Anti replay bitmap:
0x00000000 0x00000001
Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links
I upgraded a clients firewall and CSC software a couple of weeks ago, and ever since “some” users saw the following errors,
Error 0x800CCC0F
Task ‘{email address} – Sending’ reports error (0x800CCC0F): #The connection to the server was interrupted. If the problem continues, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).’
Eventually it would time out altogether with the following error,
All I could discern from Googling the error, was that the AV (In this case the Trend Micro InterScan for Cisco CSC SSM), in the Cisco CSC Module) was probably the culprit.
I tried stopping the POP3 Service on the CSC that did NOT fix the error.
I confirmed that the CSC module was the root cause of the problem, by disabling the entire module with the following command on the Cisco ASA firewall;
[box]hw-module module 1 shutdown[/box]
Warning: If you do this, your CSC settings must be set to “csc fail-open” or web and email traffic will stop! Once you have confirmed this IS the problem you can re-enable the module with the following command.
[box]hw-module module 1 reset[/box]
I tried from my office and it worked fine, I could not replicate the error, I tried from various servers and Citrix box’s from other clients who kindly let me test from their network. Still I could not replicate the error! I went home and that was the first time I could see the same error their users were seeing. Sadly this led me on a wild goose chase, (I use Outlook 2007 at home and Outlook 2010 everywhere else so I (wrongly) assumed that was the problem).
As I could now replicate the error, I could at least do some testing, I attempted a send/receive and looked at the CSC Logging.
Note: To view CSC Logging, connect to the ASDM > Monitoring > Logging > Trend Micro Content Security > Continue > Enter the password > OK > View.
Every time it failed, I saw my public IP being logged with a RejectWithErrorCide-550 and RBL-Fail,QIL-NA. At last something I could work with.
This error indicates a problem with the Email Reputation system, I logged into the CSC web management console > and located this.
Then I disabled the ‘SMTP Anti-spam (Email Reputation)’, and everything started to work.
I understand the need for this system, but the nature of POP3 email clients, dictates they can connect in from anywhere, usually from a home ISP account on a DHCP address. I know from experience that major ISP’sIP ranges get put in RBL block lists (I checked by popping my IP in here, and sure enough it was blocked).
If you are going to use POP3 then you need to leave this system disabled, but to be honest, if you have Exchange, simply swap over to Outlook Anywhere and stop using POP3.
Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links
Special thanks to Jenny Ames for her patience while I fought with this over a number of days.
My colleague was setting up a DMZ server for one of our clients, it was a virtual server that was presented to the DMZ of a Cisco ASA 5510. Every time he gave it a static IP address it popped up an IP address conflict (no matter what the IP address was).
Windows has detected an IP address conflict
Another computer on this network has the same IP address as this computer. Contact your network administrator for help resolving this issue. More details are available in the Windows event log.
He asked me to set up DHCP for the DMZ to see if that would cure the problem, which I did. However that also refused to work either.
Windows IP Configuration
An error occurred while renewing interface Local Area Connection : The DHCP client has obtained an IP address that is already in use on the network. The local interface will be disabled until the DHCP client can obtain a new address.
An error occurred while releasing interface. Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1 : The system cannot find the file specified.
Turns out this is a known problem, and is pretty easy to rectify.
Option 1 (On the ASA)
1. Connect to the ASA via command line, log in and then go to enable mode
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.
PetesASA> enable
Password: ********
2. Enter configure terminal mode then disable proxy ARP on the interface that’s presented to the problem network, (in this case the interface is called DMZ).
PetesASA# >write mem
Building configuration...
Cryptochecksum: 79745c0a 509726e5 b2c66028 021fdc7d
7424 bytes copied in 1.710 secs (7424 bytes/sec)
[/box] Note: You can also disable proxy arp in the nat tranlation, with the no-proxy-arp like so; [box] PetesASA(config)# nat (inside,DMZ) source static Inside-LAN Inside-LAN destination static Inside-LAN Inside-LAN no-proxy-arp [/box]
Option 2 (On the affected machine)
Note: This is is for Windows based clients. 1. Start > Run > regedit {Enter}. 2. Navigate to;