Internet Explorer Puts ‘Borders’ Round Your Images

KB ID 0000823 


Chrome is my browser of choice, so I don’t look at my website with IE often. (Yes I know that’s bad practice for a webmaster). So I was surprised when I opened my home page and saw this.

IE does this IF your image is a hyperlink.


Option 1: Edit your Hyperlink

If you have a lot of them this is quite time consuming, but you can add the attribute of border and set it to zero within the IMG section of your hyperlink like so;

Option 2: Edit your CSS

This would be the preferred option, because you make one change and it will effect all your images. Simply add the following commands to your CSS.


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IE9 – Stop “Speed up browsing by disabling add-ons”

KB ID 0000466 


This morning my boss asked me “Why every time I open Internet Explorer does it ask me this?”

To which I replied, “I use Chrome so I don’t know, But I’ll find out.”


A brief internet search returned, just set the “Ask me later to a nice long time”. But that’s still not disabling it. If truth be known its a good thing, i.e. is trying to be helpful and improve your browsing experience. But if you want to kill it all together heres how.

On a single machine

1. When you installed/Updated to IE9 it added some new policy templates, the one controlling IE9 is called inetres.admx 

2. That means we can control what IE9 does with a policy, Click Start and in the search/run box type gpedit.msc {enter}. The group Policy Management Window will appear.

3. Navigate to:

[box] Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Internet Explorer [/box]

Locate “Disable add-on performance notifications” and open it.

4. Enable the policy > Apply > OK > Exit the Policy Editor.

In a Windows Domain Environment

Note: On older domains (Server 2003 for example) you will need to download and import the administrative templates to manage these settings via group policy, you can download the template from Microsoft.

1.  On your domain controller , Start > Administrative Tools > Group Policy Management Console > Either create a new policy and link it to your targeted COMPUTERS or edit an existing one, then navigate to:

[box] Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Internet Explorer [/box]

Locate the setting “Disable add-on performance notifications” and open it.

2. Enable the policy > Apply > OK > Exit the Policy Editor.

3. Then either reboot the clients, wait a couple of hours, or manually run “gpupdate /force” on them.

Remove “Speed up browsing by disabling add-ons” via Registry

I got an mailed a question this weekend;

I too want to get rid of the IE9 – Stop “Speed up browsing by disabling add-ons” dialog but only having Vista Home Premium, your solution (using gpedit.msc) is not available.  Also, I cannot add a Local Users and Groups snap-in to the Microsoft management Console.

How can I get rid of this bloody annoying feature in IE9?

Kind regards



1. No Problem, essentially the group policy editor is just changing registry entries anyway, on your machine Start > In the Search/Run box type > Regedit {enter}

2. Navigate to;

[box] HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Policies [/box]

3. Create a NEW KEY called Ext > Within that key create a new DWORD (32 bit) value called DisableAddonLoadTimePerformanceNotifications and set its value to 1.


4. If your machine is 32 bit then you have finished.

How to Tell if Windows is 32 or 64 bit

6. for x64 bit machines, you need to also do the same as above with the following registry key:

[box] HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Wow6432Node > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Policies [/box]

Note: If that’s to much hassle, download and run one of these reg files (32bit or 64bit).


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Original article Written 20/06/11

Thanks to Brian Jones

Internet Explorer “Only Secure Content is Displayed”

KB ID 0000502 


I was trying to do some online VMware training today, and this was really annoying me, every link I clicked up it came.

Only secure content is displayed – What’s the risk? – Show all content

Eventually after clicking show all content (A LOT) I could take no more, and had to disable it.


Warning: There’s a sound reason for this, over https all traffic is encrypted with SSL/TLS and cannot be seen by someone analysing network traffic, if you are sending password or credit card data you might not want to do this.

1. Click Start and in the search/run box type inetcpl.cpl {enter}.

2. Select the Security tab > Internet > Custom Level.

3. Locate the “Display mixed content” section and enable it > OK.

4. Select Yes to confirm, and restart Internet Explorer.


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Internet Explorer 9

KB ID 0000330 


The IE9 Beta came out a few days ago so I thought I’d take a look, bad news for Windows XP users as you can only run it on Vista and Windows 7, download it here.

I used to be a dyed in the wool IE user, and wondered why on earth anyone would want to use Firefox, Chrome, Opera, etc. That was until I actually installed and started using Chrome. The fundamental problem I have with IE is, its function in life should be to show me web pages. At some distant meeting at Microsoft in the past, some ginger haired code monkey cretin decided that the browser would be able to do all sorts of stuff like Windows Explorer can. Cue years of code exploits, holes that needed to be patched and general scorn being heaped upon IE.


Download and Install: Easy to find – and installs pretty quick – then asks for a reboot (why a browser install needs to reboot the entire OS! – I’ll tell you why, read the second paragraph on this page).

First Run: Crashed and fell over, took me over an hour to fix.

First Successful Run: Looks nice and clean very “Chrome-esque”.

In fact, hang on a minute! It looks VERY Familiar indeed! In fact is looks exactly like the browser that was in the Longhorn Beta 6 years ago? except they dropped the tool bar and added tabbed browsing.

Its not remembered any saved passwords but prompts me to save any newly entered ones, again this is nice, clean and simple. But will be a problem if you’ve forgotten any usernames and passwords your browser enters for you.

New Features:

Integrated Address and search bar.

Thumbnail tabbed viewing – Though touted as a new feature this has been with us since IE8. The difference is now you can embed code and controls in the thumbnail tabs.

Pin to Taskbar – You can now pin individual sites to your Windows taskbar. Each site will retain its own icon (if it has one), and its own jumplist.

Under the hood

Despite my flippant remarks above, IE9 is supposed to be fully HTML5 compliant and uses hardware acceleration. I’ve seen some benchmarks that claim that it will even out perform my usual weapon of choice (Google Chrome). I want this to be a much better browser than its predecessors but I’ll run with it for a while to see if it converts me back.

Things I’ve found on my test drive

1. Bad: The Lightbox links on my web site don’t work – there’s some Java-ness it does not like.

2. Bad: By default the tabs go next to the address bar – that’s fine but more than six or seven tabs open and they get a bit too small – if there is a way of unlocking and moving things its not simple to find.

3. Good: The php stuff on my site seems to work OK.

4. Good: Dragging tabs away from the browser spawns separate browser instances (like Chrome), and combined with the Windows Aero snap feature, its easy to stack sites side by side.

5. Not Sure: Clicking the browser windows causes it to “dim” clicking it again causes it to return to normal – I don’t know if this is a feature or a problem 🙂

6. Good: The new tab page is very much like the Chrome one, this was the one feature I was missing while using IE9, the Microsoft one does not look as nice, but it does the job.

The IE9 New Tab Page

And the Chrome one

7. Bad: Close Tabs to the Right/Left is not on the tabs “right click menu”, I use this a lot while in Facebook, close other tabs is there, but I might not want to close all the other ones.

8. Bad: Flash support? what flash support, cant see any of my YouTube videos, or my corporate web site that’s built entirely in flash. (Before you email in – yes I’ve installed Adobe Flash 10 with all the latest updates).

9. Good: I Like the new download manager very Firefox/Chrome like.

10. Bad: Any Java related download manager software does not appear to work.

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IE Crash / Restart Loop

KB ID 0000329 


I downloaded the IE9 Beta today to give it a test drive and maybe write a review for the site, and it failed miserably and got stuck in a crash loop.

Error: Internet Explorer has stopped working

In fact I had to kill it with Task Manager as it kept re-spawning new instances that also crashed.



1. Launch the new IE9 in “Extensions off” mode, Click Start > Type in “iexplore.exe -extoff” {enter}

2. IE9 will launch in “Extensions Off” mode > Click “Manage add-ons”.

3. Select all the Add-ons (Select one and Press CTRL+A) > Then Select “Disable All”.

4. Now launch IE9 and it should launch correctly.

5. If you want you can slowly enable all the add-ons one by one, to find out which one was causing the problem.

Note: You may also see Event ID 1000 each time it crashes.


Faulting application name: iexplore.exe, version: 9.0.7930.16406, time stamp: 0x4c7e0414
Faulting module name: IEFRAME.dll, version: 9.0.7930.16406, time stamp: 0x4c7e048e
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00077c96
Faulting process id: 0x104c
Faulting application start time: 0x01cb596dc320eb8f
Faulting application path: C:Program Files (x86)Internet Exploreriexplore.exe
Faulting module path: C:Windowssystem32IEFRAME.dll
Report Id: 012c705c-c561-11df-8a41-705ab694ed42


Some forums are suggesting that enabling “Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering” will also solve this problem.

Once I got it working, here’s what I thought of it, Internet Explorer 9 Review.


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How Do I Remove Internet Explorer 9?

KB ID 0000524 


There are a number of reasons for doing this i.e. You want the “Javascript Error Alert” back that’s removed in IE9, or your business line CRM wont render in IE9 and setting a GPO to run it in “Compatibility View with IE7 Standards”* does not fix the problem.

*Note: Compatibility View Policy can be found at:
[box]Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Internet Explorer > Compatibility View > Turn on Internet Explorer 7 Standards Mode [/box]


1. On your machine in the search/run box type appwiz.cpl {enter}.

2. Locate “Windows Internet Explorer 9” in the “Microsoft Windows” Section and select Uninstall.

3. Yes we are sure.

4. Time for a coffee.

5. Restart now.

6. Post reboot you will have reverted to the previous version of Internet Explorer.

Remove IE9 Programmatically or via Script

1. The following command will also remove IE9:

[box]FORFILES /P %WINDIR%servicingPackages /M Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-*9.*.mum /c “cmd /c echo Uninstalling package @fname && start /w pkgmgr /up:@fname /norestart”[/box]

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Exchange – “You must close all dialog boxes before you can close Exchange Management Console”

KB ID 0000478 


Seen on Exchange 2010 SP1 running on Windows Server 2008 R2.

Whenever you attempt to close the Exchange Management console you see the following error.

You must close all dialog boxes before you can close Exchange Management Console

Even though there are no dialog boxes open!


Essentially this is a Bug in Internet Explorer 9. To stop this happening you have 3 choices.

Option 1 Hotfix released 18/10/11

1. You need to install this security update first.

2. Install this hotfix

Option 2 Disable IE ESC

1. Launch Sever manager, and scroll down till you see “Configure IE ESC”.

2. Set IE ESC so that it is disabled for administrators > OK.

3. the Exchange Management Console will now close properly.

Option 3 Uninstall Internet Explorer 9

A Little drastic, but if you DONT want to alter IE ESC, then you need to uninstall IE9.


1. Start > in the search/run box type appwiz.cpl{enter}

2. Click “View Installed Updates”.

3. Locate “Windows Internet Explorer 9”, and uninstall it.


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HP StorageWorks P2000 – Connecting to and Configuring

KB ID 0000569 


Normally I simply connect a new MSA to a clients network, and it gets it’s address from DHCP. Then I can get the address for the DHCP Scope, and point my web browser at it.

Yesterday I was starting with new virtual infrastructure and had no DHCP. With the G1 and G2 models, you got a console/serial cable and could just terminal in. With the G3 they have replaced the serial socket with a mini USB socket. Each time I put in a new P2000, I think “I wonder how that USB CLI socket works?” Yesterday I had to find out.


The Quickest Solution – is to connect the MSA to the network, and if it cannot get a DHCP address it automatically gives itself on controller A and on controller B.

MSA Default username = manage
MSA Default password = !manage

The Next Quickest Solution

1. If you do have DHCP running, connect your MSA and run the MSA Device Discovery Tool, (On the CD that came with the device).

2. Once you know the IP address, you can connect with your web browser.

Connect to and Manage your MSA via the USB/CLI Cable

1. For your machine to see the MSA as a device, you need to install a driver, there is a copy of the drivers on the CD that came with the device.

Note: Windows 7 users, use the Windows 2008 Drivers or use this one.

2. Install the driver.

3. Connect the USB lead from the MSA controller to your machine, TAKE NOTE of the COM port number it’s using.

4. Now you can use whatever terminal emulation program you prefer to connect to that COM port. (I prefer HyperTerminal, or you can use Putty if you want something a bit lighter).

5. Set the following, Bits per second = 115200, Data bits = 8, Parity = None, Stop bits = 1, and Flow control = None.

6. You will need to press {enter} to connect, then login.

MSA Default username = manage
MSA Default password = !manage

7. I only need to set the IP address of the controller(s) like so;

[box] set network-parameters ip {x.x.x.x} netmask {y.y.y.y} gateway {z.z.z.z} controller a [/box]

8. Then (If you have dual controllers) you can set the IP address of controller B.

[box] set network-parameters ip {a.a.a.a} netmask {b.b.b.b} gateway {c.c.c.c} controller b [/box]

9. Give the new IP addresses a quick test.

10. Note: You Cannot Manage an G3 P2000 with Internet Explorer 9, If you try it will simply say “Unable to Authenticate, Try again”

11. Normally I use Chrome, but that won’t work either 🙁 Firefox works fine though!


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