Google Chrome – Cannot play embedded .wmw or .mpg/.mpeg

KB ID 0000184 


I’m a big fan of Google Chrome, i’ts fast, and clean, and it does exactly what it says on the tin! I had noticed, I had a problem playing embedded video though.

As I use this format on PeteNetLive it was my only gripe, (well that and syncing bookmarks, but I cured that with Xmarks). Took me a bit of searching but I got it fixed in the end.


1. Download THIS (Yes I know it says Firefox – trust me!).

2. Close all your browser windows.

3. Run the file you downloaded above.

4. Now you can play embedded video.


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Google Chrome – Page Icon has Disappeared

KB ID 0000322 


You’re used to having a “Page” icon, and a “Spanner” icon in Google Chrome. But now it’s disappeared?


Don’t panic, the new version of Google Chrome has amalgamated both icons into one, all the tools from the old “Page” icon are now on the “Spanner”Icon.


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Google Chrome – AutoFill stopped working

Enabling auto fill for web forms

KB ID 0000326


A recent update of Chrome (in my case to 6.0.472.59), turned off AutoFill, I use autofill to remember information for web forms a lot, so because I’m lazy I wanted it turned back on again.


1. From with Chrome, Click the “Spanner” / “Customise and Control Google Chrome” Icon > Options.

2. Select the “Personal Stuff” tab > Form autofill section > AutoFill options.

3. Tick “Enable AutoFill to fill in web forms with a single click” > Close > Close.


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Google Chrome – Can’t Open jnlp (Java) files

KB ID 0000354


It’s annoying but for some reason Google Chrome simply downloads .jnlp files rather than opening and launching the Java applications. You would think that associating .jnlp files so that they open in Chrome would fix the problem, but it does not.


1. Go to the link that you are trying to launch the Java application from, and Chrome will download it, as before.

2. By default Chrome will list the download on the bottom of the page, and to the right of the filename is a small drop down arrow, click it.

3. From the menu that pops up select “Always open files of this type”.


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Chrome (Linux) Installing x64 bit Flash Plugin

KB ID 0000385 


Did you know you can install Java and Flash with the Ubuntu Restricted extras pack? click here

At the time of writing, Adobe have pulled the previous beta of x64 bit flash for Chrome, which is annoying because I am running it on my x64 Ubuntu 10.10 box.



To be honest more of a workaround than a solution, but you can get chrome to install the x32 bit version and it will run it as a separate process.

1. Launch a terminal Session (Applications > Accessories > Terminal), issue the following command followed by your password.

[box]sudo apt-get install chromium-browser flashplugin-installer[/box]

2. When prompted enter “Y” for yes.

3. Time to put the kettle on.

4. When its finished, open up Chrome and go here to test it.

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Also see Ubuntu – Installing Java

Google Chrome – “This webpage has a redirect loop” Error

KB ID 0000423 


I’m running Chrome 11.0.696.25 beta (At time of writing) and I’ve seen this error a few times, usually with Facebook, and it’s been more of an annoyance than anything else. I’ve seen it on my Windows 7 machine, and on my Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook.


1. Launch Chrome and click the Spanner Icon > Options > Under the hood > Content Settings.

2. Select “All cookies and site data.”

3. Select Remove All >Restart your browser and you should be fine.


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Windows – Set Chrome as the Default Browser

KB ID 0000656 


Even though I had installed Chrome, and told Windows 8 to set it as the default browser, it had not.


1. Whilst within Windows 8 > Press Windows Key+Q > This brings up the Apps menu > In the search box type ‘default’ > Select ‘Default’ Programs.

2. Set your default programs.

3. Locate Google Chrome > Then click “Set this program as default”.

4. Now you can (if you wish) remove Internet explorer from the ‘Modern UI’. Right click the tile and select ‘Unpin from start’.

5. Now you can drag the Chrome tile over to replace it.

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Chrome/Firefox – Open Multiple Tabs from Command/Batch File


KB ID 0000713 


I know all modern browsers can open multiple ‘Home Pages’ at startup, but that’s not what I wanted. There are a few tech sites that I visit once a day, and they are all in my bookmarks. I tediously click each one to visit these sites. So I thought ‘There must be a way of opening all these sites, at once, from a batch file or a single command?”

I use Chrome as my browser of choice, so I worked out how to do it, then I thought “I wonder if Firefox will do the same?” (it will). Finally for completeness I thought I would do the same for Internet Explorer, and lost the will to live! (That’s why it’s not included in this article).


Open Multiple Sites in Chrome from command.

The command is as follows;

[box]”C:Program Files (x86)GoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe” “” “” “” “” “”[/box]

For older versions of Chrome, the path to chrome.exe is different.

[box]%userprofile%AppDataLocalGoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe “” “” “” “” “”[/box]

Simply keep adding URL’s in quotes for extra tabs.

Open Multiple Sites in Firefox from command.

The command is as follows;

[box]”%programfiles(x86)%Mozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe” “” “” “” “” “”[/box]

Simply keep adding URL’s in quotes for extra tabs.

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Original article written 15/11/12

Chrome – Deleting Cookies

KB ID 0000756 


It took me twenty minutes to find out how to delete a cookie for a single site today. All the information I found was for older versions of Chrome, that had the ‘Under the bonnet’ section.


1. As shown open the browser settings.

2. Show advanced settings.

3. Scroll down to the Privacy section > Content Settings.

4. All cookies and data.

5. Here you can simply “Remove All” to get rid of all of them.

6. Or search for specific sites, to remove single cookies.


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Stop Google Chrome Opening as a Windows App

KB ID 0000986


I don’t know what I managed to click to enable this, or if it was simply an update, but I don’t like it at all.


1. As indicated above, open the Chrome ‘Customise and Control Google Chrome’ settings > Select ‘Relaunch Chrome on the the desktop’.

2. That’s better, back to normal.

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