WDS Deploying Windows Part 1: Install and Configure WDS

KB ID 0000735 


You want to deploy the Windows 8 Client Operating System, to a number of clients using WDS. In this part we will configure the WDS Server, then we will move onto taking an image of your reference Windows 8 machine. Finally we will cover taking that image, and deploying it out to many target systems.


Add the WDS Role

1. From Server Manager (ServerManager.exe) > Local Server.

2. Manage > Add Roles and Features.

3. Next.

4. Next.

5. Next.

6. Select ‘Windows Deployment services’ > Next > It will ask to install some other features let it do so.

7. Next.

8. Next.

9. Accept the default (both roles) > Next.

10. Install.

Configure the WDS Server

11. From the Start menu > Launch the Windows Deployment Services management console.

12. Expand servers > Right click the server name > Configure Server.

13. Read the prerequisites > Next.

14. Next.

15. Select the location where you want to store your images and keep the WDS files.

16. Note: In this case it’s warning me NOT to use the C: drive, as this is just a test server I will accept the warning and leave it as it is. In production environments make sure you are using a different drive/volume.

17. This particular server IS a DHCP server, but we will address the DHCP requirements when we are finished > Next.

18. I’m going to choose ‘Respond to all (known and unknown)’ > Next.

19. WDS should configure and the service SHOULD start.

20. Here we can see the service has not started (the server will have a small stop symbol on it).

21. So I need to manually start the service.

Adding Image Groups and Images

22. Firstly I’m going to create an group that will hold all my Windows 8 Client machine images. Right click Install Images > Add Image Group.

23. Give it a name > OK.

Adding a boot image (To send an image to a remote machine)

24. Now I need to add a boot image, so I can boot my remote clients from the WDS server and use this image to load WindowsPE on them, so they can be imaged. Right click Boot Images > Add Boot Image.

25. You can use either a Windows 8 DVD or a Windows Server 2012 DVD, you will need to navigate to the sources directory, and locate Boot.wim > Open.

26. Next.

27. Rename the image ‘Install an Image’ > Enter a description > Next.

28. Next.

29. The Image will be imported.

30. Finish.

Adding a Capture Image (To take an image from a remote machine)

31. Right click the image we have just added > Create Capture Image.

32. Call this one ‘Capture an Image’ > Give it a description > Save the image (with a .wim extension). Note: It does not matter where you save the image, but I would suggest somewhere in the ‘Remote Install’ folder > Next.

33. The image will be created.

34. Finish

35. Now even through we have created the capture image, we still need to import it. Right click > Add Boot Image.

36. Select the capture image you created earlier > Next.

37. Make sure it’s called ‘Capture and Image’ > Next.

38. Next.

39. Now the capture image will be imported into WDS.

40. Finish.

Configure DHCP with WDS Options

41. Launch the DHCP management console.

42. Open the active scope > IPv4 > Server Options > Configure Options.

43. Tick Option 66 > Set its value to the IP address of the WDS server > Apply > OK.

44. Tick Option 67 > Set its value to;

[box] bootx64wdsnbp.com [/box]

Apply OK

45. Now you are ready to capture an image of your reference Windows 8 machine.


Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

2012 – WDS Deploying Windows 8 Part 2: Prepare Windows 8, and Capture to WDS

WDS 2003 Deploying Windows XP

WDS 2008 R2 Deploying Windows 7

Using Windows Deployment Services with Symantec Ghost


Register HP Wireless Access Points With an HP MSM Controller on a Different Subnet

KB ID 0000913 


If you have HP Access Points on remote sites, you have the choice of either leaving them in automomous mode, or registering them with a controller at another site. This is handy if you want to manage all your VSC’s from one location. You can do this via DNS, or via DHCP at that remote site, (I tend to setup both to be on the safe side).


Option 1: Set MSM Controller Location via DHCP

1. On your DHCP server, open the DHCP management console.

2. Expand the IPv4 scopes.

3. Action > Define Vendor Class.

4. Add >Display name = Colubris > Description = Vendor Class for Colubris Products > Under ASCII Set the value to Colubris-AP > The rest of the values will autofill > OK > Close.

5. Right click IPv4 > Set Predefined Options.

6. Set the Option class to Colubris > Add > Name = MSC > Data type = IP Address > Array = Ticked > Description = List of MSC IP Addressses > OK > OK.

7. Locate you active DHCP scope, and expand it > Right click > Configure Options.

8. Advanced Tab > Vendor Class = Colubris > 001 MSC = Tick > IP Address > Set the IP address(s) of your controller(s) > Apply > OK.

9. Check you can see the option listed, (as below).

Option 2: Set MSM Controller Location via DNS

1. In the forward lookup zone for your domain, you can create A/Host records for your MSM controller(s). Create them in the cnsrv1, cnsrv2, etc format.


You may find that you have a problem with the Access Points flagged as ‘Waiting Acceptance‘, if that happens see the following link.

HP MSM Controller – Access Points Stuck ‘Waiting Acceptance’

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Manually Configuring HP Wireless (MSM 720 controller) for Public and Private Wireless Networks