If you secure your AnyConnect with certificates, you may see something like this;
When you simply want it to connect without prompting.
This tripped me up last week, luckily I’d seen it before, and knew how to fix it. You need to edit the profile for your AnyConnect so that, you ‘UNTICK‘ Disable Automatic Certificate Selection. I know that sounds like the opposite of what you want to do, but hey!
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Kiosk mode is quite useful, if you have some machines that you want to put in a public area for visitors to use, or for machines that are used in displays etc. Or if you have some older PC’s that you just want to repurpose as internet terminals or ‘point of sale’ box’s.
Essentially it’s a system that delivers a virtual VMware View desktop to a PC or Thin client without the need to authenticate to the connection server. Kiosk authentication is disabled by default, so you need to run a few commands to get it enabled.
Before starting you will need a Virtual Machine ready to be used for the Kiosk machine. You might want to create this machine with a “nonpersistent” disk.
Note: Alternatively you can create a user that matches the MAC address of the client machine and auto generate a password like so, (this assumes the thin client or PC’s MAC addresses is 3C:4A:92:D3:12:1C).
4. Then allow this connection server to accept kiosk connections with the following command;
[box]vdmadmin -Q -enable -s PNL-CS[/box]
Note: Where PNL-CS is the name of my VMware Connection Server.
5. You can view the settings configured on this connection server with the following command;
[box]vdmadmin -Q -clientauth -list[/box]
6. While still on your connection server open VMware View Administrator, and create a ‘Pool’ for your Kiosk machine.
7. Manual Pool > Next.
8. Dedicated > Next.
9. vCenter virtual Machines > Next.
10. Next.
11. Give the pool an ID and Display name > Next.
12. Select the machine you are using as the source for the Kiosk machine > Next.
13. When the pool is created > Entitlements.
14. Add in the group that you created in step 1 > OK.
15. Just check on the ‘desktops’ tab and make sure the machine is listed as ‘available’.
Step 3: Connect to the Kiosk Machine
16. Now from your client machine or thin client, you can execute the following command to open the kiosk session.
Note: In a live environment you may want to make the host machine or thin client automatically log on and put this command in the ‘startup’ folder, or call it from a startup/logon script so the machine will boot straight into the kiosk virtual machine.
17. All being well you should be presented with the kiosk VM machine, note you no longer get the normal VMware View tool bar etc, it will behave as if the machine is in front of you.
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While attempting to connect to a Cisco firewall with a Linux client (In my case Ubuntu 10.10,) using AnyConnect you see the following error.
Error: Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client
The AnyConnect package on the secure gateway could not be located. You may be experiencing network connectivity issues. Please try connecting again.
Note: You may also see this error on a Mac OSX, or a Windows CE machine.
Seen on SBS 2011 and Server 2008 R2. When running the WSUS configuration wizard, at the ‘Connect to Upstream Server’ page, connection fails;
An HTTP error occurred Details…
When viewing details you see;
WebExpeption: The request failed with the error message:
<html><head><title>Object moved</title></head><body>
<h2>Object moved to <a href-“%2fmicrosoftupdate%2fv6ferrorinformation.aspx%3ferrror%3d15”>here</a>.</h2>
Well that’s great, thanks for that?
1. Nice easy one to fix, download and install this update.
2. In my case it asked for a reboot post install, however if yours does not, I would restart the server and try again. Post reboot it worked fine.
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