Set Up the VMware View 5 (and Horizon View) Event Database

KB ID 0000856


Below I’ll configure SQL 2008 R2, insofar as I will setup a new database for the View Events, create a user for that database, then finally connect the View 5 Horizon View Connection Server to that database.


1. Firstly, I’m assuming you have a SQL Server setup and ready to create database on, If you do not rather than reinvent the when follow my instructions in the article below.

Deploying VMware View 5 -Part 4 Installing and Configuring SQL 2008 R2

Note: Complete ONLY Steps 1 to 6 then return here.

2. Login to the SQL Management Studio > Databases > New Database.

3. Call it View5Events (Note: You can call it ‘Aunty Mary’s Canary’ if you want to).

4. Options section > change the recovery mode to ‘Simple’ > OK.

5. Expand Security > Logins > New Login.

6. Give the user a name i.e. view5events > Tick ‘SQL Authentication’ > Type and re-type a password > Untick ‘Enforce password policy’.

7. User Mapping tab > Tick the View5Events Database > Tick db_owner > OK > Close the SQL Management Studio.

8. Login to the Connection Server (Flash Required) > View Configuration > Event Configuration > Edit,

Database Server: The name of the Server Running SQL.
Port: 1433 (Standard SQL Port make sure it it NOT blocked by a firewall).
Database Name: View5Events
User name: view5events
Password: {You set above}
Table prefix: _vdi

9. To see if it is working > Monitoring > Events > (It may be empty for a while don’t panic).


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Cisco Router – Configure NAT (NAT Overload)

KB ID 0000971 


NAT is the process of taking one or more IP adresses and tranlsating it/them into differnet IP addreses. You may require your router to translate all your internal IP addresses to your public (ISP allocated) IP address. To do that we use a process called NAT Overload.


1. Connect to the router, and got to enable mode, then global configuration mode.


PetesRouter#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.


2. Setup the WAN (outside facing) interface.


PetesRouter(config)#interface GigabitEthernet0/0
PetesRouter(config-if)#ip address
PetesRouter(config-if)#ip nat outside
PetesRouter(config-if)#no shutdown


3. Setup the LAN (inside facing) interface.


PetesRouter(config)#interface GigabitEthernet0/1
PetesRouter(config-if)#ip address
PetesRouter(config-if)#ip nat inside
PetesRouter(config-if)#no shutdown


4. You will need a ‘default route’ which will be the routers ‘next hop’ towards the internet.


PetesRouter(config)#ip route


5. Create an ACL that wil match any trafic coming from inside (remember permit means match).


PetesRouter(config)#access-list 100 remark NAT-ACL
PetesRouter(config)#access-list 100 permit ip any


6. Then tie it all together with the following command;


PetesRouter(config)#ip nat inside source list 100 interface GigabitEthernet 0/0 overload


7. Save the changes.


PetesRouter#write mem
Building configuration...



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