What does this mean? Well it means you’ve either got something wrong, or missed something out, and PowerShell is not sat waiting for more input. Which is fine but in most cases you simply need to fix your syntax and sort again so how do you ‘escape’ back to the normal PowerShell prompt?
As you can see, (below) typing quit or exist does not help.
You need to press CTRL+C.
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This tripped me up once before, and I didn’t document it! Normally if you have a console session open with your FirePOWER Module, (that you opened with a ‘session sfr‘ command), then you can just quit, and exit back to the firewall by typing ‘exit‘, like so;
ciscoasa# session sfr
Opening command session with module sfr.
Connected to module sfr. Escape character sequence is 'CTRL-^X'.
Cisco ASA5512 v6.1.0 (build 330)
firepower login: admin
Last login: Tue Nov 22 15:49:51 UTC 2016 on pts/0
> exitRemote card closed command session. Press any key to continue.
Command session with module sfr terminated.
But if you have a console session open with the module, (that you opened with a ‘session sfr console‘ command), then typing exit simply dumps you back at the login screen!